Of Warlords and Children (Tra...

By Uchihababe3796

42.3K 1.4K 401

After gaining the title of Shichibukai it was time to go and put their plan into action. The only problem is... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine


4K 78 12
By Uchihababe3796

Rayne's Pov

In life they say the hand you're dealt is the one you're stuck with and from those cards you have to learn which is the best way to play them. Now I'm not much of a gambler or a believer in fate or whatever so I call bullshit on that. If that were true then I would still be stuck there in my home with my parents, probably married off to James Kizaru, and perfectly miserable. Instead I chose to say 'fuck it', toss out said cards, and proceed to just take the whole deck with me. Unfortunately when you have a deck of unturned cards you really don't know what card you're going to pull out next.

"You're pregnant Rayne. I did the tests myself." Law sighs

I violently jerk back from him, "Well you and your tests are wrong! I'm not pregnant!" I get to my feet to try and run away from this whole confusing situation.

Unfortunately Law is still faster than me. He catches me easy and wraps his arms around me, "Stop causing a scene before the crew hears. Do you really want them to all swamp you right now? You're starting to get stressed out which is bad for your health and our baby's health. So sit down and calm down before I have to give you a sedative."

"Fine." I stop struggling and Law lets me go. Standing there looking at the ground I feel the urge to scream and cry. The thought of becoming a mother was scary and not one I wanted to explore.


I can't believe the way things have turned out. Looking down at my stomach I frown, it certainly didn't look like I had a baby growing in there. I poke at my stomach frowning even further. It's been a month or so and I still don't know how to feel about all of this. I mean I'm only twenty-two, I'm not sure I'm ready to be a mommy!

"Quit poking at your stomach, it's not going to just suddenly swell up like a balloon in front of your eyes." Law settles some books down on his desk in front of me. 

I spin around in his chair, "I know that! I just... I can't believe that... that I'm pregnant."

"It'll take some getting used to." He settles a pregnancy book down in my hands in a soft manner, softer than I ever thought he was capable of, "I would start with reading this one. It'll tell you what you can most likely expect to feel or do now that you're pregnant."

I turn the book over in my hands, "Right... Law, are you mad at me?"

Law stops and turns around, kneeling down next to me. "No, if anything I'm annoyed at myself for not being careful. It's not you're fault that I didn't think about this. Inopportune time or not."

"So what you're saying is that you're not happy about this?" My voice is quiet a I try to keep the anger out of it.

If he's really not happy with this either and he won't be a good father to this child then why was I here? What happened to the guy who said he loved me. Did he love me just because I was available and now that I'm pregnant and won't be able to move around as much for the next few months he doesn't want me?

"I'm saying that this was just bad timing. We're about to get into a war with Doflamingo and he is a man who doesn't hold back. He will use anything against his opponents to take them down and he's not above killing women and children." He brings me in close to him, "I didn't want you mixed up in this in the first place but now that you're pregnant with our child I won't have you anywhere near this."

I lean against his chest as he picks me up and settles down in his chair, me in his lap. "Law, I'm scared."

"Don't be, you'll be a fine mother."

"I don't want to talk about that anymore. I just... wish I could forget."

Law chuckles, "You're going to start showing soon, it's going to be impossible to ignore that."

I roll my eyes, "I know that. By the way when are you going to fix that hat of yours? It's falling to pieces!"

Law sighs as he sits up a bit, shifting me in his lap. I turn around a bit to see the look on his face. That's a look I know well. After traveling with him for about three years or so I know him really well. Placing my hands on either side of his face, "Okay what's wrong? I know that face."

A smirk comes to his lips, "Do you realize that your breasts have gotten bigger?"

"Oh my god shut up!" I slap him on the chest and cross my arms over my own. Law lets out a loud laugh and I can't help but blush even worse. Of course Law would say something like that to me when I'm getting all worried about him! Shaking my head I stand up and start toward the door.

"Well I'm tired so I'm going to go and take a nap." I lean against the door way batting my eyelashes. Law nods as he tosses the pregnancy book at me.

"Here, take this to read when you wake up."

"Ugh... sure." 

Seems my life isn't going to settle down any time soon. Then again what did I think would happen with running away with the infamous Heart Pirate crew and falling in love with the captain?


Okay so congratulations Portgas-D-Ace you won with the best title! If you have an OC or something that you would like to put into my book lemme know and of course I'll give you the full credit for your character!

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