- Red Spring - [EXOPINK x BTS...

By Chessire25

17.1K 1.2K 778

[COMPLETED] Yoon Bomi is a girl with a complicated life, she and her sisters got seperated in a mission to fi... More

1. Under The Moonlight
2. Dive
3. Ride or Die
4. The Stray Cat
5. It's A Deal
6. First Day as A Thief
7. My Family.
8. Payphone.
9. Sibling's Affair.
10. The Brothers & A Sister
11. Match
12. Curiousity
13. My First Mission
14. Thief's Scenario
15. Childhood
16. Picturesque
17. Pink Mansion
18. Summary
19. Escape!
20. Oppa-ya~
21. The Fated One
22. Déjà vu
23. Déjà vu - pt.2
24. Sunset
25. Break-a-Legs
26. Girl-Power
27. Puppet
28. Tears
29. Starry Night
30. Mask-up!
31. First Dance
32. Pandora Box pt.1
32. Pandora Box pt.2
33. Promised U
34. Anesthesia
35. Heart & Hatred
36. Love, Bbom
37. Bonds Between Us
38. The 3rd Letter
39. Found You
40. Headmaster
41. Lemonade
42. Holly Smoke!
43. Plan Z
44. I'm Sorry
45. Adrenaline
46. Love Lies
47. For Life
48. Loveliest Maknae
49. Life Revolution
50. Sailing Through The Ocean
51. EYES
52. Chocolate & Vanilla
53. Sweet & Sour
54. Cuppid
55. Swordsman
56. Bestfriend
58. Goodbye Kiss
59. Lights Out
60. Epiphany
61. D-Day
62. Heart Hurts
63. Humanoids
64. Time's Up.
66. Demons in Me
67. Defense
68. Trust Me
69.Time of Sorrow
70.Sweet Lullaby
72. One Heart
73. My Dearest Spring

57. Reunited

258 14 4
By Chessire25


I was running through the corridor, I went to Chen's room and knocked the door, but he didn't answered, maybe he's already went somewhere. I ran again to the controller room which is the opposite side of the bedroom area and found nothing of his presence, I asked Xiumin oppa,

"Oppa, do you see Chen around?"

"hmm... no, the lsat time was when his on his shift. Why? You're sweating hard though Bomi, are you okay??" ,XIumin worriedly asked me but like I could careless about myself.

"I'm ok! don't worry.... Huff... where is he...." ,I'm panting like crazy right now, and scramout of the room, I check all of the room that I passed by, meeting room, training room, even the mechanical room, I found no him. Then it leads me to one place left.... infirmary. Stupid me, how could I forgot about that bedroom of mine (cuz I always got hurt I rarely slept on my bedroom tsk!)

as I ran to the infirmary, I slowed down when I reach the corner and walked more slowly to the door. The door was slightly opened, I peeked inside and found Chen. Thank goodness. He was seated at the working table with x-ray pictures and documents on his hands, wait... aren't those? Mine? I remembered I took an x-ray before and it looks like that. could he possibly.... Maintaining my health behind my back? All this days??

"hmm...thank goodness her bones really healed pretty fast, so the hard training back then didn't damaged her bones, but maybe it just stretch her sleeping muscle on the back. She'll be fine." ,Chen mumbled to himself while scrabbling through some documents. I felt like a crap now... I thought he was so done with me to the point he didn't even want to treat me or even talked to me.

I brace myself, I slide the door opened and I could see his shocked state. He quickly tidied up the documents in order to hide it on the shelves or something but I quickly said,

"I thought that you hate me, but seeing you actually treated me even from behind my back makes me reliefed."

"......I was tidying up the documents that Xiumin hyung left. I didn't do anyth-"

"liar." ,I cut him.


"stupid, you're such a bad liar that's why you always lose in poker."

"hey! Th-that's because oi don't play that often! And what are you doing here?"

"hmm... I just wanted to be here. Cant i?"

"......then I'll be going" ,He said after throwing the documents on the shelves in a hurry. He walk and passed me without looking at my eyes, ouch... that hurts. and when he was sliding the door I gritted my teeth and ran to him, as I bump on his back, I hugged him from behind.

"wh- Bomi?!" ,Chen yelled by my act but I just hugged him more tight, although he looks skinny and slender, his body... I admit, it was firm and well built. He shouted again while trying to released himself, "...let me go!"

he was too strong for me, but I didn't gave up, although he released my hands a couple times but I hugged him again fast, we're like wrestling in the doorway, I used my last bursted-energy to pulled him towards me when he was holding the doorway, his grip loosened from the doorway and damn it I pulled him too hard and I lost my balance and we both were pulled down.



I heard him groaned, well I hissed too since I dropped on my but strangely my back didn't touch the floor, I looked up and saw him on top of me, his right hands holding my back and the other one on the floor, supporting his body fro not crushing mine. I unconsciously holding onto his neck when I fall, I guess he turned over to face me so he wouldn't crushed me and could protect me too. this stupid....

"are you crazy?!! What if your back hit the floor?! What if I crushed your body and you'll added more injuries!!! Why wont you listen?! oh right, I'm the only one that you'll never listened to right? You followed others demand like Baek, Suho hyung, Xiumin hyung but you'll NEVER! EVER! Listened to me!"

He bursted out, and I could only looked at his eyes blankly, deep in my heart I felt terrible, does he just got angry with me because I always rebelled towards him?? He continued his explosions while I'm still looking at his eyes with more deary looks,

"what?? Did you not take my words seriously? Am I that shallow in your rank? I don't care if you don't treasured me, but I treasured you! So your health is always concerns me yet you're everywhere destroying your body more!! How could you?! How could you do that to me?! you're so bad Bomi! you never lis-"


I hugged him, thank goodness that myh ands already clingin onto his necks so I just pulled him abruptly and hugged him, i rested my heads in his shoulder as he's still flustered by me. his hands that was on the floor pushed us so we're now seated straight on the floor, he tried to released my grip and pleaded,

"let go... Bomi I said let g-"

"Shut up!" ,I cut him. "...you stupid, how could you think of me like that? I felt terrible this past 3 days, I thought you really hate me! I told you that I'm sorry, I was ready for your always nagging and scolding but you just left me there, you didn't even treated me and talked to me when you're the one that I always count on when I'm down...."

I sniffed, I couldn't handle my emotions cuz I was scared that I'm gonna lose him. That he will also walked away just like my father and left me alone like my moom and brother. I can feel that his grips on my hands was softened and his hands on my back began to move a little, its like he was in a dilemma wether to hold me back or just pushed me.

"I'm sorry Chen... hiks... I didn't meant to make you felt terrible like this. You're my bestfriends, my first bestfriend on this ship, how could I not treasured you?? I'm sorry that I always didn't listened to you, that's because deep in my toughts I know you'll always forgive me. that's why... hiks.... I'm sorry... Chen... hiks please forgive me..."

as Bomi still sniffling on his shoulder, Chen's eyes softened, he sighed as he too acknowledge that Bomi and him have this special bonds, that he also tought Bomi also cared about him, but he always unsured since she never really uttered her feelings towards him. Although she clearly stated tha he was her first bestfriend... BESTFRIEND. The word slightly pricked his heart, but he was glad, that Bomi actually felt terrible too, and that she also cherished whatever their relationships are, and that's enough for Chen to accepted her apology.

He the hugged her back whileslowly rubbing her hair and head while making a white noises since Bomi's crying are getting louder and uncontrollable.

"ssh.... Don't cry.... If you keep on crying, others might hear it and saw you like this makes me the one in blame. So stop crying.... I forgive you." ,Chen soothed her.

His approval makes Bomi calmed down but she tighten her hug. she becames more like a child when she's with Chen, he's that responsible, always caring, and warm, just like her big brother, Dojoon. She missed this kind of feelings, being protected and well cared by a 'brother', living with only girls, ofcourse she never really experienced this kind of warmth again.

Chen then tried to broke the hug and look at her face that laid low with hair covering her face, she looks like a mess, ofcourse, she's been running everywhere and there to find him. He tucked her hair on her ears and cupped her face, Bomi's eyes still teary and tears still dropping on her cheeks, and Chen siped it with his thumbs and smiled,

"seeing you crying for me like this actually felt good. Should I do this often to make you hug me, and sweet-talk to pleased me?" ,Chen teased her to lighten the mood. And it did, Bomi chuckeld and hit his chest while sniffling and tried to get herself together.

"there you go, the signature smile of Yoon Bomi finally back. Will you listened to me more from now on?" ,chen asked her but she just nodded while looking down because she still hicuping from her burst and... because she was also unsure if she could keep her words later.....

they both hugged again for the last time before they stand up and walked to the kitchen to grabbed some water and calmed themselves down. after that they walked to the controller room because the nearby island was said to be already in sight, and that means... Bomi will soon moved out from her so called second ship-home, and back to where she belongs, which is with Apink.

She was looking forward to be reunited with the girls and the fact that they'll reach the Treasure Island soon, but half of her felt sad, because she's afraid that she'll never met EXO again, or... there'll be no more bonds between her and EXO.

The ships finally anchored on the dock. Its almost midinight at the moment. They all gathered At EXO's controller room for a quick briefing.

"ok, we've arrived. Its  midnight already the gas station probably closed so we'll refuel tomorrow morning. For now lets just rest first." ,Xiumin stated.

"Bomi.... you'll be... going back to  your ship? Or spen a night here for the last time?" ,Suho hesitated.

"woo, the last time huh? It felt weird, we're already used by Bomi noona around and the Apink girls also." ,Kai wondered.

All eyes are now at Bomi and Apink. To be honest, Bomi felt awkward since she jst reconciled with Chen and yet she needs to go right away, and if she left now, it felt sad too, since part of her didn't want to leave. While Bomi was wondering around, struggling with her self, Chorong step out,

"we'll spend the night here, besides we haven't packed our stuff too. right?" ,Chorong glanced to Namjoo, Bomi, Naeun who's slightly flustered and they all nodded. She continued, "besides.. Its not nice for a girl to be roaming around outside at this hour." She smiled.

"ok then, I'll contact the other group to do the same." ,D.O stated while dialing his phone to Chanyeol and told them to do the same.

"alright, then lets rest up. another journey ahead us." ,Baekhyun spoke and al of them went back to their respectfull room and rest.

Meanwhile Bomi is at the ship's deck (the ship already floated up, not submerged anymore) she laid down while looking up to the sky that shine so bright and unbothered, all of them together at one space, inseperable, unlike her and her precious new friend EXO, she chuckled by the tought, when she closed her eyes for 15 seconds, she felt a cloth, looks like a jacket, covering her body and it felt warm. She opened her eyes and saw a figure on her left side, she squint her eyes for a better vision and it was Baekhyun.

"cant sleep?" ,Baekhyun asked her without looking.

"just need a fresh air after submerging for more than 5 days." ,Bomi answered.

"so... tomorrow you'll be back to your own ship?"
"hm..." ,Bomi acknowledge.

"....good, this ship will finaly found its peace again." ,baekhyun mocked and Bomi slap his back while still laid down. And they both chuckled. He then continued, "its not like we'll never met again right?"

Bomi was silent for a couple seconds and nodded silently, since she herself couldn't guarantee that. theres a long gap of silence for about 5 minutes before Baekhyun continued,

"about my confession...." ,Bomi froze by the words, she gulped first before she asked,

"what about it?"

"waah... you're so mean. Haha but that's ok, I don't really demand for an answer anyway. but my feeling was real, and it still is, even if we probably walk in our separate ways." ,He stated while also laid down and look at the stars. Bomi bit her lips without him knowing.

"this brings back memories of our talk on the hotel's rooftop, beer, laughter, and... should I say our first kiss?" ,Baekhyun teased her and she abruptly sit up and punch his stomach in embarassement.

"YA! d-don't say that casually! I-I was a bit drunk, th-that's all!" ,Bomi back to laid down and slant her heads the opposite of Baekhyun's presence.

"ouch, hahaha. But you owed me back then for the free-rides. And you wont kissed me if you didn found me attractive that day, right???" ,Baekhyun teased her again and she could only scoffed in embarassement.

"I'm bad with alcohol, so its just me being tipsy! I kiss anyone even if its not you, huh!" ,She crossed her hands while still didn't look at his direction, meanwhile Bakehyun eyeing her face who he cant even see, he thought for a moment and decided on something.

Baekhyun suddenly sat up and towering her body, means he's on top of her with his hands and knees glued on either side of her. he look at her straight on the eyes even though she still looking somewhere else but soon look at him with shock.

"B-baek what the fuck?!" ,Bomi scream in horror and flustered. She held Baekhyun's chest to prevent him scoot down closer.

"since you said you kiss anyone when you're tipsy, I felt our first kiss becomes unspecial now. and I don't like it." ,Baekhyun stated, eyes wondered from her eyes to her lips and back to her eyes.

"y-ya! its not like I kissed a lot of random guys! Mostly I kissed my Apink member!" ,Bomi tried to averted her gazes from his eyes while explaining.

she herself didn't know why she explained this to Baekhyun, its not like she have rights to do so or needs to reassured him, they're.... still nothing more than just friends or coleagues right? That's what she tought though.

"MOSTLY. That means, there are times that you kissed random guys, right??" ,Bakehyun snorted in front of her face, and she just scoffed in disbelief, did he just get jealous by RANDOM GUYS on her past?! Bomi cant even remembered those random guys faces.

"omg, Baekhyun stop being so childish! Get off me..." ,Bomi tried to shoved him but he was so firm and strong on his stances, her punches wont affect tha much. She then gave up and sighed, "... oh lord... what do you want Baek, like seriously I'm tired now, I want to sleep!"

"I want you to kiss me. with your own will, and sober."

OMAGAHHH!!! kkk im screaming while typing! kkk sorry guys i forgot to published this chapters so im a little bit late kkk, omg~ its already Chapter 57. huhuhu im not ready to end this story yet, i assumed..... it'll end at chapter 61 or 62, but i really want to end it on 60, but it probably gonna make the last 3 chapters with 3500 words kkk, im afraid you guys will get bored so yeah lets go with 62? heheh dont forget to comment your opinions on this story and votes!

Love, Chessire25

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