After the kissing booth


96.3K 1.3K 265

Noah comes back from College with upsetting news. Elle is determined to move on while Lee is dead set on maki... More

Predictions and Panicked Traveling
Memories and Regretful Greetings
Bad timing
I want you
Broken bones
Time to face the music
New book!!!
All is fair in love and war
Im sorry
The kiss of death
Love is a passion
This legal system is FUCKED!!!!
And Dan's your uncle (or not)
Pain and Panic reporting for duty
Heaven knows you belong way down below (Dan)
Guys with guns with guns with guys
Memories and regretful endings
Guys book two!!!
Another New book!

Hell Fire

2.9K 45 4

Noah's PoV
Noah raced in the rain. Elle probably wouldn't ever see him again this he knew. But he also knew that she'd be safe. His phone rang, it was his mom.
"Noah, honey where did you go?" Noah sighed.
"I-um have to go back to Boston for class." He heard her sigh.
"Noah I thought you were home for two months."
"I was supposed to but...something came up."
"What?" Noah stopped at a red light.
"A new class I took up. I forgot I signed up for it." He heard his mom sigh again.
"Alright we'll come back soon." She took a breathe and hung up. Noah felt bad he loved his mom and didn't want her to worry. But he had to go. The light turned green and he stepped on the gas.

Elle's POV
Noah had left in a hurry. The stuff he had said sounded crazy. She wondered if he'd gone off the rails at Harvard. His mom had called him, she didn't say anything after. Elle was worrying. What is Noah up to? She asked herself. There was a knock at the door. A young nurse came in. He had brown hair and green eyes.
"Hi, Doctor Jackson had to step out for a minute, I'll be with you until he gets back, my name is Jason."

Noah's PoV
His phone rang again, this time it was sunglasses.
"Richard what a nice surprise, or do you prefer Dick?" Noah answered.
"Boy you have a lot of nerve especially when your family is so close to me." Noah slammed on the breaks. He was only 20 minutes from the hospital, he could make it back.
"Noah, I haven't done anything. You can stop plotting your revenge. But let's just say I have my ways of getting to them if you don't cooperate." Noah clenched the phone in his hand. "What?" Noah asked through gritted teeth. He heard Richard chuckle.
"Noah, you know what I want you to do. Take out Mr. Kelly like you were supposed to do when you came to California in the first place, and then you get your freedom." Mr. Kelly, William Kelly, was on Noah's old football team. He was notorious around school for selling drugs. Cocaine, Pot, and Heroin. He was Sunglasses biggest concern. At first Noah didn't know why, but he soon learned. Will didn't just sell drugs for fun, he bought and sold drugs for a man named Eric Stevenson. Eric was a notorious broker in the drug dealing trade. Noah didn't know who this man was until after his first day at Harvard. Apparently Will had out sold Dick this year and Dick was pissed.
"He's a kid Dick, get a better seller." Noah was pressing his luck with this man.
"Son, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into."
"I didn't get myself into anything. Your men attacked me. All the other people at Harvard are taxed with money, I'm taxed with work. You have taken my education, my life, and everyone close to me with your threats. I'm done." And with that'd he hung up the phone. He made a sharp U-turn and drove back towards the hospital No way was that man hurting him any longer.

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