Morning ℂoffee ♨

By Tyki_Mikk

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"His eyes are like the dark abyss of space, when he meet her suddenly his dark space was fill with light." Se... More

Important Note
Chapter 1: Meeting A Greek God
Chapter 2: Abigail
Chapter 3: Calm Before The Storm
Chapter 4: Storm
Chapter 5: Mom
Chapter 6: John Pierce
Chapter 7: Antother side of Sebastian
Chapter 8: Childhood Memories, and Dreams
Chapter 9: Dean
Chapter 10: My Fluffy Teddy Bear
Chapter 11: 9 Boys, and 2 Girls
Question for readers.
Chapter 12: Heaven
Chapter 13: Stormy Night
Chapter 15: Everything Coming To Light
Chapter 16: The End of Haden
Book 2

Chapter 14: Fixing Loose Ends

13.2K 502 35
By Tyki_Mikk

Morning Coffee

Fixing Loose Ends

Naomi walked out of her room, her bare feet hitting the cold tiled floor. She stopped short before reaching her living room, she heard something. She pulled out her gun and stood next to the was looking over into the next room she saw who was here. “Naomi.” His brown eyes stared into her matching color eyes, “Why don’t you come out here?”

Naomi did, she walked into the living room and stared at the brown hair and brown eyed man. “Why are you?”

The man smiled at her, “My name is Haden. How about you put your gun away?” His eyes fell on her shining blue gun that laid in her hands with her finger on the trigger.

Naomi sat down across from him, “You know sneaking in someones house, it consider creepy. So no I think I’ll keep it out with my fingers ready. Now what are you doing here?”

He sat up on her old couch, where last night she sat with a tub of ben and jerrys while she cried her eyes out. “Well I heard you might need my help, with a man named Dean?”

Naomi stared at him, she stood and pointed the gun to his face. “I don’t need your help.”

The man smirked, “Are you sure?” Naomi didn’t even notice it before, but next to him was a metal box…. Her metal box. She watched as he took out picture after picture, of her. “I am sure you wouldn't want these to get out.”

Naomi didn’t lower her gun, “You don’t get it. I don’t care. I am a killer I do what is needed, and right now what I see needs to be done. Is killing you and Dean.”

The man stiffen, this was not going as he planed. He kept his lips sealed, and reached in, he pulled out a picture of Julia’s head in his brothers hands. “Are you sure you don’t need my help?”

Naomi’s eyes flickered to the picture, she didn’t do anything. She knew Julia got what she deserved, though her heart hurt badly for her lost friend. She refused to let it make her weak, in fact it made her strong. She was going to get her revenge, and she didn’t need anyones help.She stared at the man in front of her, “How did you get those? I know for a fact that they were hidden here, in my house.”

His lips pulled up into a smile, “I have my ways.”

Naomi nodded, “Well then thank you.”

Naomi watched as the man tilted his head in confusion. “What do you mean?”

Naomi smiled as him, “You gave them back to me.” Haden narrowed his eyes at her, “Now you can go.” She cocked the gun and put her finger right over the trigger. “I have no use for you.”

Haden did what he was told, how stupid of him. He didn’t bring any guards he didn’t make copies of the pictures. He fucked up, he was so cocky he thought she would just fall into his arms. That was not the case. Haden stormed out of the building and into his black car, looking back at Naomi who was standing in the doorway with her gun still raised. He just drove off.  

Naomi sighed letting out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Walking back up to her apartment. She stood at the metal box and picked up all the pictures, with Julia’s head on the top. She went to her stove and turned the fire on, watching it flicker with the air that was around it. Taking her pictures she burned every single one, along with all the documents in the box. She stopped herself when she went to put Julia’s picture in the fire. For some reason she couldn’t, but what went through her mind made her freeze.

Julia’s words went through her mind. Julia’s eyes and face went cold, “You don’t have to worry about her anymore. She is relevant, you should worry about yourself.” “She is gone.” “I guess we both had blood on our hands.” The words played over and over in Naomi’s mind.

Guess… I guess we both had blood on our hands

Naomi’s eyes widened, why would she say guess. They had both killed before that was a known fact between both of them. Naomi just could not believe that she would kill an innocent. Naomi stood in her spot over the stove, she had to see. She had to see if Abigail was alive.

Naomi ran to her room and pulled the bag she had packed earlier. She threw Julia’s picture with her shirts, and pants. Next she went to the closet and pulled out the bag with all her guns. Grab new plates for her car and put her blue gun in her belt. Her eyes looked around, it was empty it was if she was never here.

Naomi ignored the empty feeling that was at the pit of her stomach. She walked out her apartment and down to her car. Throwing her stuff into the trunk, she tucked two small guns in the front seats, and one large one in the cushions of the back seat.

She went to her licen plate and took it off, throwing it into the trunk she place the new one on her car. She stood and looked at her blue car, taking her nail she scratched a piece off and peeled the color coding off her car. Turning the once blue car black, next she popped the front of the car opened.

She took a look at everything making sure it was all in place, last night after her pity party she had called her brother and asked him to upgrade her car. Right now she was looking at the fastest car, but if you looked on the outside you would never know.

Naomi slammed the lid back on the car, before she could go looking for Abby she had to make a few stops.

Stepping into her car, Naomi pulled her shades over her eyes and took off.

Naomi pulled and looked around, her eyes drifted to the swing that was in the front yard. An old car on the side of the driveway was rusted and yellow. This has not changed, it didn’t even look like a house it was more like termites holding hands.

Naomi was scared that if she stepped on the porch that it would give out. “Naomi?”

Her eyes snapped to Alec, her childhood best friend, her first crush. Naomi smiled at him and hopped out her car, “Alec, how are you doing?”

His green eyes took her in, she watched as his hand went through his short black hair. He smiled, dimples appearing on his cheeks, “I am going well Naomi, how are you fairing?”

Naomi smiled, “I am well also. Is your father around?”

His eyes went serious, “You in trouble?”

Naomi shook her head, “No, well sort of. I need something from him.” Thankfully for Naomi Alec didn’t ask many questions and took her in the house.

She stopped before stepping on the stairs, and waiting for her large muscled friend to go up first. Alec stopped when he realized that she was not behind him. Looking back he laughed, “Come on it’s not going to fall. You were always sketchy about these things.”

Naomi smiled, “That’s not what I am thinking about.”

Naomi watched as his perfectly shaped eyebrow raised, “Really now?”

Naomi didn’t respond, she quickly and quietly walked up the stairs into the house. When they reached Richman, Alec’s father, he stopped at the door. Naomi looked back to him with confusion on her face, his green eyes looked up to her. “If you ever need help, you can always call me. Until then nice to see you Naomi Lane, oh and tell those brothers hello for me.”

Naomi nodded at him, and walked into the room. Richman looked as if he had just gave birth to Alec all by himself, they both had that tall strong build. Black hair, and bright green eyes. “Naomi, how are you doing.”

Naomi smiled, “I am well Richman, but I hate to tell you this is not a social visit.”

The man’s body went still. “I am guessing my son has already asked you if you needed help, so i will get straight to it. What can I help you with?”

Naomi sat down in the chair that was across him, “I need body armor, the best. It needs to be extremely thick, and I really need it around my belly.”

The man snapped his eyes to her, “You are expecting?”

Naomi nodded, “Yes, I would like to get my problems solved soon. So I need everything quick.”

Richman nodded and sat up, “What else?”

Naomi smiled, “Body Armor, I need someone found, also I need a tank.”

Richman eyebrows shot up, “A tank?”

Naomi nodded, “Yes a tank. I know you can do it.”

Richman chuckled, “I can give me two days. I need a place to send everything.”

Naomi laughed, “I will call you in a hour with a place.”

Richman nodded, “Be safe.”

Naomi smiled, “I will.” She went to leave but stopped in the doorway, “Find your son a woman. You could use one too.”

Naomi walked out with Richman’s loud booming laughter following her. “Will do!” He yelled, she chucked and went out to her car.

Stepping in she listened as her car purred to life, she didn’t want to make this next stop; but she had to.

Naomi pulled up to the house, sitting outside almost as if he knew she would be coming. She looked around the house seemed to be empty. Stepping out she walked up the 5 very shorts steps and stood in front of him. “Where is everyone.”

Alexander looked up at his oldest daughter, and laughed. “You're brothers are all home, you're mother left me for the time being.”

Naomi sat on the banister, “Why is that father?”

Alexander ran a hand down his face, “I cheated. For stupid reasons too.” Naomi nodded, there was nothing she could do. They both knew that, “You're not here to hear my problems, what do you need honey?”

Naomi brown eyes, looked into her fathers. “Do you know Dean.”

Naomi saw Alexander’s face twist in angry. “Yes the fucking cunt ruined my life. He’s sneaky son of a bitch. He thinks I am not going to do anything about it but I am.”

Naomi nodded, “I need to know what he looks like.”

Alexander nodded and went into the house and grabbed a folder. “Here, just so you know I cheated with him so they are pictures of me and him. Together. His contact information is also in there.”

Naomi nodded and walked down the stairs, but stopped on the last step. “Go talk to mom, she will forgive you. Get an STD test before you go first. I don’t need her to pay more for your mistake.”

Alexander’s face went red, “I will, and I am clean.”

Naomi smiled, “Just make sure dad.”

Naomi hopped in her car, throwing the pictures into the seat next to her. She would look at those later.

Her next stop was that she needed a storage unit then Sebastian’s house.

Haden stood in his office pacing back and forth, he was scared but would never admit it. He needed to tie up some loose ends, first was his identity.

Who all knew him was his, Julia, Abigail, Alexander. He made sure to keep it short, very short. He smiled he didn’t need to worry he had everything handle for that part.

He picked up his phone when it started to ring, “Hello?” Nothing came from the end of the phone, “Who is there?”

He heard breathing, “Dean, Haden. What is your name?”

He froze, “Who is this?”

The voice laughed, “The real question is, who are you?”

The phone called ended, he could not tell who it was. All he could make out is that it was male. He didn’t know who it was, he walked out his house and went for Julia’s house.

Walking in he looked around, the house was empty. He went into what used to be Abigail’s room. It was clean no blood nothing, he pulled the sheets off the bed. Clean.

His blood was boiling he should have made sure, what the fuck was he thinking. Oh right he wasn't. Haden stormed out of there with angry that could make the gods cover in fear.

Even though gods make fear him, the real question is. Will a mother, whose life he fucked up be scared of him? Or will she take him down, and show him who the really is in charge?

The first person to get it right was Twani17!!!

But I do want to get everyone who got it right she is Pregnant!!!

So awesome penguin dance to:



LittleMix_Thriftshop (Love that band and song!)


- Dominique

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