By sharihaxx

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Despite her gorgeous mom being an ex-model and legendary clothing designer, and her charming charismatic fath... More

Wham Bam Thank You Ma'am.
We Are Magianos.
Tan Legs and Muscle Tees.
Only Because This Is Prada.
Sunday at Seven.
Lamborghinis and Ferris Wheels.
Un-Break My Heart.
Thankfulness Essay.
Call of Duty.
Go-Karting and McDonald's.
Beach Bruises and Steven Madden.
Eric's Proposition.
Eric's Jersey.
The Barbeque.
Go Bulldogs!
Panera Bread and Lizzie Miller.
Boys Boys Boys.
Coming to an End.
Ice Rinks and Father-Daughter Moments.
Eighteen Years.
Cheers to the New Year.
Shunned by Brenda.
Slap a B*tch.
Brenda's Wrath.

This Christmas.

10 1 0
By sharihaxx

Thursday December 25th

Post #28

I wanted to wake up this Christmas morning to the smell of a winter candle burning and my mom's famous pancakes that could put iHop out of business. Instead I woke up to my screaming glowing red father. Yep, my dad came into my room this morning, saw Steven laying on my bed and freaked the fuck out. He began whacking Steven with a broom yelling for him to get out of our house. My mom came rushing into the room only to be disappointed.

"This is what you're throwing a tantrum about?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Isabella what the hell is he doing in Sarah's bed?" He watched Steven closely, gripping the broom tightly.

"Dad relax, he fell asleep trying to keep me company."

"Antonio you're getting worked up over nothing. I said Steven could crash at our house since he was only in town for Sarah's birthday."

We all attempted to help my dad make sense of what was going on but he still wasn't convinced.

"Were you having birthday sex with my daughter?"

I buried my face into my hands out of embarrassment.

"No sir, I have no idea how your daughter looks unclothed."

"Good-because you aren't suppose to. You keep your tic-tac in your pants and away from my daughter, do you understand? Now get the hell in the bathroom and get yourself cleaned up for breakfast young man." On Steven's way out of my room my dad "playfully" gave a good whack on the back of his head.

I couldn't believe my dad thought I was careless enough to do it with Steven and let him fall asleep in my bed. But I was in too good of a mood to pay my dad's irrational behavior any mind.

"So Steven, when's your flight back to New York?" My father was incredibly eager for Steven to be gone.

"I'm leaving later this afternoon, I just wanted to spend some of my Christmas with Sarah," he winked at me.

"So did I." My dad said staring at him coldly.

Unable to adapt to the tension swallowing the room, I cleared my throat and changed the subject.

"So dad guess who's going driving today?" I exclaimed.

"Today? Don't you want to spend Christmas with everyone? Jessie and Lena will be here in a few hours."

"Well I'll only be out for a few hours. I just want to enjoy my new car." I protested.

"Honey she's right. She should go out and have a little fun with her car."

He looked from me to Steven sternly as he struggled to hold back what he wanted to say. "Alright you can go." He turned to face Steven. "But if she comes back pregnant, I'll kill you."

"He doesn't mean that, Steven." My mom said giving my dad a good kick underneath the table.

"Yes, I do." He said. "I'll seriously kill you the moment I suspect you're having sex with my daughter."

I hopped into the front seat of my wagon shaking with excitement. I still couldn't get over the fact that me, Sarah DeMarte, would be the one behind the wheel from now on. I'll admit that the entire time I was on the road I was convinced I was going to kill someone-I'm not exactly the best driver. When I decided to bring Steven along, I thought he'd help me take my mind off of the curbs I'm sure I'd ran over. But having him keep me company was as good my driving.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive? I think you've killed enough pedestrians for one day," he joked.

"Go suck it, Steven, seriously."

"I'm kidding," he leaned over to peck my cheek and I felt my face get really hot. "You're horrible, but you're not terrible."

"That makes me feel so much better babe."

In the backseat were the gifts I agreed to deliver for my parents. I didn't understand why my mom didn't go drop off the gifts herself seeing as that's her annual tradition, but I didn't mind. We made at least five different stops to all of my mom's closest friend's houses. They were all woman in their thirties who together watched me grow up. They each planted wet messy kisses on my cheeks and gave me messages to pass along to my mom. At the sight of Steven-the beautiful mesmerizing Steven, they nearly dropped to the floor.

"You are one beautiful young man," one of them exclaimed. They couldn't believe that standing in their living rooms was a boy so stunning, and that I was lucky enough to snatch him.

"I'd always pictured your first boyfriend being some arrogant pretty boy on your school's football team-"

"Like Eric," Steven whispered to me.

I elbowed him on his side.

We had an hour or two to kill before I had to drive Steven to the airport, and man were those the shortest two hours of my entire life. We went out for lunch, but we ended up leaving because the waiter kept hitting on me-those are Steven's words not mine.

"You know, I've never been with a girl every guy stares at." We were snuggled up inside of my wagon sitting outside of the airport stalling.

"Oh yeah? How you liking it so far?" I laughed.

"If we're being honest, I love it. All the stares only remind me that I'm the luckiest guy in the world."

If I said we spent the last ten minutes together cuddling, that'd be the understatement of the year. Instead, I took advantage of the longest ten minutes of my life

and kept my lips pressed against his. I had no idea where this sudden intimate behavior came from, but I knew I liked it.

"You should've turned eighteen a lot sooner," he laughed with his hands up my shirt.

If you're wondering, nothing happened; I simply hooked up with my boyfriend until I could no longer keep him from going back to New York.

"I'll be back before you know it."

I could tell he was worried about his flight.

"That's what they all say, Steven." I had my face buried into his chest so that he wouldn't see me holding back my tears. I was focused on savoring the way his arms felt around my waist and nothing more.

Back at home, Jessie was applauding me for my "courageous" move on Steven in the car.

"Way to go, slut!" She cheered.

I hardly heard a word Jessie exclaimed as I was too busy staring at the person standing before me. Her draping, messy, faded black hair was cut and only touching her shoulders. Not only was it cut, but it was bleached, and it was blonde. And get this: she didn't have an ounce of any dark color on her. Standing tall and tan, she wore a cream colored sweater and bright blue denim jeans; she looked amazing. And more importantly, she looked like the real Jessie. Don't be fooled-she still had that dirty mouth and that dirty mind. But she was back to her original self and I couldn't be more happier with the outcome.

"So when you were straddling him, did you feel it?" She asked.

"Feel what?" I tried pretending as if I didn't know what she was referring to.

She looked at me bluntly. "His disco stick-what else?"

"We are NOT having this conversation, Jessica."

"We will have this conversation; we don't have to have it now, but we will." She assured.

This was my second time exchanging gifts this week, and boy was it getting old. I was satisfied with my gifts from yesterday and wasn't really expecting anything. Most of my Christmas gifts were from my grandparents over in Italy and Spain, and close family friends. You might not believe me, but I was happy I didn't have as many gifts this Christmas. I had a lot more enjoyment out of giving gifts rather than receiving them.

I can't say I was shocked to find Eric standing at my door later on after we'd exchanged gifts. Mr. Summerton, my parent's and Adam's friends, Alison and Melanie were already here-it'd only make sense for Eric to invite himself too right? What didn't make sense is the reason for Eric (and Steven's) friend Dominic standing in front of my house.

"Damn," he muttered scanning my scarlet red dress.

I cleared my throat. "Merry Christmas to you too, Dominic."

Wanting to clear the tension filled air, Eric handed me my gift and offered an awkward hug. "Man I'd love to be the stitches on that dress," he whispered.

After threatening and almost beating up the both of them I got them to agree to behave, and invited them inside.

We were all adding to the chatter filled room when my mom asked for everyone's attention. Eric hadn't heard my mom's request for silence and kept talking.

"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, do you want to leave my house?" My dad said. Eric shook his head no. "Then I suggest you shut the hell up and listen to what my wife has to say." My dad then turned to my mom to let us know we had her undivided attention.

"If you hadn't already guessed it, I have an announcement," she started. "I'm pregnant."

I can't say I was surprised to hear this, since my mom's only thirty years old. Now that both Adam and I are adults, her raising days are over and I think she's realized that. I've been noticing how cautious she's been since the trip to Miami and it all makes sense now. I mean the woman didn't even want to get in the water for crying out loud.

Although I'd completely seen it coming, the news came as a complete shock to everyone else. The room filled with cheers and laughter about how stressful the next nine months would be for us all. I knew that'd be true from all of my parent's stories about my mom's past pregnancies. But even that wasn't enough to ruin the fact that I would be having a younger sibling. I would have a little brother or sister to guide and positively influence to do something great. Of course there's no guarantee that he or she will follow in the footsteps of greatness, but being able to say I tried would be enough to live with.

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