Dead Shattered Hearts {Sweene...

By PeytonGarrett

19.6K 888 292

A Sweeney Todd fanfiction from beyond the grave. Once the lives of Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber and Eleanor... More

The News is You're Dead
"That Man is Dead"
"Welcome to the Grave!"
☠Lost in Demented Darkness☠
-Hanging by a Thread-
☠She Didn't Mean to Fall in Love☠
☠When Hell Breaks Loose☠
~To the Hospital~
Disrupting Order
"The Only One Craziest Enough"
Drunken Fool
☠The Fourth Level☠
Slow Suffering is the Worst
"Keep Your Sanity"
A Victim's Revenge
Lost Souls Room
Step 1: Steal the File
May the Chaos Commence
What a Single Flame Can Do
The Homicide Boy
You Have One Last Chance
Fictitious Sweeney Todd
Hallucination Hell
Dream Turned to Nightmare
His Three Choices
The Court Session
Vincent's Testimony
Fate: Alternate Ending
Author's Note

~Pills and the Bakery~

1.1K 28 3
By PeytonGarrett

The day continued and finally met evening, at least that's what it seemed. There were no clocks throughout the entire world, and not even a window to see where the sun settled in the sky. The demon barber reached his room and immediately emptied the bottle of pills into the toilet. There was no way he was going to take them. The man was furious with the whole system. Bloody pills to help him feel better, it was damn waste.

He locked his door and took his candlesnuffer to put out every, single candle in his room. Once every candle was out, his room was pitch black, just the way he liked it. Dark, depressing rings formed under his eyes. His completion grew a weak, ghost-white pale color. Todd collapsed onto his bed and pulled the thick covers over his head, hoping all this is was just one bloody, tortuous nightmare. He buried his face into his pillow and moaned countless grieving sighs.

Why did being dead have to turn into this? Why did it have to turn into a pit of hell with the woman who betrayed him living in the room across his. Why couldn't he just exist no more; why couldn't he get away from the pain? The pain was an endless. There was no cure to the madness. His life felt like it was some endless black hole and he continued falling with no one to help him back up.

The black covers made the barber vanish from the room. He made sure he was facing the solid, cement wall with his back facing the open room. He just wanted to be alone, basically forever. Fuck the whole Afterlife crap; their rules; their employees; every. single. thing.

His dark, unforgiving mind went back to the time where every thing was perfect. His beautiful wife by his side and his precious bundle of joy in his arms. How she looked just as beautiful as her mother. Everyday he could wake up with the sun shining on his face and birds chirping just outside the house. Everyday he could hold his Lucy and Johanna who meant the world to him. Then those days crumpled down to the hell. Todd's pleasant dreams of the days of Benjamin Barker then tarnished and transformed into raging nightmares. Nightmares were the only thing that raced in his mind. Unpleasant thoughts, a burning pit from hell, a tortuous nightmare just brewing in his godforsaken mind.


It was at this time the Authorities called it nighttime and best if the younger souls and recently deceases head into their rooms. Eleanor Lovett was already in her room; anticipating the time for her to establish another bakery. She'd need several ingredients before opening, several decorations to make her shop live and vibrant.

Just as the baker was about to head to bed she remembered her little job Edward gave to her. Check on Todd to see if he took his medicine. It was something she would never want to do in a thousand years. She could care less if the little bastard was depressed and curled up in a dark corner. But when she thought of that sight, it shook her a bit. The barber rocking back and forth in corner facing the wall. It was as if she could just hear him crying out in pain for someone to save him. She then rushed out her door, but when the thought vanished, her care for him did the same.

He used her; ignored her; burned her. She shouldn't have to retrieve the knife in her back and throw that knife away. If for anything, she should be taking the knife he stabbed her with and stab it into him. But instead of that, she quietly knocked on his door. Three little taps. She knew for a fact she'd get no response.

"Mr. Todd?" She spoke and knocked on the door a little louder. No response. She wanted to just barge into the room, ask if he took the medicine and leave right away, but she knew better.

"Mr. T, are you in there?" She spoke louder and tried at the door handle. Locked, just as she expected. "Mr. T answer your damn door!" She shouted and pounded on the door. She then heard a muffled voice. She couldn't exactly make out the words, but she knew she heard a voice. "Mr. Todd, I know you're in there!"

"Go away," a voice mumbled from the inside. It was low, exhausting mumble.

"Mr. Travis told me to check on you to see if you took the bloody pills, it's not like I chose to bang on your stupid door," she scoffed.

"What made the door stupid?" The voice retorted.

"You know what I meant. Just answer my question, did you take the bloody pills? I don't wanna be by your door any longer." The baker crossed her arms and glanced up the name plate above his door. Benjamin Xavier Barker. Benjamin seemed like a gentle man unlike the rotting creature that residing in the room.

There was a long paused and Lovett didn't bother to repeat herself. The hall was quiet. There was not much sound except for the clicking of shoes in other rooms and muffled conversations.

"...No, and I'm not gonna. I threw them out," the voice replied in an annoyed tone.

She expected that answer and could care less if he didn't take them. She turned quick on her heel and marched off to her room. She closed the door and didn't bother to lock because it's not like someone could come in and kill her, she was already dead. She took the candlesnuffer in her hand and put out all the candles except for one. There she fell to her bed and looked up at the pale ceiling.

This is her new life. Living in the After-World across from her murderer. This is great, it's just great. Her eyelids were becoming heavy and soon enough she fell asleep.

The 'night' dragged by. There was no telling whether it was time to awake and tackle the day, or to still sleep in. Todd didn't care what time it was to do stuff, he wasn't about to leave his room and wonder out into the world. The world had abandoned him, so he'll abandon the world in return. Just as he was about to fall into a deeper sleep, a banging sound filled the air. It was perhaps a few hours since the last pounding at his door.

His eyelids slowly peeled open and he glanced at the door through the darkness. He could see a faint light underneath the door and a pair of shadowy feet. His blankets covered up his face and ended at his eyes to where he could see.

The banging continued, which irritated the barber. Whoever was at the door didn't utter a word, didn't even ask to open to the door or say Todd's name.

Who the hell could be at the door? Todd slowly pulled the blankets off his body and he sat up at bed, still glaring at the door.

"Who the hell's there?" Todd hollered as he rubbed away at the dried drool on his cheek. He got no response. Todd was only hoping whoever was at the door would just leave, but the banging continued for a good three minutes.

The barber slowly climbed out of bed and over to the desk with the box of matches. He pulled a match out of the white, cardboard box and scraped it against the side where an orange-red glow grew on the tip of the stick. Todd went and lit a few candles in his room and blew out the match only to then toss it on the ground. His room was no longer a pit of shadows. The room was a little lit to where everything came to a clear view and his shadow danced on the cement wall behind him. He trudged over to the door and pried the door open to reveal the short Edward Travis now wearing a brown suit with a red plaid tie.

"Good morning, sir!" Edward smiled. He held the same briefcase from the day before and his strange, constant smile was still plastered onto his face.

"Did you have to wake me up?" Todd mumbled as he leaned against the frame of the door.

"Well we like when the souls wake up early to prepare to tackle on the day!" Edward exclaimed.

"How can I even tell when it's morning?" He asked, even though he truly didn't care.

"Oh well that's simple, sir. When the light in this large hall is on, it's daytime and business is running. When the hall is dark and dim, it's nighttime to where the souls tend to sleep since it was apart of their living life," Edward explained. "And if you don't mind my asking, did you take the pills We prescribed to you?"

Todd hesitated to answer. He looked back into his room and sighed. "No," he mumbled. "And who the hell is 'We'?"

"Oh, the Afterlife Authorities, sir. And why didn't you take them? Do not want to feel great?"

Todd began shutting the door, but Edward stuck out his left foot and stopped the door. "Sir, We understand getting over a death is difficult but we-"

"No," Todd interrupted with a stern voice. "I want nothing to do with you bastards, so just leave me alone." The barber then began leaning against the door to fight against Edward's strength, which wasn't hard. Soon enough the door shut and locked. "And don't bother trying to get me to leave this room!" Todd shouted and blew out the candles. His room fell into darkness once again and he collapsed to his bed, hoping to sleep the nightmare away.

When the 'morning' had raised and Edward came knocking on her door, Lovett was ready to tackle the day. She had numerous ideas for her new bakery and just couldn't wait to start.

The After-Life held four large levels. The first was obviously where recently deceases enter, every single room for the dead souls, and an apartment for the Authorities. The second level was where the stores, shops, and restaurants were. There was a smaller apartment for the Authorities on the second level, but it wasn't much. The third level was chopped up into several large rooms meant for parties and such. Then the fourth level. The fourth level was only a rumor. No one knew if it were real or a lie, except for the Authorities.

To reach the second level was a long, wide staircase. The steps were almost a dark silver color instead of concrete like the rest of the floors. The baker had no intentions to check on Todd to see if he took his medicine, and went straight to the second level.

The second level was nothing but small bricked, concreted, wooden stores selling everything you could think of. There were small restaurants, and some bars, a few clothing and furniture stores here and there.

Lovett entered the second level and was astonished by the sight. How could this possibly be a version of hell with all this paradise stuff? She remembered when Edward had came by her room that her bakery was somewhere in the west corner of the level, but it's not like she had a compass. In order to find the bakery, she instead took a walk around the level, looking at stuff she can buy when she pulls in money. Oh the beautiful dresses she could buy! She skipped merrily down the paths that ran through the level. Her smile was constant, perhaps this little After-World isn't so bad after all.

Hours began passing, though she didn't know. There were clocks, no way of telling time throughout the After-Life except for the hall lights. Atlas the baker came upon a small shop with Edward Travis standing in front of it's doors. The small structure was built with bricks with a wooden frame lining the apart of the top section. There she could paint her bakery's name.

"Madam, I was wondering when you'd arrive," Edward greeted with an open palm. There he stood with that same, strange smile.

"Oh well I decided to take a look around while I found and place and 'ere I am," she replied and shook his hand. "So is the place, eh?"

"Yes, madam indeed. The structure was just built during the night and ready to be managed. Inside you'll find an oven, and other useful needs," he explained as he propped open the door and walked in. There was a bell sitting atop the door and the second it cried a ring, Lovett stood frozen. It sounded just like the bell in Todd's parlor. She could just remember when she once breathed air and blood ran through her veins and she'd go and visit the barber countless times a day. Each time she opened his door the small bell at the top of it would cry out a little ring.

"Mrs. Lovett?" His voice interrupted as he waved a hand in front of her face. "Are you alright, madam?"

She blinked immediately and remembered where she was. "Oh, I'm fine, love. And please call me Nellie."

"Alright, Nellie. Well over here We placed a island just like the one in your pie shop. We tried our best to create your old bakery, but expanded it bit. Since there are over a million souls here we placed several booths over there and just tables and chair over here," he gestured with his hands. He held a clipboard in one hand with a pen clipped to the top. "And over here we included a bar for those who just wanna stop by for a drink."

"Well that's a lovely idea," Lovett exclaimed and ran her hand along the smooth wood of the bar. "I do have a question though."

"Well ask away."

"If we're dead, how are we still functioning?"

"Oh, the Authorities just came with the conclusion that since we are so use to the way living was, we still do it after death. Breathing for example. Truly, we don't need to breathe, but it's obviously a habit we all have," Edward explained as he paced back behind a counter and began pulling open cabinets.

"What about getting drunk? Cause not everyone drinks, so how could they have the habit to be drunk if they've never drank?"

"Those who know the feeling will most likely feel it, those who don't most likely won't. Why ask such a silly question?" He laughed as he closed the cabinets and checked something off his clipboard.

"...Well um," he hesitated the answer. It was something she was too excited to say. "Mr. Todd, or uh, Mr. Barker... if he gets depressed too much or tries to force himself to sleep... he'll drink... a lot." Why'd she even say that? She doesn't care about that bastard, who cares if he gets drunk and does stupid stuff.

"Need no fear, madam. We deal with several of his kind and usually the pills we prescribe them work, but Mr. Barker refused to take them," he muttered to himself. "Do you have any idea why he wouldn't take them?"

She again hesitated to answer. This was the man who killed her, this was the man who held her life in his hands and threw it away. "He's just a stubborn man," she whispered.

"Well, let's move on from that sore subject," Edward smiled and moved off to a booth. "If you want to grab a few supplies such as paint, or furniture to brighten up the place, the Authorities start every business owner with sufficient money."

Lovett just jumped at the idea to getting to decorate her bakery. She could just imagine pink flowers over here and there. Perhaps a small red sofa off in the corner. And warm colors splattered on the banner in front of the shop.

"This will be fantastic," she chirped ran around the bakery. "This will be just splendid! Oh I just can't wait! And-"

"There's just one more thing," Edward softly added and set aside his clipboard.

Lovett was still too cheerful to be let down. She figured whatever the man had to say was just another wondrous thing she could do to her soon-to-be shop. "What is it, love? Ideas for the bakery? Special recipes?" The ideas brewing in her head were just endless.

"We would love to hand you the keys to the baker, on one condition," he glanced out the windows for a second then looked back to the baker. Her ashy auburn curls reached a little past her shoulders. Her big brown eyes locked with fear on what Edward had to say.

"What condition?" She whispered.

The man took a deep breath and scratched the back of his neck. "The Afterlife Authorities are very concern about Mr. Bar- or I mean Mr. Todd."

"Why do I have to be dragged into his problems?" She sighed and took a seat at the booth. Ever since she got here she's still been hooked up to that stupid, stubborn man.

"You're the only one here who truly knows the man, after all you two lived in the same building together," Edward replied and picked his clipboard back up in his hands.

"We only lived there for a few weeks," she argued and held her head.

"You still know him on a personal level more than we do. All we know is what the files tell us," Edward explained. "And we really need your help, madam."

"I want nothing to do with the man!"

"Then why did you bring him up earlier?" Edward spoke in almost a whisper. There was then an awkward silence. Why did she bring her murderer up earlier?

She hesitated to answer. She didn't have feelings for him. She didn't, not at all. The devil himself was hiding in his clothes, the devil himself was the one who ended her life.

"So how can I get the keys to the bakery?" She mumbled and looked away from Edward.

"Try and get Mr. Barker to take at least one pill, just one and you may have the keys to your bakery," Edward explained as his stupid smile returned.

"He threw them all out," she muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"The pills. He threw them all out," she repeated and looked back at Edward with an exhausted face.

"I figured he'd do that," Edward sighed. "I'll tell the Authorities to make another bottle... in the meantime talk to the poor soul. He could use the company," Edward replied and headed for the door. "Just know this, the more he mopes around and stays locked up in his room, the more his days are numbered."

"Numbered? What the hell is that suppose to mean?" She then stood up with full attention."

"Um, nothing," he quickly answered. "The medicine should be ready at evening, I'll leave them in your mailbox." He then pushed open the door and stepped out with Lovett behind him.


"It's by your door, madam. Whenever he takes the pill, and don't lie, you may have the keys to your bakery. I just want the man to accept his death and move on. And while you talk to him I'll even pick up a few stuff for your bakery. Deal?"

She let out a grieving sigh and looked down a long hall with shops by the right and left, then looked back at Edward. His hand was in front of him, his tan face revealing a broad smile. Lovett greeted his hand and sighed.








For more Sweeney Todd follow @demon.of.depp on Instagram

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