Accidental Avatar

By SashaL

291K 13.7K 2K

-Thanks To my co-write Cait (who did most of the work(We Love You Caitlin!)) :)- BTWs, I own nothing in here... More

In the Beginning There was Water
Back at the tree with Lexie
Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest with Caitlin/Amaya....
Mogui/Lexie's adventures continue...
Back on a Fire Nation Vessel....
Back to Mogui...
Out in the ocean...
Close to a giant canyon, Mogui and the gaang prepare to cross....
In a Fire Nation vessel, outside a certain Prince's quarters...
Back to the Gaang...
On the Fire Nation ship again.
On a beach somewhere distant...
Still out at sea... ugh...
In a nearby Harbor Town....
Out on sea, heading into a rather big black cloud...
Near a little boat at the harbor...
Same time, different place...
In a cave...
Storytime with Grandpa Iroh... I don't like this story....
Storytime with the Avatar...
In the Ship....
When suddenly...
Out at sea, in the middle of a storm...
Out at Sea, in the air, in the middle of a storm...
Not far from there...
Searching for Sokka...
The eye of the storm...
Back at the cave...
In some Earth Kingdom Ruins...
Zuko's ship...
With some very sick Gaang members...
Zuko's Ship...
The Ill Gaang...
After traveling for some time...
A distant forest...
Back on a beach...
Random Tavern in the Earth Kingdom...
At the Abbey...
A previous location of the Gaang...
Back at the Abbey...
Near a certain volcano...
Out on the water, as a test begins....
Back at the Abbey...
In said forest...
Switching from Mogui to Amaya...
In a distant forest...
Somewhere far away...
Around a distant campfire to the North...
Did I hear Amaya again... I'm not sure...
What is the Gang up to now?
Far, Far away...around the same time...
Back at the Northern Air Temple...
Back to the pint-sized heroine...
Up in the northern area of the world...
Outside the Northern Water Tribe...
Ahh Zhao!
Water Tribe Feast
Next day, in the North Pole...
Remember Amaya collapsed?
Around watertown....
Its the final countdown...
Back up in the ice kingdom
In a fleet far away...
Drama central...
Some time later...
With the Fleet...
War drums be like...
Out under the moonlight...
In the armory, sharpening stuff...
Out in the Tundra...
In the armory...
Dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun...
Same place, a while later, Still Amaya...
Flying around, thwarting Zhao's plans...
Artificial Intelligence is approaching the Oasis...
Out in the blizzard...
Back at the Oasis...
In the air...
At the Oasis
Thems be angry...
Out in the tundra...Again...
Back at the Tribe...
El Fin

Up in the sky, making their escape....

2.6K 135 20
By SashaL

"Bye! See you again sometime!" I grin and wave down at the girl sitting on the ground and cheerfully waving up to us.
"She seems nice enough, but I don't really think we want to meet up again anytime soon," Sokka says with a vague smile. "She doesn't seem all there, don't ya think?"
I give him a look. "Don't fall for it. She's nuts, mad, bonkers, off her head! But I'll tell you a secret: all the best people are. And she's the smartest, most altogether person I know..."
"Well, you got the bonkers part right," Sokka muttered.
"But she's a waterbender!" Katara said, looking over at me with a confused expression. "Why was she with Zuko? And they did seem very close..."
"Who knows? Maybe we should ask next time?" I say, grinning. "Although, make sure there's no water around to bend and that you are out of arm's reach. Her aim isn't great, but be ready to dodge. You never know what might set her off."

After a moment of silence, Aang spoke up. "So...where do we go?"
"We're getting you to the North Pole." Katara said, smiling over at Aang.
"Yeah, we've lost too much time as it is." Sokka agreed.
"Don't you want to go see your father?" Aang turns to face us, his expression confused.
"Of course we do, Aang," Sokka responded seriously. "But you're our family too. And right now, you need us more."
"And we need you," Katara added, her smile gentle.
"What did I tell you? Ohana." I say, grinning over at Aang, who smiled happily at me.
"I wish I could give you a little piece of home, Katara..." Aang said, glancing over at me with a subtle wink. "Something to remind you..."
"I'll be ok," Katara said, her smile faded somewhat as she looked down into her lap.
"Still! Just a little trinket..." Aang made a show of thinking. "Maybe something like...THIS?!" He held up a necklace, which I had never seen before, but it was rather nice.

"Aang!" Katara started forward in surprise, her face brighter and happier than I had ever seen it. "How'd you get that!?" She took it from him and put it on her neck.
"Zuko asked me to be sure I got it to you." Aang joked.
"Oh, that's so sweet of Zuko!" Katara joked back. "Would you give him a kiss from me when you see him?"
"Sure!" Katara leaned forward and planted a kiss on Aang's cheek, causing the young Avatar to blush and look very pleased with himself.
"Oh, don't forget about Amaya!" I added in a jokingly serious voice. "She might not appreciate the idea of Katara giving Zuko kisses!"
"Oh yeah, don't forget that, Katara! She's crazy!" Sokka added. We all laughed as we flew off into the distance.

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