Treat You Better - Grethan

By iSwallowAppleJuice

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Everyone knows who Ethan and Grayson are. They are the nice 18 year old twins who live alone in a house in a... More

Part 1 - Introduction
Part 2 - Confessions
Part 3 - Six Flags
Part 4 - First Date
Part 5 - Hidden Feelings
Part 6 - Hidden Affairs
Part 7 - Perfect
Part 8 - Nervous
Part 9 - Kid In Love
Part 10 - Mercy
Part 11 - Nightmares
Part 12 - Misunderstandings
Part 13 - Regrets
Part 14 - Divulge
Part 16 - Life of the Party
Part 17 - Something Big
Part 18 - Perfectly Wrong
Part 19 - Aftertaste
Part 20 - Ruin
Part 21 - Why
Part 22 - Mutual
Part 23 - There's Nothing Holding Me Back
Life update

Part 15 - Party

1.8K 77 12
By iSwallowAppleJuice

Grayson's POV:

After that little incident, Ethan and I haven't spoken... Again. I know, you guys are probably growing tired of all this but what can I do, that's what our lives have come to nowadays. Anyways, it's been 5 days and it's just too awkward to handle. Too much that I actually ask my manager to give me more hours at the theater so that I won't have to come home and see Ethan. Besides, why would I want to see him in love with someone else when I, myself, and in love with him. Wow, how many people can say that they're in love with their brother? Not many I can assume. 

"So, are things any better at home?" Emily asks, serving herself some popcorn. It's actually 11:43 PM now and whenever there's leftover popcorn, the manager said we can "help ourselves to food and beverages" while were working. 

"Not really. It's all the same. Nothing has changed," I answered, grabbing some of the popcorn from her. 

"Eventually, you're gonna have to talk to him Gray. You can't just ignore him forever," She said and that hit me. She's right. I can't stay mad at Ethan forever. There's gonna be a point in life were we're gonna have to be there for each other and if we aren't on speaking terms, that might make things a tiny bit difficult.

"Yeah, I know but it's just so hard. He's always out and when he comes home I either come here or he just goes to his room so there isn't really a good time to talk to him," I sighed, playing with my shoe. We were sitting down behind the counter because we didn't like when people from the outside came up to the glass windows and looked at us from across the theater. 

"Are you ever gonna tell him?" Oh yeah, I've told her about the whole situation. 

"I'm not sure. Not anytime soon. I can't just go up to him and be like 'Oh hey Ethan, we haven't really talked but I just wanna tell you that I love you. I mean, I'm in love with you and I know you were too. Wanna fuck?' Because then he'd just like pack up and move to another Earth," I told her. She rolled her eyes at me and got up to grab more popcorn. The movie ended at 12:30 so we still had a bit of time to talk.

"Here's what I would do. When you go home today, if he's still awake, talk to him. Even if it's just a simple hi. He probably doesn't talk to you cause you haven't talked to him. A simple hi can really get things going," She advised me, passing over the popcorn. "Trust me, I know,"

"Alright fine. But I'm doing it mostly because I miss talking to him. Even if it's an argument. When I go home, Ima say hi to him and if he's asleep I'll do something tomorrow. I don't know maybe make him some breakfast," I planned, eating half of her popcorn along with it.

"Sounds like a good idea," She said, winking. We both laughed and continued talking about other random things.


I got home literally at like 1:15 AM. I had to clean up the area and lock up. I was quite nervous to go back home if I do say so myself. I doubted Ethan was still awake but you never know, knowing him he's probably awake probably eating something. I pulled up onto the driveway and took a deep breath, getting out of the car. 

"Please be asleep, please be asleep, please be asleep," I kept repeating all the way to the door. I unlocked it and quietly opened it, still whispering for him to be asleep. Of course, he wasn't. He was in the kitchen, eating some cookies that I had made yesterday. When I walked in, he looked at me in shock, as if he was trying to hide the fact that he was eating something I made. He was standing in his boxers, hovering over the table, with 3 cookies in one hand and one stuffed in his mouth. "Hi," I said, shyly as I slowly walked over to him. He swallowed his cookie and looked at me.

"Hey...." He let out. We both remained quiet for a couple minutes before I turned around, walking towards the stairs to go up to my room. "How was work..?" I heard him whisper. I stopped and turned, facing him. 

"Good.... tiring," I said. I felt like I had 0 energy in me. I was completely drained and all I wanted to do was sleep all day tomorrow. Luckily I have tomorrow off to lay in bed. 

"Yeah... you came home pretty late," He added, looking at the clock on the wall. 

"Yup," I let out. Again, a few minutes of silence was floating around the air. The tension began to slowly disappear, but there was still some tension in the air. "Well.... goodnight," I said, quickly rushing up the stairs.

"Sleep tight," He whispered. I'm pretty sure he said that but didn't want me to hear it. Once I was upstairs, I ran towards my room and shut the door. That was the most awkwardest conversation we had ever had. I don't want to repeat it. I quickly stripped down and hoped onto bed, immediately falling asleep. 


I woke up the next day around noon. My head hurt slightly and I was about to get up, when I noticed water and some pills on my nightstand. I slowly sat up, taking the pills in my hand, reading the paper. 


Next to the water, there was a little sticky note. I grabbed it and read it.

I came in to wake you up, but you were turning around in your bed. I asked what was wrong and you mumbled that you had a headache so I brought these up. You took 2 pills at 7:32 AM. You can take the next ones around 1 PM. 

Hope you get better,

I smiled as I read the note. No matter how distant we were from each other, we always looked out for one another. That's why I always say that our bond is unbreakable. I laid back down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. Another reason why I love Ethan so much. He's such a big brother sometimes.

I took my pills, as indicated by Dr. Ethan, and was able to get up around 3 PM. I couldn't really walk cause I kept stumbling into the walls but I managed to get down to the kitchen and serve myself some cereal. I served myself the cereal, then poured in some milk, grabbed the spoon and walked back up to my room, sitting on the bed. When I went to take the first bite, I realized I had grabbed a fork and not a spoon. I sighed as I got up and went downstairs again, switching the fork for an actual spoon. I went back upstairs and ate my cereal. After that, I fell asleep one more time.


The next time I woke up, it was 7:16 PM and Ethan was sitting on my bed, with his hand on my forehead. 

"Oh, hi Gray," He said, stumbling up, acting as if he wasn't just checking on me. I saw him and realized he was dressed up. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, curious to know. He bit his lip and hesitated, before giving in and telling me.

"Aidan is taking me to a party," He said. Of course he is.

"Oh, were at?" I asked. 

"Don't know yet," He trailed off. I nodded and laid back down, facing the wall. What else is new.

"Sorry, I know your not feeling well an-"

"No it's fine. Go ahead. Have fun. I'll be fine," I said, even though I didn't want him to go. He got closer to me and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

"I'll check in on you. I promise," He said as he rushed out my room, closing the door behind him. Here I was again. Alone in my room. As always.


What's up guy!

I know I said I wasn't gonna do these BUT IT'S HERE! The next 3 parts are THE ONES. Just letting you guys know :) 

Hope you guys are ready for what's coming next 


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