Be Alright(Sequel to Our Arra...

By -novacaine

70K 2.1K 166

Joanna and Justin just got married. They just got back from their honeymoon, and Justin's about to leave for... More

Be Alright
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 5

1.9K 72 0
By -novacaine

Chapter FIve.

I sighed, and looked at my phone for maybe the fiftieth time. Why hasn't Justin called me? What about Selena? I decided to call him,
"Hello..?"A deep voice asked.
I inhaled very quickly,it scared me to talk to him now. I felt like he was a totally different person.
"Hey Jojo"
"Did I wake you"
"Yeah. But it's alright"
"How have you been"
"Busy. And very tired, these concerts require a lot of hard work. But, I knew that" I sighed.
"What about you?"
"Pretty good. Graduation was yesterday, and Austin got me the most beautif-"
"I'm really sorry babe, I have to go"
I sighed. Of course he does.
"Okay..."I said.
"I'm sor-" I hung up before he could say anything. I growled and got up, why doesn't he answer me!? This is really making me mad! He said he would facetime me, or video chat me every night! What the hell happened to that?!

I grabbed money and stomped over to the smoothie bar. "Banana twist"I said. The girl nodded, and I sat down. I felt someones approach behind me. "Can you just please leave me alone right now"I asked Austin. He sat down next to me, "What's wrong"He asked. The lady handed me the smoothie, and smiled. "Thank you"I said and handed her the money. I left, and walked back to my towel. "Justin never calls me anymore"I said. "He doesn't even text me"I said.

"I bet he's really busy, tour, he has concerts every night until probably 5 in the morning"Austin said. "Meet and Greets. Photoshoots. And he's singing all the time. And he probably gets about 30 minutes to rest a week"Austin said. I sighed, "I just want to talk to him, for at least five minutes a day"I said. Austin sighed and touched my shoulder, "You'll get that time. I promise"Austin said. I gave him a half smile, and he ran into the water with the rest of the group.

I sighed and laid back down on my towel, and saw I had three messages.
'If you want to know, I'm staying away from Justin...I wouldn't do that to a friend' It was from Selena. I had no clue if I could trust her or not.
'I know, it's just, you did it once before. You could do it again'
'I wont. Trust me Joanna'

I looked at the message a couple of times. I felt I could actually trust Selena now.
'Okay Selena'

'Jojo. I'm really sorry, please talk to me'
'Joanna please answer. I'm really sorry'

I sighed, I decided to just not talk to him for a while. I put my phone in Austin's book bag and walked to the water.

Ryan came out of the water, and he smiled. "What are y-" Ryan picked me up and ran into the water. "NO! RYAN PUT ME DOWN!"I screamed. "Okay"He said and dropped me into the water. I screamed under water, and came up. I started coughing. Caitlin patted my back, "You good?" She asked. I pushed Ryan into the water, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"I screamed and tackled him into the water.

I was done fighting with Ryan, he was winning. And I sighed, breathless. "You...Win"I said taking breaths. He cheered. "Loosaar!"Ryan said. I glared at him, and walked out of the water. "Nice job Ryan, you got her out of the water"I heard Christian say.

I sat by towel, and dried off. I dried my hands and picked up my phone. Three more messages...Guess from who?

'Baby, please I'm really sorry. I promise I'll talk to you tonight, just please say something'
'Please baby'

'Can you respond to Justin? He's arguing with everyone until you reply, he said he wont do anything until you do' I sighed at Selena's message.
That stubborn dick. Just kidding he's not a dick. He's my husband and I love him.

'Fine. Happy? Go to your stuff for tour now'
I quickly texted Justin.

'Thank you'
Selena texted back.

'No. I'm not happy. We'll be talking about this tonight. I have to go, I love you'
'I love you too Justin'


It was 9:30 at night and I was exhausted. I heard my phone start to ring, and I leaped for my phone I grabbed it. And answered the face time.
"Hi Justin"I smiled.
"Hey J. I'm really sorry about before...I should have let you talk, and then we talked a bit more. And, I'm just sorry"
"It's okay Justin..."I lied.
"No Joanna. It's not okay, I haven't seen you, in four days. And I really miss you, I want to talk to you, and I don't want you to be mad at me"
"I'm not"I lied again.
"Yes you are, I can tell when you're lying Joanna"
"Fine I am! Okay? I just want to talk to you, for at least five minutes Justin"
"I know, I know. I do too. But, I'm really really busy"
"I know...I just miss you that's all, and if this is how only four days are going to be...Imagine the rest"
"We'll make it work" The lights turned off, 'Justin, big day tomorrow. Phone off. Now' It was Pattie. 'Mom I'm talking to Joanna, not now' 'Hi Joanna!'She said. I giggled.
"Hi Pattie" 'Please leave. I'll go to bed in like fifteen minutes okay?' The door closed, and Justin looked back at me.
"I'm not trust me"I giggled.
But then I felt the tears, "I just miss you, Justin. A lot" Tears started to come out of my eyes. I'm over tired.
"Joanna. No. Please, please don't cry. It'll make me cry"
"J-Justin I-I want t-to s-see y-you"
"I know baby, I want to see you too. I'll see you in on Sunday, remember?'
I nodded. Only two days away...I can do this.

"J-Justin, I'm gonna go to bed"
"Okay Joanna. I'll call you tomorrow night. I promise. I love you"
"I love you too"
"Night babe"

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