The New Girl

By GleeForever213

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This is the first book in the 'New Girl' series! I'm not good at summaries so here is the disclaimer. Disclai... More

The New Girl
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Authors Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Christmas Break Part 1
Christmas Break Part 2
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Sequel Info!

Chapter 24

1.8K 53 11
By GleeForever213

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Third Person's POV

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Sam!" The whole Glee club sang as Sam walked in that day. He smiled and hugged everyone. He hugged Brenda last and hugged her.

"Thanks, you guys. How did you even know it was my birthday?" Everyone pointed at Brenda who grinned at him.

"Thanks," He kissed her. After everyone sat down, instead of writing on the board, Mr. Schue rolled a T.V. to the front of the room.

"You can come in now!" Mr. Schue called. Mary, Dwight, Stacy, Stevie, and Donna walked in. Dwight had a box in his arms.

"Um, what are y'all doing here?" Sam asked, confused. Mary smiled. Stacy ran over to Sam and jumped in his lap. Stevie ran over to Brenda and jumped in her lap.

"We, are showing some home videos of you, as you get older." Sam looked at her like, "awe hell nah." That's actually what he was thinking.

"Mom! Really?" He whined. She patted him on the head before sitting next to him. Mr. Schue cut the lights off and Dwight started the videos. The beginning was pictures of Sam when he was born, he had the tubes in his nose and everything. Some of the girls gasped when they saw how small he was. The next picture was of his mom and dad when they finally got to hold him for the first time. And everything was explained on the camera. It was actually a voice over of Sam telling the story.

"I was born a month and three weeks early. I wasn't breathing properly when I was born and the medication they had to give me cost a lot of money. My lungs weren't fully developed yet. The doctor told my parents that without it, I would be dead in two hours and they couldn't afford it. My grandparents were with my mom when she went into labor. They paid for the medication and I lived, obviously, and growing up I had asthma. Mom and dad didn't want me to play football because of it, since I hadn't had asthma for a long time I played anyway. When I was fourteen, I was hit in the chest during a game and I had to go to the emergency room. I could barely breathe," There was a sob and some of the girls sniffed, Kurt and Blaine too.

"I was in the hospital for two days.Mom and dad still don't want me to play football but I love it and I'm not gonna stop."

There was a video of Sam in his mom's arms. The girls awed at how cute he was.

"He had them lips then, too." Santana remarked. His little eyes opened and looked up at his mom. They were dark green, unlike the way they are today. The next video was him when he was about five months old. He was sitting up on his own and had started sucking on his thumb. His mom was sitting on the floor under him. He was sitting on the couch. She started making funny noises and faces to try to get him laugh.

"I swear Dwight, he smiled for the first time the other day!" Mary exclaimed. She turned to Sam who was still sucking his thumb looking at her. "Come on baby boy, show mommy that smile!" Sam looked at her. He took his thumb out of his mouth and started clapping. He still didn't smile though.

"We have been trying to get squirt over there to smile since Monday!" Dwight said and turned the camera towards him self. There was a little giggle in the background.

"He did it! Say squirt again!" Dwight turned the camera back on Sam who was just staring at Mary again.

"C'mon Squirt!" Sam smiled and giggled again. The girls awed again. The next video was when Sam said his first word.

"Hey Sammy! Say mama." Mary said.She looked at the camera smiling. "His first word was mama. He said it a few minutes ago. C'mon Sammy, say mama." Mary was holding him so she put him on the couch. He looked up at her and held his arms up and said,

"Mama, mama, mama!" He started repeating. Mary picked him up. The next video was when he was 5 years old. He was sitting on the tail gate of his Dwight's truck.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Where's daddy?"

"He's in the house."

"Okay." He hopped off the tail gate and picked up a ball. He started throwing it up in the air and then catching it again. "Mommy?"


"Can I be a football player when I grow up?"

"You can be what ever you want, baby." He grinned and started throwing the ball up and down again. A few more pictures came up and one of them was when Sam was 10 and in football gear, posing for the camera. The other pictures were of him in football gear but it was different ages. A video started and Sam was standing under a tree. He looked to be about 13 or so.

"Are you sure you can climb up there?" Mary asked her son, with the twins in both arms.

"Yes mom. I've done it before." He started to climb the tree and looked down at his mom when he got to the top. He climbed half way down and jumped off, landing on his feet. "See?" He grinned.

"Alright, you little shit."

"Hey, I ain't little mama, I'm taller than you!" She set the twins on the ground and they ran to Sam, latching onto his legs. He picked them both up and put them down to get them off. They were about 5 years old.

"I'm gonna get you! Better run, I'ma get'cha!" He started chasing them while his mom and dad laughed. They laughed harder when he slipped and fell and the twins fell on top of him.

"Do you want anymore?" Dwight asked Mary. She looked at the camera and said,

"Hell no. I have enough kids. I said the same thing with Sam, especially after he started walking and getting into everything. He was enough for five kids, his little hyper ass. Then, here comes the twins! I am happy that he has siblings though, even though he's eight years older than them." Everyone started laughing. It stopped when they saw the next video. Sam was lying in a hospital bed, on his side with a breathing mask on his face. His eyes were half open and he was mumbling something.

"Are you okay Sammy?" Mary asked sitting beside him. He nodded slightly. He picked the mask up a little bit and said,

"It hurts." Mary teared up and started running her hand through his hair.

"I know, baby."

"I know I don't like Trouty over there that much but this is incredibly sad." Santana said. Everyone else nodded, surprised at what Santana said. Sam took a deep breath and asked again,

"Where's Stacy and Stevie?"

"They're with grandma and grandpa."

"Oh, okay. I don't want them to come up here and see me like this."

"That's Sam for you."

The next video was when Sam was playing basketball again, the one they watched on Thanksgiving.

"Come on dad! I know you can do better than this." Dwight went to throw the ball and Sam blocked it.

"Your getting better son."Sam just grinned. Dwight got the ball and threw it back to Sam, but Sam wasn't paying attention. He was trying to get Stacy to go over to Mary.

"Stacy, go back to mom so you don't get-BAM!" The ball hit Sam right in the face. He grabbed his nose and looked at Stacy, "So you don't get hit like I just did." She ran over to Mary as fast as she could.

"I'm so sorry Sam! Are you okay?" Dwight asked dropping his water bottle and running over to Sam. Sam moved his hand and his lip and nose was bleeding. He spit the blood out and looked at his dad.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

Everyone looked at Sam like he was crazy.

"Sam, you just made out with the basketball, your not okay." Dwight pulled Sam into the house and Mary, who still had the camera, followed them. Dwight pushed Sam into a chair and got a lot of tissue. The camera zoomed in on Sam's face.

"Mom, please get the camera out of my face."

"Oops, sorry."

"I seriously hope you never show this video to any of my girlfriends."

"You have to get one first!" Stevie said and ran out of the room. Sam looked at him like 'What the hell?'

"Where did he come from? I didn't even see him come in."

"He's been in here the whole time."

"I'm going to lay down." Sweat and all, he went to his room.

"This is the last part of it." Mary assured Sam who was red in the face. The last bit were pictures starting from when he was a baby up to the most recent pictures of him. The last two pictures were of Sam when he was born and had the tubes in his nose, and the other one was of him on Christmas. The first one said before and the other said After.

Mr. Schue turned the lights back on while everyone was laughing.

"It's hard to believe that Sam was born so little and is now...that!" Rachel said. Sam just shrugged. He watched as all of the girls, even Santana wiped their eyes.

"Okay so, you got hit in the face with a freaking basket ball, and had a bloody nose and had blood in your mouth, and all you did was spit and say you were okay? Dude,what is wrong with you? I'd be crying like a baby!" Finn said. Sam snorted, which made him laugh harder.

"And you said you wouldn't have anymore kids. Psh, you havin' another one next month." Sam said to his mom.

"I just hope Sandy's not as hyper as you." Sam just smiled. There was a weird sound and he burst out laughing. Brenda smelled something that stank and her face scrunched up.

"Oh you asshole! You nasty butt!" She exclaimed and held her nose. Sam just stood there bent over laughing. You couldn't even hear him he was laughing so hard.


After school and the whole Glee club is at Brenda's house for the party.

Sam's POV

Apparently, Brenda has been planning a "Inside pool party" for a few weeks now. Everyone was at the house and in their swim suits. Brenda had already made the cake, somehow without me knowing about it and Donna ordered pizza. Everyone ate, except for Melody who is allergic to pizza. All she wanted was a burger and cake. After we ate we got in the pool. I was the last one in and I splashed everyone. I ran and did a canon ball in the deep in. Mike and Tina didn't come since Tina wasn't feeling to good. They felt bad about not coming but said they had a present that they'd give me. I swam over to Brenda who was in a purple one piece. I wrapped my arms around her waist and started swaying.

"Thanks for doing this baby." I said in her ear. She turned to look at me.

"You're welcome! I'd do anything for you Sammy."

"Oh, you would, would you? Would you make me food everyday after school?" I joked. She looked at me.

"Not everyday but I will every once in a while." I grinned.

"The cake was great by the way." She smiled and kissed me.

"Ew, get a room!" Stevie yelled. We broke a part laughing.


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The next day, we didn't have school. But we did get some exciting news.

"Hey dude!" I said after answering my phone. It was Mike.

"Hey man! What are you guys doing?"

"Well, everyone in Glee is over at the house, why?"


"Well what?"

"You're not the only one who had a birthday yesterday!" I was confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I could tell he rolled his eyes, even though I couldn't see him.

"Tina had the baby late last night, at 11:23 PM."

"Dude, are you serious?" I asked, yelling slightly. Everyone looked at me weird. I waved them off.

"Yeah, ha ha, I'm serious dude."


"It's a girl."


"Her name is Jenna Michelle Chang. She is five pounds, 6 ounces, 17 inches long." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, I'll tell everyone and then we will be on our way up there to see y'all."

"Okay, be careful."

"We will, bye dude."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and did a little dance around the room. I heard Puck whisper to Brenda,

"Is he high or something?" I flipped him off and sat down.

"Who was on the phone?" Finn asked.

"Mike. I'm not the only one who had a birthday yesterday!" Everyone's eyes widened.

"Tina had the baby?" Brenda asked shocked.

"Yep, Jenna Michelle Chang was born 11:23 PM yesterday night and she is five pounds 6 ounces,17 inches long."

"It's a girl?" I nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go!"


At the hospital

Brenda's POV

Since only two people could go back at a time, Sam and I went last. I knocked gently on the door before I opened the door. Tina was sitting up in the bed, holding a little pink bundle and Mike was sitting in the chair beside her. Sam and I looked at the baby and she looked just like Tina.

"She is so cute!"

"Yeah, she is. Thanks. Do you want to hold her?" I nodded. She handed me the baby and I sat beside Sam on the love seat. He looked over my shoulder at her and put his finger in her open hand. She gripped his hand and he laughed.

"She has a strong grip."

"Ha ha yeah, just like her mom." Mike said. I looked at Sam.

"Do you want to hold her?" He shook his head.

"Why. Don't tell me you're scared that you'll drop her?" He blushed and nodded.

"You held Stacy and Stevie."

"I know but that's when I was younger and I wasn't this big." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh well, you're not gonna drop her. Here." I handed her to him and he stiffened up. After a few seconds he relaxed. I smiled as he started cooing at her. I started imagining him holding a little blond baby that looked just like him, with green eyes.

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