What Is Love | I.NY X J.JK

By TheOnceNation

10.1K 389 42

[UNDER EDITING] Jeon Jungkook and Im Nayeon are best friends. Neither of the two can explain what love is, un... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

1.6K 36 4
By TheOnceNation

What is love? Isn't it supposed to be some sort of unconditional affection you give or get from someone? Is it lust? Compassion? Intimacy? Worship? Isn't it obligatory?

It's stupid right? Being a junior in high school, having to worry about things way more important than something as trivial as crushes. Sure. It is stupid. That doesn't stop Im Nayeon from thinking about it all the time, though. Being a child of obligatory love does things like that. She may not know much about romantic love, but she knows platonic love between friends.

Throughout her life she's had nine friends, who still remain as constants in her ever so loveless life. These friends consist of:








And Chou Tzuyu; a Taiwanese girl they met during dance. The girl was about two years younger than Jungyeon, Momo, and Nayeon, but she was smart enough to skip a grade, hence being just a year below them in high school.

As dear as Nayeon holds them to her heart, they aren't her only friends.
She has another very.. say, special, friend. Her best friend, even.

His name is Jungkook. So sorry about this but, we'll be going back to the pretty depressing stuff again. But not as depressing because he helped me through it.

How did we become friends? And how did he help me you ask?


So, when we were 6 and started Kindergarten together, (since we were the same age) he always seemed to notice how I would sit by myself. I never really did anything at recess or lunch during kindergarten. I just sat there alone.

But one breezy Fall day, when I was just fiddling with my fingers, a boy with brown hair walked over to me and asked if I wanted to play tag with him and his friends. I said no. But it so happens to be that our parents are friends. So when the brown-haired boy and I got picked up from school by our dads, I came home, and found the brown-haired boys mom in the living room laughing with my mom. Of course our parents got along fine, but I would always just go upstairs and play with my dolls.

This little routine went on for a while: before I go to school my parents would yell at each other, I'd sit in the corner of the classroom, talk to no one, pick at my food for lunch, sit on a bench at recess by myself, then the brown haired boy would ask if I wanted to play tag with him and his friends, I would say no, my dad picks me up, brings me home, the brown-haired boy and his parents would be there, I eat something, go upstairs, play with my dolls, they leave, my parents start to fight, and I'd go to sleep. That was my daily routine.

But once my parents and I went over there, so I would end up staying downstairs doing nothing. But the second time that that happened, (A/N I hate using the word 'that' twice in a row lmao) I just sat in the kitchen away from all those boring adult conversations.

When I was just sitting there fiddling with my fingers (again), I heard the door open. It was the brown-haired boy. He went to the fridge and grabbed 2 juice boxes. He walked over to me, and held out a juice box for me to take, but I just pushed it away. He walked back to the fridge and put the juice I was supposed to drink in there.

I expected him to leave, but he just sat down next to me instead. "Hi, I'm Jeon Jungkook! What's your name?" He asked. "My name's Im Nayeon." I mumbled. "Nice to meet you Im Nayeon! I'm sure we'll be great friends!" He chirped happily. I didn't respond. His smiling face then turned into a sad and confused look. " We will be good friends right?" He asked. I didn't want to be rude, so I just gave him a friendly bunny smile, and said, "I'm sure we will be." He smiled back. It felt nice to finally smile with someone.

After that I smiled a lot and became better friends with him.

Sometimes my parents had REALLY big fights. It frightened me. But I would always think of Jungkook, and I would stay calm and happy. A month after my parents would have those big fights, I noticed that whenever my parents and I went over there, it was only Jungkook and his mom. I wonder what happened to his dad...

Around February, instead of my dad picking me up, it was my mom. I didn't really think it mattered which parent picks me up. When I came home, no one was there. it was just my mom and I. "Where's dad?" I asked. "That's what we're gonna talk about." she said.

The next day, I came to school sad and tired. I had been crying all night. I just found out that my parents got divorced. Jungkook noticed me frowning since I came to school. At lunch I didn't pick at my food like I usually would. At recess, I didn't play tag with Jungkook and the others. After a round of tag, Jungkook walked over to me. "What's wrong" He asked? "My parents split up yesterday. Divorced I think was the word." I replied. "Oh, my parents did that too around December." He said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, but I know you and I will stick together and help each other out right?" He asked. "Right." I answered, smiling. I was happy I would have a friend that would stick with me.

End of Flashback

From then on we did pretty much everything together, and told each other... most things. Girls, you know what I'm talking about. We are now both Sophomores in High School, and we've been best friends since kindergarten. So, you can imagine how much we went through together.

I'm always considered the nerd. Twice are called nerds too. Jungkook was always, average. Everyone says that. His group BTS, also looks... average. And again it's just others that say that.

Since we hang out a lot, people tend to think that Jungkook and I are dating. I know, weird right. It's kind of funny to see all the reactions when I tell them that he and I aren't dating. I wonder what reactions they would have if we were ever a couple...


That concludes the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to comment down below who to ship the rest of Twice with and who to ship the rest of BTS with! That's all! ~Peace

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