Harry Slytherin 5

By littlejadelady

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another grueling and danger filled year at Hogwarts. What dangers could await the young mister potter and his... More

Chapter One: A Wedding
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: New School Year
Chapter 5: Extra Study
Chapter 6: New Rules
Chapter 7: New plan
Chapter 8: Secret Meeting
Chapter 9: Secret Room
Chapter 10: A Happy Thought

Chapter 4: What Lies in a Name

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By littlejadelady

a week later Harry is sitting in the common room with books all around him. Draco walks through the room and sees the stack of books. "harry? what's all this?"

"oh... i'm just cramming for the owls this year." he says scratching his head. "i'm way behind due to being almost killed every year i've been here."

"i believe that." Draco sighs. "it seems like every year you get less and less time to have fun." he frowns at the steps leading to the dorms. "well i was going to ask you if you wanted to join us for a walk around the grounds but it's ok if your busy."

"thanks for the invite malfoy but i'm going to have to pass i'm still studying things i should have learned last year." he motions towards some text books on his left. "luckily lupin left me some great material to review."

Draco nods. "alright harry, well i'll leave you to it then." he turns back to the steps as jade appears coming down them. "there you are." he exclaims with a smirk.

"yes i am here." she smiles lightly. "i wouldn't miss the walk for anything you know that."

"yes i do know that." Draco chuckles. "we can take r time with it as well."

jade nods and follows Draco out the door. the two almost make it to the front door when Umbridge enters the doorway and spots them.

"well now this is a surprise." Umbridge says with a light but evil chuckle. "i was just looking for you deary."

jade looks behind her and then at draco and then points to herself. "me ma'am?"

"yes of course you dear." she says strutting over to Jade. "my dear i must speak with you on a matter of the utmost importance."

"importance?" jade questions. "why?"

"i would prefer to speak of this privately." she says glancing at Draco.

Jade frowns and looks at Draco. "i'll tell him anyways so you may as well tell me in front of him."

"well if you insist." umbridge shrugs and then places her wand in her hands long ways as she talks. "would it be correct to assume that you are Jade Lestrange?"

Jade's eyes get very wide at this. "i... how?!"

"we are the ministry dear we hear things." Umbridge replies. "your school records however were forged under a different name. need i remind you that it is a crime to falsify official documents."

"i didn't falsify anything!?" Jade protests.

"regardless the paperwork is not in order." Umbridge says handing Jade a piece of parchment. "you will receive detention with me for this night and we shall get it all sorted out." once she hands over the paper she walks away. "my office 8pm. don't be a moment late."

Jade stares at the parchment white as a ghost. 'm-my paperwork..."

"what's the parchment for?" Draco questions.

"i-its a demand for me to fill out my papers properly. it's signed by the minister of magic and has his seal on it." she replies dazed. "it says if i do not fill out my registration forms they'll expel me!?"

"well it could be worse right?" Draco shrugs. "at least they warned you and are giving you a chance to fix it instead of expelling you right now."

"that's true." Jade nods. "maybe i'll be alright after all." the two then continue on their walk around the school and when it comes time for dinner they head inside. at 8pm sharp Jade knocks on the door to Umbridge's office. "ma'am... i-i'm here for detention."

"come in child." Umbridge replies letting the door open on it's own to allow her entrance to the room.

"i hope this won't take very long." jade mumbles. "i promised to help harry study tonight."

"don't worry dear this wont take long." she hands a thick quill and a stack of papers to Jade. "they are mostly already done i just need you to sign each piece with your proper name and we'll be all finished."

"oh... ok." Jade smiles a little at the small stack of papers. "this shouldn't take very long." she looks around puzzled. "what about the ink?"

"oh it doesn' need any ink." Umbridge replies.

Jade shrugs and writes her name on a piece of paper and then moves onto the next piece. after about 4 pieces she feels a sharp stinging pain on the back of her hand. "hu?" she notices the marks on her hand getting thicker each time she signs the paper and the each stroke of the quill the pain worsens. she stops writing ll together as tears begin to form in her eyes. "what is this!?"

"this is what happens when you tell lies." Umbridge says firmly. "finish your papers or you will be expelled."

fighting through the pain the best she can she signs the papers until she has finished. blood now oozes from the wound which spells her name. jade Lestrange permanently engraved on her skin.

"very well done miss lestrange." Umbridge checks over the papers and smiles. "your free to go."

Jade rushes from the room holding her injured hand.

'very good now she won't be able to lie about her name anymore." she says very pleased with herself. "eventually other children will make the connection about her past and she will become an outcast. then we will see the true nature of child Lestrange."

Jade hurries back to the common room with tears rolling down her cheeks. she wanted to go to the hospital wing first but if they saw her name then they would know where she came from everyone at school knew her by her fake name, the name she had when she first got to school, firegem. what would they think of her if they found out her parents were both deatheaters?

Draco and Harry are sitting up in the common room waiting for jade to get back from detention. when she burst through the door crying Draco notices and leaps from his seat to help her. "slow down!? what's wrong!? what happened?"

she shows them her hand but is crying to hard to speak.

Harry is furious when he sees this. "how dare tha... is she even allowed to do this?"

Draco on the other hand is boiling over so much that he can't contain his anger and it explodes out of him violently as he marches to the door.

"wait!" Harry yells grabbing draco by the arm. "it isn't right but we can't just go giving her a piece of our minds!? she's a professor! we need to go over her head and tell Dumbledore."

Draco nods and starts to the door again only to be stopped once more by harry. "it's after hours and flint is patrolling the halls. if he catches us regardless of our reason he will tell umbridge and we'll get detention."

Draco pauses and growls at the door. "she can't get away with what she's done." he finally growls.

harry agrees. "but it isn't worth us getting in trouble. we'll tell Dumbledore in the morning."

draco glances around then he turns to jade and pulls out his wand. "let me see that cut. i know a spell that we can use to fix you up till tomorrow."

she holds her hand up and Draco uses a spell to bandage it. "there that'll keep it hidden until morning." he frowns a bit and looks her in the eyes. "i'm so sorry i should have went with you."

"it was my detention Draco." she mumbles. "thank goodness for friends like you guys." she glances at harry. "i'm sorry but after all this i'm very tired."

"it's ok Draco was helping me study i was almost ready to call it a night anyway you go ahead and go to sleep."

Jade nods to harry. "then goodnight harry." she turns to draco kisses his cheek and then heads upstairs.

Draco smirks a little bit.

Harry smirks too. "you just can't get used to it can you?"

"nope." Draco nods. "it's weird having somebody actually care about me."

"i'm sure she feels the same way." Harry nods.

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