Home Again

By SirJamesySenkouCXV

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After joining the noah, Allen struggles with accepting them as his family and fighting off his own noah. Mean... More

Chapter 2: Traipsing Down a Bloody Path
Chapter 3: Betrayal Breeds Betrayal
Chapter 4: Neah "Greets" The Family
Chapter 5: Saved By The Devil
Chapter 6: To The Depths of Hell, Shall We Go?
Chapter 7: A Violent Awakening
Chapter 8: Level 5
Chapter 9: Misery Consuming
Chapter 10: Arriving At A Cold Place
Chapter 11: His Guardian Angel; His Noah
Chapter 12: Hermann Muller
Chapter 13: Murderous Jealousy
Chapter 14: A Noah? Jealous?
Chapter 15: Where Is Home?
Chapter 16: Truly Home

Chapter 1: Not From The Same Cloth

1.3K 42 0
By SirJamesySenkouCXV

Tyki's POV

"Ahh, the smell of low class humans", Tyki sighed joyfully as they stepped out of the ark and began walking toward a coffee shop. He smiled and looked down at the boy, who only furrowed his brows irritably and "tch"ed, in response to the taller man's comment.

"What? You don't agree?" Tyki frowned and lit a cigarette. "Huh, I thought for sure we were cut from the same cloth, boy."

"Not even close", Allen spat, irritably.

"Aw... What's got you in such a fowl mood? I would've thought you'd be happy to finally step out of the ark and mingle with your own kind." Without letting the ex-exorcist respond, he shrugged and ended his passive-aggressive taunt with a sarcastic, "Huh. Guess I was wrong."

The boy looked at the ocean, hiding his face from the noah. "Yeah, you are", he muttered.

The noah looked down at the white head of hair as his heart sunk into his stomach. What's wrong, he wondered to himself. It can't be that he's upset that he turned on his friends - he seemed fine earlier. Maybe something happened...?

The noah felt someone bump into him but he stood his ground, turning his attention to the man in from of him who was falling on his backside. "You idiot", the man growled, standing and rubbing his bottom. "Watch where you're going! I could've gotten seriously hurt!"

The corner of Tyki's mouth twitched and he grabbed the man by his collar. "You know", he smiled. "It's polite to apologize once you've bumped into someone, rather than accusing the other." He dropped his smile and looked at the man with an innocent expression, knowing full well that the man knew he had anything but innocent intentions.

He fazed his arm through the man's chest and wrapped his hand around his heart, still holding the cigarette in said hand. "You weren't looking where you were going either, right? And doesn't that make you equally sinful, old man?"

"What are you doing", the man screeched, struggling like a wild animal to get out of Tyki's grasp.

"Oh? Now, what does it look like? I'm taking your life as an apology."

Just as he allowed the cigarette to drop onto the man's heart and he began screaming in agony, Allen pushed him away from the noah, screaming, "Tyki!" He got down to the ground and propped the old man up on his lap, watching him writhe in pain with worry filling his eyes.

After the shock wore off, Tyki lowered his blood-tipped and gloved hand to his side and glared at the boy. Who does he think he is? If only I didn't care about this idiot, then I could just...

As the boy attempted to soothe the old fart, the taller man clenched his hands into fists, attempting to keep his noah from overtaking him. Attempting to keep the anger from overtaking him. No... I don't want to hurt him...

Allen's POV

The old man pushed Allen away roughly, sending him to the ground. He stood up and scurried away, keeping his face toward the noah until he was at a far enough distance, then turning and running frantically.

"Why did you stop me", Tyki growled. When Allen looked up, he was genuinely surprised to see that a shadow covered the taller man's eyes. He was angry and Allen could see that just by the man's body language, even without seeing his eyes.

Normally it takes a lot to make him angry, yet he's angry over this? I should be the angry one! And angry he was, as he stood from the ground and closed the distance between them, causing the noah to lift his glare to his shorter friend. "Why did you try to kill him?! Because he bumped into you?! Because he yelled at you?!"

"Because he tried to walk all over me. So, why did you let him walk all over you? It made you look weak. It made me look weak."

Allen lifted his hand and reached to slap the noah across the face but froze in his stance once he read the threat in the man's glare and remembered the last time he'd actually gone through with slapping him.

The noah had broken his hand, twisting his wrist until it became unusable. Would he do the same now, despite us being on the same side? I don't want to find out... it isn't worth it... The pain... would he take my innocence like he did before...?

He "tch"ed once more and turned on his heel, ignoring the noah's footsteps which followed behind him and the humans who stood and stared at the arguing couple. We are not the same.

Tyki's POV

The aggravated two sat across from each other at a table outside of a coffee shop, drinking coffee while glaring at the waters across the busy path beside them. For quite awhile, they took turns sending glares across the table and looking back before the other could make eye contact.

Tyki would glare at Allen quickly, then looking back at the water. He'd then feel the boy's glare on him for a split second before it vanished and they repeated the same routine for what felt like hours.

Eventually, Tyki put his cup down and huffed out a slightly irritable sigh. I can't stay mad at the boy... This is childish. He put on his usual nonchalant grin and faced his love, putting his elbows on the table and propping his head up with his folded hands. "It really is nice out - I'm glad we came."

In response, the white-haired one only "hmph"ed and took a sip, not even bothering to look the noah in the eye.

Tyki closed his eyes and groaned, slouching slightly and allowing the corners of his lips to drop. Why is he so angry, he mentally screamed. I should be the one who's angry!

He opened his eyes and spoke in that passive-aggressive teasing tone he loved to use, when the boy was angry with him. "Come now, boy. I've already forgiven you, so shouldn't we let it go?" There isn't even the slightest chance that I'd ever apologize when I was the one who was wronged.

Of course, that seemed to really set the boy off. He slammed his cup down and glared at up at Tyki with gritted teeth for a split second before shouting, "How am I in need of forgiveness?!"

Tyki opened his mouth to defend himself but stopped the instant he caught sight of two people walking towards them in black and red coats. He snapped his mouth shut before reopening it just to mutter one word, grabbing the attention of his fuming friend: "Exorcists."

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