truth be told // lee flynn

By 15dogs

18.8K 376 73

Lucy Tong has two personalities: her fake all powerful personality and her real shy and thoughtful personalit... More

the cast
the lost dog
the power dynamic
the kissing booth
the party
the confession
the carnival
the apology
the secret
the fallout

the arcade

1.2K 23 2
By 15dogs

A/N: Hi everybody! That was right about the longest break I'll take from these stories or so we can hope right? I hope you guys like this part, it's a good one! And thank you so so much for all the reads and votes on this story and my other stories, it means so much to me! Well anyway, without further ado, the arcade!

"Hey, wait! Lucy! Wait!" Lee shouted as Lucy was walking to her car with volleyball supplies in hand. Lee ran over to Lucy and began to pick up some of the things in her hands. "Let me get that for you."

"Thanks, Lee. I was right about to drop it." Lucy said as she stood up a little, the weight being lifted off of her.

Lucy eyed Lee with a smile. She was happy that they were just friends again. Even if he did know about her feelings, it didn't seem to matter. Lucy couldn't give up the only real friendship she's ever had. She simply just couldn't. Feelings and emotions would complicate everything. So she tried to push her emotions far away, pretend they were nonexistent.

Lee, however, was imagining quite the opposite. He had admitted his feelings about Lucy to himself and he thought it was right about time to tell her. Even if it had been a few hours since he had realized he was in love with her, it was still a few hours too long. All he could do right then was think. Think about how he could win her over or at least go out with him. And, yes, he did know how Lucy felt about him but that wasn't permission to make out. Besides, Lucy was different from other girls that he'd been with. He didn't just want to make out with her, he wanted to get to know her. He wanted to be with her and be able to just tell her how he felt all the time. But right then? He couldn't make his move.

"Okay, well, thanks Lee," Lucy said as she took the things Lee was carrying and put them in the backseat of her car. "I'll see you tom-"

"Do you wanna go to the pier?" Lee asked abruptly. He had been formulating the plan in his head and realized that he might as well act on it.

Lucy was confused by Lee's ambitious ask to go to the pier. Lucy checked the time on her phone. "Lee, it's nearly 11 p.m., isn't the whole arcade closed?" She asked, placing her phone back into her pocket.

"Who says we have to go to the arcade?" Lee asked. Lucy bit her lip in thought. "Besides," Lee added. "The arcade doesn't close until 12:30."

Lucy laughed a little as Lee plastered a goofy smile on his face. Lee held out his hand while Lucy thought about what she should do. Purely in the moment, Lucy grabbed Lee's hand and he quickly dragged her to his car.

"Ambitious, aren't we?" Lucy joked as Lee hopped into the drivers seat.

Lee smiled as he began to back out. "To spend time with one of my best friends? Duh."

Lucy giggled and smiled. Yet, she was a little perturbed by the fact that he didn't want to be with her because he liked her. She scolded herself heavily for those thoughts. She wanted things to be as normal as possible between him and her but she couldn't lie to herself. She still loved him and she didn't think that anything would change anytime soon.

Once they had gotten to the pier, it was around 11:30. The pier was filled only with couples making Lucy want to be with Lee more than ever. Lee admired her, her face illuminated by the red and orange arcade lights.

"Want to go dance?" Lucy asked, a smile growing on her face. Lee broke his focus from her perfect face and looked at the arcade.

"I thought you'd never ask." Lee joked.

Lucy grabbed his hand and took him inside. The arcade was completely empty except for them. It looked like even the employees were gone.

They inserted coins into the machine and Lee chose a song. "You know I'm bad at this game right?" Lucy said as she awkwardly stepped on the arrows.

Lee smoothly did a dance while hitting each arrow on time. "Don't think of it as a game, think of it as a dance."

"That's the problem." Lucy mumbled.

"Just loosen up, you'll do just fine." Lee said sweetly. And he was right. Lucy stopped thinking of it as a game and ended up doing just as well as she did the time before when she played with Lee.

"Not too bad, Tong. Maybe one day you'll run the dance club." Lee said as they both got off the dance platform. It was nearly midnight and they wanted to take a walk around the pier.

"Yeah right. I'll just stick to volleyball for now, thanks." Lucy joked as she got off the machine.

Lee looked at her and in that moment she showed pure, raw beauty. He wanted to be with her, he just loved everything about her. So, in that moment, he threw his plan to the wind and spoke from the heart.

"Lucy, will you go to the prom with me?" Lee shot out quickly.

Lucy grinned wide, but caught herself. They were only friends, nothing more. "Of course!" Lucy said, masking her sadness with excitement. "I'd love to go to prom, even if I am just going with a friend." Lucy added. She made her way to the door but Lee was stuck in place.

"I don't want to 'just be friends' anymore." Lee called out. Lucy whipped around, her 1st grade dreams possibly coming true. "Lucy, I am so in love with you. I didn't know that I could have felt this way about anyone, but I do. When we got into that fight, I felt like I was in my own personal hell. Lucy you are all that I've ever wanted and what I didn't even know I wanted. I don't know what I would have done if I hadn't met you. You are perfect in so many ways and I just don't know what I would've done with myself if I didn't let you know how I feel."

Lucy stood in awe, her mouth gaping open. Lee's face was bright red and so was Lucy's. Lucy just couldn't believe what she had heard. She ran over to Lee and grabbed his face, pulling him into a passionate kiss. They stood there, kissing in the arcade for what felt like an eternity. Lucy pulled away for air and stared into Lee's eyes.

"I love you too." She whispered.

Lee held on to Lucy as he dipped her down into another kiss. A smile spread across their faces and Lucy cupped her hands on his face. They both pulled away for air and awkwardly smiled at each other.

"You know," Lee said, breaking the silence. "It's pretty late. Maybe you want to stay over?"

"If that's fine with you, I'd love to stay." Lucy muttered, staring at Lee with joy.

Lee took her hand and walked her to the car. "After you." Lee said as he held the door open for Lucy. She giggled and slid in and Lee shut the door for her. As they drove to Lee's house, Lee placed a free hand on Lucy's leg. Lucy bit her lip and smiled, if first grade her could see her now. When they got to Lee's house, Lee gave Lucy some of his clothes which Lucy gladly took.

The next morning, Lucy woke up before Lee. She threw on one of Lee's shirts so it would cover her completely. She went to the bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She still couldn't believe the events that had occurred the night before. She bit her lip to stop smiling. Se quickly washed her face and left the bathroom. Even though she wasn't too groggy, she still couldn't remember which room was Lee's. So she opened the door closest to her and saw something that she didn't think she was supposed to see.

"Holy shit."

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