Needing a Shield (WWE Shield)

By AmandaDerrington

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This is about 15 year old Victoria Izzy Smith. At the orphange she gets adopted by 3 guys that can change her... More

Needing a Shield (WWE Shield)
Meeting them and getting adopted.
Meeting new people
Meeting someone?
The heartbreak
Confrontations and comfort
Raw and a date.
Annoyed and a challenge?
Confrontations and match
Swimming and family time.
Pep talk and match
Relaxing and a call out
Match and more heartbrake
Day after and a heart to heart
Talks,payback,and injury.
Match set up and emotions
Travle,relaxing, and RAW
Family,workout,talking and clean up.
Relationships and date??
SmackDown and hanging out
Match and doctor.
Rest of raw and family time
Swimming,girl time, & Smackdown.
Date and late night swimming.
Confrontations and BattleGround
Match, Raw, and I love you's
Devil and SmackDown
Attack and hospital
Waking up,explaning, and family.
Raw and talks
SamckDown and date night
Raw,ringside, and being sick.
New champ and finally happy
Ten years later

Day with the love and un-expected people

1.5K 38 1
By AmandaDerrington

Authors Note: So I decided to continue this story,because I was sleeping last night and BOOM more ideas popped into my head. So yeah, here it is. Enjoy!!

                                                                                Danny P.O.V

I am so happy Victoria loves me back. She is just so amazing, I am always so nervous around even if we are together. She is so beautiful, no matter what she is in. I love that she never back down from a fight and she stands for what she believes in. She is just so amazing and I am glad I have her.

                                                                                   Victoria P.O.V

So today I was gonna spend the day with Danny, until the SmackDown tapping. I was in a teal shirt with a black tank top under. With a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a pair of teal converse high tops. I starightened my hair and then took my bangs and wraped them around my head so the ends meet and I clipped them together. I smiled. I deicded to text Danny. It was about nine in the morning.

Me: Hey handsome! You ready?? Also goodmorning! I texted him with a giant smile. I got a repsonse after only acouple of minutes.

Beast: Of course beauty! I am down in the lobby. Also good morning beautiful, I'll see you in a few minutes. Love you. He texted me. I smiled. He always text me cute things. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Joe still asleep. I walked into Jon's room and he was passed out along with Colby. Yeah, Colby and us still share rooms. I decided to write a note to them and let them know where I am going.

Hey guys, I am hanging out with Danny today. I will see you guys when we are heading out for SmackDown. Text me if something goes wrong. Love you guys. See you later!

I wrote the note and pinned it to the fridge, which they will see it. I walked to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. I got of the elevator and I saw Danny facing away from the elevator looking down, probably at his face. So I skipped over to him quietly and covered his eyes with my hands and made my voice deeper. "Guess who?" I asked, I tried sounding like a man, but my voice cracked multiple time. "Umm Eva Marie?" He asked jokingly. I scoffed and took my hands off his eyes. "No kisses." I said turning away from him. "Aww come on beauty. I was joking." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. "Hmp." I said turning my head away. I wasjust messing with him, but I want to see what he does. "Baabbyy!" He said pouting. I laughed. "You're adorable."I said pecking his lips quickly. "Yes! Victory!" He yelled doing a happy dance. I was laughing so hard from his reaction. "You are so weird,but I love you." I said pecking his lips again. "I know and I love you to baby." He said pulling him into a hug. I smiled and hugged back. "You smell good." We said at the same time. We laughed. "We are the weirdest couple ever." Danny said wrapping an arm around my waist and walking towards the exit of the hotel. "No, haha Renee and Jon are pretty weird." I said with a smile."Ha, well I guess since you're weird you gave them your weirdness to them." He said nudging me. "Psh, they gave me their weirdness. I am completely normal!" I said stomping my foot on the ground. "Okk beauty. Believe what you want. I love you anyway." He said kissing my temple. "Aww. You are the sweetest." I said smiling. We walked to an ice cream parlor. I ordered a thing of chocolate chip ice cream while Danny got cotton candy, we both got them in cones. We were walking around in a park with our ice cream. I looked down at my phone and saw it was noon already. "Dang, time flies by." I said shocked at how much time has passed. "Espacially when you are having fun." Danny said smiling down at me. I smiled at him and gave him a peck. "You are to cute." I said smiling. "Well, well, well. If it isn't Vicwhoria!" I heard a voice say. I closed my eyes tigtly since I know that voice. It was the voice of the person who used to bully me everyday. "Felica, what do you want and what are you doing here?" I asked annoyed and kinda sad. She is probably gonna ruin everything with my family and my wonderful boyfriend. "Aww can't I come say hi to an old friend and I got adopted!" She said dripping fake sweetness." I clenched my teeth. "Let's get one thing straight, you were never EVER my friend. You made my life hell everyday of my life. Plus who adopted you anyways?" I asked her looking her in the eye. "If you did things right maybe I would of been nicer and a guy named Randy Orton." She said rolling her eyes. My eyes went wide. "Baby, let's go." Danny said tugging on my hand. "Aww did little Tori find herself a boyfriend! Wow, who would ever want you. You are nothing Victoria." Felica said flicking her hair back. I couldn't take it anymore and I just jumped on her and started to hit her. "I hate you!! I hate you so much!!" I yelled while hitting her. She hit my lip, so that is probably busted. Yay! Always my lip! "Victoria, come on. She isn't worth it." Danny whispered into my ear calmly. I didn't realize I was crying until I felt my face and it was wet. "Can we just go back to the hotel?" I asked looking down. He picked my chin up. "Og course beauty. Plus you need clean your lip up." He said with a slight smile. I turned to look at Felica and she had a bruised eye and a busted lip. I smirked. "Payback is a bitch!" I yelled at her walking away holding hands with Danny. I looked down at my phone and saw it was now two thirty. Holy crap, can time just stop. We made it to the hotel and of course today I had to forget my key. "I will see you later. I have nothing going tonight so we can hang out more." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "I am sorry handsome for how I acted at the park. I ruined our day." I said looking down. "Victoria, beauty look at me." I looked up at him. "You didn't ruin anything, I am actually proud of you. You stood up to her. She had no right to say of those things about you. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You are wroth more then the world to me." He said putting his hands on my waist and laid his forehead on mine. I smiled alittle bit. "How did I get so lucky?" I asked smiling more. "I ask myslef that everyday." He said kissing me softly. I winced though, my lip really hurt. "Go clean that up. I will see you later. I love you beauty." He said kissing my forehead. "Ok handsome. I love you to. Bye." I said smiling slightly. I knocked on the door and Jon answered the door. "What the hell happened to your lip!?" He yelled. That is when Joe and Colby ran to the door. "I um kinda maybe got in a fight with my old bully cause she was saying nobody cared about me and didn't want me. And also now I have to see her everyday. She got adopted by Randy." I said shrugging. "So let's get this straight. You got into a fight with your old bully?" Colby asked. I nodded. "Who also just got adopted by Randy?" Joe asked. I nodded again. "So you beat the crap out of her?" Jon asked. I laughed. "Not really. I gave her a black eye and a busted up lip." I said with a slight smile. They laughed. "Go clean that lip up." Joe said pushing me into the bathroom. I smiled, I knew they wouldn't get mad. Aslong as I have a real solid reason they won't get mad. I cleaned up my lip and prepared for Smackdown tonight.

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