Game On | Lance x Reader(Harr...

By Calybear7

71.2K 2.5K 2.1K

You attend your first year at the new and improved Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. New teachers... More

Play Dirty | Prologue
I Am Not | Chpt 1
Blue | Chpt 2
Try Outs | Chpt 3
Kalteneker | Chpt 4
Enemy | Chpt 5
Are You Okay? | Chpt 6
Love Potion | Chpt 7
Family | Chpt 8
Tech Time | Chpt 9
Fair Enough | Chpt 10
Conquer, Not Admire | Chpt 12
Alone | Chpt 13
Mondays | Chpt 14
Bonding | Chpt 15
A-DAMN | Chpt 16
Date | Chpt 17
Stick It Out | Chpt 18
Headmaster | Chpt 19
Let Go | Chpt 20
Return | Chpt 21
Axca | Chpt 22
Annoying | Chpt 23
Milkshakes | Chpt 24
The Yule Ball | Chpt 25
Home Wrecker | Chpt 26
Pick-Up Lines | Chpt 27
Happy | Chpt 28
5 Bucks | Chpt 29
Fantastic Beasts | Chpt 30
Complicated | Chpt 31
Hug | Chpt 32
Charlie | Chpt 33
The Very Best Something | Chpt 34
Laugh | Chpt 35
McClains | Chpt 36
Goblet of Fire | Chpt 37
Meant to Say | Chpt 38
Stupid, Perfect Girlfriend | Chpt 39
Help Me | Chpt 40
Keith | Chpt 41
Secret | Chpt 42
Trial 1 | Chpt 43
Trial 2 | Chpt 44
Trial 3 | Chpt 45
Cry | Chpt 46
Blind | Chpt 47
Guilt | Chpt 48
Desserts | Chpt 49
Talk | Chpt 50
Lucid Dreams | Chpt 51
Visit | Chpt 52
Direct Kiss | Chpt 53
You're Really Cute | Chpt 54
Merry Christmas | Chpt 55
Welcome Back | Chpt 56
Krolia | Chpt 57
In My Head | Chpt 58
Worried | Chpt 59
Caught | Chpt 60
Mystery Culprit | Chpt 61
Bad News? | Chpt 62
Ice | Chpt 63
Rainbow | Chpt 64
Dad Knows | Chpt 65
Sweet | Chpt 66
When Did You Love Me? | Chpt 67
Mrs. (l/n) | Chpt 68
Basically a McClain | Chpt 69
Abuela | Chpt 70
Awards | Chpt 71
Cuba | Chpt 72
Brody Stevens | Chpt 73
Comfortable | Chpt 74
Buenos Días | Chpt 75
Perfect Fit | Chpt 76
Great Boyfriend | Chpt 77
The Blue | Chpt 78
Going Home | Chpt 79
My Fault | Chpt 80
Summer | Chpt 81
How It Ends | Epilogue

Bludger | Chpt 11

1.1K 41 13
By Calybear7



(Y/n)'s POV

I sighed and pulled my hair back. It had been 2 long weeks of agonizing class with Lance, agonizing practice with Lance, just everything with Lance.

And now I had to play him in a game of Quidditch.

I wiped at my under eyes, as if that would get rid of my tiredness. I couldn't be lazy during the game. I pulled my broom out from underneath my bed, running through my checklist.

Once I was done with everything I headed down the stairs, gripping my broom in hand. I walked down the hall, random people from my house and even other houses wished me good luck. I passed by Lotor who scoffed at me, probably at how small I looked compared to him, but I just ignored it. When I reached the door to the field another hand went to grab the handle.

"Keith!" I said, smiling.

"Hey," he replied, following me out the door.

"Ready to watch me play?" I asked.

"Not really, I swear to god you better be safe and whoop Lance's ass," he said to which I laughed.

"I'll try," I said. We walked along until the stadium. Keith parted to find a seat, with Shiro most likely, and I walked onto the field, jogging over to my team who was warming up. I joined them in the weird exercise until the game was about to start.

"Alright team, we've got this, go on and wish the other team good luck and get up in the air!" She said. I glanced over and Slytherin was ready to begin the game and we walked over, briefly wishing the other team good luck. I locked eyes with Lance who looked distracted. We got up in the air and the game began. I watched as the snitch darted out of sight and I flew in its general direction, ducking out of the way of a bludger. I spotted the snitch near the edge of the stadium, diving lower than the rest of the players to reach it. I glanced around but I couldn't see Lance anywhere. Wasn't he supposed to be here?

I flew at the snitch, unable to reach it just yet, flitting in between the players along with the small golden ball. Where the hell was Lance? I flew after it until it made a sharp 90 degree turn and I halted, face to face with Lance. I paused before going after the snitch again and Lance seemed to register he had to go after me too. We were now flying side by side and Lance had made no moves to knock me away. I pushed him, but he made now response. We were just both equally close to winning.  We followed the snitch into the middle and in my distraction with Lance I felt something slam into my leg. I swerved and slowed and I could already feel the welt in my leg from where a bludger must've hit me.

Regulation had made the bludgers less concussion worthy, but they still hurt like a bitch. My stomach curled and I just kept my leg still, going after Lance again, now realizing that he could grab the snitch at any time. So why wasn't he? He reached out, his fingertips skimming it and I shoved him out of the way, ignoring my leg. I wasn't about to lose this game. I pushed forward, expecting a shove back, but Lance just trailed behind as my hands wrapped around the cold sphere, feeling it struggle in my hand.

"RAVENCLAW!" I paused and lowered to the ground. My stomach was burning and my leg was aching, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. My team congratulated me with a pat on the back and I was lucky I didn't lose my balance. I hobbled into the lockers to retrieve my bag so I could shower in my dorm.

"Hey (y/n), you're coming to the opening season party, right?" My teammate asked.

"Uh, maybe, keep a lookout for me," I said, grabbing my bag. I should probably text Keith to come help me. I can't walk all the way back. I limped out of the locker room with my broom in hand. I glanced up and Lance was leaned up against the wall with his head down.

"Good game," he muttered and I paused.

"We both know you could've won, so what the deal?" I asked.


"What's up with you? Why did you let us win?"

"I didn't."


"I didn't! Look, the only reason I'm still here is because I saw you got hit with a bludger so I suggest you let me help you back to your dorm or I could just let you hobble back like an idiot," he said.

"How are you going to help me?" I asked, gesturing to the belongings in my hands.

"(Y/n)?" I turned to look at Allura who must've come to get me. "Sorry was I interrupting something?"


"Actually, this is perfect, do you mind carrying our stuff so I can help (y/n), she got hit by a bludger," Lance interrupted.

"Sure!" She said, taking both our brooms and my back which she slung over her back.

"Wh--" Lance cut me off as he bent over, placing my right arm around his neck. He pulled me up off the ground, his arms behind my back and my legs so that he was carrying me like a mermaid. "Oh my God, I can limp."

"I've been hit with a bludger before, no you can't," he said and I sighed, dropping my head back to show my annoyance. My head came back up and Lance carried me down the field with ease to the exit. Why the hell was he being so nice and carrying me? But he was also acting like a dick.

As we exited the stadium, I put my head against his shoulder, tired of holding it up myself and I could feel him shift slightly. As we began to reach school I felt my stomach flip at the thought of people seeing us like this.

"Lance, you can let me down, I'm feeling better," I lied. He raised an eyebrow and Allura turned to look at us.

"Your embarrassed to have me carry you aren't you?" He asked.

"No!" He raised an eyebrow.

"So you won't have a problem if I do?" He asked, stopping at the door. Allura opened it for us and I gripped the neck of his uniform.

"Not at all."

"Alright," he said, entering the hall where many students were going around after the game. "I'd suggest you just ice it for a little bit, then you'll be good. Bludgers have really gotten less horrible."

"Mmhmm thanks," I said, noticing that Shiro and Adam were down the hall. Shit. I scrunched my toes in my shoes as Lance carried me down the hall towards where they were stood. Shiro glanced up and looked at us in confusion.

"Hey (y/n)," he said, Adam glancing up as well. "Nice game."

"Hah, yeah besides a bludger hitting my leg!" I said, making it obvious that Lance was carrying me for that reason.

"You must be Lance," Adam said. Goddamn he must feel so smug right now.

"Uh yeah, how did y--"

"Hey, why don't we get back soon, I don't want to make you late for the party right?" I asked. Lance looked at me then frowned.

"Yeah, let's go." We walked a few steps, Allura now walking a ways behind with some girl.

"You're lucky I'm a gentleman or if make you walk the rest of the way," he muttered.


"I get that you don't want me around your friends, but could you at least be less blatantly obvious? It's embarrassing for both of us and it makes me feel like an idiot," he said, his lips pressed in a thin line.


"Sorry," I mumbled and we came up on the Ravenclaw dorm. Lance set me down, Allura approaching and handing him his broom back. Lance left without saying anything and Allura offered her shoulder for help up the stairs. I took a shower, examining the welt after, it hurt a lot less as I hadn't stood on it. I guess Lance was right. I checked my phone and saw a message from Keith.

Nice job whooping Lance's ass for me! I'm sorry I didn't catch you after the game, but Pidge said you might be at some party. I'll try and see if I can find you later.

I smiled and told him I'd be at the party in an hour and he could meet me there. I sat down in my bed after getting dressed. I needed ice. As if on cue, Allura came in with an ice pack and some food for her mice. She smiled and tossed it to me as she tended to her animals. I placed it on my leg and I instantly felt better.

Lance wasn't too dumb after all.


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