The 9th Servamp (RE-EDITING)

By notyourangelthough

5.1K 110 17

Thought that there were only 8 Servamps? Well think again, there's 9! WHAT?! Yep. Kaida Kelly is your ordi... More

OC Information
Chapter 1: Crystal
Chapter 2: Later
Chapter 3: Team
Chapter 4: Lawless
Chapter 5: Subclass
Chapter 7: Arrow
Chapter 8: Miku Miku?
Chapter 9: Crystal's Orgin
Chapter 10: Bad Ass
Chapter 11: Final Battle
Chapter 12: Aftermath
Sakuya x Kaida OS
Belkia x Kaida OS
Kuro x Kaida OS
Misono X Kaida OS
Lily X Kaida OS
Mahiru X Kaida OS
Lawless X Kaida OS

Chapter 6: Not YOU Again!!!

245 6 0
By notyourangelthough


Episode 6 of Servamp.

Enjoy the chapter!

I tried with this chapter 🙃

Third person POV

We were all sitting in a circle by the window. "Make way for Pride's perfect landing!"

"Hugh, where did you fly off to?" asked Tetsu. Hugh turned into a vampire and sat on Tetsu's lap. "Just like Crystal, one of my subclasses have new information, it might be of some interest," he said.

Next thing Kaida knows, she's with Mahiru, Kuro and Crystal trying to find someone as Mahiru talked on the phone. Kuro and Crystal were in animal form.

"A suspicious person?"

"Yeah, I just saw him beat up a subclass like it was nothing and then he flew away."

"He flew?"

"Yeah, he was wearing stylish boots, dark clothes and wings on his back. You can't miss him."

Kaida looked around for the said person and spotted them.

"Uh... what?"

"That's the guy?" said Mahiru.

"This kid kind of reeks of danger. We shouldn't get involved," said Kuro.

"Yeah but what if he knows something that could lead us to Tsubaki?"

"That would be really helpful," Kaida said. Kaida looked to see an animal in the cage. "A hedgehog?" asked Mahiru. "Wait..." trailed Kaida.

My dear Juliet!!!

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Crystal. "I believe so. I don't want to do this any more," said Kaida. "What? Why not? Do you know the hedgehog?" asked Mahiru. "Kinda, he's a big creep."

"What about you Kuro?" asked Mahiru. "I know him," he said. "Is it another Servamp, is he asking us to save him? Why is he in a cage? Let's find out!" said Mahiru. "Fine," said Crystal and I. "This is a bad idea," said Kuro.

"You have to learn to put more faith in our allies and trusting their subclasses too. Wait. Where are your subclasses?" asked Mahiru. "I don't have any, they're too much trouble." Kuro turned into a vampire. "In order to make a subclass, you have to give your blood to a human on the brink of death but how do you know they want to live? Maybe they want to die. They whole process makes my head hurt, that's all."

Kaida felt Crystal flinch at that and it made Kaida and Kuro look at her. "You okay?" She turned into a vampire. "I'm fine," she said and looked away.


"You sure you're gonna be alright doing this? Tailing someone alone is dangerous," Mahiru stepped up. "I'm not alone. I have you, Crystal, and Kaida here with me. That makes 4 of us. I may not be much help to you yet but I want us to become a real team. Something like how Kaida and Crystal is, they're honest with each other so we should be too. I want to get to know you more but I'll wait till you're comfortable," said Mahiru.

I saw Crystal look away again.

'What the heck is wrong with her?'

"I can't face this right now. You sure we've got to follow him?" asked Kuro. "It seems like the most simple way so yes!" said Mahiru. He ran off and so did we. He turned the corner.

"Tell me what you are, a demon or a angel?" asked the boy. "Crap he noticed us!" said Mahiru. "Way to go," said Kuro and Crystal. The boy boots glowed and he brought out a piano and began to play.

"A piano? What the?"

Crystal and Kuro glowed and was brought to their knees. "My body feels heavy," said Kuro. "Make it stop!" said Crystal.

"So you two are demons?" asked the boy. His piano disappeared and he kicked Kuro up.


He was going to hit Crystal but she already moved up to get her brother. The boy followed after.

Mahiru got out his broom and followed them while Kaida got out her whip and followed.



They both bit their Eves making chains appear and was ready to possibly fight. "What did you do to our partners? And why do youh have a Servamp in a cage?!" asked Mahiru.

"If you want it you can have it, I've been trying to get rid of it," said the boy. He kicked the cage making the hedgehog come out and change into the one person that Kaida and Crystal thought it was. They hid behind their friends.

'Not him again!!!!!!'

"Oh speak again bright Angel for thou art as glorious to this night being over my head as is a winged messenger of heaven. That's by Shakespeare. I'm the fifth Servamp Lawless of Greed but you can call me Lawly, Leading man, or whatever you want okay?!"

Everyone was blown away and Kaida visibly shivered.

"And this gloomy Angel with a pinching for violence is my Eve, a real miestro, 18 year old Jekllyland Licht Todoroki!"

"Why are you describing me as if we like each other?" asked Licht.

"Aw come on Angel cakes, I just figured I'd do the introductions since you're so shy and probably would get all mopy again an- ow!"

Lawless got kicked by Licht. "Why would you do that?" asked Mahiru. "I hate that guy."

"He's your partner. How could you hate him?" asked Mahiru. "Well it's just who I am... an angel," he said posing. Lawless came back.

"That's right! My little Angel babe! You're so amazing in everyway!! He's the last Angel to travel to Earth-"

"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!! SHUT UP AND DIE!!!" said Licht beating on Lawless.

"I thought we met all the weirdos."

"So he's a violent Angel, I can't face this."

"Wait, where's Crystal and Kaida?"

This caught Lawless attention. "Did you just say my dear Juliets name? Where are thou Juliet!?" asked Lawless.

"Um... Juliet?"

"I'm not your Juliet!!" said Kaida coming into view. Lawless jumped onto her. "Oh don't be silly Juliet! We're meant to be! And you have my sister! Hello!!" he said hugging Crystal much to her dismay.

"Well, at least we have more allies," said Mahiru.

"No, no, you're mistaken, I have no plans to work with you. Besides what do you need allies for? After all, when big brother makes a decision he can handle everything himself right?"

Kuro's eye twitched and he looked away. "What do you mean?" asked Crystal. "So you didn't tell our little sister huh big brother? She wouldn't like what you did," said Lawless. Crystal looked to Kuro.

"Should we kill Tsubaki or let him be? Let's take a majority vote, it'll be like last time. You really haven't changed in all these years have you big brother sloth, and that's not a compliment," Lawless and Kuro had an intense stare going on.

Crystal looked between her brothers wondering what was going on before going back to her Eve and Mahiru. "Hey where are you going? If we're going to defeat Tsubaki, we need all the power we can get," said Mahiru.

"Tsubaki? Isn't that a flowers name?"

"You really don't know? We thought you attacked us cause you thought we were with him," said Kaida. "I'll tell you why I attacked, cause that's who I am an angel," he posed. "Right an angel," said Lawless.

'That'll get old real quick.'

"We have a common enemy, help us fight," said Kaida. "You're Servamp might be targeted like the rest," said Mahiru.

"I would probably give it a thought because of my dear Juliet is on your team," Lawless blew a kiss which made Kaida shudder. "But I can already tell that we wouldn't see eye to eye on anything, right big brother?"

Lawless walked up to Kuro then around him. "Besides, you got Pride and Lust on your side, I hate that you brought my younger sister into this mess but you got her on your side too, and I guess Envy is lurking around here somewhere. That leaves Gluttony and Wrath, who were never the brightest, but even if they were stupid I bet you they didn't forget about what you did," said Lawless.

The aura coming from Kuro and Lawless was deadly. They must not like each other.

"Hey! I'm Mahiru Shirota, Kuro's Eve. Your nickname is Lawless right? So what's your real name?"

"Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo! What's in a name? Which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet parting in such sweet sorrow. There's no need to know my name. It'll just change again, eventually," said Lawless. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Mahiru.

Lawless phone rang. "Crap! It's time for work, if I'm late again the boss will kill me," he said. He closed his phone.

"See ya," said Lawless. Crystal grabbed his wrist. "Hey, we gotta hang out some time. I care for you brother," she said looking into his eyes. Lawless blushed a bit and nodded.

"Till next time my dear Juliet and sister!" he said and left. Crystal went up to Kuro. "Same with you, I want to know what happened. Why do you hate each other? Tell me someday alright?" asked Crystal. Kuro looked into his sister eyes. He didn't want to admit it but his sister made him feel good.

Even though he just met her not too long ago, he loved her deeply and cared for her. He didn't want to see her hurt. He didn't want her to know about what he did. He was afraid. Afraid that she wouldn't love him no more and hate him forever.

He'll never tell her.

Kuro placed his hand on his sister head and ruffled her hair a bit. "Probably," he said. Kaida and Mahiru smiled at the sight.

-Back to the Hot Springs -


Kaida and her friends was watching tv about that Licht guy. "Hey it's that guy!" said Mahiru. "He's not very well known around here but he's super famous in Europe. I hear he's something of a young piano prodigy," said Hugh.

"There all dry," said Tetsu.

"We just met him earlier, he's Greed Eve," said Kaida. "Greed you say? That's too bad. He might not live long enough for another concert."

"What? Why do you say that?" asked Mahiru. "Because Lawless has a habit of killing his Eves once he grows bored of them. Don't worry, he's the only Servamp that finds pleasure in hurting his master. He's broken both mind and heart. It's definitely best to not get mixed up with him," said Hugh.

Crystal thought about earlier when they looked into each others eyes. It definitely seemed like he was broken or at least sad and it really made Crystal feel hurt.

Mahiru had left with Kuro to do something and this time Kaida stayed behind with her Servamp. Her Servamp was actually the one who wanted to stay back. She also asked if Kaida could leave her alone.

(This next part is kind of cringy, sorry!😭😤🙃)

Crystal was in her room sitting on her bed. Thinking about one person....


She cared deeply for him even though he was a little on the flirty or creepy side with her mistress but they were still family. She wanted to let him know that he was loved. She wanted to help him, cure his broken soul and give him hope.


Crystal laid on the bed with her face in the pillow.

Knock knock.

"Come in," she said. Someone opened the door and came in before closing it again. "Hello Crystal dear, I hope I'm not intruding," said Lily. She could tell by his smooth voice. She lifted her head out the pillow and sat up. "No Lily, you're fine, come sit down," she said.

Lily sat down next to his sister. "What's the matter sister? Is it about Lawless? I can tell you care about him."

"Yes it's about Lawless but it's not just him, it's about Kuro too. Why do they hate each other so much? Family are supposed to stick together and love each other," said Crystal. "You'll have to ask Kuro or Lawless about that one day. They'll tell you," said Lily. "Brother Hugh said Lawless was broken mind and heart. Why? How? I wanna know so I can help him, I'm his sister for crying out loud."

"I should know these things, it's hurting me to know that my brother is hurting. Lily, help me," she said. By now she had started crying and Lily had his arms wrapped around her and pulled her into his lap.

'Lawless pain is reminding me too much of what I did'

Lily did his best to comfort his crying, heartbroken sister. "Sshh, it's okay my little dragon, it's okay. You'll help Lawless out someway ssshh."

"Lily? Can I tell you something?" she asked. She pushed off his chest and looked into his eyes. Lily wiped some of her tears away. "Of course," he said. "You can't tell anyone, not even Misono. I'll tell Hugh on my own or you can," she said. Lily froze for a bit but then nodded.

Crystal told him about her past, her purpose, her powers, her monstrous side, everything. It was the truth. What she told Kaida was or was not the truth. Who knows? Only she does.

Lily was shocked to hear about Crystal's past. When she was done.....

"Lily, do you hate me now? Now that you know the truth?" she asked. Lily fell back onto the bed making his sister come down with him. "Of course I don't hate you Crystal. I love you too much to hate you. I'm glad that you told me this though, thanks. Love you sister," he said.

"I love you too brother," she said. She cuddled up with Lily and he patted her back and what not to get her to fall asleep. Once she did, he carefully got up and went out into the bath with Misono.

Meanwhile with Tsubaki~

"Complete anialation?"

"Yes, Otogiri and the others that were outside managed to escape but everyone else in the hall.."

"Tsu, Tsu, Lawless was really strong," said Belkia. "Everyone I apologize. This was a horrible miscalculation. I'm sorry my family," said Tsubaki. His subclasses left and he grabbed the mirror next to him and turned it on.

It showed Crystal in her room asleep. Tsubaki smiled creepily. "Don't worry little sis, you'll be with me real soon. Plus, I'm sure you'll have something interesting for me. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

Back at the Hot Springs~

Kaida was in the room with the others listening to Mahiru get scolded by Misono. Turns out, he went after Lawless and Licht to find out it was a trap and what not and now they have one of Tsubaki's subclass.

Kaida got to talk to the boy and found out his name was Lilac. After talking to him, she found Lily and asked him about Crystal. "Everything is perfectly fine dear, there's no need to worry," said Lily. She decided to believe Lily and let him go. She went to the room to see Crystal sleep. She soon fell asleep next to her.

Lily also got a chance to tell Hugh everything Crystal told him and just like Lily, Hugh was shocked but could understand why.

Wait a minute.

I honestly forgot my own OC past for a minute 😅

But what is Crystal past? Why does Lawless remind her of herself so much?

Stay tuned.

Hope you liked it.

I do try!


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Love you guys,


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