Blood Bound

By issavibeeeee

578K 16.6K 5K

Inmate-#14A5473 Camille Royel A.K.A "Luna" was a 21 year old Felon. Camille wasn't your typical average femal... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note.
Authors note again 🀣
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34...
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Not a chapter but Plz ReadπŸ˜₯
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60-FINALE Pt.1
Sequel Alert!

Chapter 21.

10.7K 286 130
By issavibeeeee

Later That Night (5A.M)

I shuffled around in the bed , hearing my phone ringing. I squinted my eyes looking at the time ,seeing it was five o clock in the morning. I sighed before grabbing my phone seeing it was Julio calling me. The fuck could he possibly want at five in the mornin'?

"Hello?" I answered with my eyes still closed.

"He's dead." He said with sadness Filling up his voice.

"Oh shit,are you okay?" I asked,pretending to be shocked.

"I mean..." he sighed, "ion' know how to feel. Like I hated him Lu,but at the same time I loved him...that's my pops man." His voice got shaky.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel bad,especially being that I already knew.

"I'm sorry bro." I frowned, I felt movement behind me,feeling Meecho tap. "What?" I mouthed. I was still upset at him from accusing me earlier,so I slept further away from him as possible. I tried sleepin' in the guest room but he wouldn't let me.

"Put him on speaker." He whispered.

I sighed before pressing the speaker icon on my phone.

"Lu? You there?"

I quickly regained my self and paid attention to Julio.
"Y-yea I'm here..sorry I'm just still sleep." I lied. "So,What's gonna happen now?"

"I gotta take over the cartel. I mean, I've been waitin' on this my whole life but,not under these circumstances."

I nodded,as if he could see me. "And What about his murderer?do you think you know who did it?" I eyed Meecho briefly ,who's eyes had closed again,but he was still awake.

"Of course I do...the only person who he went to meet up with,is that Meecho nigga. But, I gotta play smart. Can't make a move on him yet,cuz' I know his bitch ass waitin' on me."

Meecho chuckled,letting out a breath at the end,I nudged him tellin' him to shut up.

"Who was that?"

"My little brother,to be honest I don't even know why he's awake right now." I widened my eyes at Meecho,giving him a hint. "Aight So, just gather Tyler and all of us together and let us know the plan. But for right now,keep your head up aight? My condolences."

"Thanks Luna,that means a lot,especially from you."

"No problem ,you're dad was cool."

"He was aight." He lowly responded. "Ima' Head to the morgue in the morning,I'll holla' at you later."

"Aight, later."

"Lata' "

I ended the call ,sighing while putting my phone down. Once Julio tells me this plan,I'll figure out a way to take him out. I knew shit was gonna' get messy,but I ain't expect it to get messy this soon. Even though Meecho technically wasn't the one who killed Julius,I couldn't tell Julio that because I'm not supposed to know about it. I also don't wanna seem like a traitor,but my loyalty runs deeply with Meecho,and from the talk Mel and I had earlier, them Jamaican niggas weren't to be trusted anyway.

I laid back down,looking up at the ceiling.

"This shit gon' be extra fun." Meecho said,between chuckles. I tried to be serious when I looked at him,but I couldn't. His crazy side was showing just a lil'.

I knew he was my soulmate.

That Afternoon..

My eyes squinted as the sun beamed in my face. I looked at the clock and seen it was twelve thirty in the afternoon. I didn't even realize I slept for that long. I grabbed my phone seeing I had notifications from the group chat with me Tyler and Mel, and some text from Riley,Cj and Meecho.


Ty💉:Aye,Julius is gone..Julio's taking over their cartel.

Mel💪🏽: good ,I ain't like that Julius nigga anyway.

Ty💉: Me neither.

Me: he called me at like 5 am when he found out. Keep an eye out for him he might go in a rampage.

Riley💖:Hey bitch, lets go out tonight.

Me: I'm down,where we going?

Riley💖:club Lust. It's a strip club,I know your bisexual ass love strippers🤣.

Me.At least you know.

Little Rascal🤦🏽‍♀️: I'm bout to come over to Meecho's I gotta talk to you about sum'.

Me:is everything okay?

Little Rascal🤦🏽‍♀️: yes and no🤦🏾‍♂️

Me: okay,pull up.

Little Rascal🤦🏽‍♀️: I'll be there after this meeting with Meech.


My Man💙: Goodmorning sexy💙,I got you some ihop takeout,it's on top of the table. I had to meet up with my workers and Alfonzo and his Crew at the new location.

Me: thanks baby,even though I'm still mad at you🙄 & okay,be careful.

My man💙: see I would've gave you this dick to fix that attitude,but ima wait until you're ready.

Me: LMAOOOOO🤣, bye Messiah.

I giggled, putting my phone down on the nightstand before heading to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I would be lying if I said sex didn't come across my mind sometimes. Like when Meecho gets out the shower it's like the perfect sight. Or even when he's just sitting there,I'll lowkey admire him,and think about being on top of him and shit. Even though I lost my virginity by force,I was still a virgin in my mind and I wanted to lose it in a good way. I would watch movies and see them have sex in the shower,and for some reason that's the way I wanted to have sex. And Meecho has two showers in his condo....a bath tub that's nice for both of us to fit,and a stand up shower which is also nice for both of us to fit.

After finishing my morning routine,I went to the kitchen and spotted the food from IHOP Meecho had gotten me. I took it out the bag and placed it on the table,opening it and chomping down. This food taste so damn good, and I barely even ate last night.

My mind had then wondered what Cj had to tell me. I was just hoping his ass ain't get himself into any more trouble.


I sighed before standing up hearing Paris throw up in her bathroom. I went to the bathroom ,placing my hand on her back as I gently rubbed it,holding her hair up. This morning sickness shit,was gon' be a killa'. I decided to talk to Luna about it,this is just sum' I cant hide from her. Sometimes Luna can be understanding,and I was really hoping that today she's in a good mood and will be able to understand me.

Paris stood from being bent over the toilet,before heading to the sink to wash her mouth and her face. She was so pale and I actually felt bad. Females go through a lot of shit when it comes to being pregnant or even periods, and that shit sometimes make me think how I shouldn't take women for granted.

"This is gonna be so hard." She groaned. I chuckled before standing behind her ,wrapping my arms around her as my hands landed on her stomach, and my chin leaned on the crook of her neck. Paris was short as hell,and I'm a short nigga so that means Paris just tiny,which made everything more cuter.

"We gon' have a cute ass baby." I smirked while rubbin' her belly.

She let out a soft smirk, "Yea,he or she is gonna have some long ass hair."

"If it's a lil Cairo,he gon' get dreads,and if it's a little Paris we shaving that shit off,ion' need to kill anybody son." I joked, she sucked her teeth and mushed me.

"We are not cutting off my daughter hair,and my son will not be getting no damn dreads." She giggled,before walking back into the bedroom,laying right back down in bed.

"You ain't going to work today?"

She shook her head, "No I called out,I'm too weak to be standin'."

"Ight,I'm leaving you some money on the dresser so you could order you sum' to eat." I said before throwing on my jacket.

"Where you going?" She asked lowly as she dozed off.

I just chuckled and shook my head before walking off,she fell asleep hella fast.


I walked in the crew's penthouse responding to all the greetings I was getting. Then taking a seat next to Meecho. I spotted some brown skin nigga who had curly hair,looked as if he was about fifty,with some brolic niggas with him.

Must be the Colombians.

"The hell took you so long?" Meech whispered to me.

"I'll tell you later."

He nodded,before standing up.

"Aight everybody." He said,gaining everyone's attention. "Before I start,I just wanna say I know things haven't been to cool around here. These Jamaican niggas came outta' no where and tried to take over our shit but that won't be happenin' Ight?, we got help from Alfonzo, and his crew." He said motioning his hands towards him, "and he won't be a problem. If anything,he's our biggest help,Alfonzo you wanna go head' and talk to em'?"

He nodded, "of course." He walked over to the front where me and Meecho stood,dapping both of us up.

" you all know ,my business is partnered up with yours and we have been working for each other for a month now. I don't like dirty business unless it's intentional. If I feel like cannot trust you or if Meecho feels like he can't trust any one of mine, you will be dealt with. I am not comfortable around snakes,and I'm pretty sure nobody is. So with that being said, we have to make sure that we're not only a business..But a family. I want all of us to eat so we can all provide for our families,and ourselves. Some of you are still young and still have a long way to go,but to be a leader in a business it takes a long time."  He nodded two of his workers who came with two big crates of guns.

"You all will be needing to stay strapped up. What we sell isn't this bullshit that people been selling now in days,it's come from my country,which is a very big deal. As for these Jamaican motherfuckers, it's about to be war so we need y'all to stay protected at all times."

"What about Omar?" One of the boys asked.

"Oh ,I'm on him." I butted in, "I'll let y'all know when we're gonna handle him, but for now we gotta play cool..we don't wanna make it easy for the Jamaicans to get to us."

Meecho nodded, "Yea, Alfonzo and I have eyes everywhere."

The boy nodded and smirked before sitting back.

"We don't want to make everything obvious just yet. The Jamaicans lost their leader last night,and they're gonna be snooping around so try to make it your best to stay alerted and be on your p's and q's. Once we lose members of our crew, business comes down and we won't be able to sell any product and we're doing one hell of a good job right now. Our highest ratings is in California right now,and we're trying to go international. So,make sure none of you fuck this up or there will be consequences,got it?"

Everyone nodded.

I just examined around the room looking at all the guys that worked with the Colombians, then turning my attention back to Alfonzo. Usually if someone wasn't good to be around I would be able to sense their negative energy,but Alfonzo seemed real genuine and I was comfortable to be around that.

Before the meeting finished,Meecho had gave us our new location to our warehouses. We were upgrading so we couldn't just have one warehouse we had to had more.

Everyone else sat around and chit chatted but I just chilled at the bar that Meecho had inside the penthouse and just went into deep thought. My mind was heavy on Paris and her being pregnant. I had to make sure I kept her and my seed safe at all times,so once this money goes up we're moving.

"Cj right?" I heard a heavy Hispanic accent say,I looked up and saw it was Alfonzo taking a seat next to me.

I nodded, "Yea that's me."

"Yea,you're the tough one Meecho was telling me about eh?" He said in between chuckles.

"Oh,for a fact." I snickered.

"Alfonzo" he put his hand out, I looked at it before shaking it.

"I know you're name,I'm pretty sure Meecho just said it."

"Yea well." He shrugged, "I wanted to give you a personal introduction."

I looked at him briefly ,before looking at the drink that sat in front of me before sipping it.

"You're a little small for all the big talk Meecho has been tellin' me about."

I scoffed, "what size gotta do with anything?"

"I'm just joking around with ya,I could tell just by your demeanor you're not someone to fuck with." He smirked,

"Yea well being in this business taught me that motherfuckers would know not to fuck with you,once you give em' that impression."

He bent his lip,fascinated by what I had said. "Look, in my country, loyalty runs deep. And from being around Meecho I know that he doesn't play when it comes to loyalty."

"Yea he doesn't."

"Good. Cuz' I heard you say something about that Omar kid."

"Bitch ass nigga is a traitor and a thief. He stole money from Meech after he made a drop." I got comfortable on the stool that I was sitting on.

"And how do you plan on handling him?" He asked.

"Well,I got people watching his where bouts and where he goes on day to day bases. So,pretty soon we're gonna kill him. We're just waiting for Julius death to die down first,his son is on a hunt and we can't let him catch us that easily."

He gazed away thinking about something, "hm"

"What?" I furrowed my brows.

"I'll have the kid dead by tommorow,nobody would even notice."

I sighed, "Nah man you ain't gotta do that."

"But I want to. We're partners now Cj, we gotta stick together." He said putting a hand on my shoulder, I looked at it before looking back at him causing him to chuckle and move it.

If he was gonna do it,I gotta know his plan.

"How you plan on doin' this?" I asked.

"I have hit men on stand by. The clean up crew can handle the rest."

I nodded, "aight,and what time?"

"Don't worry." He shook his head, "You don't have to be there."

"And what about money,how much should I pay you?"

He sighed before smirking, "whoever you've been working with must've been a don't have to pay me anything, only thing you can pay me is loyalty."

I looked him dead in his eyes,and I can see he was sincere. "Aight."

He nodded before putting his hand out for me to dap him up.

Maybe doing business with the Colombians won't be so bad after all.


I knocked on the door to Meecho's crib,and a few seconds later she answered.

"Wassup knucklehead,Where's Meecho?" She said opening the door wider for me to step in.

"He went to his sisters crib." She nodded.
I sat down on the couch and she came and sat in the chair across from me.

"So,wassup witchu'?"

I sighed, "look,if I tell you this you gotta promise not to tell my moms."

She rolled her eyes, "Cj,I'm really getting tired of hiding secrets from your mother. Bad enough I'm already hiding the biggest secret from her."

"Well this ones even bigger." I said before leaning forward,resting my elbows on my leg.

She turned her face sideways before squinting her eyes at me, "what did you do now?"

I took a deep breath before rubbing my hands together, "Well.....Paris is pregnant."

Her eyes immediately popped wide opened.

"I KNOW YOU FUCKIN LYIN!" She yelled causing me to scrunch my face up.

"Come on don't yell." I groaned.

"Cj are you crazy? You ain't ready for no fuckin' baby you're still a baby yourself"

"That's what Paris said, she wants to get an abortion."

"And what did you say?"

I hesitated, "I told her no."

She sighed before leaning forward in her seat,closing her eyes before rubbing her hands down her face. "Why did you tell her no?"

I shrugged , "I just— ion' believe in killing no fetus Lu,that shit ain't cool."

" I understand that Cj I really do but..." she frowned, "thats one more responsibility that you have to handle on top of all the others. You're in the drug game now Bro, a baby is definitely not what you need. I mean you don't even have your own crib, you're sleeping at mine."

"The baby gon' be here by the time I'm eighteen,I'll be eligible to get my own place. I have the money Lu,the bag is secured."

She chuckled in disbelief before looking away and then looking back at me. "You really think you're ready?, you think you're ready to bring a baby into all of this mess we got goin' on?"

I sucked my teeth, "all this bullshit should be done by the time the baby gets here. This shit ain't gon' go on for no 9 months straight. In 9 months,I don't even plan on still being here in New York."

She looked at me with a slight smirk on her face, "I just want what's best for you bro. Make sure that I'm still protecting you like I promised your mom, a baby is a blessing,but it's also a lot of headaches. And you and this girl haven't even been dating for that long. There's plenty of other females you're gonna run into,and then all that's gonna do is leave Paris heart broken and she might try to do some grimey shit like,keeping your baby away from you and then Ima have to kill her ,and I don't wanna do that."

I laughed, "chill out Lu, you ain't gon' have to do all that."

"No I'm forreal but.." she paused, "if that's what you wanna do, and if she agrees with it than I can't stop you...I'll still be here to help you in every step of the way."

I grinned, "Thanks Lu."

"No need to thank me, it's what I'm here for. I can't do nothing but support you." She stood  up , even the dumb choices you make." She said in between chuckles, before coming over to me and giving me a hug.

We just embraced each other in silence , "I love you Lu."

She pulled back ,taken back by what I had said.

"I love you too Lil brother." She said before mushing me.

Luna was the big sister that I've never had to be honest,It was almost like my mom gave birth to her. What person would really sit there and take care of someone who was part of a plan to kill them. I was able to meet somebody who was able to help me get on my two feet,and I was thankful to be apart of this lil' family. Within these couple of months my bond with Luna and Meecho grew strong, even when our beginning was rocky. My mind then went back to my mom, now that a baby is in the picture, I was wishing she was home.



"So when am I gonna be able to meet you're girlfriend?" Lourdes asked with a smile as she placed a plate of food in front of me.

"I mean,whenever you're not busy,I know you got school and work and shit."

She nodded, "Yea,but on the weekends I'm free."

"So I'll bring her this weekend then."

"That would be good." She sat down across from me ,placing her plate of food in front of me.

We said our grace before eating,that was something my pops always taught us.

We ate our food in silence,and when we finished there was a knock on the door.

"Oh,must be Lucky." She said before getting up and walking towards the door. "Hey baby" she smiled before kissing him.

He came with a bouquet of flowers for her and handed it to her.

"Wassup beautiful." He smiled, she opened the door wider for him to step in,A smile grew on his face once he stepped in and saw me.

"Lucky." He put his hand out for me to shake it. I looked at his hand. I really ain't wanna shake it cuz' I knew exactly who this nigga was and what type of nigga he is,but just because my sister was here I was gon' be on my best behavior.

"Meecho." I said,shaking his hand a little rough.

He gave an awkward smile before sitting down.

"Sooo.." my sister started,all jolly and shit, "y'all finally get to meet and now I think it's best to tell you what me and Lucky plan on doing."She cheesed.

"Oh yea?whats that?"

"Lucky and I are getting a house together." She squealed.

He looked at her with the widest smile before looking back at me, who kept the same blank expression.

"Well you don't seem to happy." He said.

"I mean if my sister happy,then I'm happy." I shrugged. "Where y'all moving to?"

"Jersey" She said. "Our house is big and beautiful, oh wait I meant to show you something else,I left it in the room."

She walked towards the back, leaving me and Lucky sitting could feel the tension between us.

"I know exactly who you are." I mugged him, "and you and my sister ain't gon' last too long."

He looked around making sure Lourdes ain't come back yet. "Looks like it's a little too late for that,she's head over heels for me now."

"Yea,not until I tell her what you did, fuckin rapist." I spoke low enough for him to hear,His face then became a little shocked, causing me to chuckle.

"Yea.." I snickered, "didn't think I knew about that huh? The shawty that you raped? That's my girl now, and she told me allll about you. Now.." I sat up in my seat, "I've been hearing your name around a lot,you're behind a lot of the messy shit that's goin' on. But Ima warn you,please don't fuck with my shit or anything that belongs to me." I hinted ,referring to Luna.

He bolted his eyes at me as his jaw clenched, "you playing with the wrong one."

I shook my head, "Nah Nigga,I'm playing with the right one. You try any of that raping shit with my sister and I'll have your throat slit you hear?"

"Why would I have to rape her,if she willingly throws it back for me." He smirked.

I was about to punch him in his face until my sister walked in.

Her face looked puzzled as she saw my hand knuckles raised. "Is everything okay in here?"

I chuckled nervously , "Yea I was just bout to give Lucky a dap,I'm bout to get off outta here."

Lucky looked at her before forcing a smile on his face and putting his knuckle out for me to dap him up.

"Wait I didn't even get to show you the surprise." She whined.

"You can show me another time, I love you." I said before throwing my hoodie on and heading out the door.

Come to think of it,I wouldn't even wanna let my sister experience pain with this nigga, so I was gonna warm her about him soon, I knew I was gon' have to hurt this nigga soon, I just knew he was gonna be one of them niggas to test me.

Boring chapter I know, just be prepared for the next chapter cuz honeyyyyyyy mmmmmmm.... *sips tea*

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