5SOS sick/injured/ one shots(...

By holyymarvel

22.5K 293 58

5sos being sick/injured and such. Or maybe just some fluff. You may request whatever! Their is mild language... More

Sibling Love-Luke
Heart conditionxLuke part 1
Heart Condition part 2
Heart condition part 3 FINAL
Ashton-broken wrist


1.6K 13 6
By holyymarvel

No hate please!❤️
I also tried my best to research and it got kinda confusing, so I apologize if I messed anything up.

No ones POV

Crystal and Michael. A power couple in the public eye. Some may disagree and say Crystal is toxic to Michael. But it's not true, at least not to the ones who truly know the sweet couple. Sure there have been ups and downs, but nothing they can't recover from.

  It's sad really how it took a turn of events for all the haters of their relationship to have a "change of heart" and feel sad for them, let's explain...

Still no ones POV

"Michael have you seen my jacket anywhere? I can't remember where I placed it last..." Crystal the sweet girl that was deeply in love with Michael, as was him to her.

"Crys (nickname, said like 'Chris') it may be by the back patio door, I think Southy took it again." Michael, the man who adored his girlfriend with all he has. 

"Oh my gosh, there it is, thank you babe." She called across their living room as she stood by the back patio door.

As Crystal then put on the jacket completing her look to go with her outfit for dinner with the boys tonight, she went over to Michael.

"Ok, you ready? I think Luke is bringing Sierra and then Andy is coming as well. But we should probably get going so we're not late again." Michael explained to his girlfriend as he slipped on his shoes.

"To be fair last time it was kinda Southy's fault." A laugh laced into her words. He chuckled in response and they were out the door to the car.

Little did the boyfriend know that his everything was hiding something from him.

"You guys made it in time! Good, now we're just waiting on Calum." The couple was greeted by the fellow band mate Ashton Irwin.

Crystal looped her arm around Michaels hoping that the itching of her skin would go away and the dizziness she was feeling. She didn't understand she thought she took her medicine this morning? But she wasn't gonna bother Michaels with it, it was his night off.

   The night went on and Calum joined in a little late. Crystal couldn't help herself and started itching her arms a lot hoping no one noticed. She lifted up her jacket sleeve to see she had a bad red and purple spots down her arms.  Crapcrapcrap. Is what raced through her mind.

   "Hey you okay?" Michael whispered gently into her ear. She came back to reality and looked at him.

  "Yah, everything's fine." She lied straight through her teeth. The more she did the more easier it came to say it, and she hated it.

It was later into the night and everyone went over too Ashton's place like usual to chill and hang out. Crystal was cuddled up into Michaels side as he rubbed small circles on her waist. Crystals dizziness and itching didn't go away but she managed through, but when her nose started bleeding everyone freaked.

    —- Crystal POV
  This night has gone well so far except the itching and dizziness. But I just pushed it aside as a cold or something. I've been Anemic since I was 12 years old. I've been in and out of hospitals most of my life. But when I hit my junior year I thought I was done with the constant visits, as was the hospital.

    "Oh shit! Crystal your nose is bleeding...here." Andy alarmed me and reached me the Kleenex box. I put the Kleenex to my nose immediately not wanting to get the couch stained or my clothes for that matter.

   "So sorry, I'll be right back." I excused myself to the bathroom to clear my head and I was hoping my pills were in my bag.

   "Wait, Crys!" I here my boyfriend Michael call out to me, I here movement and footsteps and know it's him. Before he could make it to me I fell to the ground.

    I could here a faint yell of my name before I was put out of consciousness.


Michael POV

   When I heard Andy bring to the attention crystals bloody nose, I was worried. She never got these unless... fucking shit.

   She excused herself and I instantly called out her name. Everyone else was on their feet. They knew that this wasn't good as well. And you may be thinking, why is a nose bleed such a big deal? Isn't it normal?

    Technically, yes. For Crystal? No. She's Anemic and if something like this or anything along the lines of a fever happen, it's never good and can be life threatening.

   When I reached the bathroom I saw her passed out on the ground.




   No ones POV

The group of friends waited desperately in the hospital as one of their close friends, girlfriend, wasn't Alright.

   Michael was pacing as he worried and Ashton tried talking to him but he wouldn't budge and just ignored him. Sierra didn't know what was gonna happen with her best friend, and Luke was worried too but didn't show it as he comforted his girl.  Calum and Andy? They just sat quietly. For Calum nothing new, but Andy was not one to be shy. So him being quiet now, shows his concern and care.

   "People for Crystal Leigh?" The nurse called out in question.

   Michael ran over like no ones seen him before. "Is she ok? Can I see her?" The nurse put her hand up so she could speak.

   "She is resting now, her meds weren't working. Her body...rejected them. So we're gonna change her antibiotics. I'll give you more detail later. You can see her now, but let her get her rest." She explained reading off her clip board once in a while. She mentioned the room number and floor as well and Michael told the rest to go home and said they could come in tomorrow. They friends lingered as they didn't want to leave but they knew they'd be better off coming in tomorrow.


  The next morning- No ones POV

  Crystals eyes fluttered open but closed quickly as they were exposed to the bright light. She tried again and this time her eyes adjusted to the light. She felt the bed dipped at her side, and saw Michael her boyfriend lying his head down, while holding her hand on the side of the bed as he sat in the chair for support.

    She felt bad that he slept like that and wished he would've joined her at her side. Entranced in her thoughts, she was shaken out of them when Michael shifted awake.

  "Crys! You're awake, you had me so worried." He didn't look tired anymore as he saw his girlfriends now awake figure. 

  "Yah, um, I guess." She whispered with a raspy voice. She started playing with her hands, a thing she did when  she is shy.

   Michael took her hand, "what's wrong?"

  She sighed deeply, "I just hate being a burden, I didn't want to tell, you at dinner when I started feeling sick and uncomfortable. But if I did we could've avoided this and not have ruined everyone's night..." she admitted her thoughts looking down not wanting to see his face.

   "Oh baby," He said gently and crawled beside her and took her in his arms, "you're never a burden, not to me, not to anyone."

   "But that's the thing! I am, but no one wants to admit it! All the fans hate me, and it feels like everyday is a constant battle to not let it get to me. But they do and I just don't know what to do. And now this!? People are gonna think I'm an attention whore." Her rant to Michael made his heart break as he saw a tear slide off her cheek and hit his hand.


   He took her chin in his hand, making her look up at him. He softly glided his thumb over her cheek where the tear once was. He slid closer and moved his lips against hers gently. Crystal kissed back with passion just as he did to her.

     Michael was gonna say something when he was cut off by a door opening and all the friends from the previous night flooding in.

  "Oh shit sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Ashton said as he walked in first seeing the past moment.

   And then the same nurse decided to walk in as well to tell us more. "I'm gonna need only family in here." She said and Crystal was about to say how she doesn't have family here but Michael cut in.

"I'm here fiancé, does that count?" The friend group standing behind the nurse out of her sight had a slight smile on their face but also wanted to see what the nurse had to say.

"Yes of course, but the rest of you? Out." She shooed them off like children and shut the door. As she did that Crystal looked at Michael like he was insane for lying but also knew they acted like a married couple already anyways.

  She sighed, "Alright, so I'm afraid the next step for you is shots."

  "Please tell me you mean the drinking kind?" Crystal said with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. The nurse chuckled a bit but shook her head no.

  "Sorry Ms. Leigh. Well have you come in once a week for this month to see how it responds with your body." The nurse went on to explain how and where to put the shot in and what times and all the details of what it did exactly.

   "You are free to go when done with the paperwork, hope to see you next week!" She calls out as she exits the room.


  The couple lied in their comfy bed at home with their dog snuggled next to them as well.

  "It's been a long 24 hours hasn't it?" Michael couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Yes, yes it has. But I got you with me and that's all I need."   Michael's phone buzzes loudly.

  "Oh for the love of- yes Luke?...uh-huh...what!?...Alright Alright." He hangs up abruptly and goes to twitter.
"What's up?" Crystal asked peeking over his shoulder. Michael typed vigorously till he found what he looked for.

  "Crystal was hospitalised! I hope she's ok!"
  "Attention whore"
   "Omg I hope she's doing alright #pray4crystal"

The couples eyes skimmed over the tweets. And saw the hashtag was top trending.

  "I can't believe they all instantly hope I'm ok after wishing I'd kill myself." Michael turned off his phone and lauded on his facing her.

   "People are petty, but luckily for you, you have the worlds best boyfriend to love you for the rest of time. And friends who appreciate and love you to no end. Everyone cares about you Crystal, even the fans. They were just waiting for something like this to confirm it, And that's the sad ugly truth."


Sorry this took so fucking long writers block is a total bitch and the fact my teacher was all "7 PAPER ESSYA DUE IN 2 DAYS ASSIGNED TODAY!" So you know loved that.

   But hey we're here and it's fine. I don't love the end but I couldn't find what I needed to make it more UMPH! You feel?

Anyways thanks guys, lots of love❤️😂❤️


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