Guardian, 镇魂Zhenhun, Original...

By Tanyavvvvvv

152K 2.4K 1.2K

Hi there, I translated the Bonus Chapters of Guardian. Including the last 3 chapters in the book, and the upd... More

Guardian Bonus Chapter 2
Guardian Bonus chapter -3
Guardian Original Novel- Bonus Chapter 4 - Finished on 2018/07/30 by Priest
Partial Chapter 75 - Having S*x
Partial Chapter 77-78. Affection

Guardian Bonus Chapter -1

43.3K 664 427
By Tanyavvvvvv

-Kunlun- Zhao Yunlan - Mountain God Kunlun, this part is not in the drama.

-Lin Jing - the High-tech geek in the drama plot

-Prof Shen - Shen Wei - Soul reaper -Black Cloak in the drama plot.

-Soul Lamp - the 4th holy item.

-The barrier - The barrier that keeps the demons and ghosts in the hell.

-The Hell - (DiXing ) Land-star in the drama plot.

-Shen Nong - A very important god, he created the order of reincarnation in the novel. Not in the drama plot.

-Shen Nong Med-Bowl - A god, he was a medicine bowl belonged to Shen Nong, turned into a celestial. He's the one possessed Zhao's father's body in the novel. Not in the dram plot.

Fan-art, credit: 就是那個元件渣, original posted on, link:

(Part of Chapter 106, the finale, after the battle)

Kunlun was sitting under the Soul Lamp, he opened his eyes, a bright fireball landed in the lamp, that puny candlelight leaped to almost hundreds of meters high.

He stood up, put his hands on the lamp, turned his back to others, looking into the fire, so worried yet anticipating.

A shadow formed in the fire little by little, fell out from it, into KunLun's arms, he was not very heavy, but KunLun seemed using all his might to catch him, KunLun staggered, they both fell on the floor.

Lin Jing screamed out: "Prof Shen!"

Even though KunLun was trying very hard to maintain calm, at this moment, his emotion cracked. His knuckles of the clenched fist turned pale.

Shen Wei coughed a little, his head leaned aside onto KunLun's shoulder, light breath brushed KunLun's neck.

Minor and vague fire balls flashed into both of Shen Wei's shoulders and between his eyebrows, then vanished completely.

"Are those... Soul Fires?" Med-Bowl froze, "The forbidden creature, is granted with real soul! They have souls now! Then, why ... why the barrier still exists?"

"The barrier is gone, feel it." KunLun kissed on Shen Wei's forehead, "The Lord of Ghosted ascended, he becomes a celestial, he gained soul. ShenNong achieved his ambition, after he died for thousands of years, the order of reincarnation is finally accomplished. "

"That's impossible!" Bowl found it very hard to believe. "Greediness is originated from the forbidden area, and the gigantic rage withhold in it, if it leaks, the war will start again ..."  

One of Shen Wei's hand seemed holding something, KunLun gently held it, felt something familiar, a gold mark of spell flied out Shen Wei's palm, floating there right in front of KunLun.

KunLun chucled, that was the same spell he drew on the back of Shen Wei's hand when they met each other at the first time.

The golden calming spell flied into the lamp, all of the sudden, the giant lamp rose up, and sank down into the southern continent.

"All along you had been reminding me about ShenNong's last words. It was also you who found the lost lamp-wick." KunLun carefully carried Shen Wei into his arms, "Why are you so silly?"

"Rest the livings' souls, fulfill the deceaseds' wishes" —— As long as the Lamp keeps on burning, the chaos will never start again.

The moment he finished his words, the divine tree transformed into drizzling rain drops, scattered to every corner. The ruined and broken continent regained life, some unnoticeable green peeked out, the mortals will never know there was such a destructive catastrophe.

The first light pierced the darkness, that's dawn, a new day was here.

Extra story - 1

In the afternoon, the sunshine poured into the room, white mist sprayed out of the humidifier. A coat was thrown on the sofa, the owner didn't really care about the pleats at all. It was so quiet, except the sound of fingers typing on the keyboard. Zhao Yunlan wearing his glasses, was busy with reading a report.

But the more he read the deeper his eyebrow frowned. After a few seconds, Zhao Yunlan picked up the phone and called Criminal Investigation Department. He spoke with anger: "Lin Jing, get your ass in here now."

Thirty seconds later, Lin Jing sleeked in "Hey, hey chief, you need me?"

Zhao Yunlan: "Did you read your report? Do you how many typos are there? Did you really put any effort in it? You were instructed to write a simple report not a piece of .... What are you doing?"

Lin Jing wasn't even listening, he moved closer to Zhao Yunlan, reaches out his arm to adjust the angle for a perfect selfie "Chief, Smile and say cheese——"

Zhao Yunlan posed no face expression: ".... Cheese my ass."

Lin Jing took a shot anyway, turned around and showed it to Zhao Yunlan, 3/4 of the photo was Lin Jing's enlarged face, Zhao Yunlan was like a ghost sitting in the little corner.

"Wah!" Lin Jing was very excited, "I thought ancient celestial won't be imagined. Well, the body is just a disguise for you and Prof Shen, right? You can transform any time you want, right? Can I, have a selfie with your true form?"

Zhao Yunlan "... ..."

Lin Jing "Just one shot?"

Zhao Yunlan: "OUT! "

Lin Jing slipped away from the office.

No more than five minutes later, someone knocked on the door, Zhu Hong walked in: "Chief, Can I withdraw my resignation? "

Zhao Yulan moved his chin, pointed to the paper shredder next to him:" Processed already."

"Oh," Zhu Hong paused for a second, trying to find something to say, "Then, Tomorrow is the 15th of the lunar calendar, can I have a day off?"

"Sure." Zhao Yunlan answered, didn't even bother to look up.

After a while, Zhu Hong still sat there, Zhao Yunlan finally looked at her: "Anything else?"

"Just being curious." Zhu Hong leaned forward, lowered her voice, "That tree branch Shen Wei gave me, how come it bloomed the third bud? How did the first two spouted?"

Zhao Yunlan didn't really want to answer, but Zhu Hong is such a nice girl, he always treats girls with gentility, especially a girl had crush on him and he turned her down.

"The first bud spouted because he decided to make that promise with Shen Nong, the second one was because he kept his promise and had been guarding the barrier for 5000 years. The third one spouted when he decided to... ... " Zhao Yunlan paused, his face darkened, "The reincarnation can't be completely implemented in the forbidden area was because the demons don't have souls, that branch spouted three buds means Lord of Demons have soul now, he linked the reincarnation to the Hell, there won't be tribe of Demons any more, do you see?"

Zhu Hong thought for a few seconds: "A little... ... maybe, but where did the demons go?"

Zhao Yunlan raised his eyebrows: "Gone, but everywhere."

Zhu Hong:"Like the Soul Lamp keeps on burning? In everywhere?"

Zhao Yunlang:" Correct."

Zhu Hong: "And you? Are you going back to Mountain KunLun? Does the Order of Suppress still exist?" She sounded uncertain, as if she just realized who's sitting in front of her.

"NO." Zhao Yunlan answered, meantime he took his flash drive uploaded a document in it, threw it over the table to Hong, "Print it out with letter head, it's the official, affix the seal. Why would I want to go back to Mountain KunLun? It's a snowy mountain, you can't even plant trees! I can't run any business there either, why would I! What's the fun to see a bunch of people come to worship me every day."

Hong picked up the flash drive:" This feels so unreal! "

Zhao :"What?"

Hong: "I had a crush on God of KunLun !!! I am such a piece of work!"

Zhao Yunlan : "... ..."

"Oh, right." Hong took out her purse, found a hotel VIP membership card, left it on Zhao Yunlan's desk. "I heard you can't go back home, take it, you can have 40% off, save you a little pocket money, that's all I can help."

Zhao Yunlan :"... ... "

Zhao Yunlan took the membership card, ungratefully said " Now, get out. " He was not very happy about being point out that he can't go back home.

Hong left. A few minutes later, Chu Shuzhi came in with the print-outs, and then did something further, like sitting in front of Zhao Yunlan.

Zhao Yunlan slapped the mouse on the desk, "Are you freaking kidding me ?! Are you guys done yet ? "

Chu Shuzhi :"I only have one word to say. "

Zhao Yunlan :"No, I don't love you. Yes, Guo is for real the lamp-wick, satisfied? Can you get out now? "

Chu Shuzhi: "So he does have that much of charitable deeds? Comparable to Nüwa-the Goodness of Sky-Patching?"

Zhao Yunlan was not very happy, he was playing Window Bomb Game on the computer: "No matter how many times he reincarnated, he has been offer his best to do charities, so the Soul Lamp that was used to suppress demons has been keep on burning nonstop. This is in deed no less than the glory of creating human."

Chu Shuzhi frowned his eyebrow, "Can't believe it, so he's the part of your nerve that particularly missing? "

Zhao Yunlan made no expression, said:" I'm going to say it for the last time, G-E-T, out! "

Chu Shuzhi looked at him, raised his eyebrows and made a mocking attack: "An old man can't go home, stays in the hotel, frustreated and dissatisfied, how sad."

Zhao Yunlan stared at Chu Shuzhi, very hostile. Chu Shuzhi shrugged his shoulders, humming a funny tone and left.

The bomb game didn't end up well, Zhao Yunlan wasn't happy :"Damn it."

All of his work were finished, so he played the bomb game for quite a long time. But when it's almost the time to punch out, his office door was opened again, Qing's furry black head peeked in: "You have visitor. "

Zhao Yunlan surprisingly looked up, his glasses almost slipped down, "I don't have anything on my calendar. "

Qing ignored him, turned around and pushed the door open using his butt, said "Come in, Prof Shen. "

When he saw who's behind the door, he looked down, spoke in a very bland tone :" Sir, if you need to report any suspicious activity, please go to your local police department, we don't directly accept any case here."

Shen Wei just came back from the University, still had his print-outs in hand, he smiled in desperation :"Yunlan ... ..."

Strictly, that was the first day Zhao Yunlan came back for work. Shen Wei had been in coma for more than a week, Zhao Yunlan stayed with him the whole time. But after Shen Wei recovered, Zhao Yunlan turned around and ran away from their home, moved into the hotel.

Shen Wei was just about to say something, a reminder sounded, time to punch-out. Zhao Yun started packing and turned off the computer in lighting speed, grabbed his coat and bag ready to go, said:" Sir, move aside please. We're closed."

Shen Wei grabbed his wrist :"I'm sorry."

"What? " Zhao Yunlan blinked, lowered his voice, "Sorry? Sorry for what? Think before you talk. Friendly reminder, those who betryal my trust, I hate the most."

Shen Wei lost words.

The black cat Qing licked his paw, "What a bad-romance drama."

Zhao Yunlan tried to pull out his hand, but useless, he twisted his eyebrow:"Anything else you want to say? Say it now, I have to meet someone in the hotel."

Shen Wei tightened his grasp, but he's not a smooth man, he doesn't know how to explain, he tried and tried, but still said "I'm sorry."

Zhao Yunlan tittered, tried to take out his hand, and said "All right, it's okay. Done? Do you need a "Solute"? Or "Hand-shaking"? "

"Why so rush? Anyone waiting in your room?" The black cat said it in such a twisted sense of humor, Shen Wei looked down on Qing, the cat said "He can't, plus another 100 years, he still can't. "

Zhao Yunlan :"... ..."

Freaking ungrateful critter, who's your master after all!

By this time, everyone in the office were all packed up and ready to leave. Lin Jing came out first, he paused when he saw they were standing there:" Hi, Professor. Great timing. "

Chu Shuzhi clapped hands behind him, :"Great timing. 5-star rating."

Hong was still reading her novel on the cell phone, she announced the hotel name and a room number without looking up: "I think night raid is a good idea. Mental differences can be resolved by physical harmony."

Seems like her mental state was somehow suffered impact during the last couple of weeks, and then ascended to "Love him is not better than watching him got laid."

Guo Chengcheng came out at last, he locked the door, very politely said, "Hi Professor Shen."

Even though he didn't catch the beginning, but he still surprisingly said:"Chief, don't be so stubborn. You were so worried when Prof Shen was in coma, stayed by his bed the whole time, didn't even take much rest."

Those senior officers turned around, gave him thumbs up —— Right on the target, boy.

Guo Changcheng was still very confused. He didn't know he just threw out his boss's bargain chips, it would be a tough year for him, began from today.

Freaking ungrateful critters, who's your chief after all! Zhao Yunlan thought.

The audience scattered and left the scene, only Qing the black cat was still siting there, he wanted to see the development. Unexpectedly, Old Li came in with a takeout box, the smell of seared fish filled in the hallway, Qing sensed he was coming this way. "Damn it," Qing circled Shen Wei in anxious, "Professor, help me!"

Shen Wei took out the key of Zhao Yunlan's apartment, attached it on Qing's collar. Qing shot out the window like a launching rocket.

Old Li certainly saw that, he nodded to them, put down the takeout-box by the door, said "Chief, save it for him tomorrow."

Zhao Yunlan was not sure what to say to the old man who deceived his pet during his absence, so he nodded back without any eye contact. Lee sighed.

Finally, only two of them left in this building.

Shen Wei silenced for a few second, said:" Can you forgive me?"

Zhao Yunlan turned his head, looking out the window.

Shen Wei loosened his hand, "KunLun, I... I'm willing to do anything for you."

Actually, Zhao Yunlam doesn't want to punish him at all, he was in a stand of unwilling to fight with Shen Wei. But he can't level his anger, so he decided to throw a tantrum at him. "Sir, what are you talking about? I indeed lost my "memory", I don't know what happened in the past. Don't fool me, show your kind and honesty."

Shen Wei's lips were pale and shivering, Zhao Yunlan made up his mind, turned around ready to step out. Before he even made one step, he heard something. Shen Wei kneeled on the floor. 

Zhao Yunlan :" ... ..."

"What the heck!" Zhao Yunlan reached over trying to pull him up, "Are you out of your mind? Get up!"

Shen Wei said no word.

Zhao Yunlan:" Up!"

Shen Wei still said no word.

Zhao Yunlan totally lost in this wrestling, he sat next to him.

After a while, he poked Shen Wei:" Look, the sun is set. The night-shifts are coming. What about your pride, the Soul Reaper." 

Shen Wei spoke very soft:" You said you don't remember me."

"... ..." Zhao Yunlan:" Of course I don't, remind me again who are you?"

Shen Wei held on tight on Zhao Yunlan's hand.

Zhao Yunlan thought for a minute," If Shen Nong didn't count on you to devote yourself to the barrier, if he didn't release KunLun's soul to me at the moment you erased my memory, what's going to happen to me? Like all the mortals, I'll wake up and know nothing, I won't know there was you. Everything related to you may vanish. And I could only wonder in blindness who renovated my kitchen, right?"

Shen Wei hesitated, but nodded.

Zhao Yunlun questioned:" How can you do that to me?"

Shen Wei reached out his hand, he felt Zhao Yunlan didn't move away this time, so he moved inch by inch and embraced him into arms. He sure had thousands of reasons to explain why he betrayed trust, but he can't speak of any at this moment, or he didn't care to bring out any. He said it for the third time next to Zhao Yunlan's ear, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." As if no matter how painful he was, he'd rather keep it in secret. He could apologize easily and indiscriminately like so.

The remained anger inside of Zhao Yunlan finally burned out without a trace, he felt a bit of sorrow.

Shen Wei was still clinging on him, he stood up and pulled up Shen Wei at the same time, Zhao Yunlan slowly stepped out.

Shen Wei followed behind him, questioned with a delightful tone: "Are we going home?"

Zhao Yunlan: "Hotel."

Shen Wei stopped his steps, his eyes dimmed.

Zhao Yunlan sighed, teased:"I paid for it already. I can lawfully stay for tonight."

Shen Wei stared him blankly.

"I didn't say you can't come along!"

———- End of Bonus Chapter 1————

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