Tell Me The Meaning of Love...

By emlah9081

50.1K 447 125

Liam finds himself in a difficult position when he falls in love with zayn. His band mate from 1D. Not knowin... More

chapter uno!
chapter dos!
chapter tres!
chapter quatro
chapter cinco
chapter seis!
chapter sieta!
chapter nueve!
chapter diez!
chapter once!
I won't give up
chapter doce
chapter trece
chapter catorce!
Chapter quince!
Chapter diez-seis!
Chapter diez-siete
Chapter diez-ocho
A/N (shoot me with your noodles later)
Chapter diez-nueve

chapter ocho!

2.1K 21 2
By emlah9081

Zayn's POV:

It was 12 at night. Harry was still no where to be seen. And I was hearing moans from louis' room.... It was kinda worrying. I heard a crash.

"OW!! Niall!! Those were my favourite carrot toys! You killed steve!!" Louis sobbed. I rolled my eyes and banged my head against the wall. He is obsessed with the mini orange buggers. Though they do help you with night vision. Be like goose bumps all over again.

"IM SO SORRY STEVE!" I heard niall cry. Through these exceedingly thin walls. Literally you could hear liam singing to david bowie and hear him stepping across the room. I smirked and skipped across the hall into his room. There he was in jeans and topless. I think I was drooling. He continued to jump around his room.

"Jump, jump, jump magic-" I cut him off, knowing the lyrics.

"Dance, dance, dance magic." His head turned 180 degrees. I shrieked and jumped back 10 feet. Jesus what the fudge? My eyes were drawn to his chest. The eight pack he had. Oh gosh. I was so turned on. I could feel my trousers getting tighter.

"Z-Zayn?" I nodded and walked forward. My legs not obeying my brain. Stop moving I commanded. My legs replied. Not a chance in hell. I clenched my teeth. Frickin legs. Before I knew what I was doing I was in front of liam. Still staring at his pecks. My hands reached out and brushed down them. He shuddered.

"Are you cold liam? Would you like me to warm you up?" I sneered. He opened his eyes and merely stared at him. I could feel my breathing getting faster. He started to lean in. Shit what should I do. So I did what any normal person would do.

"Coming mom!" And I flew for the door and fell down the stairs. Oh crap. I had david bowie stuck in my head.

"You remind me of the babe." I shouted. I heard footsteps.

"What babe?" Niall shouted back.

"Babe of the power." Louis screamed. I laughed.

"What power?" Niall asked

"Voodoo." I shrieked.

"who do?" Louis asked.

"You do." Niall said.

"Do what?" I enquired

"Remind me of the babe." We started dancing. Swaying our hips to the imaginary beat. I walked over to the ipod dock and plugged in my ipod and chose the song.

"I saw ma baby!" We all started singing. Screaming like dolphins more like. But no one could complain.

"Crying hard as babe could cry! My baby's love had gone! And left my baby blue! Nobody knew! What kind of magic spell to use!" We stared at each other. I noticed liam had returned, with a T-shirt. He ran up to us and pushed us all to the ground.

"Guys, you forgot me!" We raised our eyebrows and howled with laughter. Liam carried on with the lyrics.

"Slime and snails."

"Puppy dog tails."

Thunder or lightning."

"And baby said." We all jumped and screamed.

"Dance, magic dance, dance, magic dance (put that baby spell on me)." Still belting out the chorus, we used a different kind of magic.

"Jump, magic jump, jump, magic jump, put that magic jump on me."

We all piled on to the couch laughing. This was the best fun I'd had in ages!

10 minutes later we heard the door open. A slight sniffle. It was about 1 in the morning and we were all...

"OMG we forgot harry!" Liam whispered astonished, horrified we could do such a thing. We ran in to the kitchen. To see him drenched, scratched, bruised and limping. He glared at us guys and snarled.

"Oh I see, finally remembered me." When he looked at me a slight hint of gilt appeared, but it was gone in a second. I shrugged it off.

"Harry we-" liam began.

"No buts liam-" niall lifted his hand and was about to talk. Harry shushed him. "-you to niall. Guys, you didn't even have the courtesy to call me! What sort of friends does that make you?!" He half sobbed half bellowed. After throwing that in our faces he sprinted up the stairs. Tears raining down his face, the rivulets bouncing off the floor. I was completely astounded. We forgot harry, no one forgets harry. Not now not ever.

Third persons POV:

Oh if only he knew, how wrong he could be. *evil smirk*

Back to Zayn's POV:

I could feel the guilt rushing through my veins along with the blood. Which was now pounding in my head. I zombie walked over to the ipod dock turned it off and reached for my ipod. Niall and louis had gone up stairs to comfort harry. Though they'd probably be up to something else, if you catch my drift.

"Zayn" liam started "I can't believe it. We forgot all about harry. We are such, cruel heartless bastards." This sent me into depression. I whirled around and said something, I knew I would regret later.

"No, liam. You are." His expression, was like dark clouds, pendulous and threatning. I knew anytime soon lightning would strike and thunder would boom. He came over to me and just hugged me. I was gaping by the time he had left to go to his room. I really did regret it.

Chloes POV:

The twat actually took the bait. I laughed maliciously. The plan was working very well. Flash would be pleased. Olly, my hunk of a boyfriend, placed his hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" His melodic voice, slowly crept in my ear. I shuddered. And knowing him, he was probably smirking at the fact his voice could have so much affect on me.

"Hmmmmm, let me think. Madonna?" I was threwn around. Visciously he crashed his lips on to mine. I was stunned. But succumbed and allowed him to lead me on.

Just as he was releasing the clasp on my bra. Flash shouted for me.

"CHLOE!!" I sighed and forcefully pushed olly away. I winked flirtaciously at him and he snarled sexily.

"We'll carry this on later babe." I slid my T-shirt back on and he whimpered. I used my hands to make claws. And purred at him. He glared, plafully, at me. I chuckled.

I entered flash's study.

"I hope you have news for me." He spoke in a monotone voice.

"Why yes, sir, I do."

"Good, speak of what has come to pass."

"Well, harry has gone off to bring zayn to us. I also gave him my number, which allows him to call me when liam is ready."

"Good. Very good." He stood and stepped over to me. I couldn't mess this up. The last time I messed things up it got nasty. I won't go into detail. But the scar across my stomach and the small burn marks on my legs should give you enough clues. Flash was not a man to be trifled with.

"Chloe. It would be wise not to mess this up. You remember what happened last time, would you like riley to repeat the process? Only this time it will be over your boyfriends head. You will be the one to watch." I gasped and bored my eyes into his. Those cold brown eyes just looked at me. Though it felt as though he was he was looking through me. I just nodded my head. Feeling the warmth leave my face.

"Great" he clapped once and riley appeared. Silent as ever. "Riley, would you be so kind, ad to escort miss llewellyn, back to her room. Thank you." Riley grasped my arm in his monstous hand and practically dragged me to my room. He opened the door and pushed me in. Shutting and locking the door. I collapsed on to my knees. Crying my lungs out of my eyes. Not literally, of course.

------------ 3 hours later---------------

I felt my phone blast out rihanna we found love. Olly. I didn't pick up my phone. I just threw it acros the room. Being an iphone it slammed against the wall and a large crack appeared on the screen. I screamed in frustration and began pulling my hair. I glared accusingly at the wall. Getting up and punching it.

Soon, though I was out of breath and couldn't take it anymore. My knuckles were sore and bleeding. My head was pounding and had sweat dripping down it. I went in to the ensuite bathroom. And stared at my self in the mirror. I saw a frail lifeless barbie. Golden flowing hair, those green eyes. Still none of it held any life. I knew why this is. Ever since I joined flashes gang I became heartless and a sket. When olly came it was like a ray of sunshine. A big ball of light and hope. Which now seemed to be slipping away from me. I brushed my teeth and went to the loo. I couldn't deal with my thoughts right now. I entered the place I called my bedroom. It seemed more like a dungeon. Everything just screamed pain. I picked up my iphone and played the voice mail. From olly. Of course.

'Hey listen babe, I know you've been feeling a little out of it lately and I haven't been around to save you from the depression. But always know, that.... I love you. Every time you fall, I'll pick you up and carry you wherever you need to go in my arms. I know I'm not perfect, but I'll stand by your side and fight your battles with or for you. Just want you to know. I am here for you. I'm never gonna let you or your soul get lost. Bye.' The line cut dead.

That night I cried myself to sleep, not sure whether it was from depression or melancholy that I could loose the person I loved the most in this world.


Heylo guys I don't usually dedicate songs for chapters but this song is for chloe. Who really isn't alone in the world. But just can't see or feel it.

Please watch, it's a good song and a good game to CX

Bya! :3

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