Heroes of Olympus x reader on...

By river_Strudel

299K 5.8K 3.1K

Just some x readers with your favorite characters from Heroes of Olympus and PJO. I will be using girl prono... More

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Percy x Reader

5K 103 37
By river_Strudel

Hello peeps, its been a while haha. Anyway there will be an authors note at the end of this chapter so if you don't mind then please read it. Thank you 

Percys pov 

Takes place during The Titans Curse, when the gods are having the party  

I walked around nervously. All these deities are very overwhelming. Grover was at the snack table and Annabeth was talking about architecture with some other gods. I walked out on the balcony and saw a girl standing there. It was dark out and the stars above her seemed to shine brighter than the rest.  

"Hey" I said. I saw her jolt up. She turned around to face me. She was probably the most gorgeous girl I've seen. Her eyes sparkled in the night and her hair was perfectly blowing in the wind. She wore a long white dress. "Sorry if I scared you" I said. 

"Its fine" She said. Then she turned back around. I walked to where she was at and put my elbows on the railings. 

"I'm Percy" I said.  

"ah, so you're the hero everyone keeps talking about. I'm y/n" She said. I smiled. 

"So are you like a demigod, cause if you are then I haven't seen you around at camp" I said. 

"No i'm not a demigod i'm a goddess, well a minor goddess" She said with a slight chuckle. I wanted to ask what she was the goddess of but thought that would be rude. 

"Aren't they beautiful" She said. I looked over and saw that her head was tilted up and she was looking at the sky. 

"The stars are beautiful" I agreed. She nodded. 

"Watch this" She said. She pointed her hand to the sky and the stars moved with her hands. When she finished the sky showed a wave made out of stars. I stared in awe. "I figured you were the son of Poseidon" She said. 

"You're the goddess of stars" I said. She smiled. 

"Well technically Asteria and Astraea are, and i'm suppose to be the goddess of constellations, but they basically gave the job to me" Y/n said. 

"So you're responsible for the stars" I asked. She nodded her head. 

"Every star you see at night shine, that's because of me" She said. I looked back up at the wave. 

"Y/n there you are-" Said a female voice behind us. I turned around and was face to face with the goddess of wisdom. 

"Percy, I see you've met my daughter, Y/n" Athena said. I almost choked on air. Athena walked over to Y/n "This beauty was a fallen star and I helped her" She said. 

"Thank you, it was nice to meet you both" I said with a little bow, and walked back inside. 

"Where were you" Grover said. I pointed outside. 

"I met this beautiful girl, but turns out shes a goddess and her 'mom' is Athena" I told Grover. His eyes widened. 

"Is it the girl that's walking towards you" Grover said. I turned around and saw Y/n coming my way. 

"Hey i'm sorry about my mom she's a little you know..." She said trailing off. 

"It's okay, I know how moms are" I said. 

"Tell me about it" She said. We both laughed, and for the rest of the night I got to know Y/n more, and more. As the party was coming to an end, it was time to say good-bye. 

"Maybe I can come back" I said. Y/n smiled. 

"Yeah, that'll be great!" She said. 

"Come on Percy" Annabeth and Grover said. I nodded my head at them. 

"I'll come back" I said. 

"With all the stuff going on you better come back alive" She said.  

"I'll try to come in one piece" 

"I guess that'll do" She said teasingly. I pulled her into a hug. When we broke apart she kissed my cheek. While leaving Olympus, I looked up and saw that the wave of stars was still shining bright. 

Y'all this isn't my best, but I needed a chapter done ASAP. So let me give you a little life update.  I haven't updated for a few weeks due to a few reasons. My grandma is fine, and she's slowly going back to being well, but she needs to be watched over and my mom goes to her house to check up on her. School started and oh boy. The first week of school was hell, I had like 2 test. Due to school and my AP classes I've been receiving a lot of homework and stress. I've been majorly stressed and unmotivated. My mental health is slowly falling, but i'm trying. 

I love all of you so much, and it is unfair to you guys that I can't give you quality chapters, but for now on until I get a big break expect updates to be random and spontaneous. I'm looking at updating once every 2 weeks. But i'll try to update once a week. Thank you all so much. I love each and every one of you. 

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