
By caler_jo_hyden

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"Faith is taking that first step even when you don't see the whole road." In which Prince Charming's big bro... More

Epigraph + Cast


10.1K 182 62
By caler_jo_hyden

I don't own anything but Dean/Bellamy and my ideas.


Chapter 1- Pilot

Dean rode on his gray horse beside his little brother, David, who was also riding a horse down the road; They were on their way to find Snow, David's true love.

They continued to ride their horses until they entered the woods and spotted the seven dwarves, David hopping off of his horse first as Dean followed.

Doc spoke up first glumly, "You're too late." He and the other dwarves stepped slightly aside to reveal Snow White laying in a glass coffin.

Dean bowed his head a little while David quickly moved to the coffin, saying, "No. No! Open it."

"I'm sorry. She's gone." Grumpy sighed.

David bowed his head, his eyes watery, as he looked over at his big brother in a slight pleading way. Dean stepped forward and commented to the dwarves, "At least let him say his goodbye."

Grumpy nodded a little at the two standing on each side of him, the three dwarves removing the casket. David slowly and carefully leaned down to Snow and planted a long kiss on her lips.

A wave of magic pushed them back a little as they glanced at each other hopefully. Snow let out a gasp once David parted from her, her opening her eyes to look at him.

"You." Snow began with a smile, moving a hand over the side of her love's cheek, "You found me."

"Did you ever doubt I would?" David smiled back, taking her hand in his and helped her sit up.

"Truthfully..." Snow admitted lightly, "The glass coffin gave me pause."

"Well, you never have to worry," David replied, "I will always find you."

"Do you promise?" Snow grinned.


"I do." David gave his vow at their wedding as the minister began, "And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband and love him for all eternity?"

"I do." Snow smiled as the couple held hands and gazed into each other's eyes lovingly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife," The minister finished as the crowd cheered happily.

Dean chuckled while standing next to Red, one of his best friends, saying, "That's my boy."

Just as the newly wed couple was about to kiss, they were interrupted by the double doors swinging open and the Evil Queen stepping foot inside the room. "Sorry I'm late."

Regina began to walk down the aisle as two knights started to stop her but was only thrown aside; Dean then immediately pulled his sword out quickly, suddenly swinging it towards the woman, but he also was slung aside, causing him to hit his head hard against a pillar before falling to the floor.

"Dean!" David started while remaining by his wife's side protectively.

Doc exclaimed, "It's the Queen! Run!"

Snow immediately withdrew her husband's sword from his belt and pointed it at Regina while pointing out, "She's not a queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch!"

"No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need." David assured her while stepping by her side again and taking his sword from Snow slowly, "You're wasting your time. You've already lost, and I will not let you ruin this wedding."

Dean stood up and spun his sword once in his hand, ready to strike if necessary.

Regina smirked, "Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear. I've come to give you a gift."

"We want nothing from you." Snow remarked.

Regina scoffed, "But you shall have it. My gift to you... is this happy, happy day, for tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows. Now I make mine.  Soon everything you love, everything all of you love will be taken from you forever, and out of your suffering, will rise my victory."

"I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do." Regina finished with her threat before turning around and starting to walk away.

Dean glanced over at his little brother's and sister-in-law's fearful looks and glared back at Regina before calling out to her, "HEY!"

Regina faced Dean then just as he threw his sword towards her, it almost hitting her just as it and Regina disappeared by her magic. The crowd gasped some and began to murmur now.

David held Snow in his arms in reassurance as Dean stood back up and moved over to the couple, immediately asking, "You two alright?"

"We will be, just a little shaken up a bit." Snow quietly admitted, burying her face in her husband's chest.

"How's your head?" David asked him, noting the cut on the tip of Dean's forehead with blood starting to run down it.

"It's alright. I've had worse." Dean lightly shrugged.


Dean glanced down at the rows of different weapons on the wooden table outside, smirking a little. He trailed his fingers across a few daggers lightly and stopped on the arrows, picking up a bow and one arrow.

He notched one in the bowstring and pulled back, aiming at the target pinned against a tree and released the arrow; The arrow hit the center perfectly.

Dean repeated the action over and over again, all ending with the same result. He moved onto knives then and threw one by one at a different target on a tree next to the first one, hitting it straight in the center also perfectly.

He did the same with swords, spears, boomerangs, axes, maces, and even sticks. "You're still such a perfect shot. Showoff." David spoke up from behind.

Dean faced his brother and commented, "Hey, when you got it, you got it." He then noticed his brother's upset look. "What's wrong?"

"Snow wants, I don't know, confirmation from Rumplestiltskin about Regina's curse." David began reluctantly.

"No way, Davey. My job is to keep you safe-- and that's not safe." Dean frowned at the idea of his little brother going anywhere near the Dark One.

"You know, I still hate that nickname. 'Davey' is such a chubby ten year old's name." David chuckled as Dean just shrugged, going back to shooting more arrows.

"Snow won't rest until she gets some kind of peace or whatever from him." David began again, "And I would feel better, knowing that my big brother was with us in case it was to go wrong. So, are you with me?"

Dean slid his bow around his shoulders and then quickly slid his daggers back in their hiding spots on him, along with his sword, before facing David. "Always."

David nodded with a light smile, both heading to the castle to get Snow to go see Rumplestiltskin.


"When we reach the cell, stay out of the light, and whatever you do, do not let him know your name. If he knows your name, he will have power over you." The guard explained to Snow White and David, stopping at a cell, "Rumplestiltskin. Rumplestiltskin! I have a question for you."

"No, you don't— they do— Snow White and-" The Dark One spoke up in a mocking voice, "Prince Charming." He laughed. "You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes." Snow and David slid off their hoods and stepped forward. Yet, Dean remained a foot behind them, hand on the hilt of his sword. "Ah. That's much better."

"We've come to ask you about the-" David started.

"Yes, yes! I know why you're here. You want to know about the Queen's threat." Rumplestiltskin cut him off in amusement.

"Tell us what you know." Dean spoke up in a tone that told the Dark One they meant business.

"Ooh. You brought along the famous righteous man as protection?" Rumplestiltskin remarked as Dean slid his hood off and smiled at him sarcastically, "Fear not, for I can ease your mind, but it's gonna cost you something in return."

"No. This is a waste of time." David shot him down automatically but was cut off by Snow who asked, "What do you want?"

"Oh... The name of your unborn child?"

"Why do you want to know a name?" Dean asked the Dark One suspiciously.

"Absolutely not-" David started just as his wife cut him off again and told the Dark One, "Deal. What do you know?"

"Ah. The Queen has created a powerful curse and it's coming. Soon you'll all be in a prison, just like me only worse. For your prison, all of our prisons will be time. For time will stop and we will be trapped someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love will be ripped from us, while we suffer for all eternity, while the Queen celebrates, victorious at last! No more happy endings." Rumplestiltskin explained, dragging the whole thing out as he enjoyed it.

"What can we do?" Snow asked.

"We can't do anything." Rumplestiltskin answered.

"Who can?" Snow quietly asked.

"That little thing growing inside your belly." Rumplestiltskin answered while reaching out of his cell to touch her pregnant stomach.

Dean held the hilt of his sword and unsheathed it, slapping the Dark One's hand away with the blade just as David stepped forward also. "Next time I cut it off-- That was a warning."

Dean stepped back again with a proud small smile as Rumplestiltskin clicked his tongue and looked at both of the men. "The infant is our only hope. Get the child to safety, get the child to safety and on her... twenty-eighth birthday, the child will return. The child will find you and the final battle will begin!" He let out a laugh.

"I've heard enough. We're leaving." David let out while leading his wife out of the cell.

The Dark One protested, "I want her name! We had a deal! I need her names! H-H-Her name!"

"Her? We're having a boy-" David started.

"Missy. Missy, you know I'm right. Tell me, what is the girl's name?" Rumplestiltskin said.

Snow closed her eyes and then reopened them, facing the Dark One again. "Emma. Her name is Emma." She turned and walked away, followed by David and his brother.

"Emma. Ah." Rumplestiltskin murmured in satisfaction.

Bellamy leaned up in his seat of his black, '67 Chevy Impala after hearing a car door slam shut; He noticed a blonde woman standing in front of a yellow bug, talking to a ten year old kid, Henry Mills.

The kid loves to hang out with Bellamy whenever he can or just loves talking to the man.

Archie then called out to the two as he crossed the street with his dog, Pongo, "Henry, what are you doing here?"

Dean also exited his vehicle and moved over to them, his hands in his front pockets as he also asked the boy, "Is everything alright, Kid?"

Henry grinned when he saw him and nodded, saying, "I'm okay, Bell."

Bellamy simply nodded and took notice of the blonde woman before giving her a small smile as Archie asked the question he was about to ask, "Who's this?"

The blonde slightly straightened up some as she admitted, "Just someone trying to give him a ride home-" Though, Henry cut her off by correcting her, "She's my mom, guys."

Bellamy's eyebrows raised at that as he nodded some while Archie said, "Oh, I see."

"You know where he lives?" The woman asked, her arms folded across her chest.

Bellamy nodded and answered, pointing behind him, "Yeah, sure. Just, uh, right up on Mifflin Street. The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block. I can escort you two that way-- I don't mind."

Henry glanced down at the ground as the woman looked down at him and replied, "You're the mayor's kid?" Henry still didn't look up at her and shrugged while saying, "Uh, maybe."

"Hey, where were you today, Henry?" Archie inquired, "Cause you missed your session."

"Oh, well, I forgot to tell you, I went on a field trip." Henry said while looking up at them, Bellamy hid a small amused smile by looking away.

Archie knelt down in front of the kid and started, "Henry... What did I tell you about lying? Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything."

Emma spoke up a bit uncomfortable now, "Okay. Well, I really should be getting him home."

"Yeah, sure." Archie replied while standing back up, "Well, listen, um, have a good night, and, uh, you be good, Henry."

"Yeah." The woman commented as Archie nodded at her and then at Bellamy who had his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket now. Archie turned and walked away while the woman faced Henry, asking, "So that's your shrink?"

"I'm not crazy." Henry pointed out as the blonde replied, "Didn't say that. Just... He doesn't seem cursed to me. Maybe he's just trying to help you."

"He's the one who needs help-- because he doesn't know." Henry sighed.

"That he's a fairytale character?" The woman said in confusion as Henry replied, "None of them do, not even Bellamy here. They don't remember who they are."

"Convenient." Henry's mother sighed and commented, "All right. I'll play. Who are they supposed to be?"

"Archie's Jiminy Cricket-" Henry replied as she looked over at the man beside them, Bellamy adding, "And he thinks I'm Prince Charming's brother who was the real hero, according to the kid."

"It's true. Dean's awesome." Henry grinned big.

Bellamy looked over at the woman and asked, "So, do you need that escort or you good?"

"If you don't mind, that would be nice since I don't know my way around this town- and since this kid here won't tell me where to go." She replied.

"Okay, but what's your name?" He shrugged while backing away to his own car.

"Emma." The blonde chuckled some while getting in her car with Henry. Bellamy drove in front of them, driving down the road now while leading them to the mayor's house.

Dean hurried his horse down the trail quickly, a dark cloud of smoke quickly following after him. He could hear Grumpy ring the bell and exclaim fearfully, "The curse! It's here!"

The knight barely made it through the closing double doors but did just in time. Dean hopped off of his horse and withdrew his sword immediately, noticing the Evil Queen's knights move toward him threateningly.

Dean dodged one man's sword and stabbed another one in the chest, removing his sword and spinning around to repeat the action on a different knight.

After they were taken down, Dean took off running into the castle to go help his little brother and sister-in-law with Emma, their baby that was coming.

Bellamy sat at the sheriff's desk, his legs propped up on top of the table with his arms folded across his chest; He could hear the town drunk, Leroy, whistling the tune known as Whistle While You Work in the cell next to the blonde woman, Emma, who opened her eyes and looked over at him.

"What are you looking at, sister?" Leroy remarked as an Italian-accented older man spoke up from where he stood by the counter, "Hey, Leroy. Manners. We have a guest. So you are, uh, Henry's mother? How lovely for him to have you back in his life."

"Actually, I was just dropping him off," Emma commented while lightly rubbing her head.

Leroy scoffed, "Don't blame ya. They're all brats. Who needs 'em?"

"Well, I'd give anything for one." The old man, Marco, spoke up, "My wife and I- We tried for many years, but, uh... It was not meant to be."

"Well, cry me a river." Leroy remarked.

"Leroy, I'm going to let you out. You need to behave." Sheriff Graham spoke up as he moved over to his cell and unlocked it for him, holding the cell door while Leroy stood up, "Put on a smile, and stay out of trouble." Leroy gave a fake sincere smile and walked out.

Emma leaned against the bars of her own cell and remarked, "Seriously?"

Graham glanced at her and stepped over to the woman, commenting, "Regina's drinks-- A little stronger than we thought."

"I wasn't drunk. There was a wolf standing in the middle of the road." Emma explained as Graham replied in slight disbelief, "A wolf. Right."

"You do know wolves are alive and in the woods here, right?" Bellamy spoke up in amusement, making the two other adults look over at him, "They're not extinct."

Graham rolled his eyes and pointed out, "What're you doing here anyway? And why are you in my chair?"

"I was sent to drop off this paperwork from my office," Bellamy shrugged while nodding at the stack of papers now on the Sheriff's desk.

"What do you do?" Emma curiously asked him as Bellamy slightly smirked and answered her, "Homeland Security and I'm also the detective here in Storybrooke."

"Graham, Henry's run away again. We have to-" Regina started as she came into the room and then noticed Emma, "What is she doing here? Do you know where he is?"

"Lady, I haven't seen him since I dropped him off at your house, and I have a pretty good alibi." Emma answered her.

"Yeah, well, he wasn't in his room this morning." Regina started as Emma asked, "Did you try his friends?"

"He doesn't really have any. He's kind of a loner." Regina sighed.

"Every kid has friends. Did you check his computer?" Emma commented, "If he's close to someone, he'd be emailing them."

"And you know this how?" Regina questioned.

"Finding people is what I do. Here's an idea." Emma began, "How about you guys let me out, and I'll help you find him?"


Bellamy stood beside Henry's desk, watching the computer screen over Emma's shoulder as she opened his email. "Smart kid. He cleared his inbox. Looks like he learned a few tricks from me, after all," Bellamy remarked, his arms folded across his chest.

Emma sighed some, saying, "I'm smart, too. A little hard disk recovery utility I like to use." She plugged in a drive into the computer.

"I'm a bit more old-fashioned in my techniques-" Graham spoke up, "Pounding the pavement, knocking on doors, that sort of thing."

"You guys are on salary, I get paid for delivery," Emma replied as a list of coded words appeared on screen, "Pounding the pavement is not a luxury that I get. Huh. There's a receipt for a website- It's expensive. He has a credit card?"

"He's ten," Regina said.

"Well, he used one," Emma replied as Bellamy began typing on the keyboard while adding, "Let's pull up a transaction record, shall we?"

Once he pulled up the file, they read the name as Emma asked them curiously, "Mary Margaret Blanchard. Who's Mary Margaret Blanchard?"

"Henry's teacher." Regina muttered.

Dean heard Snow White's pained cries and ran even faster down the hall as he then heard a baby's cries; He knew what happened. She had given birth already.

He stopped in the doorway to find his little brother holding his wife and newborn daughter in their arms. David looked up and smiled some, saying, "She's here."

"I can see that," Dean chuckled and moved over to them. Snow smiled and carefully handed Emma over to him as he now held her in his arms, one hand on the back of her head. "Hey, beautiful." He murmured to the newborn.

David commented lightly, "Huh. I didn't even realize you knew how to hold a baby, but you do."

Dean glanced up from his niece and looked at his brother, saying in amusement, "Who do you think held you the longest in your newborn years? Me."

David looked at him with a new sense of realization and nodded and replied, "You know, I never thanked you for, um, everything."

"Come on. It's whatever... Bitch." Dean laughed as David shook his head in amusement and commented, "Jerk." Dean handed his niece over to her parents who coddled her instantly.

Snow then had a sad realization look on her face as she spoke up, "The wardrobe. It only takes one."

Just then they heard men fighting in the hallway as Dean immediately ran to the door to guard it, his sword already drawn.

"Then our plan has failed," David murmured, his eyes watery, "At least we're together."

"No. You have to take her." Snow started, "Take the baby to the wardrobe."

"Are you out of your mind?" David softly cried as Snow shook her head and slightly explained, "No. It's the only way. You have to send her."

"No, no, no, no. You don't know what you're saying," David tried to change his wife's mind.

"No, I do. We have to believe that she'll come back for us." Snow continued, "We have to give her her best chance." David kissed his daughter on her head as Snow smiled at her and murmured, "Goodbye, Emma."

David took their baby into his arms and kissed his wife, putting as much of their love into that kiss, and headed to the door where his brother stood. "Watch my back?" He asked lightly.

"Always." Dean smirked a little and followed him down the hall to where they saw two of the Evil Queen's knights kill one of their men. "Go. I'll take care of them."

David nodded, held Emma closer to him, and ran towards the nursery while Dean blocked the knights' swords from cutting him with his own; He stabbed one in the neck and withdrew his sword before swinging it towards the other man and stabbing him in his heart, both falling to the floor dead.

Dean took off running towards the nursery also then but stopped in his tracks when he saw a knight stab David in his side through his back; The second knight had opened the wardrobe, discovering that the baby had escaped.

"NO!" Dean exclaimed as David began to fall to the floor. He stabbed the knights in their chests and killed them while turning and facing his brother, running over to him and now holding him up by the front of his shirt.

"David." David lagged and his head fell on Dean's shoulder until Dean held him up to look him in the eye. "Oh, David. Hey, hey. Come here, come here. I got you."

Dean moved his hand and covered David's wound and looked down at the blood. He looked his brother in the eyes again, his own eyes starting to water, as he reassured, "Hey, look. It's not even that bad. It's not even that bad, alright? Davey? David!"

He shook him a little and continued desperately, "Listen to me. I'm gonna fix you right up, okay? You'll be as good as new. Huh? I'm going-- I'm gonna take care of you. I got you. It's my job, right? Watch out for my pain in the ass little brother? Dave? David? Davey!"

"No, no..." He looked into his distant, lifeless eyes and hugged him tighter, David's head on his shoulder. Dean moved one hand on the back of his head as he held his little brother's body tighter. "David!" He cried out.

Snow hobbled into the nursery, holding her stomach, and noticed Dean holding her husband in his arms. She murmured, tears in her eyes, "No. No! No. No." She fell to the floor beside the two as Dean let her hold his brother.

She began desperately in a whispered tone, "No, no, no. Please. Please come back to me." Snow then got an idea and kissed David on the lips before pulling apart to find that True Love's Kiss didn't work, so she tried again but discovered it didn't work the second time. "What?"

"Oh, don't worry, dear. In a few moments, you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him," Regina spoke up once she stepped into the room and stood in front of them, glancing over at Dean who glared at her, "Neither of you will."

"Why did you do this?" Snow asked with a shake of her head, still clinging to her dead husband.

"Because this is my happy ending." Regina answered.

"I'll kill you," Dean spoke up, "No matter what world you take us to, I will find a way and kill you for what you did to him." He barely tossed a glance down at David's body as he continued to glare at the Evil Queen.

Regina smirked a little and commented, "The baby? Where is it?"

"Gone. She's nowhere to be found," Dean said with a smirk of his own.

"Where is she?" Regina demanded towards Snow and Dean as Snow sighed in relief and commented, "She got away. You're going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win."

"We'll see about that." Regina laughed as the Dark Curse came through the ceiling and surrounded the four of them while Regina continued to laugh evilly.

Dean held a protective arm around his little brother and sister-in-law tightly as Snow asked fearfully, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere horrible," Regina answered just as the curse flew in through the window also, "Absolutely horrible. A place where the only happy ending will be mine."

Snow glanced up at Dean with watery eyes, saying, "What do we do now?"

Dean shook his head and replied, "Have faith that one day your daughter will return." Snow nodded and held his hand along with holding her husband's body tightly to hers.

Dean unsheathed a knife from his belt and stabbed Regina in her thigh deeply before withdrawing the blade and smirking up at her, saying, "Now, you'll have another scar to remember me by."

Regina glared at him and replied, "No matter." Then the curse changed everything.

Bellamy was sitting in the chair beside the hospital bed of the John Doe, a coma patient who no one knew who he was.

Mary Margaret opened the door with a small bouquet of flowers in her hand and saw Bellamy reading a book to the patient. She smiled and spoke up, "Good evening, Agent."

"Good evening to you too, Ms Blanchard," He replied, looking up from his book and over at the woman who placed the flowers on the bedside table. 

"So, you're always visiting our John Doe. Do you know him?" Mary Margaret lightly asked, her hands folded in front of her.

"I don't really- Not really," Bellamy sighed and then smirked a little, saying, "Figured he needed someone to talk to-- or just be there."

"Yeah, I understand," Mary Margaret smiled sadly and pointed out, "And if you ever need someone to talk to, Agent, I'm right here."

"Oh, I'm fine." Bellamy shrugged, "Thanks, anyways. Well, I've gotta go. You know, catch up on some work." He stood up and walked out of the room and then the hospital, stopping at his Chevy Impala.

He looked up and over at the clock tower to see the hands on the clock move for the first time ever. "Huh." Bellamy let out, opening the car door and getting in. "Things are changing, indeed."

He started the ignition, classic rock music starting to play over the radio as he drove down the road.


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