better now > sequel to neighb...

By evieiou

7K 223 3

As the journey continues, Mae has accepted her faith and it's time to move on. Harry realises perhaps he has... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
Twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
Fifty Four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
spin off


130 4 0
By evieiou

two weeks later

It was a long drive back home, but it was even longer when it was Jordan driving, talking about his business that I didn't understand and Annabel singing to her iPad for two hours straight. I would zone out and put my earphones in when he wasn't looking and when he finally did shut up, we were there.

"Got the cake?" He asked me. His dark brown eyes pierced through my soul and I almost shivered at the deep stare. I nodded, "It's in the back."

We both unbuckled our belts and as I stepped out of the car I eyed him curiously. He pulled his jeans up slightly and slid his phone into his back pocket while observing the house; I rolled my eyes. He was into real estate and every time he came here he tried to convince my parents to sell the house. He thought it was a waste that such a big house full of potential was only hosting them two and Reece; he also just wanted the profits from selling it.

"We're here for mum's birthday, not a meeting to sell the place Jordan," I warned him. I opened the back door to unbuckle Annabel, who ran out giddily knocked on the door. Jordan held his breath and followed behind me. He was a whole different person when he was around my family. He was a people pleaser, meaning he saved the verbal abuse for behind closed doors. He put on a show to everyone and made out he was an amazing boyfriend and an amazing step-father to Annabel, it was comedic.

As the door opened for us, his hand rested on my lower back as we walked inside and I rolled my eyes. Here come the affection and false praise.

My father had opened the door for us and seeing his face right now made me want to cry. I missed my family so much and I haven't seen them in about a month. His wrinkly smile was like home and I immediately felt like a little girl again, safe and secure. I embraced him straight away.

"Hi dad," I smiled, breathing in the familiar scents of the house.

"Hello, my darling!" He greeted me. He pats my back and pulled apart to greet Jordan, Annabel had run into the kitchen already. I left for the kitchen too, not wanting to hear Jordan talk at all actually.

"Happy Birthday!" I yelled, opening my arms wide for a hug as I approached my mother. She smiled widely and accepted the hug. Her hugs were so much more different than my fathers. His were brief and stiff while hers were long and loving. Her arms refused to let me go for a few more seconds.

"Ok, ok. You can let me go now." I laughed.

She pulled away from me and gripped my shoulders. "Oh my love, you look amazing." She mumbled, eyeing me up and down. I scoffed and put the cake and card on the kitchen counter. From the corner of my eye, I spotted Annabel trying to climb onto the counter.

"Annabel Fletcher, get your butt down right now," I warned her. I watched her long legs freeze mid-climb and step down. I smiled to myself and looked back to my mother. Her hair was a tad darker than usual and she looked as amazing as usual- I would expect nothing less.

"fifty-five looks good on you." I laughed.

She smacked me with her dishcloth that had been slung over her shoulder then tossed it to the sink, about to say something when Jordan walked in. Her eyes went wide.

"Oh, Jordan! Mi guapo Jordan, I didn't know you were coming." She exclaimed. My eyes widened slightly at her excitement. It was fair to say my mother was very attracted to my boyfriend. It was very disturbing but what was more disturbing was that I was sure he was attracted to her too. I stepped aside and let her hug him while I directed Annabel to go out to the yard to Reece and Megan.

She did as she was told and I decided to tune into what Jordan was saying this time.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday for the world, Davina." He smiled. He flashed her his award-winning smirk that I once fell for when we were young and in love. These days it no longer sent my body into chills.

My mum laughed and fake swooned. Dad gagged, taking a seat at the table.

"Maybe I should give you two a little bit of privacy," He joked. Jordan laughed along with him and mum simply shrugged, then got back to cooking. It was all she ever did honestly.

"How's the business, Maelyn?" Dad asked.

I sighed out, a little smile on my lips. "I'm very happy with it." I told him honestly. I wanted to cry and tell him everything going wrong with Harry there but Jordan would bug out and keep asking me about him tonight. I kept that part to myself and leaned against the counter with my arms crossed.

"Great. I always knew you would be successful- A businesswoman and a mother, what else can you do?" He asked.

"Well, Jordan handles the business side of things." I reminded him. He nodded, swatting his hand.

"Don't discredit yourself, darling. I'm sure you work very hard." Mum chimed in. I smiled at her and was about to tell them more about it but a loud, piercing cry came from the yard and my heart stopped.

I leapt from my spot in the kitchen to the back garden. I didn't know what was going on but as a mother, you can't help but think the worst. As I ran like my life depended on it, I could see the kids at the back of the garden. There was no blood so far which I was grateful for. I knelt down in front of Annabel, immediately grabbing her into my arms. I was sure I'd have skid marks on my knees and grass stains from the impact but I didn't care.

"What, baby!?" I yelled, pulling her away to take a look at her. Her face was red and she was gasping for air as she cried. I wiped the hair from her face to examine it and still nothing- I didn't know what was wrong with her. Jordan knelt beside me, concerned for her also while everyone else stood back a little.

Her shoulders shook desperately until I noticed a red mark on her neck. Her head fell back slightly and I gasped. "Aw baby, did you get stung?" I asked her. She shook her head, yes and I pulled her into my arms as I stood up. I shushed her as Jordan and myself walked with her to the house, eventually putting her onto the counter top to treat the sting.

"N-no, I-I don't w-want that." She cried, pointing to the vinegar Jordan was getting from the cupboard. I shushed her and kissed her head gently. "Mummy is here babe, I'm gonna make it better." I smiled at her reassuringly. As Jordan handed me the bottle and some tissue, he attempted to hold her hand but I swatted him away.

She was hurt and I wasn't in the mood for his false affection towards us. He got the message. She whimpered uncontrollably as I pulled out the bee sting and dabbed it with vinegar and then cold water. All I could do was hug her and try to calm her down.

Everyone around us was now focused on something else seeing as she was okay so I snook her out with me for a bit so she could take a breather. These things happen all the time and I was proud I stayed calm for the most part of that. She was a strong girl too, which helped a lot.

I took her hand and we walked outside. Nostalgia washed over me immediately. Walking Annabel outside reminded me of when I would walk Megan outside and bring her everywhere with me, like that one Christmas we went out in the snow with her toy car. Everything is so different, I would have never predicted any of this. None of it.

Annabel still had teary eyes and it pained me to see her hurt but there were some things that she was going to have to get through, unfortunately. I glanced at Harry's house as we walked along the path and my heart truly did hurt every time I thought about him. I don't think that it was him that hurt me any more but rather what could have been.

If things worked out I could be on a walk right now with him and our daughter. If he didn't do me so wrong I could be living a beautiful life and so could she. I often wondered if we would have stayed together if he wasn't with Aria the whole time. Would we be married? Would we have more kids? My thoughts ran crazy with the what if's and I wonder's.

But perhaps that's all they ever will be,

What if's and I wonder's.

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