The Bad Boy's Camera Girl ✔️

By lonelylooseer

33.7K 782 177

Evaluna Adams loves to takes pictures of anything and anyone, her life isn't as good as she wants it to be an... More

~Author's Note~
~Chapter 1~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Outifts for Ch. 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~

~Chapter 14~

937 22 2
By lonelylooseer

We got to the slide and I sat down. Axel put his legs around my waistline, so I was in the middle of him and his legs.

We went down the slide and the others were waiting there.

"Let me snap a pic!" Veronica said as she took my instax out of my hands.

"Smile you guys!" Bella said.

When we didn't smile Bella rolled her eyes, and looked at Axel spectically.

"Hey Angel," Axel whispered into my ear. "You're beautiful." He smiled and I blushed.

Click. I got out of my little star stuck moment and realized Veronica had taken the pic.

"Good job, Axel." Bella said.

He smirked and winked. He helped me off the slide because he had already gotten off.

I snatched the picture from Veronica's hands and put it into my bag. I hate it when people take pictures of me, because I lose some of the confidence that I don't have.

"What'd we miss?" Lucas said as he was carrying three bags of popcorn in one hand and three snow cones in the other.

Nathan, next to him, was also carrying the same amount of food.

"Each of us get a snow cone and a bag of popcorn." Nathan said.

"We should go sit over there." Bella said as she pointed to a picnic table.

We all nodded.

I sat down and the girls sat in front of me.

Nathan sat on my left and Axel on my right while Lucas sat in front of Nathan.

It was like lunch all over again.

"What's your biggest dream?" Nathan said to all of us.

"I wanna become a famous fashion designer." Veronica said.

"I wanna become an event manager." Bella said. "What about you Nathan?"

"A chef." He said.

"I want to become an architect." Lucas said.

"I'll become a mechanic or a singer." Axel said.

"He sings?!" The girls said and he just nodded.

"What about you angel?" He asked me.

"I wanna travel the world." I said.

"Ooo, that's soups exciting!" Veronica said.

"Are we invited?" Bella asked.

"Well duh, that would make it more exciting." I said and laughed a little.

"OMG! Hey babe! I didn't know you were gonna be here!" A squeaky voice, I recognized very well, yelled from a booth.

"Fuck." Axel whispered.

That voice is from the queen bee herself, Crystal Davis. She's a girl who uses her perfect body to go around and have sex with guys. She has a lot of money and she can have guys do whatever she wants. I hate her, she's the one that ruined my life. She has been bullying me since fourth grade.

When I saw her coming over to our table, I had a mini panic attack.

"Hey baby, how you been?" She said and sat on Axel's lap. She kissed him.

He pulled back and didn't say anything.

She looked at our table and furrowed her eyebrows when she got to me.

"What the hell are you doing here with my boyfriend you freak?!" She yelled at me.

"Don't yell at her like that!" Axel said as he got Crystal off his lap.

"Well then why are you sitting at a table with freaks? I have the right to yell at them! Especially her!" She said and pointed to me.

"She hasn't done anything to you!" Axel said.

"She's a slut!" Crystal said.

"Get the fuck away from here!" Nathan yelled at her.

"Can't you see he doesn't want anything to do with you?" Lucas told her.

She fumed with anger and she looked at me. "I'm not done with you!" She yelled at me and stormed off.

"I fucken hate her." Axel said and continued to eat his popcorn.

"She's such a bitch. I hate her and what she's been doing to Eva." Bella said.

"What did she do to her?" Axel said.

I looked at bella and Veronica and I shook my head as of saying 'don't tell him anything please.'

They understood and nodded.

"It's not our place to tell, sorry." Veronica said.

"But on the bright side, the sun is almost going down." Bella said.

"Let's go on a couple more rides before it does go down." Nathan said and picked up his trash.

We all got up and threw away our trash and went on some more rides.


After getting on some more rides, the sun was setting and we all decided to go to the Ferris Wheel.

"Whose going on with who?" Nathan asked.

"I'm taking Luna." Axel said.

"What the, why?!" Bella whined.

"Because I haven't gotten to be partners with her." Axel said.

"I'll partner up with Veronica." Nathan said and smiled. Veronica stood there stunned but agreed nevertheless.

"I'm stuck with this asshole?!" Bella asked.

"That's really offensive." Lucas said but laughed.

Bella just rolled her eyes.

"Cheer up buddy, you have to get used to it either way. Remember? We're partnered up for the project." Lucas said.

"Ugh." Bella said.

"Come on." Axel said and grabbed my wrist and took me to the line.

I looked up at the Ferris wheel. It's so high up. I hate heights.

I felt someone grab my hand and looked at the person. Axel gave me a reassuring smile.

As we waited in line, Axel kept making me laugh and not worry about the heights thing.

"Five tickets each please." The guy said, once we got to the front.

Axel gave him the tickets. "You kids have fun, but not too much fun. You don't want to make your parents grandparents just yet." He said and winked.

Axel laughed while I blushed.

Axel took me to the cart and let me go in first as he went in after me. The guy closed the lap bar and we went up a bit so he can load more people.

"Say cheese!" Axel said as he held his phone up.

I rolled my eyes but smiled.

He snapped the picture. "Let's take it on your Instax Camera." He said.

I nodded and took it out. He turned it on and took the shot.

I smiled and took it from his hands and put it in my bag. I grabbed my other camera out and turned it on.

I snapped some pictures of the sunset and some of just Axel being silly. I laughed at those.

After that ride, I took some pictures of the girls and some of the guys. We went on some more rides.

"Hey baby sis!" Isaac said as he sick up behind me. I squealed.

"Hey big bro!" I said and hugged him.

"How'd you like your day?" Isaac said.

"I loved it! I got to hang out with my friends!" I said and smiled.

"Let's go or we might not get a good seat for the fireworks." Bella told me.

"Okay okay." I told her. "I'll see you at home. Bye Alex." I told them as Bella pulled my arm.

"Bye, love you!" They both said and I smiled.

I grabbed my camera and turned it on.

"Sit next to me." Someone whispered in my ear.

I turned around and found a smiling Axel.

I nodded and he grabbed my hand in his and took me with him. We sat on a blanket in the front, but it wasn't in the front front. We could see the show good, so it was a good spot.

The others were sitting in front of us. Axel had offered to hold my instax Camera and try to take a picture of the fireworks. I shivered a little and got really cold.

Axel must have noticed because he was already taking off his hoodie. The good thing was that he had a long sleeve under.

"Here." Axel said as he handed it to me.

"Thanks." I said and put it on. It smelled so much like him and it fit big because i was really short, but it was comfortable.

I put my other camera in my hand and my plans were to get as many pictures of the fireworks.

As they started I snapped pictures left and right.

The fireworks lasted about ten minutes and once they finished me and Axel decided to go and find his mom and the girls.

"Tomorrow let's meet up at my place?" Axel said. "We're playing video games and watching movies."

"Your mancave is so fucking incredible, i'm so down." Lucas said.

"I'm in too." Nathan said.

"What about you girls?" Axel asked them.

"Sure, I dont think we have anything to do." Veronica said.

I nodded.

"Lucas, bring Ella so she can kick it with Lilly." Axel said.

"I already was gonna bring her. By the way, I need to take her home, so let's go." Lucas said.

"Bye!" I said to the rest.

I followed Axel and Lucas. They were in front of me, while I was in the back of them. They were talking about this really popular video game, I think, I don't know though I wasn't really paying attention to them. My mind was elsewhere.

I was mainly thinking about my sister. She had her life thrown away at a young age and it was my fault. If I hadn't asked them to pick me up from the park, then that drunk guy wouldn't have crashed into them.

I felt my eyes get a little bit watery.

"Wait! I forgot to get them something." Axel said and quickly ran to the nearest snack booth.

"I swear sometimes he spoils them way to much." Lucas said.

I laughed a little and Axel came back with two cotton candies.

"Let's go." Axel said and we went to where his mom was. 

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