My Little Butterfly || H.S...

By TommoDelight

7.2K 448 64

ReavenJei Cruz is just a ordinary girl, first year of high school. One day something unexpected happen to her... More

My little butterfly ||h.s.
Ch.1- First day of school
Ch.2- Bruises..
Ch.3- Expectation
Ch.4- Saying our good-byes
Ch.5- London β™₯
Ch.6- Daèġvu
Ch.7- Day with the Boys
Ch.8- The Secret is out
Ch.9- Company and More News
Ch.10- I knew it
Ch.11- Misunderstood
Ch.12- Cards :3
Ch.13- All my fault
Ch.14- I don't care
Ch.15- Secrets and more
Ch.16- Truth be told
Ch.17- Mistreated
Ch.18- Secret Surprise
Ch.19- Memories Made
Ch.20- I'm cured
News :)
Haha Sorry Mix Up
Ch.22- Happy Ending?

Ch.21- Surprise!!

109 12 2
By TommoDelight

Reaven's POV

*5 Hours Laters*

I slipped in a beautiful outfit. It was a sleeve slim black dress that hugs my beautiful body. My hair was in a cute bun and I clipped on a choker with diamonds around it. I decided to wear a pair of black heeled boots. I felt and looked beautiful.

I got down stairs and I saw Ethel wearing a plain slim grey dress with a denim cover up around her. Her short layered hair was fluffed in a way she wanted and she was wearing a pair of white converse.

"Harry is going to drop dead once he sees you." I laughed a bit as Ethel said that. Once Brandon dropped Ethel and I to the flat, on the way Ethel told me they had a surprise party.

"This outfit is really perfect for that occasion." We both laughed once we were in front of the flat. Ethel texted Niall saying I'm coming and she told me to act surprised.

Once we were at the door, I opened it a bit seeing a dark room. We both chuckled as I began to act, "I wonder where they are?" I pretended and Ethel chuckled and I turned on the light and everyone jumped and everyone yelled "SURPRISE!"

I wanted to drop dead once I faced Luke, Ashton,Michael and Calum. They all gave me hugs and kept saying Happy Birthday. I even got a greet from Perrie's band mates in Little Mix. They were such sweet hearts, Jade called me cute. Leigh-Anne said I was gorgeous. Jesy even said I looked more older than my age.

I walked over to the boys seeing that there were only 4 of them. Harry was no where to be seen. I guess he forgot my birthday..

I hugged some people that Harry talk too. They always say he would never shut about me. Them talking about Harry made me miss him more in the inside as I tried to laugh a long as they made fun of him.

I walked over to the four boys and finally asked the question I have been needing to all a long.

"Wheres Harry?" they looked at each other as Ethel drank her drink not looking at me in the eye.

"He forgot?" Louis questioned. I sighed and walked over to the punch tabel and poured punch in the cup and drank some through the whole time.

Through the night I couldnt stop thinking about Harry so instead I talked to Luke.

"So your 15, That awesome." I chuckled and looked around

" is.." I said a little gloomy.

"Well, I don't like seeing a sad Reaven, follow me." He said grabbing my wrist.

Once we got outside we were in the back of the flat, there was a path of red pedals leading to the other side of the fence.

"What is this?" I asked so concerned.

"Ill tell you if you put this on." he said as he was holding a blind fold. I glared at him and put it on.

He held my hand and we were walking somewhere that I do not know and then his hand was gone when we stopped I paniced if he left me in the woods or something.

"Luke!" no answer I paniced and then someone took off my blind fold and it was Harry.

I smiled and hugged him he hugged back and then I saw a guitar and I saw a blanket and then I looked around and it was the lake he took me to yesterday.

"Harry, I thought you for-"

"Forgot The love of my lifes birthday ofcourse not." I got confused

"Wait, Does anyone know about this?" he shook his head.

This was his surprise well he surprise me, I hope he likes my news.

Harry's POV

"You Know this not just the surprise." she got confused I smiled and took the guitar and looked at her

"Reaven Jei Cruz this is for you." she smiled.

I began to play,

' Am I awake am I asleep or some where in betweeen?
I cant believe that you arent here in laying next to me or did I dream that we were perfectly intwined, like branches on a tree or twigs caught on a vine.

Like all thoes days in weeks and months I tried to steal a kiss and all thoes sleepless night and day dream where I picture this Im just the underdog who finally girl and I am not a shame to tell it to the world.

Truly, madly, deeply, I am Foolishly, completely falling And somehow you caved all my walls in So baby, say you'll always keep me Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you In love with you

Should I put coffe and granoila on a tray in bed and wake you up with all the words that I still havent said?
Or tender touches just to show you how I feel?
Or should I act so cool like it was so big deal?

And truly, madly, deeply, I am Foolishly, completely falling And somehow you caved all my walls in So baby, say you'll always keep me Truly, madly, crazy, deeply in love with you In love with you

I hope Im not a causalty
I hope you wont get up and leave I might not mean that much to you but to me your everything, EverythingTruly, madly, deeply, I am Foolishly, completely falling And somehow you caved all my walls in So baby, say you'll always keep me uly, madly, crazy deeply in love (in love) with you (w In love (in love) with you (with you) In love (in love) with you (with you) With you, oh!

Tears escaped her cheecks and I got up and wiped it she looked at me and smiled

"I didnt know there was more." I chuckled and leaned and our lips touched as it was moving perfectly with mine I almost forgot to show her one last thing.

"Wait, I wann show you one last thing." she smiled and then we went to a tree and I got my knife and I carved


She chuckled and then she looked kinda nervous after I carved it.

"Reaven What wrong?" she looked at me and smiled

"Harry, My skin is cured I dont burtterfly skin anymore." I smiled and I picked her up she chuckled as I spinned her.

"Thats So Grate!" she chuckled and I put her down

"Well, So your saying my old skin was ugly?" I chuckled

"Heck No, You maybe cured but you will always be my little Butterfly." She smiled and then my lips touched hers and then we layed down in the blanket and watched the stars.

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