Bad Boy

By delirium-

40.1K 1.3K 160

Roxy Gledwer is not the type of person that you'd call 'popular'. She's not the type that you'd call 'nerd' e... More

Bad Boy
Chapter 1: Moving?!
Chapter 2: Pardon sir, but did you just say 'plane?'
Chapter 3: Hello Charlton Ville, May I Hate You?
Chapter 4: The Not-So Welcoming Bag
Chapter 5: First Day Of School
Chapter 6: Janet & The Jets
Chapter 7: Fake Boyfriend Project
Chapter 8: I get an I am my "boyfriend"'s tutor?
Chapter 9: Day two of tutoring the pedophile
Chapter 10: Dating The Pedo
Chapter 11: Burger King With The Pedo
Chapter 13: Will I Trust A Boy? Never Again.
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Friends With My Arch-Enemy
Chapter 15: Whats Wrong With "Rox"?
Chapter 16: Gigi Hams meet Janet White
Chapter 17: Kisses Bitch
Chapter 18- My Life Was Robbed
Chapter 19 - Then I Wake Up
Chapter 20 - The Kiss I Thought I'd Never Have
✧ playlist ✧
Authors Note

Chapter 12: Drunk 'n Pedo

1.3K 48 3
By delirium-

Special thanks to Chrisanna who made the cover on the side for me xD

Chapter 12- Drunk 'n Pedo

After dinner, Chase grabbed my hand, which I wanted to yank away from very much, and he dragged me back to the car.

"What now?" I ask.

"You'll see." A small grin plastered on his face.


I found myself walking into a teenage house party with liquor and tons of weed. Memories of my old school came back to me.

He yanked me towards the kitchen and poured me a glass of whiskey, which I denied to drink. He shrugged and drank my glass.

I watched girls grind on guys and saw couples kissing in closets, and a couple girls almost started to have sex in the living room, but they, gladly, took it upstairs.

I watched Chase get completely drunk and stumble around the room.

Later I decide my mouth is dry and I need something to drink.
I grab a red solo cup and reached for the water, but my eyes were so blurry, I accidentally poured vodka instead. I rolled my eyes, not really caring.

The vodka tasted so good in my mouth. I poured myself a lot more.

I danced in the middle of the living room and started to grind of guys.

I danced with Chase.

Eventually I grabbed Chase's hand and ran upstairs.

I stumbled into a room, and fell on the bed. Chase followed and closed the door. He jumped onto the bed and I sat on top of him, beginning to unbutton his shirt. I traced my finger around his abs.

"Your so sexy." I smile drunkenly.

He squeezed at my boobs and I started to unbutton my shirt.

He licked his lips.

Then everything went black.


I wake up the next morning in a random room I have never been in before. I was about to get out of the bed when I realize a mans hand was on top of my right breast. I slowly turn my head to the the right to see who the hand belonged too. A masculine body laid sprawled out in front of me. He turned his head towards me and smiled. "Hey babe." He said.

I should have known.





Now, he's seen me naked, he's touched my boobs, and fucked me.

He got what he wanted. 

I didn't care if I was naked, I sat on top of him, not really thinking, and started slapping him. "You. Fucking. Idiot. You. Set. Me. UP!"  

I got up, got my clothes and that's when I realized there was blood all over the white sheets, and on my legs. 

I was a virgin.

I lost my virginity to Chase Hawkins. 

I couldn't hold it in. I started bawling. Naked. Chase stood up and walked over to me, his d*ck sticking out. It was big. It was sexy- god no no no don't think about that.

He sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Roxy, I never set you up. Admit it, we both got drunk, we didn't know what we were getting ourselves into. I didn't think you were a virgin, a pretty girl like you, I would have thought already had sex with someone."

I pushed Chase away from me. "You knew exactly what you were doing. You got what you wanted. You had sex with me. Congrats, now leave me alone." I start to put on my clothes.

"Roxy wait-"

I hold my hands up. "No, Chase, you wait. You took my virginity! You got it! Its what you wanted right? Now, leave me alone, now I swear, if anybody at school finds out, I will slaughter you. I do not want to be known as the biggest slut in school." With that, I finish putting on my clothes in silence, and begin to leave.

"Fine. I did get what I wanted. I wanted to fuck you the moment I laid eyes on you, because you were the sexiest person I ever laid eyes on. However, I-"

"Thats all I need to hear Chase." I growl, and with that, I slam the door and leave.


Hey guys! Thanks so much fro reading! This chapter...was different then what I normaly write lol. 

But could you guys please be active? Vote if you liked, comment your thoughts on the story, characters, and comment what your thinking and what you think will happen or what you want to happen? Comment your thoughts when something crazy happens?

I really appreciate comments, so please be active supporters. :D Plus, I gave you a chapter yesterday and a chapter today....I only give chapters once a week, so you owe me ;)

Again, thanks so much for reading and helping me get 2k reads! I love you all so much!



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