The Dragon Princess and the S...

By Skippy6804

6.7M 161K 231K

(Y/N) Lily Potter lives with her twin brother, Harry James Potter. They are very close and are best friends... More

First things First
It's Magic?
You're a witch
Diagon Alley
Hogwarts Express
Welcome to Hogwarts
First Day
Flying Lessons
A/N Please Read!
The Third Floor Corridor
I'm Here
Most Wonderful Time of the Year
The Mirror
The Philosopher's Stone
The Plan
The Trapdoor
Last Day, New Beginning
Goodbye for Now
The Escape
Floo Powder
Going back to Hogwarts
First Day Back
Defense Against the Dark Arts
The Voice
The Chamber of Secrets
Rogue Bludger
Polyjuice Potion
Into the Chamber
Aunt Marge and the Night Bus
The Leaky Cauldron
Screams/ He Was Their Friend
Christmas Surprise
From now on
The Malfoys
Quidditch World Cup
The Tri-wizard Tournament
Unforgiving Curses
The Champions
Dragons and Ferret
First Task
Perfect Night
Blanket Fort
Yule Ball
Second Task
Third Task
He's Back
I Choose Her
The Order
Back to Hogwarts
Dumbledore's Army
Double Agents
The Promise
The Vision
Department of Mysteries
Never Give Up
Draco & Mummy
Year Six
Liquid Luck
The Slug Club
Christmas Party
The Astronomy Tower
New Adventure
Eight Potters
The Will
Last Night
Ministry of Magic
Godric's Hollow
Baby Mine
The Manor
The Cottage
The Battle Begins
Severus Snape
The Twins Who Lived
We're Home
There's a Copy Cat


82K 2.1K 3.8K
By Skippy6804

I was in the great hall the next morning twirling my fork on my plate. "You have to eat something." Ruby insisted. "Ruby's right you need your strength." Micaela agreed. Celeste then walked up to the table. She got along with Ruby and Micaela, so she was my friend. "Hi (Y/N), just wanted to wish you good luck on the game." She said. "Thanks Celeste, will you be cheering me on?" I asked. "Of course." she beamed and left.

Draco then walked in to the hall. "You have to eat something." Micaela said as Draco sat down next to me. "What's going on?" He asked. "(Y/N) won't eat." Ruby spoke. "I'm not hungry." I said. "You have to eat something." Draco insisted.

He grabbed my fork and got some food. "What are-" I was interrupt by Draco feeding me. "You're not eating yourself, so I'll have to feed you." he said feeding me another bite. I turned to my friends who were smirking and I blushed.

Draco then feed me some more. I then heard an owl screech. I turned to see mine  and Harry's owl come in with two large packages and dropped them on both of our table. "What's this? I never get mail." I stated. I looked around and saw Professor Snape petting storm and smiled at me.

"Well, open it." Micaela beamed. I did as she said and saw an amazing broom. "The Nimbus 2000." Ruby said in awe. "I thought first years weren't allowed their own broom." Micaela said. Draco spoke up, "Well this is probably an acceptation because she's on the Quidditch team."

I picked up the broom and looked over at Harry's table and saw that he got one as well. "Ready Potter?" Flint said. "I guess I'll have to be." I responded. "Lets go." The team and I made our way down to the field waiting for the game to start.

I was very nervous and Flint seemed to have noticed. "Scared (Y/N)?" he asked. "A little." "Don't worry I was like that my first game too." "What happened?" "I don't know, woke up in the hospital wing a week later." he finished. Then it was time to go out to the field.

I walked out and mounted my broom then took off in the sky. I took a lap around the field once then took my potion as the crowd cheered. Then the Gryffindor team came out and I saw Harry. He flew up to me. "Good luck, princess." he said.

I smiled. "You too." He flew back to his side of the field. The the announcer spoke from the tower. "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!"

The crowd cheered. Madam Hooch spoke, "Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you." She stopped and glared at the Slytherins. She blew her whistle and threw the quaffle in the air. "The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." The announcer called.

I immediately caught the quaffle and went quickly to the Gryffindor's goal. Two of their chasers charged at me, but I quickly dodged them causing them to crash into each other. A bludger came at me but I spun out of the way. "GO (Y/N) GO!" I heard Draco cheer. I smiled at him as I pass by.

I flew to the goal and threw the quaffle making it in. "10 point to Slytherin." the announcer called as the Slytherins cheered and my friends from Gryffindor, of course. "Whoa! Slytherins new game plan, get the quaffle to Potter!" Flint directed.

"YOU GOT THIS, LOVE!" I heard Draco cheer again causing me to blush hearing him call me love out loud for everyone to hear. I still smiled at him as I went after the quaffle. They tossed me the ball and I threw it in the goal again. "YES! GO LOVE GO!" Draco yelled, I giggled a bit at his actions.

"10 points to Slytherin made by (Y/N) Potter again!" the announcer spoke. I scored a couple more times. "Another 10 points to Slytherin! Potter is on fire!" I smirked hearing the crowd chanting my name. Then I saw Harry's broom go crazy. I looked around and saw professor Snape not breaking eye contact with Harry's broom.

"Hermione! Snape's jinxing the broom!" I called. She nodded and went off to do something. A moment later Harry gained control of his broom again and took off after the the snitch. I kept playing the game until I saw Harry hit the ground.

It looked like he was going to be sick. Then he threw up the golden snitch. "Harry Potter caught the snitch!" the announcer called. Madam Hooch blew her whistle and spoke, "Gryffindor wins!"

I looked at Harry and clapped, he was still my brother. I flew down then got off of my broom and ran to him. "Congrats Harry." I said. "Thanks. You did absolutely amazing. If I didn't catch the snitch, I think we would have lost." He joked and I giggled.

I looked up at the stands to see Draco who had a disappointed look on his face. I caught his eye and he smiled at me. I smiled back and got back on my broom then flew up to him. "Enjoy the game?" I questioned him sitting up straight on my broom. "It would have been better if we won." Draco responded.

"We'll win next time." I said. "If you keep playing like you did we most definitely will. You were on fire." Draco beamed and I giggled. "Thanks." I smiled. "If you keep cheering me on like that I might keep playing Quidditch for a while." I smirked and he laughed a bit.

Draco leaned on the rail and kissed my cheek. "Good game, Potter." Draco smirked and left. "Now it was, Malfoy." I whispered to myself. I was blushing like crazy, smiling like an idiot to myself about what just happened.

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