YouTuber Tickle One-Shots

By Skyethecookie

84.6K 882 582

From Septiplier to Pewdiecry, from Pewdieplier to Danti, from Tythan to Crankiplier, all the YouTuber ships a... More

Pay Attention To Me (septiplier)
We've Had Enough (i)
Quick Author's Note
I'm sorry
Admitting It Is Harder Than Keeping It A Secret (i)
Too Late For Sorry (ii)
Dream Daddy
author's note
You Went Too Far (sequel to We've Had Enough)
Sanders Side: I Want to Hear You Laugh
Mark's Turn (iii)
Jack Attack (iv)
Sanders Sides: Virgil's Bedroom (and some drabble to get Roman to help Thomas)
Pestering (Jelix)
All About Me (Roman and Virgil)
So. (A/N)
Tweets (Crankiplier)
Help Me... (A/N)
I Can't Believe It (Darkstache)
What's Good Fam (A/N)
What's Good (YouTube Drabble)
Oh Fuck (a/N)
Ok (a/N)
Everyone Fears the Monster (Logicality)
Yay! (A/N)
Okay (A/N)
Weird Poem I Thought Of (A/N)
Headcanons (A/N)
Sorry Again (A/N)
Asked For It (Danti)
Playful Wrestling (Sanders Sides AU)

Damn Warfstache

1.4K 30 14
By Skyethecookie

Summary: Warfstache is the world's biggest-ass tease.

Possible Darkstache? You can take it that way if you please.

"STOHOHOHOP THIHIHIHIS AHAHAHAT OHOHOHONCE!" demanded Darkiplier, twisting and turning to escape Warfstache's tickling fingers. Dark's efforts were in vain, however, as his tormentor had a tight grip on his wrists and was positioned on his thighs to keep him still.

"Ticke tickle, Darkipoo," teased Warfstache, drumming his fingers against Dark's belly. "Is the big bad Dark ticklish? Is he?"

"CUHUHUHUT THAHAHAHAT OHOHOHOUT!" Dark felt his face heat up, a light red tinge forming on his cheeks as he struggled. The teasing made it so much worse.

"Cut what out? The teasing? But it's so fun seeing you get all flustered like this! It's not like I ever get the chance," Warfstache cooed, smirking as Dark blushed more.

Warfstache stopped tickling, much to Dark's relief. As Warfstache thought for a moment Dark struggled to get his breath back, chest heaving.

After a moment of hesitation Warfstache lifted a single finger in the air, wiggling it.

Oh no.

Dark knew this tactic. Dark knew the outcome. And Dark knew he was NOT going to like it.

"Oh Darkipooooo," singsonged Warfstache, slowly moving his hand to point his wiggling digit downwards. 

"W-Warf," began Dark, wincing at his stutter and the blush already rising on his face, "this r-really isn't the t-time, you know. I have th-things to do..." A weak argument, and Dark knew it. But he wasn't about to stop trying

Warfstache ignored Dark's voice, an ever-growing smile spreading on his face as he brought his hand very slowly towards Dark's belly. "The ickle little worm is coming, Darky..."

Dark's squirming became more frantic, bucking and twisting, trying anything, everything, to stop what he knew was inevitable.

"The ickle worm is coming for a very special button, Dark."


And Warfstache pounced.

Dark shrieked and burst into loud, hysterical laughter as Warfstache's finger burrowed into his navel, scratching and wiggling over every spot it could reach.

"FAHAHAHAHAHACK!" Dark couldn't stand it. His face was pinker than Warfstache's suspenders, unable to move, unable to see due to the tears of mirth welling in his tightly-shut eyes and slipping down his face, his arms tired fom struggling.

Warfstache realized this and stopped, retracting his hands and climbing off of Dark to sit next to him.

Dark lay on the floor for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts (and his breath). His face burned, and his sides and stomach tingled from the awful torture.

"You alright there, giggles?" Asked Warfstache teasingly, but still slightly concerned for his well-being. Dark hadn't realized the giggles still spilling out of him.

"Ihihi'm fihine..."

Warfstache helped his friend sit up, waiting as Dark caught his breath and stopped giggling.

"I hate you, Warfstache," grumbled Dark.

"I can't help that you're so damn ticklish. Not to mention that's it's a lot of fun to see you breathless and completely at my mercy," responded Warfstache casually, making Dark blush and chuckle.

"You're such a fucking tease," complained Dark lightheartedly, smiling.

"I pride myself in it."

"You pride yourself in everything, Warfstache."

Warfstache laughed.

"Touché, Dark."

I know it's short, but it's all I had energy for. Hope you like it!

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