Contract Husband [H2OVANOSS]...

By ZieZie66

95.1K 5.2K 3.3K

For the past ten years, the Dennis and Fong Company are the most ranked and successful companies in the world... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
[NOT A CHAPTER] Just Got Tagged
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54

Chapter 28

1.9K 99 17
By ZieZie66

Jonathan's POV

Many days passed and today is going to be my official week getting back to the house. These last six days that I stayed there, there's unexpectedly nothing bad that happened. I was expecting that he'll push me away or give me those cold shoulders but the opposite actually happened. He always stays close to me when we're together at the house, keeping his eye on me (not in the creepy way, alright?), helping me as best as he can (which didn't really help at all to be honest but it's still nice even if jon wouldn't admit it to himself), give me a ride and pick me up from work, and then sleep together in his room. The last one became another routine for us, for me, like it was already automatic when we finish eating dinner we'll went straight up stairs and enter his room without talking then sleep beside each other. A light pink blush spread on my cheeks whenever I thought about it. I wasn't expecting that being a result of my come back to the house. I thought I'll just stay in my room and lock myself away from him. Now that I'm noticing, he's suddenly talking more than usual and not the typical humming in response or silent nodding but actually talking. Although I'm glad he's using his voice to reply but sometimes, out of the blue, he'll say something really awkward to reply back or something stupid that even I couldn't think of what to say. I just ignore it as a result. Today was not different than usual.

"Jon, are the cupcakes ready?" Scotty ask as he help me cut the dough while I put some frostings above the cupcakes.

"Almost..." I mutter as I put a pink frosting on the twenty-fourth cupcake.

"Done!" I beamed and put the two sets of cupcakes into the trays. Scotty helped me carry it and we went outside to put it in display for the customers to buy as a dessert. David smile when he saw us holding it and help us.

"Thanks." I thanked him as I wipe the sweat on my forehead. He nodded and place it inside the glass.

"No problem. Are the chocolate chips done?" He ask. My eyes widen as I realize I haven't started yet doing it.

"Shoot! I forgot! I'll immediately make it!"

I run back to the kitchen while Scotty excused himself to help Brock on making coffee. When I get inside I immediately started grabbing the ingredients needed for the cookies. The door suddenly opens and Kryoz went inside.

"Need help?" Kryoz offer as he walk towards me.

"If it's okay then could you please soften the butter? So it's easier to stir in the mixer." I replied. He oblige and grab the butter and cut it into small pieces. A couple of minutes pass and the chocolate chip was now being baked in the oven. My baking became a lot easier since Kryoz came. He's actually really helpful to me along with Scotty who's helping from time to time.

I sigh in relief when everything rushed to bake were finally done and now we can catch our breath. Just then the peacefulness was interrupted when the door burst open and Scotty stare at us with wide eyes and mouth ajar.

"He is here!" He gasp out. A frown form on Kryoz and mine's forehead as we stare back at Scotty who's looking at us in disbelief. Kryoz put down the mixer and mixing bowl he's currently using to make a batter.

"Who?" He ask curiously as he speed walk towards Scotty.

"See it for yourself." He replied as he step aside for Kryoz to peak outside. As soon as Kryoz stick his head out, I immediately hear a loud gasp. Kryoz look back at Scotty and to my direction with a shock expression.

"Jon, you should see this." He utter. I sigh and put down the cups I'm holding and went towards them. I walk out and look on what is the commotion. My eyes widen when not only did I see my husband but also Brian, who's currently snuggling Brock. A few customers were looking at Evan in shock, some secretly taking pictures, while the others were whispering to each other. He's really famous huh?

He keeps looking around until he finally made eye contact with me before start walking straight towards my direction. I panic so I immediately went back inside the kitchen and lock the door. Scotty and Kryoz look at me confused.

"Uh, why did you run away from him?" Scotty ask while raising his brow.

"Yeah, I thought he's your relative?" Kryoz join in. Nodding along with Scotty. I deeply sigh as I lean my back on the door.

"People can't see us together. Rumors will start spreading and I don't wanna get involve in it. It will ruin his and my life." I reasoned out. It was the truth this time. The two of them nodded and understand.

"Ahh, you're right. Having someone famous you know is quite hard. I guess you guys barely hang out with each other and so he missed you that's why he came here to visit you." Kryoz concluded. Tapping his chin by his finger. A small blush form on my cheeks when I heard the last part.

He miss me?

My heart started to beat faster than usual. Just then, a knock came from behind me and the person behind the door spoke up.

"Jonathan?" A deep husky voice said my name. My jaw drop as I heard it. It was the first time he said my name since we met.

"May I come in?" Evan spoke up once again. I snap out of my daze and hesitate. Debating whether I should let him in or not.

"Hey." Scotty tapped my shoulder. I look at him and Kryoz as the two of them smile.

"If you two have something private to talk about then we'll leave you two alone." Scotty continue. I bit my lower lip and pause for a second. I took a deep breath and sigh.


I unlock the door and step aside as it slowly open. Evan came in with hesitation in his eyes as he look around. Scotty and Kryoz walk out and the two of us were left alone. There was a moment of silence between us and it was getting awkward so he finally spoke up.

"Did Wilde came here today?" He ask. Eyes finally meeting mine. A frown form on my forehead as I haven't heard that name before.

"Who?" I ask back.

"The guy that visited you in the hospital. Tyler Wilde. The heir of the Wilde Company that recently became number two on the rankings ever since our companies merge." He describe. Sighing at the end of his talking.

"Tyler?" I repeated. He nodded in reply. I shake my head and cross my arms.

"He haven't." I reply. He sigh in relief but I'm still not done talking.

"Yet." I continue. He suddenly inhale sharply, frowning as he look at me confused.

"Yet?" He repeated. I nodded.

"He's always coming around 10:00am(10:00). Why do you ask?"

"Nothing." He reply while looking away. My eyes squint as I study his face. He's obviously lying.

"You're a terrible liar you know?" I put my hands on my hips and give him a bored look. He deeply sigh as he comb his hair with his hand.

"I'm just checking." He replied. Still not looking at me.

"Cheking for?" I pursue. Wanting to have more answers. He let out a frustrated sigh and ruffle his own hair.

"You." He answer while gritting his teeth. I raise my brow at his answer.

"Me? What does it have to do with me?"

"Why do you think I'm here at the first place?" He answer my question with a question.

"Hey! I asked first!" I retorted. Instead of replying he just roll his eyes at me.

"Oh so now you're being sassy?" I cross my arms above my chest and glare. He still haven't look at me and it's been bothering me since the start.

"Why aren't you looking at me?" I finally ask.

"You have so many questions." He mumble.

"Well if you just answer them correctly then maybe I'll stop asking." I countered back.

"If I answer it then will you answer mine?" He ask. I bit my lower lip and think about it. What will he ask? Now I'm curious.

"Deal." I answer proudly. He finally look at me before replying.

"Fine. I'm here because I was looking out for you because Wilde is not a very trusting person." He said.

"So you're worried about me?" I blurted. He froze and blink a couple of times. There was a short pause as I watch him clench his fist and look away.

"Call it whatever you want."

A sly smirk form on my lips as I huff. "Alright, mr. Can-not-understand-his-emotions."

He glare and took a step forward. Now he's just two feet near me.

"Now it's my turn to ask. What does Wilde usually do while he's with you?" I frown at his question. That's it? I thought it will be something else. I click my tongue before answering.

"He's always annoying me. Sometimes just barging in here and doing whatever he wants. Either talking with me or helping me bake here. Once, we eat lunch together--"

"What?" He cut me off. A deep frown on his forehead and jaw clench. Did I say something wrong?

"Did you just say that you and Wilde eat lunch together?" He repeated. I gulp and slowly nodded my head.

"It's just a simple lunch, although we ate at the restaurant we went before and order me the same food like you did last ti-" My voice gets cut off when I look at him and the aura around him became dark. He looks pretty pissed.

"-me." I finish. "What's wrong with that?" I ask. His whole body stiffen as he try to calm himself.

"Nothing." He reply before turning around and walking out of the room.

"Wait!" I run after him and grab his hand that was about to open the door. He stop and look at me with an eyebrow raise.


"Are you mad at me?"

He's still frowning but it soften as I ask that. "Why would I? You did nothing wrong for me to be mad at you." He reply.

I smile. "Okay. Just making sure." I finally let go of his hand. He was about to open the door when it opens from the other side. We jump in surprise at the sudden action and our eyes widen when we saw that it was Craig that open the door with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey guys--Oh. My.--I'm sorry! Did I disturb your lovely moments?" He ask. We look at each other before a blush started to form on my cheeks while Evan just huff.

"No and I was just about to leave." Evan answer him. Craig pout and cross his arms across his chest.

"You're leaving already? But I just got here! We should hang out for a little bit!" Craig reply. A long breath escape Evan's mouth as he rub his temple. Clearly not tolerating Craig's presence.

"Unlike you, I have something better to do instead of hanging out." He said and was about to walk out of the room when Craig blocks the way out. Evan frown at him.

"If you have something "better" to do then what are you doing here? Hm?" I watch as a smirk form on his lips and brow raise proudly while asking it. Evan stiffen and glare at him but Craig doesn't look faze and stood still.

"It's none of your business." Evan mumble. Looking away to avoid Craig's stare. I could sense the uncomfortableness of him around Craig so I clear my throat and interrupt them.

"I'm sorry Craig but Evan has some other places to go today. He just drop here to say hi to me." I spoke up. Evan look at me and silently thank my words. I nodded and look at Craig who's eyes widen and mouth form an 'O' shape.

"Hmmm... okay." Craig reply and stood out of the way. Evan immediately walk out and I watch as he walk towards David and said something to which David nodded with a serious face. After he talk to David he then went where Brian was, who's (surprisingly) still snuggling Brock as Brock make some latte, and pull him away before starting to drag Brian by the back of his suit out of the cafe. Brian whined when he's separated to Brock who's just giggling and did a flying kiss before Brian gets drag out.

"Why are you lying for him?" Craig spoke up beside me. I didn't reply so he continue talking.

"Do you not want to know his answer to my question?" He ask while wiggling his brow. I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"No." I simply reply. Turning around as Craig shut the door behind us.

"Evan is such a weird guy."

"So were you."

He sent me a soft glare but ignore it.

"I couldn't understand how you can tolerate him." I look at him and just smile.

"I couldn't either." I reply. He looks at me confuse before David suddenly interrupted us.

"You business people honestly. Suddenly bargaining here at my shop and doing whatever the hell you guys want." He said while shaking his head. David looks at me with a frown.

"And all of them wants to be with you. This is dumb." He continue while crossing his arms. Craig and I laugh at his grumpiness.

"What did Evan tell you before he left?" I ask. Catching him off guard. His lips form on a thin line as he look at me. A frown slowly starting to form on my forehead as time pass by.

"He just wants me to treat you properly. That's all." He answer. My frown disappear as I blink a few times.

"He did?" I ask again. David simply nodded before walking away. I look at Craig and he's just staring at David intently.

"Craig?" I called out. His staring stopped and he immediately replace it with a small smile before looking at me.


I pause for a second before shaking my head. "Nothing. Just calling you. By the way, what are you doing here today?" I said, changing the topic. We close the door and walk towards to one of the vacant chairs on the corner. Sitting opposite to each other as we continue our conversation.

"Like I said earlier, I'm here to hang out. Being here talking with you is so much better than being stuck in our house." He replied. Crossing his legs before leaning his back against the wall.

"Looks like you're bored to death." I commented. He playfully roll his eyes at me.

"Damn right I am."

I snicker at his reply. "Sadly, I can't really have fun. I have work to do." I stated as a matter of fact. Pointing at the unfinished dough I was yielding earlier.

"Oh." He simply said. Looking at where I'm pointing my finger. Just then his eyes suddenly lighten up in excitement.

"Can I help?!" He beamed. My eyes widen at the sudden rise of his tone of voice.

"Uhh..." I hesitated. He clasp his hands in front of me and step closer.

"Pleaseeeee?" He pleaded. I frown and took a step back.

"Do you know how?" I ask. His grin decrease and turn into an awkward smile. He unclasped his hands and scratch the back of his neck.

"No..." He answer. "What else does a heir know except business?" Sadly mumbling it. Looking down with a sad smile. My mouth form on a thin line as I remember yesterdays conversation.

"I know nothing else outside the company."

That's what my husband said last night and now Craig said something similar to it. Is that what it really should be?

"You're a lucky guy, Jon. You know?" He added looking up at me still sadly smiling. I look away and cross my arms. A little help wouldn't hurt right?

"Fine." I answer with a sigh. He look at me confuse so I point my thumb at the counter. His eyes lit up and the huge grin finally came back his face.

"So you're finally letting me help?"

I sigh once again and massage my temple.

"Just don't make a mess okay?"

He immediately nodded his head and hug me.

"I'll try my best! Thank you!" He squeal while tightly hugging me. I patted his back in return.

"Alright, let go now so we can start." I said. He did let go and stand up straight.

"So what should we do first?" He excitedly ask looking around to guess what it is.

"First, put the apron and hairnet on. Then wash your hands and we'll finally start baking." I stated. I point at the shelf with the clothings on.

"That's where the apron and hairnet was at. Just grab one each and put it on."

He skip walking towards it and open them.

"Can I use this orange apron with floral design?" He ask. I raise my brow at him and to the apron he was holding before shrugging.

"Pick whatever you want." I replied. He smile and put it on and then the hairnet before going to the sink and wash his hands.

"What's next?" He ask while drying his hands on a towel.

"Here I'll teach you how to use the measuring cups."


In the end we did make a mess. Flours were all over the counter. I giggle when I saw that the flour even get to his brown hair.

"What's so funny?" He said and look up at me. I burst out laughing when I saw his face full of flour.

"What?" He ask again. Confuse at what I'm laughing at. I clutch my stomach that was starting to hurt and wipe some of the tears in my eyes.

"Take a look in the mirror." I gasp out when I finally manage to stop laughing. He frown before going to thr mirror that was hang across the room and look at his reflection.

His eyes widen when he finally saw himself and put his hands in his cheeks. That made me laugh once again. "Oh my lord! What happened to me?!" He blurted. Trying to wipe it off with his hands but it was a mistake when his hands were also covered in flour and batter so it only worsen. I'm now wheezing and kneeling on the floor while clutching my stomach. I couldn't take it anymore!

"Y-You look r-ridiculous!" I keep laughing as he cross his arms at me.

"You're so mean." He pouted. I wave my hand at him and stand in my wobbly legs.

"I-I'm sorry. I c-couldn't help it." I panted. "Just wash you face so the stickiness will be gone." I told him. He did what I said and went to the sink. Just as Craig wash his face while I wipe the counter, the door burst open and another visitor came in.

"Jon! I miss you!" Tyler beamed as he run towards me. I squeak when he pick me up and hug me tightly.

"T-Tyler, put me down!" I patted his back.

"Noooo." He replied as he bury his face on the crook of my neck.

"Wilde, you know that the rule says that you shouldn't touch a royal without their consent." Craig spoke up while crossing his arms at Tyler.

"I'm not a royal!" I retorted. The two of them ignore my comment. Tyler stop burying his face at my neck and face Craig.

"Oh, so you're also here." Tyler said. Not caring what Craig told him a few seconds ago. Before Craig could reply Tyler ignore him and look back at me with a smile.

"I really miss you, Jon." He sweetly said. Looking at me with a warm smile. I never knew he could look like that. Look so... gentle. A warm feeling started to form on my chest and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Alright. Alright. I miss you too. Now put me down." I replied. He oblige and my feet finally touch the floor. I sigh in relief and look up at him.

"Come to think of it, I'm surprise David wasn't dragging you out right now." I said with a frown. He shrug and lean against the wall.

"Well he's talking to the short guy who looks like a kid when I enter so I grab the chance and sneak in here." He answer with a smirk. I roll my eyes and cross my arms before looking at Craig who's blankly staring at the two of us.

"Craig? Is something wrong?" I ask him. He jolt at the call of his name before looking at me.

"Oh don't mind me. I'm just spacing out." He replied with a smile before taking off his apron and hairnet.

"Jon, are you free at lunch?" Tyler ask like the usual. I was about to speak when Craig reply for me.

"I apologize but Jon is already going to eat lunch with me." He reply instead of me while crossing his arms at Tyler. Tyler frown and raise his brow.

"Are you the one I asked?" 

"No but, I already ask him and he said yes."

Wait what? When did he--

I catch the look of Craig at me and I immediately get it. Tyler look back at me with a sad face.

"Jon, you know I always ask you to eat with me." He whine.

"I'm sorry but Craig ask first." I said. He pout at me before giving Craig a glare. Craig just stick his tongue out in a teasing way. Tyler roll his eyes and stood up.

"Well I guess I have to leave now. I don't need to wait for you until lunchtime. See you tomorrow." He grumble and walk away.

"Ahh. Classic grumpy Tyler is always a good sight to see." Craig said with a sigh. I raise my brow at him.

"How long have you know him?" I ask.

"Since we were kids, like around 9 or 10 years old or something. My parents and his always let us play together back then."

I watch as a smile form on his face but when I look into his eyes it doesn't match his lips.

"If it's not rude, may I ask why you two were..." I trailed off. Motioning my hands to him and Tyler. He gets it as he keeps smiling.

"Like this?" He finish. I simply nodded in reply. He took a deep breath before letting it out in a big sigh.

"Well it involves money and fame. If you have money, you can get everything. Which also includes fame. People wants to meet you, either with good or bad intention. Influences you. Tells you what money can do." He said. Still having the smile on his face as he look down. He let out a sigh and sit on the stool beside him.

"I tried telling him to never listen to those people but he misunderstand and gets mad at me. Telling me that... I'm just jealous at the attention he's getting. I tried to change his mind but he started avoiding me. I think you can guess the rest that happened." He ended. Looking down at his wrist and plays with his bracelet. It looks old but still good. The strings which is style on a braid was color blue and have three orange beads on each sides. There was something written on the center but I couldn't read it properly.

"Let me guess, he gave that to you?" I ask. He chuckle and looks up at me.

"Yeah. Looks cool huh? He made it when we were kids." He replied as he holds it up for me to clearly see. Now I can read what was written, in a messy writting, on it.


"I'm surprise you're still wearing it afterall that you two have been through." I cross my arms and lean on the counter.

"I'm surprise either. But whenever I'm about to throw this away, I find myself hesitating and instead of letting go, I'm holding more into it."

"He's changing, don't you think? Maybe you two can hang out again like before and fix it."

He shake his head. "I don't think so." He mumble. I frown at his answer.

"Uhh you don't think he's changing or... you don't think you guys can hang out again and fix it?" I confusedly ask.



The day finally ends with me still thinking about my conversation with Craig.

"You're in deep thoughts. Is there something bothering you?" Evan ask while driving. He pick me up as usual.

I sigh as I lean my head on the widow.

"Did you know that Tyler and Craig were once friends?" I ask back. I watch as a frown form on his forehead and side glance me.

"Wilde has a friend?" He reply in a fakr surprised tone. I lightly hit his arm and chuckle.

"Of course he has! Don't be an ass."

He ignore my comment and answer my question. "All I know is the two of them have never been in good terms so it's a new information to me that they used to be friends. Since Wilde is not a trusting person."

I hum and look outside.

"What made you ask that question?" He ask as he stop at the signal light which is in red light. Cars pass our view every millisecond.

"Craig told me." I simply answer. Now he's the one who hum and tap his fingers on the stirring wheel while waiting for the go signal. The light turn yellow and then eventually became green. Once he continue driving, so was our conversation ended.


Well... new information about Tyler and Craig I guess? There will be more but let's not spoil it yet. :)

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