Darling | All16 | ✔

By JadeQueen100

293K 13.9K 2.4K

Sang Sorenson, the darling of the universe, is the sweetest, nicest person you will ever meet. Her parents ar... More



8.5K 464 34
By JadeQueen100

Waking up, I silently slip out of the covers and tie my sash around my eyes. I get dressed quickly in a comfortable outfit and sneak up to the stairs, not wanting to wake anyone. I didn't want to wake up this early, but I'll just have to make the most of it, I guess.

I climb up to the roof, my fingers just barely brushing the walls to help guide me. No one showed me the roof was up here, but well, all houses clearly have a roof, it's just a matter of getting up there. Besides, the common house planning in this region shows that there is a staircase to get to the roof right about... here.

Grinning proudly, I silently step out onto the roof. Tipping my head back, I breathe in deeply, enjoying the fresh air. A soft breezes gently teases my hair back and I lose myself in thought.

I never thought that any of this would happen.

I never would have imagined that I would be threatened and stalked to the point where I had to have an entire team of bodyguards. I certainly didn't think that we would connect so beautifully. It's kind of crazy, really, how well we all get along.

Shaking my head, I lean back so that I am laying down on the roof. I can't tell if the sun is out or not. I can't see a sunrise, but I can imagine it. I like to imagine a glowing orb shining into a dull sky, coloring it with swirls of color. Sighing, I rub my eyes through my sash. I don't even know what color is.

I just want to be normal, really. But it doesn't matter. I will never be normal. Some people are just meant to stand out, I guess.

I yawn again and decide to just rest for a moment. Before I know it... sleep takes its turn finally.



I jolt awake and scramble off the roof. Thundering down the stairs I race to my room, but no one is in there. I burst out the door and yell, "I'm here! What's going on?!"

A large body collides with mine as I enter the hallway. I am surrounded by the smell of Kevin.

"Sang! Thank goodness!" He cries, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "We were looking everywhere for you!"

Kevin is choking up and tears come to my eyes as guilt tears into me.

"I'm sorry, Kevin," I choke out, hugging him back. "I didn't mean to scare anyone."

Marc comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me also so I am sandwiched in between the two.

"Sang," Marc murmurs as we break apart. "Where were you?"

"I was sleeping," I say sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

Owen's sharp voice follows him into the hallway.

"Don't apologize, Ms. Sorenson. We are sorry for disturbing you while you were sleeping when we apparently had no reason to."

I blush and the boys are silent. It's an odd silent, though. I can't help but feel that they are communicating somehow and it feels like they are talking behind my back.

"I'm going to get some breakfast now," I mutter, heading down to the kitchen.

Entering the kitchen, I smell the most glorious smell.

Blueberry waffles.

Chocolate chip pancakes are just barely better than them, but who can deny the glory of blueberry waffles?

I squeal launching myself at North who is cooking—not cutting, though, don't worry. I cling to him like a koala bear.

"Thank you, North!" I exclaim, wrapping my legs around him and gripping him tightly so I don't fall.

North chuckles deeply. "What did I do?"

"Blueberry waffles!" I squeal, hopping down from him. I'm far too excited to just sit there.

"Sit down," North directs. "I have a plate almost ready for you."

My eyes widen and I race around the corner to plop down on a stool, nearly falling off.

Luke enters the kitchen and groans, "No chocolate chips?"

North snorts, "As if I would ever let you eat that shit."

I gasp, shocked. I can't believe North just said that. My cheeks burn with a blush and I duck my head.

North, seeming not to notice, sets a plate down in front of me and places a fork in my hand.

I take a bite of the food, not paying much attention that almost everyone is in the kitchen now for food. The amazing flavor bursts through my mouth causing these happy noises to erupt at the back of my throat.

"Pookie?" Sean says slowly, the name causing me to giggle.

"Yes?" I giggle.

"What are you doing?"

Confused, I tilt my head and reply, "Eating. What are you doing?"

This causes the others to laugh. Grinning, I shake my head and go back to my food.

Being blind has caused my other senses to be stronger, including taste. And, let me tell you, North is an incredible chef.

Happily, I cram as much food into my mouth as possible. Of course, this is when Axel tries to talk to me.

"Sang, would you want to go somewhere today?"

A blush sears my cheeks as I nod and frantically chew my food. They chuckle at my dilemma and the blush burns harder.

Finally, I am able to swallow and carefully answer, "I'll go to as many places as I am allowed."

"Allowed?" Silas echoes.

I nod and giggle, "I'm not allowed to just go somewhere just because I feel like it, now am I? Especially since there is someone after me."

I shiver but it is not cold in here. Quite warm, in fact.

"Well," Axel proposes in his smoky voice. "Would you want to go to the aquarium?"

My grin falters and I shake my head slightly.

"How am I going to look at the fish?" I whisper sadly.

Axel mutters something under his breath before saying, "That's okay, Sang. I work there and can let you pet the fish, if you want."

"You mean pet the slimy and slightly smelly fish?" I say carefully, making sure it is okay.

Axel sighs, "You don't have to, I just thought—"

"I'd love to!" I exclaim with a huge grin. "That sounds like so much fun!"

Gabriel shouts, "I'll get her ready!"

"We'll leave as soon as she's ready, then," Axel chuckles.

I grin and quickly finish my food, excited to go to the aquarium.

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