Till Death Unites Us

By XxWeAreTelepathicxX

5.2K 275 201

The smell of burning flesh fills my nose, bringing on a wave of nausea. There is a metallic taste in my mouth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chpater 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 6

199 12 2
By XxWeAreTelepathicxX

Hey everyone! Chapter 6 is here! Hope you like it! We're waiting for your votes and comments! XD



It is 4:40 when I arrive at Starbucks. I actually had to use a map to pinpoint the exact Starbucks from my dream. Who knew there were so many in Manhattan?! Okay, I did know, but it was still pretty overwhelming.

I sip the coffee I had bought, trying to avoid the fact that the man who is about to die was drinking that same coffee.

No, he is not going to die. I did this, and I'm going to stop it.

I shuffle my feet around restlessly as I wait for him to show up. He finally does; Mr. Honeycutt comes around the corner and I recognize him from his long coat. I'm about to walk up to him and talk when someone grabs my arm and pulls me back just at the same time that the scent of leather and mint that I have come to associate with Ace overwhelms my senses.

Are you kidding me?

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Let go of my arm, stalker!" His eyes, which at first were amused, are now incredulous.

"I'm the stalker? Are you serious? You're the one who keeps showing up wherever I go!" He says, throwing his arms up.

"It is a free country, idiot!" I say, glaring at him. I try to pull my arm out of his grasp, but he holds on as he leads me away from Mr. Honeycutt.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Making sure you don't kill yourself." He replies, smirking, mostly to himself.

I glance at the clock: 4:50. He deposits me at the entrance to Starbucks.

"Now," He is still smirking, obviously enjoying himself. That makes one of us!

"Infinity, why don't you go in and have a hot cocoa or something while I get back?"


"Is there even a difference?" I glare at him unwaveringly until he sighs. "Fine, you can come, but don't touch anything."


What the hell am I doing?! This is not you, Eternity! You need to focus! He's hot though. What! No! He's a jerk! Why on earth didn't I stand up to him? I told you, he's hot. Eternity Hayes, get this thought of your head! He just called you "Infinity" and you didn't even fight back. I did! Did not! Did to! Did not! But I have to admit we look cute walking beside each other; we look like the Avengers.

"What the hell am I thinking?" Oops, that came out loud.

"Right, so you're not weird enough; you just had to talk to yourself too," Ace smirks.

"You don't know what's going on in there, jerk!" I shout, my voice coming a little louder than I intended to.

Before he could react, Mr. Honeycutt walks out of starbucks. I check my phone quickly: 4:55.

It's happening.

"Eternity, you need to step back," Ace whispers to me.

"What? No? I really don't have time to argue with you, Ace," I sober up.

"Just listen..."

I start heading towards Mr. Honeycutt's direction, seeing that the SUV is getting closer. I may end up killing myself in the process. Better me than him. He holds his foam cup and sips his coffee. Just like in the vision. But I swear the outcome would be different.

I run to him and push. I push with all the power I have in me. Dammit! This man is so heavy. Alright, he's safe now; I'm the one standing 3 inches away from the car, from my doom. Mr. Honeycutt's eyes grow wide; he is too startled to pull me away. He just stands there...frozen. I have found my inner peace. Just as I am about to close my eyes, I feel a hard push then a heavy weight crushing me.

The weight shifts off me, and I'm relieved. Is that it? Am I dead? Am I in heaven? Am I with...?

"Eternity! Eternity, wake up! Open your eyes!" A faint voice echoes in my ear.

But I don't want to. I want to be reunited with him.

"I got a secret I'd like to share with you." He smiles that adorable half smile I fell in love with. I look at him expectantly, my hazel eyes boring into his greens. "I love your eyes. They are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. They sparkle. Just like crystals." He touches my hand and rubs circles over it. "And I won't tell, I promise," I smile shyly and look away.

"Please stay with me, Eternity, please," this time the voice is more persistent, growing closer and closer, every word emphasized more, every word makes sense more than the other did.

I gulp and open my eyes to a scene I'd never expected: Ace hovering over me. Is that worry in his eyes? "You saved me," I whisper. I don't think he heard me.

"Guess I did." He smiles, relief washing over his face. "Don't get used to it though, Infinity."

And just like that, he had to ruin it!


I can't stop thinking about yesterday's events as I walk into the school building and make my way to my locker. I did it! I had succeeded into diverting one of my visions, I think, smiling to myself as I watch Mr. Honeycutt call out yet another student on the dress code, that vein in his forehead throbbing as usual, and I stifle a laugh, thinking that I am the reason he still does that. I also almost killed myself. I sigh, my mind starting to run around in panicked circles. It was still pretty much a haze; all I know is that Ace had saved my life, and for a second there, I thought there was an actual human soul beneath his usually rude, condescending attitude. But then that second passed, and he was Ace again, bent on making my life more of a living hell than it already is.

Than it already is? Seriously, Eternity, when'd you get so broody?

I wonder why Ace was there though. And why was he acting so...skittish? Yesterday, I had relayed it to him being his usual ridiculously infuriating self, talking to me like a five-year-old, but why was he so bent on me not crossing the street and saving Mr. Honeycutt?

I shake my head, knowing I am probably just being paranoid. Finally reaching my locker, I groan inwardly upon seeing Chloe nearby; what was she doing at the commoners' lockers anyway? Probably torturing other poor souls.

I take out my history book, and check my reflection in the mirror I had taped inside my locker, adjusting my bangs so the little fading scar on my forehead is well-covered.

I smile and wave back at the enthusiastic red head, accepting the 'hello's' and 'what's up?'s' I get as I walk down the busy hallways, returning each one with a smile and stopping by occasionally to chat. Finally reaching my locker, I sigh, checking my reflection in the small mirror I duct taped at the back of my locker and brushing back my bangs. A bright smile lit up my face as a familiar face fills my mirror just as a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.

"Hey." He whispers, a goofy grin lighting up his boyish features. "I missed you last night at the party."

"Family night. Can't miss one of those; they are barely ever in town." I shrug, but grin back nonetheless.

His hand caresses my chin, and I lean into it, loving the warmth it brings me "Part of your charm." He starts leaning in to kiss me...

"Morning, Infinity." Ace smirks, sliding easily next to me, and snapping me out of memory lane. I shake my head to shake off the memory, aware of my racing heart. Ace winks at me and his fingers start to twist the combination on the lock.

"Morning, jerk." I smirk, regaining my composure. "One might think you'd have gotten one of the elite lockers." I mutter, dumping the books I won't need into my locker and rejoicing at how empty my bag feels now.

"Oh, but this one is much better, don't you think, Infinity? You get to see me every day now." He smiles at me cockily and I shoot him a flat un-amused look. "You know I'd pick a locker next to you over any of the others any day."

"Touching, really." I say sarcastically, placing a hand over my heart. "Don't you have better things to do than this?"

He presses his lips together and uses his finger to poke my nose. "I would expect you to be nicer to me, princess, seeing that I saved your life and all."

"Do you want a pony?" He looks at me for a moment before he bursts out laughing. I stare at him indignantly, crossing my arms over my chest. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"Oh god, a joke, finally. Sorry, I'm just surprised you actually have a sense of humor."

I let out a huff, glaring at him. "God, you're incorrigible." I say before turning away and leaving him.

He is still laughing.


I wave to Ivy from across the cafeteria as she smiles back before she starts to dig into her lunch. "Hey." She says, grinning while I take a seat across from her. "You look really nice today."

"What?" I doubt I look nice, my hair hasn't been washed this morning, and I have dark circles under my eyes.

"I don't know." She muses. "There is something different about you. Oh my god! Your cheeks are flushed!" She leans in, her eyes glowing with excitement. "Was it Jake?"

"Jake who?"

"Jake Russell!" She says, looking at me as if not knowing who he is would be an unthinkable crime. "The guy I told you was into you." She stated. "Oh, you didn't go, didn't you?"

"Ivy, you know I appreciate you doing this for me, but like I said before, I'm just not looking for a relationship right now." I say, hoping she will end this conversation and not venture any deeper into topics I would rather not discuss. Not here in school, and not ever.

Luckily, my best friend gets the hint. "Okay." She says soberly, before her face lightens up with a grin and I know the topic is closed. Maybe not for good, but at least for now. "Now let's discuss the new hottie." She motions her head toward Ace, who was just coming into the cafeteria. "Isn't he just dreamy? He sits in front of me in U.S. History! And he asked for my pen!"

"No way!" I exclaim, quickly getting into the gossip.

"Yes way! He is just way too cute! So listen," She leans close, and I know she's gotten into conspirator mode. "Rumor has it he has been kicked out of his old school. No one knows why, but it is pretty serious. He is a scorpio, and his favorite color is black."

"Go figure." I mumble, before I notice how silent the cafeteria has gotten and I lift my head up to look around only to find everyone staring at our table.

"Hello ladies. Talking about me?" Ace's standing next to our table, hands in his pockets, looking totally laid back and unaware of everyone's stares. Or maybe he just doesn't care.

"Yes, actually we were." I say, finding my voice, and turn to Ivy. "He is definitely gay." Ivy and Ace chuckle. And then Ace pulls a chair and sits at our table.

Holy. Freakin. Shit.

He smiles at Ivy and she immediately smiles back, then turns to me, "Not cool, Infinity, but I will let it go. I hope you've had a nice two hours since we've last talked."

"I was until now." I reply in a monotonous voice.

Ivy cocks an eyebrow at me, as if to say, 'why didn't you tell me you two talked?'. I shrug sheepishly and she shakes her head.

"What are you even doing here away from the royalties tables? Aren't you supposed to be a bad boy?" I say sarcastically.

He turns to me. "Honey, I'm a bad boy not an asshole." He winks at me and I'm about to reply when we hear the clicking of heels walking towards us, and Chloe stops just a few steps away from Ace. Naturally, she doesn't acknowledge my existence. Or Ivory's

"Hey." She smiles that flirty smile of hers, and I groan, banging my head against the imaginary wall. Why do I have to watch this?

"You know, there is a party this Friday." She takes a step closer, flutters her eyelashes once, and then once more. Wow twice? She really is bringing on the moves, isn't she?

"So." She takes one more step, and the smell of her perfume fills the air. I furrow my eyebrows. I bought her that perfume for her birthday! Bitch! "I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." I look at Ace from the corner of my eyes, expecting him to agree. Why wouldn't he? He is rude, she is rude. They could both be rude together away from me for all I care. Which is exactly what I want.

Somehow, his arm ends up on my shoulder.

And, somehow, I allow it.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Trust me, it is not personal. You're gorgeous"

What the hell? Stop talking, you idiot!

"But I already got a date."

"You do?" Both Chloe and I ask simultaneously, and Ace squeezes my shoulder.

"He does." I say, before going into a coughing fit.

Chloe shoots me a look of disgust before cocking an eyebrow. "Wasn't talking to you, freak. Don't you dare think you're anything more than you really are. We both know you were responsible for what happened that night."

"The hell are you talking about?" I stand up and face her, knowing I'm fed up of laying low. Now is the time to put that bitch in her place. "Are you really going to stoop that low and accuse me of doing it? Snap back to reality, Chloe, this is high school not CSI! Some teenagers aren't capable of committing such horrific crimes." I pause to catch my breath and say, "There's something I wanted you to know since this year has begun, but I'd been holding it back. But no more! You're the most egotistical, opinionated, obnoxious, bitchy person I've ever met. And just so you'd know..."

I feel the nausea kick in and the metallic taste threatening to pour out of my mouth. Not fair! Not here! Just let me finish my grand speech; the whole cafeteria is watching! But as usual, there's no turning back. I grab my stuff and rush out of the cafeteria, leaving the whispers and the whistles behind.

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