Danny Phantom trip to the Gho...

By XxTheDarkBeatXx

1.1K 38 18

Apparently Wattpad deleted the story (...UGH!) so I have to make another! Hope you enjoy! He faced many thing... More

Chapter 1: Death and dreams

Chapter 2: Pretending to be someone else

373 11 12
By XxTheDarkBeatXx

No one's Pov:

The school always are as loud as it can be. People chatting with friends, laughing until they heard an angered voice yelling "FENTON!". Heads snapped north and there they saw Danny Fenton, one of the losers of the mysterious quartet (or losers as the A-list calls them), running away from an angry Dash, along with Kwan who was hiding his worry, who was holding his Geometry test which had a giant "F".

"That's right Fentoad! Run! But when I catch you this will be on your grave." Yelled Dash as he waved his test.

Danny held back the urge to roll his eyes and snort at the irony. He kept on playing the "scared Fenton" act and allowed jock to stuffed him on a locker on beat him up to keep said bully satisfied. Not to mention to keep others from getting suspicious and prevent everyone to put the pieces of puzzle together of him being Danny Phantom. Otherwise he'll be in for questing. And experiments. Lots and lots of painful experiments.

Eventually he hit a dead end. He silently cursed and turned around to face the smirking quarterback and the reserver quarterback. 

"No where to run Fentonia." He said with a cruel smirk.

Danny did nothing but grit his teeth in frustration. If he wasn't holding back, he would have thrown Dash to the other side of the hall with one punch, without a doubt killing him in the process and that is something he wants to prevent, especially since the entire school watching as witnesses.

"Lay it out Baxter! Don't you have something better to do in your life!? Like making out with the rest of Football team?"

Heads snapped to the source of the voice, along with snickers, and there stood Sam Manson along with Tucker Foley and Valarie Grey. The three of them shared a look of unamusement, but Sam's eyes seem to keep a promise of murder. Dash happily returned the glare.

"Pssh. Why should Iisten to a geek like you Manson?" Dash then looked at Danny humorously, "Must suck having a girl to stand up for you huh Fenton? What kind of man are you?" Laughed Dash. 

His laughter was caught short as he let out a girly scream when the familiar steel combat boots hit him in between the legs as hard as it could. He fell on the floor, rolled up into a ball while whimpering in pain as he held himself.

"Not a stupid one to say something like that in front of Sam?" Questioned Danny and raised an eyebrow before he grimace and looked at his secret fiancee, "Was that necessary?"

Sam shrugged. "Meh, he brought it upon himself."

Snickers and laughter were heard in the crowd as team Phantom silently made their way out the crowd and into their first class period, English with Mr. Lancer. They heard said teacher's voice boomed on the hallway, demanding all the students to go to class. Dash was struggling to get words out, but Lancer sighed and shook his head.

"No buts Mr. Baxter. Head to class. Now."

With that, team Phantom whistled innocent while everyone went to their classes and ignoring the angered jock who was glaring at quartet as they disappeared in the classroom.


Class was as silent as it could be. There are students trying as hard as they could, trying not to fall asleep while others were completely ignoring class and were playing paper football behind their teacher's back as he was writing on the black board.

Team Phantom were doing no better. Danny was the only one asleep as the other three kept blinking to keep awake while taking notes. Danny woke up sour and tired this morning as he had earlier encounters with the Box ghost more than ten times from midnight all to three O'clock in the morning. The Box ghost keeps insisting that he should be king instead and pathetically try and challenge Danny. Only for him to be stuffed in the Fenton Thermos a second later.


Indeed this was something he never mentions in public of the human world. Of course, not that it mattered since no one would believe him and just laugh it off like lies. But no matter what humans say, its true. He is the king of the Ghost Zone, with Sam and daughter as his queen and princess.  His brother in arms, Tucker and her girlfriend were in charge of the royal guards and defense mechanism on Phantom's keep, previously known as Pariah's keep. It all went so fast. When he fought the former king of all ghosts, Pariah apparently silently created a challenge to the throne. Danny was only sixteen when Clockwork, the ghost of time, came for a visit and informed Danny that he was next in line to the throne. The poor halfa nearly had a panic attack. 

Now, as king he must have someone to rule along side him. A partner. A mate. No doubt did he chose Sam as his queen. Not long before he became king, he and Sam were already dating. It was no surprise when everyone saw them holding hands on school. But what was surprising was that Tucker had bet the entire school that they would get together before they finish their school year, therefore resulting the poor techno-geek to get send to his worst nightmare, which Danny and Sam could still here his screams when brought there, Hospital. While Sam was no ghost, no ghost dared to challenge or anger the queen or question the king's motives. The king was still a human after all, so it made sense he chose a human to rule with him and become his mate.

Lancer turned around and sighed in disappointment. While he was glad a few of his students were actually doing their work, he looked disapproving at the students who were caught throwing around paper and a particularly sleeping Danny Fenton.

He sighed in frustration and massaged his bald head, sensing an upcoming headache. Whatever happened to Daniel to become from a complete genius to a slacking teenager, he'll never know. 

"Mr. Fenton," Said halfa jolted awake with a yelp when Sam kicked him from behind his desk. "Detention."

Danny slummed lazily and nodded. Lancer frowned, but decided not to acknowledge it. Normally a teen would complain and protest about getting detention, but Daniel seemed to accept it without any protests.

He glanced at the clock. Just a few minutes before class ends. He grabbed a nearby chair placed it in front of the class, and sat down on it, facing the class. This got the attention of the entire classroom. Lancer never did this unless for a special occasion.

"Now class. I am happily here to announce that we are going on a field trip this upcoming Monday."

There were many cheers, mostly because everyone was happy that they were going to be anywhere but school.

"Where are we going?" Asked an unnamed Student.

Mr. Lancer smiled. "Well Mr. Adams, the school board has announce that due to the frequent ghost attacks, it has been decided that we might as well learn about ghost-" Team Phantom, even Danny who was now fully awake,  shoot up straight and froze with fear and dread on their guts.

"Please no, please no, please no!"

"- and what better way than to learn about ghost with the help of the Ghost experts? Since the GIW was disbanded due to...unfortunate incidence, we were left with the remaining ghost experts in town. Please welcome Mr. and Mrs. Fenton."

"GHOSTS!" Was the sudden response as the door slammed open and in came in Jack Fenton, with his usual orange hazmat suit and a giant bazooka on his shoulder. He pointed it everywhere, causing the entire classroom, including Mr. Lancer, to back off. He was stopped when he felt a small hand gently touch his large shoulder.

"There are no ghost Jack. Now put that down please." She said sweetly before Jack let out a disappointed grunt and slightly glared at her.

Danny wanted nothing but to cower away and hide in the deepest and darkest part of the Ghost Zone. He would have had he not felt his best friend's and fiancee's reassuring hands on both his shoulders. His tense muscles relaxed slightly and his unsteady breathing (which he didn't realized about) relaxed. The last thing the all of Team Phantom needed was him going into a full blown panic attack.

Maddie Fenton looked around the class and noticed her son. "Hi sweety!" She said with a sickening sweet tone, while not noticing the look of panic and fear on his face.

Danny groaned, his fear and panic forgotten. Despite that woman being neglectful and too obsessed with her work, she still has the dignity to embarrass his in front of his classmates. Snickers as well as "mamma's boy" were heard.

"Now class." Stared Maddie, having not noticed what occurred, "As you already know, we are going on a field trip to the Ghost Zone-"

"Will we see the Ghost boy?" Asked Paulina, with a dreamy look on hear face as she went to lala land.

There were many facepalms, rolled eyes and of course sighs of annoyance. Sam looked like she was going to jump and strangle the Latina. She would've had she not been stopped by Danny. Everyone knew that Phantom was engaged, according to him anyway. Since then Paulina had been trying to find out who stole her soulmate, but never succeeded. The Fenton's face turned soured, but the worst being Maddie.

"I could only hope not. You kids should know by now that ghost, and I mean all ghost are evil. Even Phantom. He's just being the hero so that we could lower our guard. And once we do he will turn our backs on us." She hissed, with Jack looked weary at her, but nodded anyway and defended up his wife.

"That's right! He's nothing but a ectoscum that deserves to be dissected in an operating table and be destroyed molecule by molecule!"

Many flinched and turned green, Danny being the worst. All of Amity Park knew how much the Fentons hated Phantom. In fact, to their knowledge, both the Fenton kids have no interest in ghost hunting and seem to have disagreement with their parents views.

After gaining their composure, they smiled and continued to explain their plans. 

"Now then. We will pass out permission slips in which you will give to your parents to sign and return them on Friday so we can leave on Monday. If you don't return the permission slip by then, than you have to step out on the trip and-"

Team Phantom stopped paying attention by then. Danny decided to just doodle a bit on his notebook, only for the doodles to become sentences in Latin. Tucker silently pulled out his PDA and began typing away a list of things they'll need for this Monday. Sam and Valarie just glared at the ghost hunters. 

Halfway towards her speech, Maddie noticed that her son and his friends weren't even paying attention. She stopped, whatever speech she was giving and stormed over towards her son's desk with a glare on her face. Everyone's eyes were glued towards Maddie when she harshly took Danny's notebook. Danny happily returned her glare. There was a paralyzing silence as well as a glaring competition. No one moved and everyone was obnoxious on who was going to do the first move.

Mr. Lancer had enough of this and silently made his way towards his student's desk and took his notebook out of Mrs. Fenton's hands. He silently looked over what was written and his face was covered in shock.

"The Great Gatsby! Mr. Fenton, since when were you an expert in Latin!?" He asked with great excitement.

Everyone excluding his friends, looked at him with bewilder eyes. For all they knew, the geek and loser Fenton wasn't strong, was always clumsy, had bladder issues and lacked intelligence. There was no way he spoke or understood Latin.

Maddie and Jack at their son with the same bewilderment. For they knew that their son wasn't intelligent as Jazz or them. His report card even said it loud and clear for crying out loud.

Danny squirmed on his desk, uncomfortable on all the attention. "Uh...well...." He stuttered, having a hard time coming up with an excuse.

"We would like to know the same Daniel." Maddie said with narrowed eyes and confusion.

Danny's nervousness reduced and he glared at his 'parents'. "I taught it myself." He finally said, surprising others, "I thought the language was cool so I decided to teach myself."

"B-but whe-"

"Since when? Since Sophomore year." His glared darken, "of course you wouldn't notice since you both barely pay attention."

Both Maddie and Jack were caught off guard. Surely they would have noticed their son doing stuff like this. Although now that they thought about it, their memories are slightly blurry. They just decided to shrug it off. They'll talk about this later.

Maddie went back to the front of class and Lancer gave back the notebook to his student before going back to his desk.

"Now class," said Maddie, as if nothing had happened, "you will all meet in the school by seven in the morning so you can take the bus to Fentons Work by half an hour. I want you to pack a lunch since we'll be there for a couple of hours and wear something appropriate. Which means no high heels girls!" She glares at Paulina.

Paulina however sneers and whispers about how she should look good to get the Phantom back from the slut the stole him from her. No one heard this of course other than Danny thanks to his super hearing. He was somewhat grateful too, otherwise blood would have been splattered all over the classroom.

After the Fenton's left, the bell rang no sooner after. Everyone packed their things and headed to their next class.


By the time half of the classes were done, it was Lunch time. Most of the kids spend their time inside while Danny and his friends decided to eat outside, sitting on a picnic table under the nice weather.

Danny didn't eat anything more than a granola bar. While he watch in boredom as Tucker and Sam were having their famous meat vs veggie thing. Despite changing mentally and physically, their food habits haven't change much. The only difference was that Tucker ate a few vegetables to keep his diet.

"Guys," Danny spoke getting the attention of his friends. " We need to talk about the field trip."

All of team Phantom sighed in annoyence. They knew they had to talk about this at one point. After all, who's stupid idea was it to allow a bunch immature and inexperience teenagers into the Ghost Zone?

"What are we suppose to do?" Asked Danny in a hushed whisper. 'What if they find out my secret? What if they get injure by ghost who still hate my guts.  Or-"

"Danny!" Sam slapped him to shut him up.


"Calm down! None of that is going to happen because we'll make sure it doesn't!"

Tucker and Valarie nodded in agreement.

"Yeah dude. As long as we're here nothing is going to happen."

Danny smiled, "What will I do without you guys?"

That brought laughs to everyone and they enjoyed the reminder of their lunch. There was still a long way to go, but to Danny, Monday seem to be even closer than before.

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