• ❁Alchemic Scars❁ • [discont...

By Rosebud1208

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[FMA:B x OC] "The past is a mere illusion compared to the solid image that will be known as the future." - E... More

• ❁ Prologue ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 1 - The Crimson-rose Alchemist ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 3 - The Crimson-rose Alchemist ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 4 - The Surprise Meeting ❁ •
• ❁ Chapter 5 - Old Friends and New Secrets ❁ •
Chapter 6 - Scar
Chapter 7 - Two Limbless Alchemists
Chapter 8 - Dr. Marcoh
Chapter 9 - The Rockbells
Chapter 10 - Heat of an Unknown Source
Chapter 11 - A Three-Stage Recovery
Chapter 12 - Roy For President...
Chapter 14 - The 5th Laboratory
Chapter 15 - Digging To Find the Truth
Chapter 16 - The Music-box Murderer
Chapter 17 - Power of the Blood Born Blade
Chapter 18 - Palm Tree Envy and Lavish Lust
Chapter 19 - Waking Up in Hospital
Chapter 20 - Something is Wrong
Chapter 21 - In Comes the Worried Auto-mail Mechanic
Chapter 22 - Winry Rockbell Meets Maes Hughes
Chapter 23 - Elicia's Special Day
Chapter 24 - The Breaking Point
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A/N - Must Read!

Chapter 13 - The Truth Hurts

101 8 0
By Rosebud1208

(art above does not belong to me!!)

Chapter 13 - The Truth Hurts

I walk down the street with my father in tow. I have my hood pulled up, and my pocket watch safely tucked into my pocket with Marcus. Maes strides along behind me with the glare of the sun glossing over his glasses, shielding his olive green eyes from view. He whistles a softly to lighten the mood with his uplifting melody.

"So, Ells," Hughes speaks up for the first time in several minutes. "Did the boys and you get along on your trip?"

"I don't think that our group capability was necessary for the trip," I say, pulling my hood down further as we pass a few staring civilians. "I was only there for a fix-up and stationed as their guard..." I look up to my father and see his soft expression, lingering traces of sorrow in the back of his eyes. I sigh heavily and look back to the ground. "But if I had to say, I think it was more or less like the three of us had never left home... Our first home that is."

"I'm glad to hear my children are making friends, even if they are old ones." Maes wiggles from side to side with glee, pink blush on his face and attracting a lot of attention.


Maes barges into the room's door with a single push, exclaiming an indignant "Yo!" before entering the room completely, with a hand raised. I trail behind him this time, and I watch the Elrics', and a new lady's stunned expressions and Ross and Brosh hastily saluting us.

"Lt. Colonel Hughes!" Edward exclaims.

"I heard from the Major and Ells that you two were here," Maes explains. "Jeez, I told you two to holler if you popped by Central."

With that, the boys begin to give him excuses, saying they were busy and what not. As they go on, I tilt my head over to the two officers left in the room. I listen in on the conversation and crack a small smile over what they are saying.

"He's talking casually with Lieutenant Colonel Hughes!!" Brosh whisper-shouts.

"What are they!? What are these kids!?" Ross asks back. They panic more and sweat nervously behind their shielding hands. "And what about the Crimson-rose Alchemist? Are they on casual terms too!?"

"Its best not to talk about people behind their backs, " I butt in on their concerned conversation. "Even if it's not bad talk."

"O-oh, Lieutenant Colonel!" Brosh exclaims in shock. "We didn't see you there."

"What did I say before?" I say in an unamused tone of voice. "There is no need for formalities. Call me Elleah or Crimson if not told otherwise."

"Y-yes, Ma'am." They both yell in sink with each other, saluting me with sweaty palms.

"Did you come here just to visit us, even when you are so busy?" Alphonse asks sweetly as I return to the full swing of the conversation with the four.

"Nah, I needed a break, so don't worry about it." Hughes smiles widely like a little kid who has just gotten away with stealing a cookie. "I'll go back to work soon. But, damn... the first branch has to get burned down at a time when it's usually busy and needed the most." Maes' attitude changes drastically as he huffs out a heavy sigh, his eyebrows furrowing into the top of his glasses. The Elric brothers look confused for a brief moment before the man continues. "The tribunal is close by, so I would store records of old cases and registries of names in that book collection..."

"It must be cutting back your ability to work," I ask, or more accurately state towards the stubble beard man. He nods his head with another sigh. As he slouches in his chair, the two boys' heads turn to the other female in the room beside Ross and myself.

After realising they are stating at her, she exclaims an almighty yell before beginning to stammer none too discreetly. "W-well, I did r-read and remember m-military detective records too... b-but..."

Before she can continue, Hughes sits up straighter and slams his hands on the desk he is sitting at. "Huh? This lady has that kind of special ability!?" He shouts. "That'll help a lot!" And without any further argument but few murmurings from the girl, Maes grabs the back of her long black turtleneck and proceeds towards the door. The lady waves to the boys in thanks and they happily return it, before the door is closed behind Ross and Brosh and the four people are seen no more.

"Argues if the boys are treating me right, then proceeds to drag a woman out the door with no care in the world..." I whisper under my breath. I turn to Edward and Alphonse and proceed to catch up with their progress. "So, you two, have you deciphered the research notes yet?"

Edward looks up to me with a pen between his teeth, wiggling it up and down as entertainment. "Nah, we've still got several days worth of decoding to do..." He pouts tiredly.

"Well, if needed my assistance is up for use," I say, bowing my head, to which the boy starts to sweat and become nervous like I am intimidating him in some way. "I had gone through the notes earlier on in my alchemy career, and I think I might be of help."

Alphonse and Edward perk up at my statement and stare at me with pleading eyes. "How far did you get?" Alphonse asks with anticipation.

"I got a fair way in, and I do have a sufficient suspicion on one ingredient needed for a Philosopher's stone," A small shiver goes up my spine as the words fall from my tongue, I even hear Jacky whimper softly by my ear. "But I do not wish to divulge the information until it has been proven."

Edward nods his head with a satisfied smile and hurriedly goes back to his work, beckoning me over to his side and handing me a stack of papers.


Many days have passed by - too many to count - as we try to decode the contents and ingredients of the Philosopher's stone. But no matter how hard we worked and how horrible we felt after days of countless all-nighters, its nothing compared to the sorrow, anger and pain we feel now after discovering the horrid truth of the stone.

I stand with my back facing the centre of the room as I cling to the window ledge, my head hung low and my free hair unkemptly falling over my shoulders and back. Edward yells in agony and frustration, grabbing the attention of Ross and Brosh from outside our door.

"W-what happened?-" Brosh pants as he enters the room and sees the three figures inside looking tired, out of energy and furious.

"The notes have been decoded..." Alphonse whispers. His voice echoes through the hollow pit of his suit, emphasising the emptiness he feels.

"That's great!" Brosh continues with excitement. But the words plague Edward's mind to the point he shouts out a second time.

"There is nothing great about this... shit!" He retorts and falls to the floor, crossing his legs over each other and putting a hand to his head.

I begin to chuckle to myself, barely noticeable to the rest of the occupants of the room. "I knew it..." I whisper. "I had a feeling about what the ingredients were... but now that I know it's true-" But I can't finish my words, as I bite onto my bottom lip in anger.

"...Just what did you find out...?" Brosh asks Edward as he and Ross kneel beside the boy.

"The raw materials needed for the Philosopher's stone..." The boy chokes out as he lifts his hand up to show the rage and pain in his eyes. "Are living humans!!"

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