Partners | Rk900 x Gavin | De...

By ReaderOfBooks12

99.4K 4K 1.3K

|Under editing| Since the first Android detective was a major success, the Detroit City Police decide to intr... More

Chapter One ✓
Chapter Two ✓
Chapter Three ✓
Chapter Four ✓
Chapter Five ✓
Chapter Six ✓
Chapter Seven ✓
Chapter Eight ✓
Chapter Nine ✓
Chapter Ten ✓
Chapter Eleven ✓
Chapter Twelve ✓
Chapter Thirteen ✓
Chapter Fourteen ✓
Chapter fifteen ✓
Chapter Sixteen ✓
Chapter Seventeen ✓
Chapter Eighteen ✓
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-one.
Chapter Twenty-Two.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five.
Chapter Twenty-Six.
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Authors Note!
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Authors Note - I'm so freaking sorry!
Chapter Thirty - One.
Chapter Thirty - Two.
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty - four.

Chapter Twenty-Three.

2.1K 96 13
By ReaderOfBooks12

|Gavin's POV|
We arrive at the station and meet the captain on the way to our desks. Lily was talking with him. "Ah, good, you're here!" He exclaims. "You can get working straight away, we have no time to lose." We nod and go to our desks, with Lily following behind us. Conan boots up his computer and instantly gets to work. "Did you find anything else?" I ask Lily who shakes her head. "No, I had to make sure the body was sent off to be buried yesterday." I nod. "Gavin..." I look over at Conan "Yeah?" He glances at me with a worried expression. "Um... Keane never had any siblings..." I look at him confused until it clicks in my mind. "Shit!" "Come on, we have to go." Conan mumbles, getting up from his seat. I jump up and follow him to the car, not realizing that Lily had followed us. Just as we climb in the car I see her jogging towards us. "No. You, stay!" I grumble before getting in the car. As we pull out of the parking space I see her cross her arms and watch as we speed out of the car park.

We pull up and run out of the car and up to the door. We take out our guns, make sure their loaded then I nod to Conan. Conan kicks open the door and we run inside. We search the intire house to find it empty. "Shit!" I groan while Conan puts his gun away. "Gavin, calm down. She couldn't have gone that far." I nod and tense my jaw "But if she wasn't his sister, who was she?" Conan shrugs. "Listen, we can figure that out later. For now, let's take a look around, just in case. You never know what could help." I nod, put my gun away and begin searching through things. I decide to look in the kitchen while Conan goes up stairs. I begin digging through random cupboards and shelves. I then go through what I thought was the back door but it led into a utility room. I decide it would be best to also look around in here. I look around and find nothing of intrest but then I spot the washing machine. I crouch down and peer in through the glass. I look at the dial to see it hasn't been turned on yet. I pull open the door and peer in to see a shirt and a pair of trousers. I pull out the shirt and open it up to see a blood stain covering the right side of it. I drop the shirt and abruptly stand up. "Conan!" I shout his name. "Conan!!" I hear him rush down the stairs and into the utility room. "What is it?" I point to the shirt. He gives me a sceptic look before he leans down and picks it up, examining it. "Don't you fucking dare!" I grumble as he goes to analyse it. He gives me a sheepish smile. "Alright, I'll get Lily to do it." I nod "You're lucky, I wouldn't have kissed you after that." I make a disgusted face just thinking about it while he smiles. He folds the shirt and turns to me "There's nothing up stairs... " I sigh, we really are getting nowhere with this... "What are we supposed to do?" He thinks before replying "There's no point asking people look for her since we have no freaking idea where she could have gone... All we can do is watch the house." I nod "Oh, the section of the woods where the body was found..." He raises an eyebrow "What about it?" "Did they take the tent and shit away?" He nods "Probably, there's no point leaving it there to draw attention..." I think for a moment "Maybe we should get someone to keep a look out there aswell... If whoever did this doesn't know the body was moved, they might come back for it.." Conan agrees. "Well let's head back to the car and organise this." I nod and we leave the house.

|Rk900/Conans POV|
As I exit the house I notice that I broke the door. "Um.... Gavin, I broke the door.." He looks at it before waving a hand dismissivly "It was broken when we got here." I roll my eyes "You're mad!" He grins at me and nods. "Of course I am. I'm Gavin fucking Reed!" I laugh at him as he dramatically throws his hands in the air and smirks. If no one knew we were here, they certainly do know. "Point proven." I mumble. We go over to the car and hop in. Gavin grabs his radio and contacts the station. He tells them all we found and what needed to happen. They told us to return to the station while a sqaud car come here for look out. We pull out and make our way back.

When we pull up we see people getting ready to head out to where we needed them to be. We go inside and look around for Lily. When we find her, she's sitting in the cafeteria sipping her tea. We walk over to her "Lily, would you mind doing me a favor?" She looks at me "What is it?" I hand her the shirt Gavin found earlier. "There's a blood stain that needs analysing but Gavin won't let me analyse it..." She furrows her eyes brows "How do you analyse it?.." Gavin replies before I get the chance "He licks it.." She looks kind of disturbed. "I must assure you, I haven't done it in quite a while. Mostly because Gavin doesn't allow me to." She nods "To be honest, I don't think I would either..." She giggles lightly and stands up "Right, I'll get this done and report back to you then!" We thank her the return to our desks. Gavin radios out to see if anything has happened. But, no luck. There's been no movement or anything. "And again, we wait..." Gavin groans. "Patience, Gavin. All good things come to those who wait." He glances at me with an eyebrow raised before he rolls his eyes. "I understand that you just want to get this over with..." I get up and walk around to him. I sit in his desk and continue "But it's going to take time." He sighs "Alright, complicated juicer. What are you getting at?" I look around to see if anyone is watching before I reach out and take his hand "I think it's best if we hand over the case to someone else..."

There's chapter twenty three! Sorry it was late! I hope you enjoyed!

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