Strawberry Blonde

By TheBlackSquidward

36.9K 1.8K 451

Ask what High School is like and you'll get mixed answers along the lines of Scandals, Cliche Teen Romance, B... More


3.6K 80 31
By TheBlackSquidward

You can imagine whoever you want as the main character but this is the closest to what he actually looks like !

I hauled my book bag over my arms then pushed in my rickety chair heading toward the door.

" So did you find anyone for the Halloween dance yet sweetie ?"
My mom asked from the sink while scrubbing of a frying pan and harsh faucet stream followed her voice.

" Anyone for the dance ? He'll actually have to interact with people if that's gunna happen." My dad scoffed as I passed him.

My sister, Bee, looked up from her phone joining the conversation silently.

" I don't know why you guys keep insisting I make friends when I already said there's no point." I responded.

I know it wasn't their fault. My dad was offered a better job opportunity that was too good to pass up and I understand that.

I just didn't think that meant moving all the way down the coast to Florida for senior year.

" It's true, we've been here for a month now and you guys should see him in school, roaming the halls like some loner kid and wanting to hang out with me, a freshman !" Bee added as we opened the door.

" You don't have to be king of the school Hassan but one friend is alright to have honey, it wouldn't hurt to try !" My mother called as the door was on its way closing.

" I'll think about it !" I yelled back smiling as the door shut completely.

" You're not even gunna attempt are you ?" Bee said putting on her shades.

The suns light reflected the sparkles of glitter on her coffee skin which enhanced the contrast between her jet black braids.

It's not that I didn't want to make friends it's just what's the purpose ? New school that I'm only staying at for this year then I'm moving back to New York. It wouldn't make sense to make friends just to leave them again.

Although...I guess one really close friend wouldn't be so bad. For like networking purposes or something.

" Okay okay, you guys win I'll actually socialize with someone today." I said sarcastically as we continued to trot in the heat.

It's not like I couldn't have friends though, honestly there was probably a line waiting to audition to be my bestie when rumors were spreading about 'how hot the new kid is'.

It also didn't help that I was already captain of the basketball team when the coach found out about my varsity record then basically guilt tripped me into joining.

So along with being the new 'hot kid' I'm also the star player/captain of their now winning basketball team which made me instantly applicable for the mysterious sexy jock archetype.

And of course that did nothing but just convince more people I was worth being friends with, meanwhile I really just wanted to fast forward this year so I can leave already and go back to my original clique.

" Ooo I know, how about that dreamy strawberry blonde guy in your lunch period ?"
Bee said adjusting her handbag.

" Who ?"

" You know the actual loner guy ? He's tall, always has his headphones in, doesn't talk to anybody, baby face, hot grayish blue eyes and even hotter muscles ?"

" Doesn't ring any bells but if I see him I'll give em your number since your obviously so interested." I joked.

" Oh trust me you're gunna wanna keep him all to yourself once you take a look at him, actually you guys would be really cute together."

" Is that so ?" I gave her a slight smirk as we continued to walk against the timid breeze.

So far Bee is the only one that knows I like guys.

I mean I like girls too but back in middle school I started to notice girls and guys were both beginning to look attractive to me and not just the singular.

Bee only knows because last year she went on my Laptop and seen some uhh...sites that I forgot to close out of.

She basically jumped for joy when I told her even though for me it felt like my chest was gunna explode out of fear.

" Actually yeah you guys would be a power couple ! Plus he has a sister in 9th grade who's already my friend. I could ask her about him if you want ?" She asked.

" Do what you want just don't get your hopes up. I already told y'all it's not likely."

" Butttt, you said today you're going to try so I'll be watching you !" She gave me a sarcastic glare as I stuck my tongue out at her.

We eventually turned a few more corners and arrived at the school.

I could already smell the desperation and knew it was going to be a long day.

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