It all started with a drink (...

By bakkarii

242K 7K 1.8K

When Ryan and Michael, who aren't from entirely different worlds, meet at a club where Ryan and John are prom... More

New story alert 🤪🤪
Important Characters
Chapter One- Keys
Chapter Two- Attitudes
Chapter Three- Grape Soda
Chapter Four- Wrong Number
Chapter Five- Outfits
Chapter Six- Hickeys
Chapter Seven- Misleading Kisses
Chapter Eight- In New Yorrrk
Chapter Nine- A Square
Chapter Ten- Reporters
Chapter Eleven - Cuddles
Chapter Twelve- Violent Naps
Chapter Thirteen- Misunderstandings
Chapter Fourteen- Pinches
Chapter Sixteen- Poems
Chapter Seventeen- Dinner
Chapter Eighteen- Communication
Chapter Nineteen- Graduation
Chapter Twenty- Yachts
Twenty One- Money Talks
Chapter Twenty Two- The Fight
Chapter Twenty Three- Roast Beef
Chapter Twenty Four- Daiquiris
Chapter Twenty Five- Aggressive
Chapter Twenty Six- Truth
Chapter Twenty Seven- Apologies ?
Chapter Twenty Eight- Comfort Zone
Chapter Twenty Nine- Nicknames
Chapter Thirty- Guest Bedroom
Chapter Thirty One- Rings N Tings
Chapter Thirty Two- Scared
Chapter Thirty Three- Sick
Chapter Thirty Four- Jokes
Chapter Thirty Five- Breakfast
Chapter Thirty Six- Slip ups
Chapter Thirty Seven- Nurses
Chapter Thirty Eight- Magazine Covers
Chapter Thrity Nine- Turn offs
Chapter Forty- Pool Party
Chapter Forty One- Broken Records
Chapter Forty Two- Faking it
Chapter Forty Three- Hiding
Chapter Forty Four- Happy Birthday
Chapter Forty Five- Exposed
Chapter Forty Six- Please
Chapter Forty Seven- Business
Chapter Forty Eight- Confrontation
Chapter Forty Nine- Justine
Chapter Fifty- Starting Over
Chapter Fifty One- Set Straight
Chapter Fifty Two- Bitten
Chapter Fifty Three- Gender Reveal
Chapter Fifty Four- The Maldives

Chapter Fifteen- Chains

4.7K 154 45
By bakkarii

*Ryan's POV*

"Michael you're a cheater!" I yelled as I climbed down the rock climbing wall.

"No you're just slow." He says reaching the floor.

"You mushed me so I wouldn't touch the bell first."

"Exactly, slow."

"Alright, Alright. Ryan you're the winner, Michael you're a cheater." One of the workers says with a laugh. I smile brightly in Michael's face and he smacks his teeth.

"You're a sore loser Ryan."

"You're just mad cause he caught you cheating." Chadwick says tugging at the strings on the holster. "Y'all sure this safe? I'm not trying to die today." He looks up the tall wall.

"Come on cry baby, your ancient ass is gonna die soon anyways." Steelo says ready to climb up the wall.

"Stop calling me old." Chad says scaling the wall, he goes a lot faster than Steelo does. He rings the bell and slowly goes back down to the floor. Steelo is stuck in one place and he looks down.

"Ight, this ain't cool anymore someone come get me down before I fall."

"Weren't you just calling Chad a crybaby." I point out.

"Shut up biscuit head ass girl, you always got something to say."

"That's why your ugly ass is stuck up there, we should leave your ass here." I cross my arms over my chest.

"I said get me the fuck down what y'all don't understand." He yells and we laugh.

"Bye bitch." I wave at him tugging Michael and Chad to the eating area.

"I don't know why he has such a bad attitude around you Ryan, sorry about him." Michael admits but I shrug it off.

"It doesn't matter he doesn't really bother me. He just always got a bad attitude."

"He'll warm up to you" Chad says getting up to order the food. "Chicken tenders and pizza." He says and we nod. "Pepperoni?"

"Yes sir." I say and he walks away. "I'm sorry for interrupting your boys day, but all my friends are busy."

"It's cool, you know I don't mind having you around."

"I know you don't, but Chad and Steelo might."

"Chadwick is friendly to all, you have to really piss him off for him not to like you."

"I've known Chadwick longer than I've known you, so I knew that one. But it was still y'alls day."

"Stop apologizing."


"Stop pouting, even though you look cute as hell I've been having fun all day."

"I'm glad I'm not boring you." I say wrapping my arms around his neck. I peck his lips and I hear someone groan.

"Y'all never stop do y'all?" Steelo says dropping down at the table. "And I don't like how you and Chadwick have lost all your loyalties. What happened to bros before hoes?"

"First of all, she isn't a hoe." Michael interjects.

"That isn't the point."

"You're a grown ass man you could've came down that wall all alone." I grumble and he throws a napkin at my head.

"Your biscuit looking ass is gonna stop talking to me."

"I don't look like a biscuit. So stop talking to me with your brick head ass."

"Get your girl for I roast her ass."

"Bet you won't." I say confidently cocking my head.

"Bet I will. You look like a fucking skid mark."

"You must know what those look like cause they all in your draws."

"Ohhh she got your ass, go ahead and stop before she toast your shit." Michael laughs.

"It don't matter cause she look like lord Farquaad from shrek anyway with that Dora wig." He says and I purse my lips.

"Damn, you didn't have to do Ryan like that." Chad says and sits down. He slides Michael and I out food.

"It's okay, cause he's balding and he got two strands of hair on his chin, little ugly boy."

"I don't care, I got your bitter ass." Steelo laughs taking a slice of my pizza. Why are these niggas always eating my food?

"So y'all just gonna let that man eat my food like that?" I ask Michael and Chad, they both shrug and offer my some of their food. "Nah it's alright, it's okay cause Steelo broke ass must need to eat since he apparently can't buy his own food."

"You gonna keep talking shit?"

"Yeah and I might fight your ass."

"Yeah right."

"Ryan can fight, while you playing." Michael says drinking my lemonade. I stare at him like he was crazy.

"Okay who wants these hands first?"

"Why haven't I seen or heard from you in days?" Justine asks as soon as I walk into the apartment.

"Well when I came home the other day to get some clothes you were in class."

"You could've texted me."

"You know I'm not good at that stuff." I say putting my bag on the counter.

"But you are good at going and hanging out with Michael and his friends."

"Yeah, I thought if I was to be with Michael I might as well get to know his friends."

"Well I don't see him coming here and getting to know us."

"I didn't know you would want to."

"Of course I do Ryan, that's your man and I'm your best friend why wouldn't I want to get to know him." She says crossing her arms over her chest.

"Actually she's my best friend." John states while coming over to hug me. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him. "Okay don't break my back."

"She's mine!" Justine says wiggling her way into the hug. I laugh squeezing them both back.

"She was mine first!" John argues and Justine huffs.

"It's not about time, it's about how much you love them, and I love Ryan more than you do."

"Impossible, now move before we fight." John says mushing her face.

"Ryan, tell John I love you more." She whines as she continues to argue with John as Keith comes out of his room.

"Roomie." He says dapping me up.

"Keith, how you been?"

"Same old same old. Ready to graduate and go back home."

"You're leaving Cali once you graduate?"

"Yeah, the only reason I'm still here is because of how close we are to graduation."

"I didn't even think about what's going to happen to our friendships after we graduate."

"We'll still be friends, plus I got a couple job offers out here, so I'll be out here regularly, how you been."


"Just good? That model boy has you out there cutting up for him."

"Something like that."

"Have you told him?"

"No it's not a good time to spring stuff like that onto people."

"Don't let the relationship get too far before you tell him."

"You aren't even supposed to know."

"But I found out, so he can too. It's only a matter of time."

"I'll handle it, plus it's not that big of a deal."

"What's not that big of a deal?" John asks.

"Nothing. What y'all trying to get into tonight?"

"Studying for finals." John says and I scoff.

"I don't want to study!"

"Well I don't know about you but I'm trying to graduate. This college ain't taking chunks out my wallet for no reason."

"True, what you guys do earlier?"

"Something secret." Justine says with a wink.

"Really a secret?"

"No, Jenna needed us to film something." John elbows Justine.

"Okay then what did y'all film that I couldn't be a part of?"

"John needed head shots and he didn't want you to make fun of him."

"I wouldn't do that." I say and they all stare at me blankly.

"Even I know that you'd roast him." Keith grumbles.

"Y'all know me too well, but I still wanted to be there."

"I didn't need the distraction, but we have a meeting with Jenna tomorrow anyways."

"For what?"

"You still haven't done the complex video, and some brand deal things."

"Oops, I forgot all about that."

"I know, so they're trying to set up another filming day."

"That's okay."

"So what have you and Mr. Model been doing?" Justine asks biting her lip in excitement.

"Hanging out, nothing major." I shrug.

"Yeah right, you've been at his house for like three or four days straight." John points out and Justine nods.

"We've been going on little dates here and there."

"TMZ caught y'all kissing."

"And touching on each other, y'all out there being freaky in public." John says with a disgusted face.

I laugh before I respond. "I can't help it, his lips are so soft." John gags and Justine stares dreamily. "Plus I can't help that he can't keep his hands to himself." I smirk and John shakes his head.

"I'm good fam, no need for further explanation."

"Is that one of his chains?" Justine gasps pointing to the thinner chain around my neck. I pull it out my shirt and nod.

"Yeah, he said I could have it, even though I'll probably give it back to him."

"No, it's so cute that he gave it to you."

"I wouldn't give no girl my chain." Keith says and I cut my eyes to him.

"Even if it was me."

"Especially not you, you're funny."

"Yeah Ryan you do lose stuff easily." John comments and I scoff.

"I'm not going to lose this mans chain."

"Alright, I don't want to hear it if you do, that shit look expensive it got diamonds in it and shit."

"Y'all don't have any faith in me."

"I do." Justine says and both the boys glare at her.

"You're a suck up." Keith smacks his teeth.

"No I'm trying to put it into her head that she won't lose the chain."

"I'm over y'all." I laugh.

"You can't be over us, you love us too much."


"When am I going to meet model boy formally?" Keith asks.

"When he comes over next, we'll all go for dinner together. I'll tell him to bring Chadwick and Steelo."

"My boy Chadwick!" John says with a smile.

"Y'all stay knowing famous people." Keith comments and we shrug.

"It's the internet life, you can meet anyone if you try hard enough. Anyways imma set that up is that cool with everyone?"

"Just tell me what day."

"Steelo Brim?" Justine says still in shock and I flick her in the neck.

"Sis he isn't all that. All he does is talk shit." I roll my eyes thinking about him.

"Just like you do." She points out.

"Sike, I'm not that bad."

"Well, I'm going to work my magic and secure a side piece."

"Hell nah, she already plotting I'm gone." Keith says getting up throwing up a peace sign making me laugh.

"I don't know if you'd want that stress in your life."

"It's late I'm going to head off to bed, Ryan there are left overs in the fridge, good night." John says getting up and leaving to his room.

"Okay I'm done too, I have class early in the morning." Justine pouts going into her room. I get out of my chair stretching and going into my room to hop into the shower. Once I get out I wrap a towel around me going into my closet to look for one of Michael's giant T shirt that he's left over here. I bend over and I feel hands on my hips. I gasp turning around to see Michael standing there.

"Don't do that." I say holding my hand to my chest feeling my heart race. He chuckles before he kisses me on the lips.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't go to sleep without you. I texted you to tell you I was coming over."

"My phone is on the charger, I haven't used it since I've you dropped me off earlier." I say pulling his shirt off of him. He slides out of his sweats and gets in the bed with me. I lay my head on his chest and throw my leg around his.

"So you can't sleep without me huh."

"Nah you're too comfortable." He says pulling me closer and kisses my shoulder.

"Lucky you got a key." I say and we sit in silence and my eyes droop.

"Be my girl Ryan." Michael whispers.

"I thought I was already yours."

"You are, but I wanted to ask you officially, so be mine."

"I was already yours Michael, just know if I fall, I fall hard."

"I'll be there to catch you."

"I hope you will, I don't want to have to get my shootas on you." I mumble and he laughs grabbing my face. He kisses me slowly and pulls the shirt I had on off. I move my head away sighing.

"I'm tired, Michael."

"Lemme just touch it." He says flipping us over.

"No cause then you're going to say let me just put the tip in."

"Nuh uh." He hums sticking a finger in me causing me to arch my back and moan. I grip his shoulders and he adds another finger. Once I start feeling myself about to cum, he pulls his fingers out. "You can't cum since you're too tired." I scoff pushing him away.

"You're an asshole." I grumble turning my to him and he pulls me back towards him.

"Fine I'll give you some."

"If you touch me I'll bite you." I warn him and he laughs pulling me back under him.

"You know you want this."

"You know I don't keep playing with me and I'll cut that lil tic tac off."

We hit1.5k !!! That's so amazing guys. I'll update again tomorrow I promise I needed a lil break but I'm back. And if y'all don't start commenting we gonna fight creed style 🙂❤️❤️

(Ps that's me boxing y'all shid if y'all don't vote and comment)

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