She Became Mine

By lovatic_faye

114K 3K 460

A young fragile girl just wants to be loved, will the famous celebrity couple Demi Lovato and Wilmer Valderra... More

She Became Mine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 9

4.4K 123 17
By lovatic_faye

Demi POV

I felt someone shaking me while I slept, I opened my eyes and rolled over in frustration to see Wilmer attempting to wake me up.

"Wilmer, what the actual fuck?" I snapped

"I'm sorry Dems but someone's crying" he informed me

"It will be Millie. If you woke up first you should have just gone to her. You don't need me, I'm tired"

"Baby I think it's melody. I don't want to go in and scare her, we don't know what's she's been through."

I shot up at the mention of melody's name, in my sleepy haze I'd completely forgotten about her.

"I'm sorry babe, you know I hate being woken up. I'll go sort her out" I said before placing a kiss on his lips.

I quickly made my way down the hallway to melody's room.

I entered her room to find her sat up in bed crying her eyes out. Fear flashed across her face when she noticed me stood there.

Melody POV

I was actually having a nice dream for once. that was until it was invaded by past memories and flashbacks of all the bullies and my parents.

Every time I slept a memories and flashbacks formed to together with new nightmares to put me through hell while I was asleep.

Don't wake up. Fight through it and stay asleep

Don't wake up

Don't cry melody

Don't cry

Too late, I can already feel the lump in my throat. I wake up properly and my eyes instantly fill with tears.

Oh no, what if I wake Demi? Or even worse, what if I wake Millie? Me panicking about trying to be quiet is only doing the exact opposite and making me cry louder. There's no way I'm going to be spending another night in this house after I wake them all up.

I feel my chest start to tighten and it's becoming increasingly harder to breath.

I want Demi, I need Demi. She's the only thing that can calm me down right now but I can't go to her. I can't wake her up, I can't go in her room.

I jump a mile when I see my bedroom door open and the light from the hallway floods in. I can't see properly but I can make out Demi's silhouette. Great, I woke her up, she's going to hurt me just like my mum did.

I begin to shake as she walks towards the bed. She looks at me with sympathetic eyes and I feel the bed dip as she sits herself on the edge. She goes to touch me but I instinctively flinch away.

"No please don't hurt me. Please" I beg

My breathing is all over the place, I can hardly get my words out.

"Shhhh melody. It's just me, it's Demi" her calm voice says

"D-demi" I stutter through tears

"I'm here sweetheart, calm down"

"Don't hurt me" I say again

"I'm never going to lay a finger on you baby. I promise"

Half of me believes her, the other half knows promises are never kept.

"I'm s-sorry for w-waking you up" I cry

"Please don't worry about that melody. It's ok, if you ever need me you can come and get me, no matter what time it is"

"I'm s-sorry"

"Alright melody, I need you to calm down for me. Try and take nice deep breaths for me, in and out"

She took hold of my hands, and surprisingly I didn't pull away.

"Look at me sweetheart. Focus on me" she instructed

I looked up at her and our eyes locked. She didn't take hers off me as she breathed deeply with me until I was calm.

"That's it good girl"

"Thank you Demi"

"You don't have to thank me, I'm always here for you melody. Now come on, try and get some sleep, we'll talk in the morning."

She helped me lay down again and placed a kiss on my forehead before she turned to leave.

"Demi" I said before she could reach the door

"What's up baby?"

"Don't leave me" I said, my voice cracking at the end as fresh tears began to fall at the thought of having to sleep alone

She didn't reply, she walked towards the door and my heart sank as I expected her to walk straight out and back to her own room. Instead, when she reached the door she closed it and darkness took over the room again. She made her way back towards me and I moved over allowing her room to climb into bed with me.

I wanted her to hold me and tell me everything was going to be ok. But after how I reacted on the plane I can't get that vulnerable again. I can't let her know how weak I am, but I want nothing more than to feel her arms wrapped around me.

As if she read my mind i felt a pair of arms pull me into them. I held my breath and tensed up at the thought of her hurting me. She had one arm holding my head to her chest while the other was wrapped around my body.

"Relax baby girl. I'm not going to hurt you"

I let out a deep breath and found myself snuggling into her even more. I felt her place another kiss on my forehead.

"That's it baby girl, shhhhh go to sleep now. I've got you" she soothed

I slightly nodded against her chest before closing my eyes. The hand that held my head began to run through my hair and Demi started to hum softly. This was all I needed to help me drift off to sleep.

Demi was my safety blanket.

A/n not the longest chapter I know but I wanted to update seeing as people seem to like it

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