The Wolves of Crystal Cove

By kirabelle15

10.7K 520 23

The daughter of an alpha, the true heir of his title, Erin Black has many obstacles to overcome before she ge... More

Chapter 1~At least I don't sleep nude
Chapter 2~A Drunk Wolf and an Abnormal Alpha
Chapter 3~I have many secrets,my mother just so happens to know 99% of them
Chapter 4~I'll make a deal mom
Chapter 5~Listen pup
Chapter 6~Some say
Chapter 8~ I don't think we are anymore
Chapter Nine~ You called be the J word.
Chapter Ten~Just like old times...Sorta.
Chapter Eleven~Sirberous Clade
Chapter Twelve~Mutt
Chapter Thirteen~Where's Stark?
Chapter Fourteen~ Happy Birthday!
Chapter Fifteen~ Honestly I have no clue.
Chapter Sixteen~And it's yours.
Chapter Seventeen~Do it
Chapter Eighteen~You are not Stark!
Chapter Nineteen~ Alpha Erin
Chapter Twenty~Cooper.
Chapter Twenty-one~A heart? So romantic.
Chapter Twenty-Two~ Are we really doing this?
Chapter Twenty-Three~I love you.
Chapter Twenty-four~ What just happened?
Chapter Twenty-Five~Normal.
Chapter Twenty-Six~With a Big Bang
Chapter Twenty-Seven~ Luna
Chapter Twenty-Eight- Years later.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter 7~I made a deal Stark,and that deal is done

328 17 0
By kirabelle15

Why did the stupid bottle land on me? Why me?Ares looks at me clearly worried. Stark is just sitting there staring at me and everyone is watching. Anyone but him.

I don't want to kiss him because it's Stark and that would make things more awkward than if I kissed Srick. Talking of Srick where is he?!Why isn't anyone talking?

Stark looks sick so I must look sick. One of his eyes are gold so he is mind linking commanding but with who? We sit here for what seems like for ever and I stand up and brush the dirt off my clothes and he does the same and walks over to me. This is normal,completely normal just two friends playing a game.

He is currently standing in front of me while I am calming myself down. It's okay,just a game. He knows it's just a game. He looks uncertain of what to do. Oh yeah he has never kissed a person before.

I have to pull him down some and I lean up fir him."You are a little tall still." I whisper and he smiles a little bit.

I lean into him and our lips meet and he takes control. I pull him down until I'm flat footed and he follows the pull. Oh yeah there are other people here. I pull away and sit back down and Casey smiles at me.


"Shut up." I mutter and her smile gets bigger.

"I think you might not be getting a haircut." Ares whispers.

"Is it time?" I ask and Ares nods his head.

"Listen!" Ares yells and I stand up.

"Okay so we have a tradition here where the new Alphas which are Jagger Grey and Stark White will have to go down to the lake just the three of us." I say and take off my shirt to show my bathing suit top. I know people are trying not to look at the scars.

"And do what?" Jagger asks.

"Swim." I say and take off my shoes and shorts. My bathing suit is a two piece that is purple like the tank top.

"We don't have any-"

"Follow me dear Alpha males." I say and walk backwards on the path to the lake.

"What do we do?" Stark asks getting it.

"Anything it's just us three." I say and the other holler.

"Erin w-"

"Jagger,Stark trust me it'll be f-u-n,fun." I say cutting off Jagger.

"We don't have any swimming trunks." Jagger says and I stop now at the lake. No one can see us but I know they are there.

I stand in front of the two boys with a smile on my face. "Erin we can't swim. We didn't bring any extra clothes." Stark says. Jagger or Stark? Jagger first.

"So." I say and tug on Jagger's shirt and pull it up. He pulls it off and I flick the top of his pants and he takes them off.

"Go swim see." I say and smile.

"Erin." Jagger says.

"Swim." I say and he walks out in the water and swims around.

"I'm not going in." Stark says and crosses his arms. I thought Jagger would be this guy.

"Stark please." I say and put my hands under his shirt and on his skin.

"No." He says and I frown. I rub my hands up his chest and then back down and pull the shirt up.

"Please." I beg and he takes off the shirt and hands it too me.

"This is yours." He says and drops it. Why is he being so stubborn? I look into his eyes and undo his belt and pull it off.

"It's just us three and I want you to swim with me." I say and his heart picks up.

"Fine." He says and he takes his pants off and follows me in the water. The three of us swim out to the middle were it is deep and swim.

"It isn't that bad." I say.

"No but is that all it is?" Stark asks.

"We can do anything." I say and then go underwater and come up in front of him.

"That's a little bit much." Stark whispers. Jagger must know what I'm doing because he knows me. I never back out of a deal. I wrap my arms around him and his eyes seem to shine.

"Just us." I whisper and our noses are touching now.

"Erin," he says. I take the advantage and kiss him and take control but once again takes it away. I move my hands to his shoulders and push him underwater.

"What was that for?" Stark asks.

"I made a deal Stark and that deal is done." I say and he laughs.

"Is that why we are out here?" Jagger asks.

"No but stay right here." I say and swim back go shore. I grab my hair and ring out the water or in this case give the signal.

"Erin are you coming?" Jagger yells.

"Give me a minute I need to check something." I say.

"Distract us," Jagger says.

"Next week is a full moon." I say and hand their clothes to Lily who quickly leaves with them.

"That must suck for you." He says.

"Not as much as this." I mutter.

"What?" Stark asks.

"Nothing I'm going to th-"

"Hey!" Jagger yells and I see Taylen (his sister) and Morgan run out off the water.

"Not cool E not cool." Jagger says.

"Morgan give me-"

"Come get 'em." She says and runs off.

"Taylen," Jagger growls.

"Nah." She says and walks off.

"Erin!" Jagger yells and I smile.

"Welcome to Crystal Cove boy!" I shout and run off in the woods.

"Good job." Ares says and hands me my clothes. I slip them on and hug him.

"Get me home Munster." I say and he shifts. I jump on his back and he takes off running and I hide my face in his fur.

"Did William get it?" I ask and I get no reply. When we get to the house he shifts back with me on his back still.

"William got the whole thing." He says.

"Good." I say and laugh.

"They probably didn't shift." Ares says and I laugh as he walks in the house.

"Good job." Mom says from the living room. All of the main three (Alpha,Beta and third) are here from the three packs.

"I didn't think Stark would fall for it." Donny says and shakes his head.

"Erin is very persuasive." Dad says.

"And you kept up your end of the bet/deal thing." JT says.

"Of course I did." I say and jump off of Ares back.

"So you don't have to cut your hair and Logan and Chandler have to listen to you." JT says.

"I still need a hair cut but I would rather have my mom do it than a bunch of boys." I say and I hear the front door slam close. Stark and Jagger walk in with frowns.

"I dislike you right now." Jagger says.

"But you knew of it and you still fell for it." I say and Lily and Morgan come in.

"Yeah sucks for you." Morgan says.

"You didn't shift until halfway did you?" I ask.

"No." Stark says and his mom laughs.

"I forgot you got clothes when you shift so yeah." Jagger says.

"Told you." I say and sit down beside my dad who hands me a twenty.

"So is there more?" Stark asks.

"Besides the fact your Beta and third are with me for like a week or two I forgot how long yes but all in time." I say.

"I didn't thin-"

"I go it!" William shouts walking in with a CD.

"You didn't." Jagger says.

"Put it over there with the rest." Dad says.

"I thought Jagger would've put up more of a fight than that." I say.

"I didn't think Stark would do it. He usually doesn't." Rita says.

"I'm going to bed." I say and run up the stairs. I change and there is a knock on the door.

"It's open." I say and Jagger comes in.

"You did a very good job." He says.

"Thanks." I say and he walks over to me.

"But I don't find it fair that Stark got to kiss you." He says.

"It was a bet/deal thing." I say.

"Can you really give me a good night kiss?" He asks.

"You want that bad don't you?" I ask and he smiles.

"Well a little bit." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I say and kiss him."Good night Jagger." I say and push him out of the room and go to shut the door but a foot is in it.

"Can I get to my room?" Stark asks.

"Sure." I say and open the door.

"Thanks." He says and then goes in his room. I lock my door and lay down. Maybe I will fall asleep tonight.

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