
By bts34443

18.6K 886 214

Nineteen years ago the popular boy band BTS goes missing. No suspects, no evidence and no leads were ever fou... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Final pt 2

Final pt 1

672 40 7
By bts34443

Yoongi looked at the screen wordlessly as the same sentences poured out of the women's mouth. It was the same thing everyday and it was beginning to irritate him even more than he already was. "The police are still looking for a 19 year old girl named Sumi who went missing three weeks ago. She was last seen snow shoeing with her boyfriend when they got separated. The police still have no leads and they say it is highly unlikely that she survived being in the cold for so long. If anyone had information on the missing teen they should call the police." The woman said so monotoned that Yoongi clenched his fist together. Even so, her words echoed in the empty house. Everyone else was away either looking for clues or working so Yoongi was the only one left in the alone and cold house. A scowl appeared on Yoongi's lips and he shot up from the sitting position he was in. He grabbed his jacket and looked at the clock. It was the beginning of the day and the trail was 2 hours away. I have time he thought angirly, zipping up his jacket and heading to the bus stop. Watching the program on the TV was only firing him up even more. The police might think Sumi was dead, but Yoongi wouldn't believe it until he saw the body. The air was like mosquito bites as it hit his skin, pricking him, but he kept walking. Nothing was going to keep him from finding her. As he walked he remembered vividly how Minhun had shown up at the house, freaking out. He had aggressively banged on the door and stormed in asking for Sumi's grandparents. It was the first time the guys had met, but Minhun only paused for a second before freaking out again. When BTS had finally calmed him down enough Minhun told them that Sumi had gone missing, that he had lost her. The guys had all froze and then bombarded him with questions, yelling and freaking out. Yoongi in particular had almost thrown the man out the door in anger.

"What do you mean you lost her!" He growled, his eyes so angry that they screamed murderous intent. Yoongi hands clutched Minhun's shirt, and his grip was so tight it was turning his knuckles white. "Why the hell would you leave then! You should of stayed and looked for her more!" Yoongi yelled, jerking the guy.

"I did! I called the police. They're there right now looking. Since they couldn't contact her guardians they sent me to tell them." He said angrily, his hands trying to pry Yoongi's off him. However Yoongi's hands wouldn't budge.

"Yoongi try to calm down. He hasn't even finished telling us what happened." Namjoon said. Yoongi glared at Minhun and relaxed his hands, pushing Minhun back a little as he did.

"Finish the damn story and tell us why you would leave her." He demanded, his voice so harsh and angry that Minhun could see the veins in Yoongi's neck. However, Minhun just glared right back at Yoongi and took something out of his pocket.

"Sumi lost her necklace in the snow, so I went to go find it." He said, showing the sliver necklace in his hand. "I told her to wait, but she went off on her own." Yoonig froze and stared at the piece of jewelry.

Now remembering back as Yoongi waited for the bus he slowly reached back into his coat pocket and took out Sumi's necklace. He had basically grabbed it out of Minhun's hand, but he didn't care. It wasn't his and in truth it wasn't Jimin's either. It was Yoongi's. He had gotten it for Sumi and told Jimin to give it to her as her Christmas gift. He didn't feel ready to give her a gift, but now he was regretting it. His eyes sadly looked at the necklace as he twisted it around his fingers and he frowned as he remembered picking it out and being too nervous to give it to her. Yoongi thought back to him begging Jimin to give it to her, so he wouldn't reveal his feelings, and Jimin agreeing on the one condition that after Christmas break Yoongi would tell Sumi how he felt. Yoongi agreed and gave Jimin the box, however since Sumi began avoiding him he hadn't gotten a chance yet. The bus came after a few minutes and Yoongi got on, taking it all the way to the town the trail was located in and walking to the opening of the pathway. He stopped, looking around and then went into the woods. It wasn't like Yoongi hadn't been there before. He had, multiple times, but this time something felt different, there was something in the air. He could feel it. Maybe he would find her? It had already been three weeks she had to be here, somewhere. As Yoongi slowly walked through the snow filled woods, yelling Sumi's name he came across a sign, telling him not to enter. He hadn't been to this part of the woods before, but he didn't pay the sign any thought. The police probably hadn't checked this part since they thought it was private property, but unlike the police Yoongi didn't care either way. All he kept thinking was Sumi, and how she could be out here, freezing or worse. He walked forward, yelling her name, looking behind each tree and long grass patch and that's when he saw it. A tiny house in the distance. Yoongi's eyes widen and he raced towards it, his heart beating faster and faster as the thought of Sumi in there swirled in his head. But as he got just 100 feet away from it he froze, his eyes becoming enlarged. Yoongi saw the cracked windows, the spider webs hanging from every corner and he took in the disgusting smell of dead animals. He knew this house. How could he not. Yoongi didn't know he was shaking until he tried to take a step and looked down at his legs.

"Shit." He mumbled angrily and looking up.

Yooni's POV

why is the house here? why now? I thought, fear swelling into my body. I could barely stand, but I stood my ground. The wind howled at my face and I looked around. "Sumi!!!!" I screamed with all my strength, but all I got back was the whipping of branches. I peered at the house again and shivered a thought coming into my mind. She wouldn't..... I thought nervously, my chest pounding. I forced a step forward, getting closer and closer. When I reached the porch I took a step on the stairs, the boards creaking under me. I paused for a minute and tried to swallow all my fear. Even if she's not here, I have to go in I thought before taking a deep breath and slowly stepping in. It was still dark inside with the outside light streaming in and I saw the same fabric material hanging and sewing machine on the table. I looked around and saw the same dolls resting on shelves. I swallowed nervously and started to look if Sumi was one of them. My hands shaking, I picked one up and examined it. It was a teen wearing an old school uniform. I put it down and picked up the next one. Again and again I did this, seeing if any of them were Sumi. It was warm inside the shack like house, which surprised me, since it was so cold outside and I found myself becoming warmer and warmer. My breath which was visible outside was gone in a couple of seconds. After a minute of searching I still couldn't find Sumi and I felt my stomach drop a little. If she's not in her than she's still outside somewhere... I thought nervously.

"Are you looking for this girl?" I heard women suddenly cackle. Her voice sounded so worn out that I almost jumped in my spot. I whipped around and was faced with a old woman, her gray hair long and tangled. I screamed so loud that I almost choked, but ended up coughing instead. My eyes were wide open as I scanned her body, quickly landing on the doll she was holding in her wrinkly hand. "Su-sumi" I lips trembling in fear. No no no no no no. I thought, my pulse racing. That can't be her...My eyes darted to the woman's eyes and as I stared at her I knew that it was Sumi. "Turn.her.back" I growled, my hands clenched into two fists. My mouth turned into a scowl and I narrowed my eyes at the person in front of me. The ragged looking woman didn't look fazed at my tone and let her lips stretch into a scowl.

"She'll suffer the same fate as all the others who trespass. Just like you and your friends" She said and I swear I was about to jump her, but for some reason my brain told me that the woman was faster than she let on.

"So it was who turned my friends and I into dolls." I cut, my voice so full of rage that I could barley control myself. My muscles tightened, trying to hold myself back.

"Yes." Was all she said and she stuffed Sumi in an inside pocket. My eyes watched as Sumi disappeared before my sight and I took a step forward, but the woman's hand shot up, palm facing me. I froze and stared at her hand.

"Give me Sumi back. Everyone's looking for her. They'll find this cabin eventually and when they do you'll be put behind bars." I said, but the woman didn't look dazed in the slightest.

"If anyone steps into my property they'll be turned to dolls. No one will ever find me." She said and I tighten my jaw. I stared at the hag, my eyes radiating anger before I saw her suddenly smile, showing her toothless grin "you'll have to buy it off me." She said and my body tensed up again. "How much?" I asked, reaching into my pocket but then realizing that I didn't have my wallet with me. The woman saw the fear spread across my face and a smile creeped onto her face again.

"I don't want money." She said, and I peered down at her face. Her eyes held a sort of evil in them and I felt a shiver down my spine.

"What do you want then?" I asked, my voice was harsh and I was beginning to get anxious. I looked at the pocket she put Sumi in and I was tempted to attack the woman again, but then remembered that I was too close at getting Sumi back. The woman's eyes which were almost close opened and she looked me up and down. I felt another shiver run down my body. It was like she was reading me, crawling into my thoughts. I could feel her hands rummaging into my brain, figuring out every little aspect of my life and desires.

"Give me your heart." She said, a smile crawling onto his face.

"What, What do you mean?" I asked, voice quivering and my body froze.

"You love the girl, do you not?" She asked and I just stared at her. After a minute of my silence she didn't need me to answer. "Give me your emotions and you can have her." She said.

"That's insane, I- I can't do that." I said. "How would I even.." but he woman cut me off.

"That's the price. Don't like it. Get. Out." She said, eyes glaring at me. "But if you don't take the deal, You'll never find this place again."

I only glared back at her, my silence filling the musty air. Sweat droplets started to appear on my hands and I whipped them on my jacket. I looked at the old woman's pocket where Sumi rested and I bit my lip. After another minute I looked back at the woman's face.

"Take it then." I said harshly, then lifting up my hand. "Then give me Sumi."


Next chapter will be the end :)

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