It has to be you// Kiribaku

By TododekuisOTP

69.9K 2.6K 5.2K

(P.S this is not a collection of one shots. Its a full story. Thank you and goodbye) Bakugou didn't know wh... More

Flower Crowns and Parades
Fluffy Friend and Rainbows
Mountain Hiking
A pocky a day
Visit to the Kirishima's
Love and birthday cake
Chapter 15: Winter Wonderland

🎵If you were gay, that would be okay🎵

5.1K 227 288
By TododekuisOTP

(Like the title? Nudge nudge wink wonk. Please stop me. Anyway this chapter is kinda short. Whoops.)


That damn shirty hair! Beating his heart to a pulp every time he comes to close or does something cute. Fuck, he's so damn fucked. The next night just before bed Bakugou couldn't keep the event at the changing rooms out of his mind. How extremely gentle and soft Kirishima's hands were, how his warm breath swirled in his face and how careful and tentative his fingers were with the eye liner.

And then when he cupped his face, how the warmth from his hands seeped into Bakugou's skin and travelled through him like molten lava. Damn you idiot snap out of hit! His brain screams. He lifts his leg and kicks the chair beside him, his explosions crackling out of his hands.

He hoped that going to bed will stop all of these thoughts so Bakugou got ready for bed.


Sounds of booming explosions wakes Kirishima from his slumber. He immediately activates his quirk holding his arm in front of him ready to defend himself. Frantically looking around he noticed that nothing really looked out of place and there didn't seem to be any screaming or commotion, just the sounds of explosions.

Deactivating his quirk he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and reaches out to grab his phone. The blinding bright light reads 1 am. He groans, could it be Bakugou that's causing these explosions? What is that idiot doing using his quirk at this time? Kirishima scratches his head. He then decides to see what this is all about.


He stands in front of the mahogany door and almost regrets coming here. Almost. Come on, this isn't manly at all there's nothing to be afraid about its just Bakugou he reassures himself.

Lifting his fist he firmly knocks on the wood. After a few minutes the explosions cease, and heavy footsteps approach the door. It violently swings open and Kirishima is surprised by the sight in front of him.

The blond haired boy stands in front of him. His normally spiky hair has lost its frizziness and looks kinda droopy. His bangs fall so that they cover most of his right eye. The eye that is visible is somehow shiny. Kirishima concludes that it is glazed over. Was Bakugou crying? He also seems to have heavy bags under his eyes. Kirishima's chest constricts, something is seriously wrong. He can't bear seeing Bakugou in such a horrible state. He finally realizes that neither have said anything for the past minute.

"H-hey dude...sorry for interrupting, I just heard something and I was wondering if you are feeling ok."

"I'm fucking fine shitty hair, why wouldn't I be?" he grumbles quietly.

Kirishima raises his eyebrows, "Are you sure? You don't look so good."

"I said I was fine get the hint shirty hair! Your so fucking stupid" he half shouts, however his insult lacks its usual bite. Bakugou's face crumple up in a scowl and Kirishima gulps slightly.

"Okay sorry, goodnight." He's about to turn around when it hits him.

"Bakugou did you get a nightmare?" he blurts out quickly scolding himself under his breath. Bakugou's face is murderous.

"I don't get nightmares idiot, I'm not a pussy." Kirishima sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

"Oh...ok sorry for the trouble." he slowly turns around but stops when he hears the slightest noise. Something you wouldn't hear unless you were looking for it.


He immediately spins back around hope filling his chest.

"Yes?" he asks a little too excitedly.

"Maybe I did have a nightmare." says Bakugou his blood red eyes focusing on anywhere but the red haired boy. This time there's no doubting it, a slight pink blush dusts Bakugou's cheeks and ears as he nervously scratches the back of his neck.

Kirishima's heart thumps in his chest. Bakugou's head snaps back up at him a hint of fear in his eyes. As if he didn't want himself to say that.

"What the fuck are you still doing here? Get the fuck out of my room Shitty Hair!"

Confused, Kirishima only nods before turning and heading back to his room. 

He flops on his bed, fatigue clogging his brain. Just before he loses conscious he hears the word float through his head once more.

"Maybe I did have a nightmare."


Kirishima doesn't even have time to think about Bakugou and his nightmares because the Bakusquad have been breathing down his back about the pride festival outing. Right now he's making his way to Mina's room to chat with the group. He eventually makes it and raps on the door. A voice calls out and he walks in.

Everyone is in the room excluding Jirou. Mina beams at Kirishima and pats the space beside her. Plopping himself down he looks around at the faces in the room.

"So you going to ask him to join us or not?" Denki asks immediately.

"No, I am way too fatigued and exhausted from all this thinking today. I will tell him tomorrow."

"Oh yeah Mina, I was thinking about the festival and I was wondering how exactly are we going to find out his sexuality from a festival?" Sero nods in agreement. Mina scratches her head.

"Ok you caught me. To be honest I made it up so we could go to the festival." she slumps in her seat before springing back up again.

"I think I have an idea. When we ask Bakugou to join us he will definitely be sceptical and will ask us why we are going. So we tell him that we all support the community and we are going cause Kiri and Jirou are part of that community." Minas golden eyes sparkle as she bounces on the spot.

"Yes! Perfect. Saying that Kirishima is gay will finally open up to Bakugou that he can have a chance with Kiri!" She hugs Sero

"Good thinking!'

Before the group can even continue the door bangs open and familiar blond haired boy enters the room.


He stands at the door a livid look in his eyes. Jirou stands hidden behind him.

"So you guys are having some hidden meeting without me huh? What's this about?" The room falls silent as everyone racks their brains about what to say. Then Sero, god fucking Sero blurts out.

"We were discussing how Kiri's gonna confess to his crush." Bakugou's deep red eyes widen for a split second before narrowing again. Denki acting quickly immediately electrocutes Sero and shoves him down with a pillow. Mina giggles nervously. Kirishima shares a look with her and she nods. I guess it's time to invite him now.

"Sorry, don't listen to Sero he's an idiot. We were actually talking about going to the pride festival soon." she beams.

"Pride festival? What is that?" he asks crossing his strong arms in front of him.

"Pride is like pride for the lgbtq+ community. It's a festival that celebrates and appreciates the people that are part of the community."

"Tch, why would you guys go to something like that?"

"Because we all support the people in that community and both Jirou and Kiri are a part of it." Kirishima's heart starts to beat rapidly. He looks up at Bakugou whose eyebrows are raised as if he is trying to understand what Mina said.

"Yeah I am bi and Kiri is gay." concludes Jirou shoving her way around Bakugou. The silence that follows is excruciating.

(A/N wow so that was a trek. So our little boy has come out of closet, I am a proud parent. Next chapter is going to be really long so that's good. I guess. I hope you guys are enjoying this fic. If not at least I will be proud that I took up the courage to write it down. Welp bye.)

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