The Only King (RWBY x Betraye...

By -_Rafael_-

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Ner'Zhul has been bound in the Frozen Throne for too long but he is just waiting for his champion to be born... More

Chapter 1: The Mission and Beacon Academy
Chapter 2: Meeting Team STRQ
Chapter 3: About The Legendary Sword
Chapter 5: It's All a Lie! (Story Trailer & End of Volume 1)
Chapter 6: The Confrontation
Chapter 7: Ship Battle
Chapter 8: Menagerie
Chapter 9: Y/N's Sudden Change
Chapter 10: The Attack of The Scourge In Menagerie
Chapter 11: Enemy or Ally Reinforcement?
Chapter 12: Death Of Kel'Thuzad (End Of Volume 2!)
Volume 3 Coming Soon!!
Chapter 13: Onward To Northrend!
Chapter 14: Prepare For The Worst
Chapter 15: The Mission To Lordaeron
Chapter 16: Before Claiming The Sword
Chapter 17: Death Knight's Arrival
Chapter 18: The Rise Of Y/N
Chapter 19: Fall Of Lordaeron
Chapter 20: The New Lich King (End Of Volume 3)
Volume 4: Coming Soon!
Chapter 21: The Frozen Throne
Chapter 22: The Alliance Of Scourge and Grimm
Chapter 23: Anduin Will Never Be Yours
Chapter 24: The Future Warrior Of The Scourge
Chapter 25: ???
Chapter 26: The Two Guardians
!Important Announcement!
!!Great News!! I got it Back!!

Chapter 4: Love is not Worth it

9.2K 113 23
By -_Rafael_-

 Y/N's POV

Y/N:'What is she doing?!!! Why is she doing this?!! Why!!! is she touching her lips to mine?!!!' I thought as I gathered my strength and pushed her off me but instead of her to fall to the floor she only took a few steps away but still standing...

Raven:"What? You didn't like it?" she said as her eyes shown pain

Y/N:"What?! What are you even doing to me?! Are you trying to poison me?!!" I said with a raised voice as I then started spitting to the floor

Raven:"You didn't know what a 'kiss' is?" she said a bit puzzled and confused

Y/N:"This word 'Kiss' means nothing to me! And if you ever do this again, I will make sure that you will be punished for doing this actions against a high ranking Knight of the Kin-" I was then cut off by someone opened the door and sprint past Raven and hit me hard to the wall behind me as I cough heavily...

???:"Please! Don't punish Raven..." she said as I looked down and saw a girl wearing a uniform with a white cape and both of her arms wrapped around my waist

Raven:"S-Summer?!" she said surprised as I heard the name that is meant to the girl that pushed me too hard...

Y/N:"S-Summer... I am just warning her *Cough* I am not a bad knight or something" I said the truth to her. "But you better let me go now" I said as she look up to me as I saw her innocent and cute face. 'Cute... WAIT! What did I just think?! I am a Royal Guard of the King!' I thought loudly as I look behind her to see Raven with a serious face but her eyes shows jealousy and pain...

I pry Summer off me and she has a strong grip around my stomach and then walked pass her and Raven as I just keep looking forward but I don't know why my heart is beating faster than I know it because my heart only beats faster when I'm in a battle or even a war but at this situations... I do not know...

Raven's POV

I saw him walked out the room while I think the words he just said over and over in my mind...

Summer:"He seems like a nice person but a bit shy..." she said as I turn my head to her and to see her innocent smile on her face as I just sigh...

Raven:"Well, looks like we need to apologize or something... And don't you even dare tell anyone from what just happened here! or else!" I said trailing off

Summer:"Or e-e-else?" she said with fear

Raven:"Or else you will have no cookie for a month" I said as her face went pale and mouth wide open...

Summer:"Nooooo!!!!(Like a Darth Vader Voice)" she shouted and its so loud that I cover my ears before she break it...


I manage to arrive to my Team Dorm's room as I knocked the door and someone behind the door opened it only to reveal Rebecca and I looked past her to see Prince Arthas is having a happy conversation with Lady Jaina...

 Y/N:"Looks like the Prince is now back to his normal self again" I said with a smile as I walked inside and sat on my bed while Rebecca closed the door and sat on her own bed

Rebecca:"So, what took you so long?" she asked me

Y/N:"Some girls tries to rape me" I said and probably Prince Arthas heard it as he began laughing

Arthas:"Wow! Seriously?! The most skillful and powerful Knight, Y/N L/N is about to get raped by some girls?" he said while laughing while Lady Jaina giggles by that...

Jaina:"What happen to the Royal Guard of the King? That also can withstood to any knight of Lordaeron... except for Rebecca's father" she said as I looked down in shame

Rebecca:"Maybe Y/N is not yet accustomed to this place and maybe he is still a bit shy here?" she said protecting me from Prince Arthas and Lady Jaina's Hurtful words to me...

Y/N:"Thanks Rebecca!!!" I said happily with a huge smile on my face but I didn't notice her blush and turn her face away from me...

Meanwhile Somewhere at The Frozen Wasteland

???'s POV

I am waiting for that old necromancer for 3 hours now... But I need to keep my patience, I don't want to make the Dark Lord anger because of me...

???:"Where is that Necromancer?" I asked to one of my banshees....

Banshee:"He must have delayed because of the very long distance from the Icecrown to this location..." she said while floating around the thick snow

???:"Well, we better get re- Wait!!" I said with a raised voice as I then sense the disturbance around me. "He's here..." I said annoyed

Some seconds later a medium size group of death knights arrived and at the middle front is the Necromancer that I've been waiting for nearly 3 hours...

???:"The Master told me that we must head to Vale and get the Cult of The Damned started so we can lure the adventurers further to the Icecrown, Banshee Queen" he said after he made it closer to my position and told me while on his horse

Banshee Queen:"I am ready to serve the Dark Lord but I am not taking orders from you old man... After we arrive, I will take my leave for some days to speak with an old friend of mine... Is that clear Kel'Thuzad?" I said to the Old Necromancer

Kel'Thuzad:"Likewise, Lady Sylvanas... But. If ever I need assistance, you will need to comply under the Master's plans" he said as I sigh as the white clouds escape my mouth because of the coldness but I don't feel it anymore as I am already dead...

Sylvanas:"I will. Now, we better get to the docks or else we will lose too much time before we could assemble the Cult of the Damned" I said as I hop on my horse as my Banshees are now ready to leave...

Kel'Thuzad:"Master's time in this world is already fading.... I hope this Champion better be worth for the future of the Undead" he whispers to the cold air and a little message to our Master...

Boom!! Cliffhanger!!


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