The New Girl

By katmfl21

27.6K 900 198

"Hey blondie!" a familiar, deep voice says behind me. I turn around to face the tall, muscular boy with the d... More

*The New Girl*
The Grasshole Across the Street
Thanks for Being Such a Swell...Ignorrant Cocky Idiot
I Don't Like the Bad Boy Ego
I Thought Only Monkeys Climbed Trees
Staying Home Automatically Means I Have Been Murdered
Little Miss Rebel
Glad We Had This Talk, um, Friendo?

Insanely Attractive Egotistical Bastard

411 16 5
By katmfl21

I wake up to an extremely bright light and blurred vision. I blink a few times, trying to refocus my eyes and figure out where I am. A male figure suddenly hovers over me, and I begin panicking, not being able to clearly see who they were. The figure disappears, a new one replacing it shortly after. I hear a deep womanly voice murmur something as my vision slowly starts to return to normal. A older woman dressed in a floral top and khaki pants is leaning over me, holding a cold cloth in her hand.

"Hey hun, how are you feeling?" She asks.

"Like shit, honestly." I reply, moving my hand to my head.

"Well, you did have a bit of a nasty fall, but it was not as bad as it could have been." She tells me, and everything starts flooding back to me as to what happened.

"God, that's embarrassing," I say letting out a small, nervous laugh. I passed out in front of the ENTIRE student body. How fantastic.

"You were lucky your boyfriend was there to catch you before you hit your head." The minute she says that, I practically choke on my own spit.

"My who-now?!"

"Mr. Francez. You sure are lucky to have such a handsome and caring boyfr-"

"He is NOT my boyfriend."

"Oh, my apologies for assuming. He had told me a differently," she says, glancing at the door and letting out a small laugh. Of course he would say something like that. That cocky bastard. He really knows how to piss me off." Although, he has been waiting like a lost puppy outside the room for a while now."

I begin attempting to sit up, but she instructs me to lay back down, telling me that my mother was already on her way to get me. Exactly what I was afraid of. Mrs. Lyndon, as she finally introduced herself as, exits the room and telling me she would be back shortly. I sigh, ignoring her instructions and pushing myself up. I look up at the door to see the grasshole himself poking his head in.

"Why hello, my girlfriend." He says with stupid smirk plastered on his face. Oh do I want to punch him so badly.

"Only in your dreams. I wouldn't date you even if your were last guy on earth. I would rather dig both of my eyeballs out with a spork."

"Ouch Blondie. And very specific." He says, laughing. "I guess that's the thanks I get for saving your life?'

"The worst I would have had was a concussion," I say logically. "But thank you, I guess."

We both sit in silence for what seems like an eternity. Aidan is starting at his shoes and suddenly looks up at me with what seems to be a worried expression.

"What would have caused you to pass out like that?" He asks me, staring deeply into my eyes.

"I-I mean, I-I d-don't know exactly-"

"How can you not know? People don't just pass out when they feel like it. Something had to have caused it."

"I g-guess maybe I'm not fully recovered from being sick."

"Ashlynn, you are a terrible liar."

"I-I am not!" I say, not even convincing myself let alone him.

"Yeah, you are. You were ghostly white and you were shaking in my arms when you fell. Plus, you are currently playing with your hands again." Damn hands. "If something is troubling you, it is good to talk about it rather that bottling it up."

Wow, this guy should be a freaking doctor.

"Sorry, but I hardly know you, so I don't need to tell you my life story." I say with a shrug.

"Blondie, I am your neighbor, so there is no getting away from me and my pestering. I'm not asking for your life story, I just want to know some things and figure out how to help. And as I have told you before, I will find out what is troubling you." He says, causing my blood to boil.

"And what makes you think that you can go around shoving your nose into other peoples business? Especially someone you had only just met not to long ago?"

"I am not shov-"

"Yes, you are Aidan. I don't need you or your words of advice. And I am not going to fall at your feet just because you are somewhat attractive and share with you all of my secrets and past experiences. I especially don't want to be pitied." I spit.

"I'm just trying to understand you, blondie."

"There is nothing for you to understand. I'm just a simple girl who wants to live a simple life without an egotistical bastard hovering over my shoulder every second of the day."

"Okay, Ashlynn. You are starting to go a little to far. I'm just trying by to be nice." He says, a look of hurt flashing through his eyes.

I open my mouth but quickly shut it. He's completely right. What am I doing?

"I-I'm sorry Aidan. I was out of line." I quickly apologize, feeling ashamed. I wrap my arms around myself, trying to calm myself down. Why did I get so worked up?

I look up at Aidan, his face unreadable. We make eye contact for a few seconds before he turns away with a sigh.

"It's alright, blondie. This somewhat attractive guy forgives you." He says with a smile. My cheeks are immediately tinged red.

" You clearly misunderstood me, I clearly said somewhat insane," I say quickly, unable to think of a better comeback.

"Insanely attractive?" He raises his eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Well you didn't necessarily deny it."

"I mean, I also called you and egotistical bastard," I point out. "So then that must be completely true as well."

"At least I'm a hot one." Both of us stare at each other before breaking out into laughter. Another pain shoots through my skull, and I clutch my head. Aidan stops laughing and sits next to me, his expression turning serious again.

"Sorry for teasing you," he apologizes, sincerity dripping in his voice. I send him a quick glance. For a guy who seemed kind of like a huge jack butt at first, he seems to actually be a half-decent human. And I think it's starting to grow on me.

Before I can say anything back to him, I am caught off guard by my fuming mother standing in the doorway of the nurses office, a fake grin plastered on her face. Her eyes glance in my direction, flames dancing within her pupils. Aidan seems to notice it as well, giving me a side glacé and mumbling the words "good luck". I push myself off of the nurse bed, grabbing my bag off of the floor. My fingers unintentionally intertwine as I begin mentally preparing myself for the treacherous ride home.

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