In Love With A Demon (Finn Bá...

By ClaireLouise20

12.7K 157 14

Finn Bálor. The Demon King. Danielle Lopez. The Little Sister of Seth Rollins. Danielle loved Finn like her... More

Danielle Lopez
I'm Sorry!
The End!


240 3 0
By ClaireLouise20

Danielle's p.o.v

1 week later

Davenport, Iowa

I was finally allowed to go home two nights ago. I chose to come back to Davenport for a while before I even decided to go back to Orlando. Finn was being a bit annoying, but that was just because he's just looking out for me. I appreciate that. Today, Colby had told me that a therapist was coming to the house to talk to me and it's like he read my mind. I just really wanted to get my emotions off my chest. I don't want to hold anything in anymore. This past week has literally been hell for me. Every time I close my eyes I keep seeing Justin. WWE allowed me as much as I needed off before coming back. I'm thankful for that, but I wonder if I'm getting punched by one of the girls, will I continue to see his face.

"Danielle, the therapist is here"

"OK, be out in a bit"

I put my jumper on and walked into Colby's living area.

"Savannah, this is Dr. Henderson, Dr. Henderson this is Savannah"

"Nice to meet you Savannah. Are you ready to begin?"

"Yeah. Colby, are you staying?"

"I've got to go to the school, I'll be back soon"


"So Savannah. I just going to explain what I do. The whole point of therapy is to express your emotions towards any situation and it's also to help you become stronger. Would you mind telling me the situation that you're currently in"

"Umm, a week ago I was at work. And...I was alone in my locker room whilst my boyfriend and did an interview. Someone had come into the door, I thought it was my brother or one of my friends and it was my ex-boyfriend"

"Why did you guys break up?"

"He was abusive"

"What did he do to you at your work?"

"He punched me, pushed me against a wall, hit a vase over my head multiple times. He was about to hit my head again but Colby and Joe had gotten into the room just in time"

"How do you feel now?"

"Horrible. It feels like I being watched 24/7. I can't sleep at night, but every time I do, I see his face. I have nightmares every night"

"How does everyone else feel?"

"They're shocked like me. But they're helping me. I just feel bad because I'm holding them back from doing their own jobs because they have to watch over me"

"You've got good people surrounding you. I would advise you to carry on taking these sessions with me, but also communicate with your family and your friends. However, the one person who is the most important to talk is your boyfriend. He wants to be there for you and this is the opportunity for you to allow him to be"

"Thank you. How many times a week would we be having these sessions?"

"Twice a week and then once I think you're improving it will go down to once a week"

"Ok. I'm fine with that. Thank you again for coming to the house"

"It's OK. It's totally fine to have my sessions with wherever you're comfortable and if that's your home, it's fine"

"OK. Is there any tips I could have in order to get a good night's sleep?"

"Just relax. Have a bath or shower before you go to bed. Drink some tea. Green or Chamomile will be fine. Or, drink one glass of wine every three days"

"Thank you. Will this information go back to my family?"

"Only if you want it to, but it will be confidential for now"

"I would like it to be shared with my family, please"

"Of Course. I will hold a meeting with your family tomorrow"

"OK. Could please involve my brother's girlfriend, Sarah, please. She's like a sister to me"

"Of Course, Savannah. Are there any more questions?"

"No. Thank you"

"My pleasure. I will be seeing you again on Friday at 3 pm"

"OK. Have a safe journey home"

We said our goodbyes and I went back to my bedroom. I think these therapy sessions are going to help. I did therapy the first time around and it was really helpful. I got my phone out and called Joe.

"Babygirl, how was therapy?"

"Good. I think it's going to help me. I just can't believe this happened to me again"

"Try not to blame yourself ok, baby girl. Have you called Fergal, yet?"

"No, not yet. I think he's still working out"

"Drop him a text so he knows you're available"

"OK. How's the family?"

"Good. My little boys are growing day by day"

"I miss their little faces. How's JoJo and the wife?"

"They miss you like crazy. They also send their love"

"Tell them I love them back"

"Will do. Now go contact Fergal"

"Will do, bye"


I clicked onto my messages and sent a quick to Fergal.

D: Hey Babe. Call me when you get the chance. Love You x

I locked my phone and poured myself a glass of water. I sat down in Colby's kitchen and put Kevin on my lap.

"Hey, buddy. I've missed you. Do you want to go into the garden?"

His ears perked up and he jumped off my lap running towards the backyard. I put my trainers on and opened up the back door and went outside with Kevin. Besides Finn, my family, and my friends. Kevin makes me happy. 

"Go fetch!"

He chased after the ball and brought it back to me. We went like this for 5 minutes until I sat on the steps and watched the world go by.


"Out the back!"

I knew it was Sarah. She soon joined me on the steps.

"How was therapy?"

"Amazing. Even though it was the first session, it went well. My therapist is different from my first one"

"Male or Female?"

"Female. I think they already knew I didn't want a male one"

"True. I'm glad the session went well. When's the next one?"

"Friday. I have session twice a week and then when I improve, I'll be down to once a week and then when I'm 100% I'll be done"

"That's good. You comfortable with that?"

"Yeah. As long as I can recover, I'm OK with anything advised from therapy"

"That's good. You called Finn?"

"Left him a message to contact me when he's available, but I've left my phone inside. I'll go get it"

I walked inside and retrieved my phone from its charger and unlocked it to find 3 missed calls from Finn. I rung him back.

"Baby, you told me to contact you"

"Yeah, sorry for missing your calls I was in the garden"

"That's alright. How was therapy?"

"Great. She's very lovely and knows the situation I'm involved in so that's good"

"Sounds like you'd be fine with the sessions"

"Yeah. Are you coming over tonight?"

"Of course. I'll be coming back with Colby since I'm helping at the school"

"That's cool. I miss everyone there"

"They miss you too babe. Do you want me to pick anything up on the way back"

"Anything food related"

"You got it, babe"

We talked for a bit longer until he had to go back to help Colby. I liked that Finn was helping out, he really loves being apart of my family. Sarah and I had a movie afternoon/early evening and I drank my one glass of wine, as recommended by my therapist. At around 6 pm Colby and Finn arrived home and joined us on the couch with pizza. 

"Promise you'll never leave me, Finn"

"I promise. I love you too much to leave you"

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