A Little More Than Xs And Os

By AlwaysSunny

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Adam Greene just wants his car back. He wants to be back on the football team. The only thing holding him bac... More

The story of my stupidity
I THINK the worst of it's over
A little bit of a run-in...
My "cute" tutor
Everybody talks
You walk home, people stare
A change of plans
Surprise, Peyton
Girl talk with my sister
I'm thankful for her
So now I know
I'm no angel, I'm just me
A new project
He's not a keeper
Stupid brain of mine
The new old me
Did I just...?
Guilty until proven innocent
Even football players cry
Broken hearts, broken windows
Light Bulbs
Wake up it's Christmas!
The best film ever
That's my story

Back to boring

508 22 1
By AlwaysSunny

I hit the snooze on my alarm and realize that we go back to school today. I groan but this is the point in the year where I tell myself only 5 more months of school! It's really not that encouraging. And now that me and Peyton are officially together, I have a strange feeling that at least a few people will ask about it or spread rumors.

Getting dressed quickly, I rush to my car, and drive to school as quick as I can. When I walk up to the school doors, no one's there. And that's when I realize it's a Saturday. And we still have 3 days left of Christmas break. Kelsey!

Slamming the door behind me, Kelsey comes out from the kitchen, laughing. "Very funny. I think I still have the receipt for your Christmas presents." I should've known that she wouldn't care about a stupid threat. And I'm too much of a push-over to actually take back her presents.

Mom walks in the living room from the kitchen. "Don't worry, she had my permission."

Do I need to make any comment about that?


Finally, the day comes where it's not a prank that I have to get up early and go to school. I do my morning routine and grab some breakfast on the fly.

It's nice to get to the school building and not have to be worried about people blaming me for trashing the school, people talking about me and Peyton or me and Colleen, or wondering where Peyton is.

After electives, I make it to History class on time. Ms. Shively eyes me a little suspiciously for that but I don't mind. She continues to use her creepy green eyes to their creepiest power; staring at me. The old school librarian glasses make the force even more strange. Eventually I look away.

The late bell rings and that's when most of the kids pour in. I take a seat in the middle of the room. I don't want to be that kid who sits in the front willingly but I don't want to be that kid who sits in the back anymore.

"Does anyone know why we have museums?" Ms. Shively asks everyone after closing the door. People look to each other for answers but one guy gets it spot on; no one knows, no one cares. I should get to know that guy better. For starters, his name might be helpful.

"Okay, how about documentaries?" she asks when no one gives her a proper response to the last question. We all look at each other the same way. She finally sighs.

"Documentaries and museums have one thing in common: history. That wasn't such a bad guess, was it? I mean, you are in history class. Documentaries and museums can help us go back in time and see what life was like during a certain person's life and how they managed through it."

It seems like everyone except me is lost. Am I in the A.P class?

"You know, I'll just give you your assignment already. You are to make a video documentary based on a person close to you that is going to college or entering college. If you don't have anyone who's close to you that goes to college, interview someone who has been to college. This documentary should be about college life. And no, Cory, not the partying that goes on."

Cory! Now I know his name.

"It's due in a week. We will be watching the presentations all next week. Don't make them more than an hour and no less than 10 minutes. You may use your own video camera but if you don't have one you can check one out through the library. Use the rest of the class time to brain storm."

I don't need to. I know who I'm interviewing.

"I'll be choosing the best documentary to show the rest of the history classes throughout the grade level. Go to work."


As soon as I get home I call Peyton. "How much longer are you in town?"

"Three days...Why?"

"I need to talk to you. Can you come over?"

"Sorry I have a bunch of work sitting on my desk and staring at it doesn't get it done. Is it so important that you can't tell me over the phone?"

I laugh. It's kind of hard to video someone on the phone.

"Well it's just a little difficult to explain and I want to see you as an excuse."

I hear her flipping pages. "Oh, alright. But Adam Greene, this better be important."

I drive over to her house as planned and she opens the door. "What is it?" I cross my arms over my chest. "Is that any way to treat your boyfriend?" She rolls her eyes but smiles.

Sitting beside her on the couch, I take in all the work she has to do just over Christmas break. "That's a lot to do."

She flips through a couple pages. "No, it's just some textbooks to help me get some ideas. It's the essay that's taking me a while to write. College isn't as hard as they make it out to be."

Scratching my head, I ask, "Then why is high school so difficult?" She chuckles. "It's only if you make it that way."

Finally I decide to tell her what it is I have to say. "For History class we have to make a video documentary about someone who is going to college or is in college or has been to college. I thought who better than my own girlfriend. Huh, huh?" I nudge her and she chuckles. She doesn't say anything so I grab the side of her stomach, which I already figured out makes her jump and squeal. "Okay, okay. I'll be in your documentary." I grin and pull her close to me. She wraps her arms around my neck. I pick her legs up and swing them into my lap. Soon she cuddles up to me on the couch.

"I think the documentary will be great for us." Peyton says into my ear, but not really as a whisper. "Why is that?" I adjust my arm to wrap around her waist. "We can see each other a little more. Even if it's just for a week." I nod my head, "Yeah. That's the great thing. So we should get started."

We start shooting clips of life at home on holidays. She wonders around looking for something to eat then finally sits down with her homework. "College work isn't as hard as people make it out to be. This may look like a lot of work, but really," she holds up a piece of paper. "I'm just writing an essay. Don't let the huge stack fool you."

Next we move on to work. Not homework, either. Peyton had been talking about getting a job but knowing it might be too much. While she was talking I pulled out the camera, catching as much of it as I could.

"Let's go to the football field. The requirements say I'm supposed to have something about how I know this person and what impact they've had in my life."

Once we get there, I film her sitting on the ice cold bleachers, telling me to run a fun-run in my record time. She just films me running a small section of the track.

She tapes me while throwing a football at me one handed with the camera in the other hand. I catch it with one hand and she flips the camera shut. "We're getting some good footage but is the library still open? That's where I was supposed to tutor you. I guess I didn't do a good job."

I hold her hand all the way to the school building. "You and me worked out just fine. Maybe not the way we had planned but it worked." We both laugh.

We set up the camera against some books and grab a couple math books off the shelf and she 'walks me through' an equation.

Next we go to the band room where we perform our duet once again and this time we keep going. The song's a lot more beautiful now that she's confident in her performing.

"Well I think that about covers it. I'll drive up to your dorm sometime this week to get some college campus interviews."

When she doesn't say anything, I do. "What's wrong?" She bites her thumb nail. "What about us getting together? Are you going to mention that at all?" I grab her hands. "Hasn't left my mind all day. Of course it's being mentioned."


Hey! Sorry the chapters have probably been popping up like crazy in your notifications because I'm posting them like every two days but here's why:

July 22 is my one year of being on Wattpad so I wanted to do something special. On this date, I will post the first chapter to my new book "No Scripts" yet I hope to actually finished 3 books by this date too, so that is why I'm rushing. Either way, I will have a new book up by this date. Please check out the sneak peek and if you like it share it or comment!

Also, this is the time where I tell you next chapter is the last chapter. There will be an epilogue after that chapter and then it is done. I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about that but either way keep reading!


Always, Sunny ;)

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