Silver Eyes

By KasaiTheQueen19

120K 6.6K 475

Kane Simmons is an Omega, which in his old fashioned pack means he's the equivalent of a servant. Being looke... More

Hello My Loyal Pups!!
1- The Impossible Choice
2- A New Alternative
3- Telling The Truth
4- Heading North
5- New Home
6- Family Tree
The Cast
7- My Fathers Mantle
8- Guardiani Lunari
9- Rising Moon
10- Heat
11- Omega Rescue
13- Face To Face
14- Coming Home
15- Bonding Moment
16- Luna
17- Family
Sapphira's Family
18- Mate
19- Intruders
20- Aftermath
21- Nightmare
22- Confrontation
23- Little Heirs
Thanks So Much!

12- Surprise!

3.5K 233 8
By KasaiTheQueen19


This city brings back a lot of old memories for me...ones that I rather forget. The years I spent as an omega in Black Sun were the worst years of my life...but I know it could have been worse...

Unlike Kane and Maka, I wasn't born in Black Sun, I didn't spend my entire life under the rule of a tyrant Alpha. Instead, I was a gypsy wolf...a rouge that was never part of a pack. I spent my childhood being tossed back and forth from foster home to foster group homes...until I ran away when I turned 14.

I was so tired of being tossed around like a toy no one wanted to play with...tired of going to families who promised I would stay with them forever only to be sent away once my 'New and exciting glow' wore off. I spent a lot of nights sleeping in the forest or in bus stations, working at any place that would hire me so I could at least eat...Hell, I even spent a few months in Juvey for doing something stupid....

But one day I made the mistake of wandering into Black Sun territory...and when the warriors finally managed to get a hold of me and bring me to Alpha Samson, all of us a bit beat up and bruised from the fight I put up...he gave me a choice. Either be imprisoned and possibly killed in the cells for trespassing...or stay in the pack as an omega...

Being that I didn't want to die, and I just got out of juvey...I chose the life of an omega, little did I know that there wasn't that much of a  difference between those two options...both would have me spending my life void of freedom or choice...or any privileges it didn't come as a surprise that I quickly grew frustrated with constantly having to keep my mouth shut and do as I was told no matter what...

Especially when it came to that bastard of a Beta...he seemed to personally enjoy making my life a living hell, probably due to the fact I broke his nose when he and the warriors tried to take me in...and with having my forced status I didn't have many friends...only Kane and Maka really had my back then, but after I finally snapped at that asshole Beta after 2 1/2 years of taking his shit...there wasn't anything they could do to protect me from what happened to me after that...

But a lot has changed since then...I'm coming back this time as a Gamma, and even if I'm still outranked by those bastards...I'll never have to take another order from them again...

Still, this city doesn't change much...even if the people do, the city doesn't. It's still got that same sunny exterior that brings in the tourists, while still having the same dark underbelly if you go looking for it...and usually, only a few of the ones that go looking for the darkness come back out after they find it.

Like me for instance...along with Kane and Maka...

But yet here we are again, back at the belly of the beast that nearly digested us the first time we were here...although technically it's my third time coming back here...and everyone knows what they say about the third time...

I sigh as I park in front of the nearest gas station, planning to fill up all the gas cans we brought so we wouldn't have to stop so much on the road when we blow out of this town like bats outta hell.

I step into the cool air conditioning of the building, deciding to stock up on snacks and sodas as well as gas while I'm here. Goddess knows werewolves get cranky when they're hungry, and a vehicle packed with hungry, temperamental wolves is the furthest thing from a good idea if there ever was one.

After picking up enough sweets, chips, and sodas to fill my own private road stash, I head to the counter to pay for my haul and the gas I'm going to buy as well...picking up a giant orange flavored slushy on the way there for me to enjoy now.

What can I say? Sugar has always been a weakness of mine.

Paying for my stuff, I head back to my truck and put my food inside before I begin filling up my gas cans, the smell of the liquid even stronger to my sensitive nose than a humans. But as strong as it is, it doesn't come close to masking the scent of fresh oranges and honeysuckle...the aroma capturing my attention and making me freeze in my wolf growling lowly at its heady sweetness...


I turn my head to search for my mate, my eyes skimming over the faces of the people in the station until they reach the driver of a silver SUV...and my breath catches in my throat as I stare.

Her light brown skin has a warm glow, making  the golden highlights of her dark brown hair stand out as the curls are held back in a scrunchy. Her eyes are unfortunately covered by dark sunglasses, so I don't have the pleasure of seeing their color...but I can see her pink lips moving as she talks on the phone, her words coming out fast in a language I don't understand...but I know the tone of all to well. little dumpling is pissed off with someone.

She exits the vehicle hastily after snapping her flip phone closed, slamming the door shut before storming into the gas station without looking my way. As I'm enjoying her angry strut of a walk and the way her long legs look in those frayed denim shorts, I catch her scent in a little more detail...and the scent of vampire throws me off for a second before I shake my head. She's my mate...her being a vampire doesn't change that at all.

I quickly finish filling my last can with gas and lock them under the cover of my truck, wanting to catch her while she's still inside. I sprint through the door, following her scent to my favorite section of the place- the slushy machine.

I lean against the wall and watch her layer grape, orange, cherry, blue-raspberry and lemon lime flavored slushy together in one giant cup...creating a sweet, colorful rainbow of flavor...a girl after my own heart, I love it.

"And here I was thinking that I knew the best way to drink a slushy..." I say to her, and she jumps a bit at the sound of my voice before she turns around...and her raised sunglasses finally give me a perfect view of her gorgeous chocolate brown eyes...Goddess she's perfect...

Her nostrils flare as she inhales my scent, her eyes widening as she stares into mine. A low purr rumbles in my chest as she looks me over...and I flash her a smile.

"Hello name is Tony."


Just when I thought this day couldn't get more complicated...first my landlord calls to tell me I'm evicted from my apartment because of my familiar Cara, claiming that my F4 Savannah cat violated his 'no pet policy'...just like every other apartment I've been thrown out of...Saluad...

Then I get fifteen missed calls from that asshole I cut ties with a month and a half ago, even after I made it very clear I never wanted to speak to him again...meaning I'll have to change my cell phone number yet again...

And now...this...

I stare up at the green eyed werewolf in front of me, my 5'10 height managing to make me feel short compared to his 6'4 one. His blonde, spiky hair pairs well with his lightly tanned skin...which stretches taunt over the muscle of his arms and shoulders exposed by his black tank top....

No. No ogling...I've been down this road before, and it did not end well...but it doesn't change the fact that his scent of caramel popcorn is stirring my desire to feed like no other.

"Hello name is Tony." He purrs out with a smile that could best be described as flirtatious...Merde, I'm in trouble...

"This is the part where you tell me your name Dumpling..." He murmurs with a bit of amusement, and I jump at the feeling of his fingers on my chin...the sparks that erupt as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip sending shivers through my body...

No...I can't let myself get caught up like this...not right now...not after...

"It's Francesca...but I prefer Frankie..." I answer, stepping back from him reluctantly. I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks despite myself...and that victorious little smirk of his let's me know he sees it.

"Don't tell me you're shy...Francesca..." He chuckles, and at that I scowl at him. If he wants to tease, then two can play at this game.

"That would imply that you can actually make me nervous...Anthony." I reply, taking a sip of my multi flavored slushee as I give him a challenging look...hoping the cold beverage will take the heat out my cheeks. My words only seem to encourage him though...and he lets out a playful growl as he gives me a devious smirk.

"Really now? You wanna make a bet on that dumpling?" His eyes glint with mischief as he steps closer, and I involuntarily step back and into the stack of two liter drinks behind me...cutting off any potential escape route.

"You sure I don't make you nervous?" He purrs again, one of his hands resting beside my head while the other traces under my jaw...and I have to remind myself to stay focused. With both the sparks erupting on my skin and his mouthwatering scent invading every bit of air around me...thinking straight is becoming a bit difficult.

"Down boy." I respond, working to make my voice as normal as possible while giving him a smirk of my own.

"Woof." He plays along, giving me another growl with a playful bite at the air. This boy...he's too much...but I suppose it's not really a bad thing. As he leans in so close that our noses touch, his cell phone rings, and he groans before answering.

"This is Tony..." He begins, and he straightens up afterwards with a concerned look on his face.

"Yes, this is Gamma there something wrong?" He clarifies, and I freeze.

He's a Gamma? The only closeby pack is Black Sun...and they are Purists. Which means that they consider vampire/mages like myself abominations....freaks of nature.

I take advantage of his distraction to flit out of his grasp, grabbing a bag of chips as I'm going to the register and paying before escaping out the door. I should have known better than to play with him...what was I thinking? Flirting with a werewolf from was a bad idea from the start.

"Frankie! Wait! Hold on a minute!" Tony calls out behind me just as I reach my car, grabbing my arm to stop me.

"Where are you going?" He asks with honest confusion. Does he not understand what me being a hybrid means for him? Or does he want to reject me right away?

"I'm a hybrid Tony...a witch that was turned into a should know what that means!" I whisper yell at him, not wanting to draw too much attention from either human or non-human bystanders. He blinks a couple of times before he seems to understand, but he brings a hand up to my cheek affectionately.

"You're my mate Frankie, you being a hybrid doesn't change that." He whispers back, and I feel my frustration flare again. What game is he playing?

"It should matter considering you're the Gamma of Black Sun!!" I argue, realization dawns on his face...and I brace myself for the inevitable.

"No! No, no Frankie! I'm a Gamma yes, but not Black Sun' pack is up in Washington." He explains...and my thoughts falter in their tracks.


"My pack is Gaurdiani Lunari, located in Washington, my Alpha just has some...unfinished business here..." He brings another hand to my face, cradling my head in his palms.

"My pack is completely different than the one here...species is never an issue."

Washington...on the opposite side of the country...a place where I can start my life over. Free from judgement...and free from him...

"Dumpling, I know this is a difficult thing to bring up at the last minute...especially considering we just met...but I want you to come with me to Washington." He almost begs the last part...and I almost immediately say yes.

"You barely know me..." I argue.

"I know...but I want to know you. But the business my Alpha has here is happening in a couple of hours...and after it goes down we're leaving fast..." His green eyes burn intensely, a fierce determination in them.

"I don't know..." I hesitate, a million different thoughts swirling in my head. Jumping into the arms of a werewolf I barely know isn't a good idea considering my circumstances...

He takes a slip of paper from his pocket and curls it into my empty palm.

"Please...just think about it. You have my number now...the second you decide you want to come with me, call me." He gives me a hopeful look, squeezing my hand. And after a moment I squeeze his hand back, giving him a small nod...and he sighs with a bit of relief.

"I have to go now...but I hope you decide to come with me." He murmurs wistfully, and before I can respond he presses a kiss to the center of my forehead and sprints to his truck, leaving me baffled and blushing as he drives away...

Shaking my head, I get in my car and put my drink in the cup holder, letting my chips rest in the passenger seat as I stare at the folded business card in my hand...completely blank except for Tony's handwritten name and cell phone number...

What am I gonna do?

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