Our passion (Hollyoaks)

By Carolineeexx

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Emma Roscoe is the Youngest Roscoe sibling. She turns up at hollyoaks village after being kicked out of priva... More



254 2 1
By Carolineeexx

Emma sighed to herself as she sneaked back into the house. She closed the door behind her and sighed relieved. She had spent the night with sami and they both wanted to keep their relationship a secret from both of their family until they learnt what they were and until they knew it was serious. Emma knew that she didn’t want to bring a guy around her five brothers which would scare him off. Emma wanted to know it was serious. Emma walked through the house and slipped off her heels. She sighed to herself as she spotted Ziggy who was looking at her and smirking “what are you smirking at?” she asked as he looked to her and smiled “your just like me, aren’t you sis? You dirty little stop out" he said as Emma looked to her and smirked “don’t be so judgemental, besides I know the name of the man I spent the night with, you on the other hand couldn't” Emma said to Ziggy who looked to her and rolled his eyes  at her “details, besides your still my little sister. All I’m saying is that it’s a good job that Joe didn’t catch you, you know how protective he is" Ziggy said as Emma looked to him and sighed “well, what Joe doesn't know won’t hurt him" Emma said as she smirked to Ziggy before she walked off to her room.


Later that day, Emma sighed to herself as she walked into the coffee bean. She took a seat next to Charlee and smiled as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Charlee looked to her and smirked “nice love bite" she said as she pointed to Emma's neck. Emma placed a hand on her neck and frowned “don’t smirk at me, your usually the one with them. I’ve got you and Warren practically having sex in public” Emma said as Charlee chuckled and looked to her “oh please. Coming from you, how many nights have you ended up in bed with Sami?” Charlee asked as Emma looked to her and sighed “It’s more than sex Charlee, I think I’m falling in love with him” Emma said as Charlee looked to her and smirked. She was happy for her best friend. She could see how much Sami maalik had effected her and she could see just how happy that Emma was. “Sami is a good guy em, I mean it’s 0bvious that he likes you and any girl would want  Sami, but your the girl on his arm" Charlee said as Emma looked to her and smiled.

Emma walked through the village and frowned to herself as she Sami who stood talking to Ellie. She watched as Ellie flirt with him and could feel her anger boil. She knew that she was jealous and she was going to deny it. She stormed off annoyed as Sami saw her and sighed. He walked after her and found her standing in the alley. She wiped the tears from her eyes as he looked to her and smiled “I’m sorry, I know I seem like a jealous cow, and we aren’t officially a couple but I don’t like seeing you with anyone else" Emma said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled “She can flirt with me all that she wants, I am not interested in her. Look, i wanted to ask you something and now it seems like I’m going it because of her. Your the only one I want, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked as she looked to him and smiled “really" she asked as he nodded “yeah, I will" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her close and kissed her.


Later that night. Emma walked through the village and frowned as she heard fighting. She walked over and frowned as she Sami who was beating up James. She grabbed his arm as he looked to her and frowned as she pulled him away and took him back to his flat. She sat with him as he looked to her “I’m sorry" he said as she cleaned up his bloody fists “Why?” she asked as he looked to her and sighed “he is responsible for the death of my father, I know it em. Yup have to believe me" he said as she looked to him and smiled. She placed a hand on his cheek and smiled “I do, just talk to me instead of loosing your temper, otherwise you'll end up in jail defending yourself" she said as he looked to her and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

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