High School Love Debut

By cutie_winwin

2.6K 144 22

this is a story about 2 groups of friends the 1st group is Lovelyz they are very popular with the boys, and... More

Cast(Lovelyz and Bangtan)
Twinkle ☆
Boyz in luv ♡
The start of somthing new♤
Flower way 💞
Good day🌸
Rewrite the star's 🌟
Love Scenior😍
Jealousy 💘
Love Maze 💗
Emotion 💞
I love you 💕
Good Luck
Attention 🚨
My L.O.V.E

Its you ???

102 6 0
By cutie_winwin

It was the day of the school trip
After a couple of hours all student started to arrived at the airport

Sujeong's POV

Omg i cant believe that we are going on a trip im so excited after tutoring suga for a long time it payed off as i look around trying to find my lovelyz memebers but they still didnt arrived but after a couple of minutes i saw suga " suga oppa !" I called out he looked at me and came closer " Ya why you calling me oppa in front of people " , " why your older and i call you oppa at your house " , " thats different "," how is it different ???"," because we are not around people what happens if the others hear you" , " its fine i call namjoon oppa all the time plus i got use to it  ", " ughh whatever by the way sujeong can you be my partner for this trip or do you have someone else in mind ??" , "well i was going to ask taehyung but ill be your partner but you also have to help out with the council" , " umm okay hey mover your hair to the other side " i just did was he asked and he placed his head on my shoulder ill be honest i think me and suga are getting way to comfortable with each other im not complaining it just what will the others will think i honestly dont want to hurt jiae unnie not after what i heard the other day


It was break time i was walking to meet lovelyz in the student council room when all of a sudden "sujeong !" I looked back and saw jennie and lisa "oh jennie Lisa hey ", "hey sujeong are you excited for the trip " lisa asked "of course i am i cant wait even  tho its in two days lol" , "  oh sujeong by the way congrats " jennie said " huh? Congrats for what? "   i was so confused  " for getting suga as your boyfriend we all know he doesnt usually talk to girl and he always mean but you changed him he seem to smile more often and he is becoming more nicer"  lisa said " really ?? " ," yup yesterday i dropped my book and he helped me and that the first time he usually walk way and thats not all he even smiled at me " said jennie i was thinking and looking at them like why would they think im dating suga but also suga nice the only girl he was ever nice to was jiae  " well sujeong we will go first okay have fun at council " said lisa

Flashback ends

After that i realize me and suga has been so close lately we dont have time for the others i feel bad as i look around looking for lovelyz they finally arrived i waved my hand and yein saw and the rest started to follow yein direction " sujeongie ~~~" yein said " hey guys you guys finally arrived what took you guys so long" , " sorry sujeongie it was traffic " said yein " but your early " asked Soul unnie " yeah because i didnt want to be late" , " sujeong what with this situation" jhop asked "oh suga got tried so let him sleep on my shoulder" , " dosent your shoulder hurt i can take over " said jiae unnie when i looked at her i wonder if they know about the rumor i just nod and got up and jiae unnie took my place .

After a while it was time to board the plan jiae woke up suga and we all head to the plane i walk a head while suga and jiae walk together i saw taehyung and he was walking right besides me " so sujeong if you dont mind want to be my partner ?" He ask i was about to say something in till " sorry tae she my partner " suga said taehyung looked annoyed they looked like they were going to fight "guys brake it up sujeong wont be partnered with anyone of you okay " said namjoon oppa " and why not " both suga an taehyung asked " because she will be with jeonghan " namjoon oppa said and i totally forgot about that suga looked at me " sujeong you said you'll me my partner" , " sorry suga oppa maybe next time i got to go " i ran to find jeonghan and saw him sitting in his seat he just smiled at me i smiled back and sat next to him

Jiae POV

When sujeong left namjoon was putting us into pairs " okay guys now thats settled let pair up me and baby soul , kei and jimin , yein and jungkook , jiae and suga , mijoo and jhope , myungeun and jin , last but not least jisoo and taehyung now lets go " namjoon said i was so glad i get to be with suga we went into the plain and sat on our seat i saw suga he put is seat belt on he was about to go to sleep when " suga im sorry if you didnt want me to be your partner " i said "it fine as long as you just keep still " he said he gave me a cold shoulder " why are you being so mean to me it like you dont want to be friends any more " he looked at with dark eyes " so im the bad one now your the one who started it remember giving me the cold shoulder when i just asked you for help with a question for english you said not to bother you and not to talk you and that i should just ask sujeong since im always with her !" He said with an angry voice ill be honest i didnt mean what i said that day i was just mad that he only came to me for help my tears fell i turned my head and just kept quite the whole plane ride

Suga's POV

The flight was over i got down and started walking when jiae " suga wait we have to stick together " she said and i was getting annoyed cause of her i admit i like her i may even love her but she started this whole situation " look here we maybe partners but that doesnt mean you can stick with me or follow me every where i go so stay at a good distance away from me " walked away even tho i told her not to follow i know she still following me as i got in to the bus i saw sujeong i went up you her and asked " umm anyone sitting here ??? " , " no you can sit if you want " , "thanks ",i sat next to her just then jiae and the others came yein and jungkook where being lovey dovey with each other jiae sat next to jeonghan sujeong partner and there was tae looking at me like he owns sujeong im just lucky me and sujeong sat in the middle i took some rest and woke up 30 minutes later i saw sujeong on her phone " sujeong ?? " , " ummm" , " can we talk " she looked at me " yeah of course whats up " , " well earlier i kinda gave jiae the cold shoulder " , " what why " , " well she was asking why was i being  mean to her and i mean she should have known why i been so mean to her she started it all sujeong you know 4 weeks ago i just asked her a question and she said not to talk to her or bother and that i should go to you instead" , " suga even tho she said that you know she didnt mean it i told you a couple of day ago that people think we are dating so you cant blame her if she thinks the same why " ," yeah but...." , "listen on this trip i will tutor you in the morning after that your free and what i want you to do is make up with jiae unnie okay and tell her that im tutoring you tell her that she the girl you want to impress and see where it goes from there " , " ugh like thats easy "," suga!"," whati mean i wouldnt be in this situation if she didnt make it difficult" i said

After one hour drive we arrived at the hotel he go our room partner and i was partnered with taehyung i mean i love him as a bro but lately he been jealous of me being around sujeong and about this rumor thing about me and sujeong ill end it soon i know its not as easy for but its harder for sujeong since she cant get closet to taehyung just wait a little longer tae ill put everything right

To be continued


Hey guys sorry for the long update ill try to update more often i know i say that but i promise ill update more often

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