The Shy One

By jshaee

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De'Asia was known as the shy, good girl in school who never really hung around people and always had her grad... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: Surprise!
Chapter 3: What A Fucking Day
Chapter 4: Karma
Chapter 5: Hot Tea
Chapter 6: Vacation
Chapter 7: Missing You
Chapter 8: Captured
Chapter 9: Revenge
Chapter 10: Birthday Surprises (Part 1)
Chapter 11: Birthday Surprises (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Still Down
Chapter 13: Falling Apart
Chapter 14: Him
Chapter 15: Chaos (Preview)
Chapter 15: Chaos (Continued)
Chapter 17: Oopsie, Daisy
Chapter 18: In Hiding
Chapter 19: Coming To The Light (Preview)
Chapter 19: Coming To The Light (Continued)
Chapter 20: Epilogue
Author's Note: A Thank You Letter

Chapter 16: Catching Up

2.7K 97 64
By jshaee

De'Asia 'Dee' Sage

I woke up to someone tapping my shoulder and I looked down at my fresh, new tattoo of my father's name and date of birth to his date of death with a lions heart in the middle.

I smiled in approval and thanked the man who'd done it for me. After he told what I needed to do to care for it, I paid and left heading home.

I stopped at a red light and sighed, smiling at my new tattoo. I made a mental note to get more in the future since I liked them so much. My father wouldn't approve but he had no room to talk since he had them everywhere.

Once I'd made it to my apartment, I was greeted at the door by my German Shepherd, Pluto. He jumped on me, resting his paws on my shoulders to stand and licked my cheek telling me he missed me. I laughed while petting his head before making sure he had food and water in his bowls.

I walked into the kitchen and seen my roommate, Sky, sitting at the kitchen table. She heard me and turned around looking me.

"Did you get the tattoo? Let me see it," she said in her heavy Arabian accent. I pulled my shirt up and turned to the side, showing her the tattoo.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled. "You like it? I do, it's really pretty," she said. I nodded and looked past her at the computer screen in front of her to see what she was lookin at.

"What are you doing?" I asked going to the cabinet to get some Oreos down to eat.

"Oh, my headshots from the modeling gig last week were faxed over to me today, want to see?" She gave me a creepy, wide smile.

I laughed at her and nodded, walking over to her. She sat me down in her lap making the both of us laugh as she pulled up the pictures on her MacBook Pro.

When the pictures finally loaded, to say I was speechless was an understatement. They were all flawless and you could tell she was really having fun while taking them.

I smiled at them and nodded. "I'm impressed, they're all pretty," I told her.

She smiled and didn't take her eyes away from the screen. I could tell this was something she was passionate about so I stood to my feet and let her have her moment.

"You're going to sleep?" She asked. I turned to look at her and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm tired. I had a long day," I said.

She mocked me and made the face that sponge bob meme makes whenever someone says something stupid or really lame.

I laughed at her silly behind and continued my journey to my bedroom. Pluto followed me while jumping on my hind legs making me almost fall.

"Pluto, quit!" I said to him before eating another Oreo and opening my room door. He barked at me in response and jumped on my bed, looking at me while wagging his tail.

He started to whine as I put another Oreo in my mouth and I looked at him.

"No, you can't have any," I told him and he rolled over putting his paw on his face and whined even louder before he barked at me.

"Nope, you can't, you'll get sick," I told him. He whined for 3 more minutes before he jumped off my bed and ran elsewhere.

I pulled my clothes from my body and avoided my body mirror, walking into the bathroom cutting on the shower.

I walked into the hot shower and just let my mind race.

Ever since I was raped, I thought I was less than human. I'd have my days where I would just go out and walk, wishing I could change the way things happened but couldn't. There was nothing I could do about the past but accept it.

I was in the process of forgiving and accepting, but it was just hard processing the thought. I never really liked to think about it until I was alone so I could play sad music and cry.

Being a rape victim made me feel so out of place everywhere I went. Everyone was so happy and then there I was, this extra human who doesn't know what her purpose in life was anymore.

I had no family or friends.

My father was dead, my mother was now a crackhead, and who knows what happened to Regina. Taj was in California with her Mom ever since I had been kidnapped, Lucas was raising his daughter with his fiancé Diamond, and Kate wasn't around anymore for real.

Only thing I had close to a friend was Sky and she was barely ever there since she had college courses and modeling gigs. I wasn't really interesting in making anymore friends either, I had just grew comfortable with Sky and I'm still having a hard time trusting her.

I put my hand on my chest, tracing the scar that was left there when I was rushed to the hospital and they had to cut my chest open to do surgery so they could save my life.

I thought back to how things played out with Amir when he took me from the warehouse almost a year ago and how he's dead now thanks to my uncle who helped me out with disposing his body.

I had ran into him a couple months back and the expression on his face was priceless. There were many things I wanted to say and do but I knew I had to be patient.

Though, I wanted him dead I knew I couldn't do something like that on my own which gave me options and my only real option was for me to call my uncle Harry.

He had handled it and Amir didn't have a funeral since they couldn't find his corpse until a weeks later. Even then, the only thing they found was his head and they were still looking for his body.

As for Glizzy, he was pinned with murdering his friend and was sentenced to 20 years in prison. Thanks to the people on the inside that work for my uncle, Glizzy was now somebody's bitch every day for the rest of the time he was there.

I smiled at the thought and began to wash up realizing I'd been in here for too long.

Once I was settled in my room laying down, I was drifting off to sleep before I heard glass shatter which made me jump up.

"What the fuck, Pluto?!" I heard Sky yell at him and I sighed of relief laughing to myself before I laid back down trying to slow my heart rate down.

In a short matter of minutes, I fell asleep.

William 'Will' Johansen Jr.

"Regina, quit playin' wimme' dawg'," I told her calmly before sighing to calm myself down. She was talm' bout takin' my son away from because she felt like I wouldn't provide for him.

With me having a deadbeat dad, that wouldn't do anything but make me a deadbeat just like my sorry ass excuse for a father and I refuse to let my son live through life without me.

I picked him up out of his crib which made him start squirming and whining a little.

"What are you doing with him? Give me my son!" She shouted at me. I ignored her and sat on the bed while cradling his head, making sure he wasn't alright. He looked up at me then the ceiling and grabbed my index finger, squeezing it.

"You not takin' him away from me," I said quietly as I watched him go back to sleep.

"Will, you have to go, Jake will be home-" she was cut off by the bedroom door opening. Jake walked in like he was all high and mighty.

"What do you think you're doing with my son?" He asked. I looked at him and scoffed before standing to my feet, ignoring him.

He thought wrong if he thought this baby was his. Lil' dude look just like me and was just Regina's color.

Therefore, there is not nor will it ever be white blood pumping through his veins and if Jake didn't want to face reality I'm gone leave it to him but what he wasn't going to do was play daddy to MY child.

"Regina, I'm gone ask you this once and you better say the right thing if you don't wanna' get your ass beat," Jake threatened her in that stupid ass country accent. He make me sick wit' det' dumb ass shit.

"Yeen' gone touch my babymomma," I insisted. Jake turned to look at me and then back at Regina.

"It's best if you be quiet or I'll-" I cut him off by laughing.

He looked at me with pure menace and I laughed even harder.

Nigga actually thought he was scary? What is this shit? A joke?

"You gone what my nigga? Beat my ass? Look, my name ain't Regina. I'll kill yo' ass before I even let you lay a finger on me, her, or my son," I shrugged.

"That ain't your son boy," he said through gritted teeth.

That 'boy' shit really get on my nerves, especially coming from the white man himself. Like I don't work for everything I got like they do, I deserve my respect and I'll kill behind it.

I chuckled and looked at Regina, wondering how she tolerated this shit for so long. If I knew shit was going down like this sooner I would've been fucked her by now.

I looked back at Jake and punched him making him fall. Regina gasped and Jake laid on the ground with a bloody nose for a moment before he got up.

He looked like he wanted to come at me but was scared because he knew he'd get his white ass beat.

"Don't do det' ta' ya self," I advised him before he could even come towards me.

"Regina, getcha' stuff so we can go," I told her. She didn't move so I rose my eyebrows at her.

"Really? This whatchu' wanna' do?" I looked at her. I shrugged and grabbed my stuff.

"She loves me, not you. She's staying, take your bastard child and leave," Jake spat and I punched him again. This time harder than before, knocking him out.

"Keep my son name out yo' mouth," I told him before I stomped his chest, letting my anger get the best of me.

She stood to her feet, quickly grabbing the baby bag and Donte. "Where are we going?" She asked. I smirked, trying to calm myself down.

"To my sister's so she can see her nephew," I told her while I made sure my knuckles was straight. She nodded before tucking a piece of her platinum blonde hair behind her ear and grabbing all of Donte's things.

She noticed how I hadn't moved from my spot to get her bags and looked up at me. I smirked before licking my lips at her making her smile and blush. I felt myself becoming at ease with myself and took a deep breath.

Accomplishing my task, I grabbed her bags and headed towards the car. Once Donte was settled in the car, we were headed to Makayla's.

"Thank you for that, I really needed that wake up call," she mumbled to me while playing with her fingers.

I simply nodded and just ignored her presence. There was a lot on my mind and I just needed to think.

I felt her looking at me and I glanced at her. She smiled faintly before leaning her head against the window falling asleep.

Eventually, I know I'll be able to trust her as time progresses, maybe we'll be able to get together but for right now we need time to ourselves to figure how we wanna go about this co-parenting situation.

"Will?" Regina said again. I sighed of irritation and glanced at her.

"Shut up bruh," I said clenching my jaw. Quickly she shut up and laid her head against the window again.

Once we'd made it to Makayla's house, I grabbed Donte who was in his car seat and went inside with Regina trailing behind me.

Of course, Makayla's ratchet ass roommate was here with her loud ass friends. They all stopped talking and smiled wide when I walked into the room.

"Hey Will," they sang in unison. I made a stank face and gave a head nod, slightly annoyed.

They started to talk to me about how fine I was until Regina walked around the corner and into the kitchen. They all stopped talking and glared at her when she wrapped her arms around my waist and stood on her tippy toes to kiss my cheek.

I laughed at her jealous, in love ass and shook my head at their facial expressions. They were all mugging the hell out of Regina and it was honestly making my day.

I then looked down at Regina and she smiled up at me before I pecked her lips.

Zaina mugged the both of us, Regina seen her and smirked. I grabbed Regina's face and made her look at me before shaking my head, telling her not to pay them any attention.

Since I was still holding her face, she made kissing noises with her lips telling me to kiss her again and I did just that. Her lips were actually soft as hell and I wasn't expecting that.

Realizing I had Donte's car seat in my hand, I quickly put it on the counter and I unstrapped him. Regina picked him up and started to kiss all over his face.

"Aw, he's so cute. Can I hold him Will?" Some girl with purple hair came up and asked me. Regina looked at me and tried to hold her laughter in. I guess from my facial expression.

The girl noticed, rolled her eyes at Regina, and waited for me to answer, as if she was really going to put her hands on my son.

"Null', we don't want different people touchin' him unless they close family," I told her making her jerking her head back and rolled her eyes before turning away.

"You ain't have to talk to her like that." One of her friend's snapped.

"Shut the fuck up," I told her calmly in response. My nerves were already bad and I was still ready to slap anybody who was asking to get slapped.

"OMG, he's so precious. Look at him!" Makayla loud ass came from no where and cooed at the baby.

I smiled to myself knowing she was already in love with him and that I had a personal babysitter for when me and Regina want to go out or something.

"Lemme' go wash my hands so I can hold him and let me formally introduce-" Makayla was cut off by ole' girl from earlier.

"So, she can hold him but I can't?" She snapped her neck at me. Regina frowned at her, making Zaina look at her sideways from across the room.

She thought Regina was scary and she had another thing coming if she thought she was fixing to take advantage of my babymomma's niceness while I'm standing right here.

Regina looked at Zaina with the same look and rose her eyebrow at her, silently asking her if there was a problem. Zaina looked away quick letting both me and Regina know we wouldn't have to punch somebody's daughter in they face.

"Ian' gone explain myself to you, get out ma' face before I hurt yo' feelings," I warned. She just looked at me and shook her head.

"I don't care how big and bad y'all think it is, but this my sister apartment. Respect ha' and ha' wishes in ha' house since y'all come in hea' messin' shut up all the time," I made a point. Their facial expressions were saying a lot about them and it made me disgusted that I even thought all of them was cute enough to stick my dick up in.

Makayla said nothing cause she knew how I could get whenever I get into one of my moods.

I then heard Zaina suck her teeth and cut my eyes at her as she started to speak.

"This is as much as my house as it is hers, if they wanna come in here and be them then let them," she defended.

"You pay what rent? You wash what clothes? What do you do other than sit on your ass and eat all day then don't clean up behind yourself? Matter fact, I've had it. Get yo' shit and get the fuck out my house," Makayla spoke up with Donte in her arms.

She started to mumble shit in our native language trying to calm herself down and he had woke up, looking at her as she talked. He then started smiling at her making me shake my head.

"Makayla don't do this, I don't have anywhere to go," Zaina begged, taking her friends by surprise. None of them said anything though which made me wonder why she even hung around them if they weren't going to help her when she was down.

I was reaching my boiling point though, so my consideration of anybody's feelings was out of the window.

"Get the fuck out like she said before I punch every single one of y'all bitches in y'all face," I threatened. They all sucked their teeth before heading towards the door. I smirked at Zaina sad ass.

"Baby wasn't even that cute anyway, don't even look like him," one of them said on the way out and before I could even run after her Regina stopped me by putting her hand on my chest making me stay where I was.

I looked down at her and she shook her head. I sighed and nodded.

"Y'all get out my house," Makayla said calmly before handing me my son and starting to put her hair up. Regina looked at me, silently begging me to stop her but this was needed. She'd been letting them walk all over her for too long.

I watched her grab one of them by weave, snatching it off before I heard a high pitch scream. I leaned back on the wall watching as Donte started to squirm like he was fixing to cry.

Regina grabbed him, taking him into another part of the house as I watched Makayla making sure shit went how I wanted it to.

They tried to jump her and was still getting they ass beat. Sadly, I knew I had to break it up so I grabbed Kay and pushed her into the room with Regina and the baby so she could calm herself down.

After making sure all of them got out I closed and locked the door behind them and was fixing to go where Regina and my sister was, until Zaina came the steps.

"Tell Makayla I'll be back to get the rest of my things tomorrow," she said with a suitcase in her hand. She looked like she was fixing to cry and I started to laugh in her face before walking away.

Makayla looked at me as I entered the room and smiled before looking back down at Donte. I smiled at the sight and started to think about life in the future.

He already looked exactly like me so I knew the lil' nigga wouldn't be ugly. I also knew this wouldn't be the only baby Regina's ugly ass and I had, so he was going to have to learn the responsibilities of being the big brother.

I was hoping to Jehovah himself I didn't end up with a daughter, Lord knows I wouldn't be able to put up with the attitudes and everything else that comes along with being a father to a little girl.

I couldn't even process her being looked at by a boy so I pushed the thought out my head and shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

Regina made eye contact with me as her and Kay started to talked to each about going to dinner, getting to know each other better since she'd be around more often.

Makayla even offered for her to stay here with her until she could get back on her feet and Regina gladly accepted before I could interrupt.

We sat and talked about everything for hours and I felt like shit was going easy my way for right now. This was the way shit was supposed to be.

Lucas Coly

I sat down on the couch, fixing my shoe while I listened to Dillyn stupid ass on the phone.

"I'm telling you bro, the girl looked just like Dee and I'm not even trying to be funny," he said. I shook my head.

He had went back to his lil girlfriend's house and was being nosey. He saying he supposedly saw a picture of Dee and the his girl together at the beach, but how could that be possible when Dee was dead?

He was drunk when he went over there so I'm sure he was just bullshitting.

"Yeah, whatever. Look, I'm gone call you back tomorrow when you sober," I told him laughing before hanging up the phone.

Diamond came in a few seconds later with nothing but a crop top, a thong, and thigh high socks on, eating ice cream. She had her hair up in a messy bun with her glasses sitting on her nose.

She looked like a bad/good college girl and the shit was turning me on.

"Quit staring at me Lucas," she said with an attitude.

She was still mad from earlier because she found some girl in my phone sending me nudes. It shouldn't have mattered because I didn't respond to them but she was tripping because I didn't block her number.

I shrugged standing to my feet and going out of the room, leaving her there with an attitude.

I started to tolerate her when I realized Dee was really gone because I had no one else to fill the void she left me wit'.

I was having a hard time facing reality and every time I was having sex with Diamond I could swear that I see Dee's face when she was on top of me. That shit scares a nigga and I don't know what I can do to stop it.

I stood above my sleeping daughter and admired her facial features. God really blessed a nigga with a little princess and this shit warms my heart every time I look at her.

I seen her when she was born and I'd fell in love with her ever since. She knew who I was too and she always clings to me.

I always had this feeling in the back of my mind that she wasn't mind though. Something just didn't feel right. I knew my genes and looking in her eyes, I could tell something was off with her physical appearance.

I always shrugged it off though, I never really put much thought into it.

"Why are you looking at her like that?" Diamond said from behind me. I didn't stop looking at my daughter as she squirmed around in her sleep.

Diamond wrapped her arms around me making me mentally roll my eyes at her bipolar ass.

My mind drifted back to Dee and if she really was dead or not. I thought back to her funeral and remembered how they never really opened the casket.

I wondered if her corpse was really there or if they just assumed she was dead because she was no where to be found.

Either way, I wanted to know whether she was breathing or not. I was determined to find out too.

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