Harry Potter ❥ IMAGINES

By Happyion

243K 4.1K 787

A collection of Harry Potter character one shots with you, the reader! Warning: The following scenes may be t... More

Draco (Secret Kisses)
Fred x Reader (Hogsmeade)
Harry x Reader (Triwizard Tournament)
Oliver Wood x Reader (Holiday Break)
George x Reader (Countdown)
Draco Malfoy (Forbidden Forest)
Harry x Reader (Jealous)
Draco x Reader (Pillow Fort)
Fred x Reader (Partners in Crime)
Draco x Reader (Pillow Fort)
Fred x Reader (Recruitment)
Draco/Harry x Reader (Rivals)
Harry x Reader (Pet Shop)
Snape x Reader (Apologies)
George x Reader (There For You)
Reader x Sirius (Road Trip)
Remus Lupin x Reader (Potions)
Sirius x Reader (Friendly Joke)
James x Reader (My Seeker)
Remus x Reader (Arithmancy)
James/Sirius x Reader (She's Mine)
James/Sirius x Reader (Pt. 2)
James/Sirius x Reader (Pt. 3)
Draco/Blaise x Reader (Pt. 1)
Cedric x Reader (Hidden)

Draco x Reader (Muggle Activities)

6.8K 156 19
By Happyion

 You draped Harry's invisibility cloak over your body and your skateboard. Muggle items were not permitted within school grounds, so you had to be extra careful with your whereabouts. Luckily, sneaking out to the courtyard in the dead of night worked quite well, as all the students and teachers were asleep and street lamps illuminated the sidewalk for you to see.

The weather was bitingly cold, but your skin grew used to it from sneaking out everyday for the past four years. You skated laps around the planters, popping your board up on the planter sides every so often. You did a couple of tricks, focusing on your basic ollies.

You stopped short and froze your board when you heard the grand gates to the outside creak open. No one usually came out at this time in the night, so you didn't have the instincts to bolt or hide. Instead, you froze up, a deer caught in the spotlights.

A mop of messy platinum hair poked through the gates. The tall figure seemed to not notice you at first, instead stepping out into the night and breathing in the cold air. Only after a couple of seconds did he turn to you, immediately reaching for the wand in his coat pocket when you two made eye contact. His grip on his wand loosened, however, when he saw that it was just you.

"Ah, (Y/N)... Why's a girl like you out here so late? And... is that Potter's cloak?" You were glad that it was freezing, for it was a solid excuse for your pinkening cheeks. "Heh, I needed to cover up some.. 'Muggle activities'." You didn't notice Draco's jealousy that you were wearing Harry's stuff, but he quickly covered it up with curiosity.

"Mudblo- Muggle activities?" You bit your lip. "Draco, you said you wouldn't use that word anymore! It really hurts me..." Your relationship with the boy was strange, to be quite frank. He, an arrogant pureblood, befriending you, a simple Muggle-born? He would never admit it at first, but your bubbly yet inquisitive, bold yet charming, reckless yet inquisitive nature drew him in, and eventually led to you two being close friends, though the both of you had secretly wanted much more...

"Y'know what this is?" You proudly flipped up your skateboard, showing it off to him. "A plank of wood. Absolutely marvelous, (L/N)." He joked, and you rolled your eyes. "Listen up, princess. This is called a skateboard, and you're supposed to stand on it and push off. Makes it easier to get around without broomsticks." You gave him an example by skating in circles around him, popping some ollies here and there.

You couldn't help but laugh at his slightly mortified expression when you offered it to him. "I.. I think I'd rather not-" "Oh, come on!" You giggled and pulled him onto the board. "Steady there." You soothed and balanced him by his shoulders as he quivered on the board. You slowly let go, and your heart melted when his hands twitched forward as if he needed your touch.

You instructed him to move forward, pushing off with one leg and balancing with the other. He was doing surprisingly decent until a planter was up ahead. "How do I turn this rotten thing?" "Lean to the side!" You said. That was not the best advice.

He moved his whole body to the left, causing him to collapse off his board and land on his arm. "Bloody hell, (L/N).." He groaned, rubbing his arm as he sat up on the floor. You rushed over to him, concern in your eyes. "Oh Merlin, the first fall is always the hardest..." You soothingly rubbed it, making sure to be gentle with your motions.

This seemed to calm him down, and he was slowly relaxing under your touch. You moved closer to hold him near you, playing it off as merely making it easier to comfort him. You wrapped your arms around him from behind. He looked down at your arms on his chest, eyeing the bruises. "Guess I shouldn't be complaining about my injuries."
You laughed. "Years of skating doesn't do good on my skin, Malfoy." The night wind seemed to have gotten colder, and both of you sensed the ending of the night. You unwrapped your arms, already missing his body warmth as you walked over to your skateboard. He followed close behind you, making you even more nervous about what you were going to do.

You stood on top of your skateboard, elevating you a couple more inches. He stopped directly in front of you, now at your eye level. Now being the same height, it was more than easy for you to lean in. He tensed and untensed, melting as you softly kissed him. The board slightly shook beneath you as energy surged through your body, more and more as you deepened the kiss. "The bruises were worth it." He said into the kiss, making you kiss him even harder on the empty, dark floors of the Hogwarts courtyard.


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